MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 8

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The skin under the fingertips is soft and supple, as delicate as suet white jade. After getting close, you can smell the wisps, the refreshing fragrance oozing from the depths of the neck.

Like the grass growing in the fine snow, it entangles her, surrounds her, imprisons her, and can no longer escape.

"Ding dong!" The system prompt sounded, "[Strategy Character No. 1] has new unlocked content, do you want to check it now?"

Hey, now is not the time to watch this.

Tang Li subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

Only then did she realize that she couldn't move at all: her wrist was being held tightly by a person, and it was tightly bound by a few inches around her neck.

Chu Chisi looked at her with a bottomless gaze.

She was wearing a pair of black gloves, and the leather rubbed against her delicate wrist. It was painful and itchy, and it slowly passed through the blue veins, pressing her beating pulse.

"I know what you want."

Chu Chisi's voice was very soft, with a smile that was not a smile, "You can continue to work hard, but unfortunately there will be no results."

She slowly tightened her fingers, the leather embedded in the thin layer of soft flesh between her wrists, with an unmistakable toughness.

Tang Li burst into laughter: "Really?"

She bent her eyebrows, her long eyelashes were full of broken light, and her body suddenly leaned forward, drawing a little distance from Chu Chisi.

Hot breath ran through his fingers, blowing away a few strands of broken hair.

Like a puppy begging for food, she put her cheek against Chu Chisi's glove and rubbed the tip of her nose softly.

Well-behaved and gentle.

Chu Chisi's expression was startled, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

The long golden hair dangled down his wrist, and there was a hint of water in the eyes made of sapphire jade, and the reddish lips rubbed the back of the tensed hand, as light as a kiss.

The pulse beat, vibrating her fingertips.

"Chu Chisi, you never asked me, how do you know what I really want?"

Tang Li asked softly.

Light-colored long eyelashes once, and again, lightly swept the back of her hand. She was originally born white, but this time against the dark background of the leather, it was even more dazzling.

Chu Chi Si frowned,

He released Tang Li's wrist suddenly.

Her eyes were dark, her eyes were dark, and her free hand subconsciously leaned back, but suddenly found that there was nothing behind her—

The black backpack was snatched by someone before.

At this moment, the culprit is opening his eyes wide and looking at himself, looking inexplicably well-behaved.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Seeing Chu Chisi's unhappy expression, Tang Li calmly blocked, and tightly blocked the backpack behind him, blocking it in a position that the other party could never reach: "I won't give it to you."

Chu Chisi: "..."

The system shuddered: "Hey, aren't you afraid? She's staring at you!"

"She's my wife, what's wrong with letting her take a few more glances? I wish my wife was the only one in her eyes."

Tang Li was the same as no one, with a lazy voice, condemning the system and saying, "You are making a fuss."


Is this Raiders big-hearted, or is there something wrong with his mind?

Tang Li rubbed his wrist to himself, and there were a few faint red marks there, but it didn't hurt much.

Rather itchy.

She looked at Chu Chisi's unwilling face, rolled her eyes, and suddenly handed her wrist forward: "Look, wife."

The voice was muffled: "There are red marks all over here."

Chu Chisi looked at her silently.

Tang Li was not afraid at all, her brows drooped, and her voice was aggrieved: "I've already applied medicine for you, and it's a courtesy, you should also apply a little to me."

Chu Chisi finally spoke, three cold words:


Tang Li refused to forgive and said, "There must be similar clauses in the marriage contract. With such a thick contract, don't you have the duty to help your wife apply medicine?"

Chu Chisi said softly, "No."

System: "Unfortunately, there really isn't one."

Tang Li: "…"

Tang Li held back his hands angrily, and his fingertips were still dyed with some herbal smell, mixed with a very shallow and very light aroma, like falling flowers falling in the snow.

Clear and quiet, it was her breath.

The aroma is rubbed into the palm of the hand,

It was suddenly scorching hot.

The housekeeper drove the car "long overdue", and the two set off back to the hilltop villa. Of course, Tang Li was holding the bag tightly, no matter what the other party said, he was determined not to return it.

The two sat on the back seat, one left and one right.

Facing the silent and extremely low-pressure Chu Chisi, the system couldn't help but sigh: "You are really brave."

If this had been replaced by other Raiders, it would have quickly returned to the reset point. I didn't expect that this Raider was frantically testing the bottom line, and he could still survive until now.

It is simply the first of the ten miracles of the time-travel bureau.

Tang Li: "I just had the foresight and snatched the backpack that contained a lot of dangerous items - didn't you see her staring at her unwillingly."

System: ...that makes sense.

She has been staring at the backpack until now. After being caught by Tang Li for the third time, she didn't even bother to put it on.

With a straight face, Chu Chisi stretched out his hand to Tang Li, with slender knuckles and a thin callus holding a pen: "Return the backpack to me."

Tang Li was immediately alert and moved extremely quickly, and instantly hugged the black backpack tightly in his arms like an octopus: "No."

Chu Chisi's voice became colder: "Give it back to me!"

Tang Li said confidently, "I told you to go home and pay you back."

Just kidding, she's not carrying a black backpack.

It's your own life.

The backpack was dead and heavy, and when it was carried on its back, the bells clacked. The ghost knew how much stuff Chu Chisi had stuffed in it, even if it had nine lives, it wouldn't be enough.

Chu Chisi glared at her.

Fierce, like a cat with fried fur.

very cute. Tang Li wanted to take a few more glances, but in just a split second, Chu Chisi had already calmed down and turned his head to look out the window, ignoring himself.

The car was very quiet, you could hear some breathing.

A little hurried, with a faint trembling hidden.

Chu Chisi frowned slightly, her face was extremely pale, she took off the leather gloves, kneaded them into a ball and clasped them in the palm of her hand.

She lowered her head, her knuckles on the back of her neck, and wiped it back and forth several times, wiping off all the plaster from the wound.

The neckline was torn off by a button and opened slightly, revealing a small section of the neck with a soft curve between the lacquered hair, and a thin layer of soft red floating on the musculature.

There is a bit of a bright color like a flower spit.

Low-grade fever, drowsiness, hoarseness, shortness of breath. All the symptoms combined made Tang Li think of an extremely dangerous possibility.

She frowned slightly.

Tang Li knocked on the system and asked, "When was the last time Chu Chisi made love?"

The system ate the melon seeds, and after hearing the words, he laughed out loud: "You still have time to worry about her? Why don't you worry about yourself first."

Tang Li said: "She is a little uncomfortable."

"It's okay, Chu Chi Si pheromone is very stable. In the previous cycles, it has not lost control even once."

The system is leisurely and leisurely, obviously not taking it seriously.

"There was once a raider who was more courageous than you. He tried to suppress her with alpha pheromones, but he didn't handle it well, and he lost control first."

"The overwhelming alpha pheromone flooded the whole room, Chu Chi Si didn't catch her breath, her expression was normal, her hand was too steady, and she was sent to the reset point with a single pull of the trigger."

Tang Li clenched her knuckles, "Is it...?"

She turned her head to look beside her, Chu Chisi still lowered her head, her hands were on the back of her neck, her eyes fell on the dark carpet, she didn't know what she was thinking.

Suddenly, a fair and beautiful hand came into view, and the fingertips were as delicate as jade, and at a glance, you knew that it was carefully raised.

Tang Li weighed the ointment and shook it in front of her: "Take it."

This is not a question, Tang Li involuntarily stuffed the ointment into her hand without giving the other party a chance to refuse.

Chu Chisi raised his head slightly.

Tang Li leaned over and pressed her palms on the seat in the middle of the car, her voice condensed slightly: "Chu Chisi, are you okay?"

"is not it…"

"None of your business." Chu Chisi said.

Even though she said that, she didn't throw the ointment back, but just held it in her hand.

The aluminum skin is close to the palm and is a little cool. .

The car was smooth all the way, and soon returned to the villa.

After the influence of the pheromone weakened, Chu Chisi's expression improved a lot. She took off her coat and put it on the shelf at the door.

As soon as he turned his head, Tang Li, who had just followed him in, was gone, and the black backpack disappeared mysteriously, and he didn't know where he went.

Chu Chisi frowned, his eyes swept across the villa, and landed on someone who was poking his head on the sofa.

She said coldly, "Where's the stuff?"

Tang Li's face didn't change: "I hid it."

Chu Chisi got closer and closer, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Tang Li, her long jet-black hair falling down, hiding the light in her eyes, and it was dark.

Tang Li looked up at her with a pure and innocent expression.

There was a cool air in the villa, and a wisp of fragrance was entwined in the tips of her hair. When she didn't care, she would scratch at the top of her heart.

Chu Chisi smiled suddenly: "Forget it, it's not too important anyway."

She leaned on the lamp table beside the sofa, her knuckles rested on the edge of the wooden table, and tapped lightly, making two soft clicks.

Tang Li curiously probed the probe.

The drawer was pulled open, and there was something hidden inside.

the next moment.

The shadows came over, and the movements were strong and quick.

The fragrant fragrance rolled into the hair gap, involuntarily intruding into the side of the body, the soft wrist was clenched into the palm, and Tang Li's hands were clasped on the top of his head.

Tang Li didn't resist, her body fell into the soft sofa, her brown and golden hair spread out, like sunlight falling on the ground.

The sharp point of the knife hangs in front of him.

Chu Chisi looked down at Tang Li condescendingly, the pale blade surface glowed with cold light, and the thin and narrow one reflected her gentle and clear profile.

"Do you really think that I won't stay behind?"

The blade pressed against the throat, against the throbbing neck, and slowly, inch by inch, slid down the thin layer of soft skin.

Tang Li said, "I actually guessed it."

She looked at Chu Chisi steadily, her eyes were clear and clear, without cowardice or fear, her long eyelashes curled into a faint smile.

Just watching so quietly.

Like a tamed, collared beast.

The tip of the knife turned and touched Tang Li's collar, and suddenly he picked it up lightly and cut the cotton thread tied to the button.

The author says:

Is it exciting! ! Want to comment! ! QQ

Besides, classmate Xiao Tang, is he really attacking...?