MTL - Wife is Not Divorced-Chapter 34 (1)

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Heart beating, once, twice.

Pheromone spreads in the air, like a plump peach, taking a bite, it can overflow with sweet juice.

They looked at each other, no one spoke first.

Tang Li felt that she was a string that was tensed to the extreme. She was so nervous that she was stiff, and there was nothing she could do.

Every breath was fiery, every cell was clamoring for her to kiss, but she knew she couldn't.

Absolutely not.

Chu Chisi resisted her approach.

I don't know how long it has passed, and every second seems to be as long as tens of thousands of years. Chu Chisi's lips moved slightly, and his guttural voice was weak: "You are..."

Tang Li snapped back to her senses and leaned back.

The distance between the two suddenly widened, and cold air rushed in, filling the gap between them.

Chu Chisi looked at her again, and then lowered her head silently. She fiddled with the buttons on the handle, making a screeching noise.

The two fell into an awkward silence.

Chu Chisi was taciturn, so it was impossible for her to speak. Tang Li coughed a few times and rubbed her long hair awkwardly.

"Chi...Chu Chisi, are you still playing?"

As soon as Tang Li finished speaking, the handle was shoved back into his hand, and Chu Chi stood up suddenly, "Stop playing."

She walked in a hurry, the tulle skirt swayed, and her ankles were hidden in cotton slippers, delicate and delicate, like the sea at high tide and the rippling moonlight.

But the waves will flow away from the fingers, and the moonlight will be shattered by the clear stream. They say that the mirror and the moon are like a dream, like a fantasy, like a shadow, like dew and like electricity. ①

So, how can I keep this surging wave and this gentle and silent moonlight?

How can I keep her?

Tang Li rubbed his knuckles and was silent for a long time.

The town built by Chu Chisi still remains on the screen. The house is built into two spirals, which are intertwined and spread outward. The structure is extremely sophisticated and complex.

It's her usual style.

Tang Li stared at the screen in a daze, remembering that Chu Chisi was like this in the past, always like to make strange things.

Chu Chisi's experiments had failed tens of thousands of times before. Tang Li was afraid that she would be under too much pressure, so she deliberately chose a time to take Chu Chisi to the pottery shop to play.

Everyone would pinch a small bowl and a small flowerpot, but Chu Chi thought well. She had to pinch some isometric spirals to come out. As a result, she was busy for a long time and wasted a dozen pieces of soil. Her little "nautilus" was burning the kiln. Cracked inside.

The wind was very bleak that day. Tang Li and she were squatting in front of the Beimeng Ceramics Store, two down jackets, one black and one white, like two chubby rabbits.

Chu Chisi was holding the cracked "Nautilus", aggrieved and angry, very sad, wearing a thick down jacket, shrinking himself into a glutinous rice ball.

Tang Li went to pick her up, and it took a long time to pick up her face, pinched her soft cheeks, and coaxed in a low voice, "Don't be sad, I'll buy you a box of soil and squeeze it slowly when you get home."

Chu Chisi raised his head and asked, "Really?"

Tang Li said, "Of course it's true."

Chu Chisi looked over, those thin and distant eyebrows looked at him, and suddenly bent, as if the snow was melting, cold and clear, and smiled at her gently.

That smile Tang Li will never forget in this life, clean and pure, like a velvet flower blooming in the fine snow, took root in his heart and bloomed all over the sky.

Tang Li couldn't hold back and hugged her whole body into his arms. Chu Chisi picked up her clothes, buried her head on her shoulders, and brushed her ears with her lips intentionally or unintentionally.

She said softly, "Tang Li, you are so kind."

Tang Li kissed her soft hair, itchy in her heart, and she didn't forget to tease her: "If you think I'm nice, just kiss me?"

These words are shameless and brazen, and they are simply ashamed of the star she wears on her chest, as well as the title of Major General awarded to her by the North Alliance.

"...More on that later."

Chu Chisi glanced at her, and his expression faded: "Let's go back to the Academy of Sciences first, we have to run three simulations today."

That smile was fleeting, and it returned to her usual calm, but Tang Li knew she was just shy, because the auricles hidden between the black hair were red and soft when bitten.

Tang Li was unrelenting: "Just give me a kiss?"

In fact, she didn't really want to get anything. She was just slack in her mind and her bowels were shriveled. She just wanted to play with Chu Chi, and it tickled her when she looked a little embarrassed and a little shy.

Unexpectedly, the lips softened suddenly.

Tang Li was stunned, the touch was too soft and warm, as if a kitten rubbed your cheek gently, making her forget her breath and her own heartbeat.

Chu Chisi tilted his head, and there was an invisible blush on his soft white cheeks.

She stood up abruptly, hugged the cracked "Nautilus" tightly, and said hard: "Let's go."

Tang Li tugged at her cuff and leaned over reluctantly, biting her lips and rubbing her ears again, blowing hot air: "Chi Si, kiss again?"

"Don't pull, I'm going to fall."

Chu Chisi calmly analyzed the current situation.

Tang Li tugged her again, surrounded her from behind, and carried her back without any explanation. She was noisy and clingy like a dog hook: "Chi Si, please, give me another kiss."

Chu Chi couldn't help but was held in his arms by Tang Li, his cheek was gently rubbed by the man behind him, unable to hold back, Pu Chi laughed: "Okay, don't make trouble."

She hadn't laughed like that in a long time.

Always calm and cruel, always ruthless and suspicious, forged by an unknown number of cycles into a cold machine, a fiery heart sinking into the darkness, beating slowly and mechanically.

It shouldn't be like this.

Her fingertips were taut, her knuckles were white, and her eyes were cold, as if she was about to forcibly tear the thing in her hand into thousands of pieces.

"Hey, Raiders..."

The system popped up and said, "The [Raiders Record] you requested before is a bit difficult. I have to apply to the Crossing Bureau first, and I can show it to you after I pass it."

Tang Li casually said "Oh".

The system paused and asked hesitantly, "What's the matter with you, your brain is burning up? You don't move when you look at the game screen, you smile brightly for a while, and then you look uglier than crying?"

Tang Li smiled: "Is there?"

The system looked at her again, his eyes were calm, his eyes were cold, and he still had the same lazy look as before, lying on the sofa to play games, like a salted fish.

That trace of killing intent was well hidden by her.

No one can find out. .

Tang Li, you say she is diligent, she is extremely motivated and has clear goals, and she can complete everything she needs to do perfectly.

But if you say she is lazy, she is really lazy and cancerous. As soon as the daily tasks are completed, she starts to lie down, either playing games or sleeping, and resolutely does not do superfluous things.

In the eyes of the system's condemnation for another day, Tang Li looked at the updated [Daily Quest], quite puzzled.

【Daily Mission (0/1)】

【Quest Details】Everyone in life will have different preferences and needs, including your lovely lover of course. If your lover makes any request, please try your best to satisfy her!

【Failure Penalty】Death after accumulating the number of failures (0/2).

Different from the previous tasks that were relatively clear and focused on "love interaction", this time the task seems to have changed in a different form, changing the mechanism and conditions, making Tang Li suddenly suspicious:

Is the system testing something?

Does she want to use the task to manipulate her behavior?

Tang Li silently looked at the screen and didn't speak, just waiting for the system's answer.

"Today's task looks quite simple," the system said. "I think the conditions are quite clear, and it shouldn't be difficult to implement."

Tang Li pursed her lips, her expression innocent and harmless: "I don't understand, what do you mean?"

The system explained: "It's very simple, only half of the initiative in this mission is in your hands: you need to ask Chu Chisi to make a request to you and satisfy her."

Tang Li pondered: "But even if I deliberately guide me again, it is still unknown what request Chu Chisi will make."

The system said slowly, "That's right."

"If you are unlucky, Chu Chisi said that her only wish is to let you die, and you may have to roll back to the reset point by yourself."

Tang Li: "…"

So cold and ruthless.

In view of the uncertainty of the daily tasks, Tang Li planned to take a step by step and get busy with the Tang family first.

80% of the auction proceeds are donated, and the remaining 20% ​​is private income. Tang's father and Tang's mother took care of the turnover of the company, so it became Tang Li's responsibility to deal with this large sum of money.

"You said, where would it be better for me to donate?"

Tang Li searched on the Internet: "You have to keep the mouths of those people upright, such as scientific research institutions, social welfare institutes and the like."

"A scientific research institution..."

After thinking for a moment, the system suggested, "How about donating to the Beimeng Academy of Sciences? It's big and authoritative, and it can definitely calm everyone down."

Tang Li glanced at the screen and shook his head.

"In the entire Beimeng countries, apart from Beimeng Xingzheng, which is in charge of various matters and taxes, the second richest is the Beimeng Academy of Sciences."

Tang Li shrugged and explained: "I heard that a certain academician has a lot of patents, which makes the entire Academy of Sciences make money and make money. How can such a small donation be rare."

The system whispered: "I haven't been in, how do I know."

As always, the system couldn't help much. Tang Li searched for a long time without satisfactory results. She knocked on the table and said:

"Why don't we build a foundation?"

As soon as he said it, Tang Li pulled the housekeeper out again, but unfortunately Chu Chisi was not at home, otherwise Tang Li would have to pull her to support her.

The foundation's registration went exceptionally well.

Because Tang Li was only responsible for paying the money, and without any hesitation or hesitation, he left everything to the poor assistant Xi with peace of mind.

Xibian was tricked by her and worked overtime to write documents: "If you are officially registered, you need an application, draft, asset certificate, fixed address, and member's resume..."

Tang Li fished beside him: "Come on!"

Xi Bianquan burst into tears: I always feel that this "come on" without the slightest pity and sympathy is very familiar, and I seem to have heard it somewhere.

These two are indeed wives and wives, they are exactly the same.

"If there is a list of directors, who is there?" Xi Bianyan bit the cap of the pen and looked at Tang Li with a look of help.

Tang Li counted them one by one: "My wife Chi Si, you, Pai Pai, my father, my mother, my wife's housekeeper, are there enough?"

Xibian: "..."

She hesitated and asked, "What about yourself?"

Tang Li spread his hands: "My resume is blank, and my experience is about zero. It's too embarrassing to submit it. You can arrange an internship for me to bring water and tea."

Xibian: "..."

Why is Miss Tang so self-aware?

Xibian confessed his failure and began to help Tang Li sort out all the "director" information - of course, a small number of directors didn't even know that they were trapped in an unknown foundation.

She does things very quickly, and Tang Li is very satisfied.

"Strange, there are only five resumes," Tang Li helped and counted, "Where's my wife's?"

Xi Bian shook his head: "Sister Chi Si doesn't need it."

"Her name has enough weight that it doesn't need to be generalized at all, and it can scare people out there. If you really want to get a resume, maybe a dozen pages won't be enough to write."

Tang Li was even more satisfied: "Those who praise my wife are good people."

Xibian looked at the documents piled up like a mountain, and then looked at the shameless, thick-skinned person next to him, who was lying on the sofa as if he was about to fall asleep.

She really wanted to quit today. .

But it turns out that Chu Chisi's name must not be used indiscriminately.

After leaving everything to Assistant Xi, Tang Li was having dinner when Chu Chisi suddenly appeared behind him like a ghost, staring at her silently.

Her eyes seemed to be capable of killing people, which scared the system half to death.

But how could Tang Li be frightened by her.

She leaned back, with a bright smile, her eyebrows curved: "Good evening wife, is the wound feeling better? Would you like to have dinner together?"

This voice is sweet and soft, like a coquette.

Chu Chisi: "..."

Chu Chisi put on the black suit he used to wear again, his long hair fell softly down his shoulders, and there was still a thick bandage around his neck.

Pheromone is suppressed, faint and fuzzy.

She stood in the dim light, like a piece of glass full of cracks, cold and fragile.

Chu Chisi's expression was indifferent, and there was boundless chill in his eyes as he looked over, and the blade was like a knife across Tang Li's neck: "Come to the study to find me later."

Then left without hesitation.

The system began to panic again: "It's over, you are really dead now, pack up and prepare to return to the reset point."

Tang Li remained calm: "Don't worry, it should be a matter of the Foundation, Xiaoxi will definitely tell her about it."

Chu Chisi's idea was accurately grasped by Tang Li. As expected, Tang Li just stepped into the study, and she asked:

"What happened to your foundation?"

With a cold face, Chu Chisi picked up a few pieces of paper and patted them all on the table between the two: "Why does my name appear on the list, or even the chairman of the foundation?"

Grabbing the bag on the spot, the system felt that Tang Li was finished.

Tang Li didn't think so.

She swayed a few steps forward, her steps were soft, without making a sound, she smiled thoughtfully at Chu Chi.

Alpha pheromone is like a restless bird, fluttering its wings across the face, and the falling wind is full of fragrance.

"No way, it takes several people to make up the number for the application," Tang Li said calmly and shamelessly, "I couldn't divide myself into several people, so I brought you here to make up the number."

Chu Chisi: "..."

It's outrageous to be the chairman of the board of directors.

"Then what about yourself?" Chu Chisi sternly flipped the paper on the table, "I didn't see your name."

Tang Li said, "Look at the intern column."

Chu Chisi: "?"

She lowered her head to flip through the documents, but Tang Li was not polite, she pulled another chair in the study and sat down, folded her fingers, and looked at Chu Chisi with a smile.

Tang Li is tall and slender, with slender legs. The black clothes outline beautiful lines, such as thin bamboo leaves, a clear shadow drawn by meticulous brushwork.

She leaned on the chair and winked at Chu Chisi: "Anyway, it's the Tang family who paid for it, just put your name on it, don't worry too much."

Chu Chisi said indifferently, "Such a small amount?"

Tang Li: "…"

Damn, I know you're rich.

Chu Chisi quickly turned to Tang Li's name in the "intern" position, and was once again shocked by her self-knowledge, and helplessly helped her forehead.

She rubbed her brows with her knuckles, looking a little sleepy: "After the foundation is established, what are you going to do with this donation?"

Tang Li really thought about this.

"Orphanage." Tang Li replied, "I checked, there are several orphanages and welfare homes in the suburban area of ​​Lingang City that need donations."

Tang Li certainly has her own purpose.

The system panel is divided into many sections, among which [Strategy Object No. 1: Chu Chisi], [Mission Objectives], [Notes] These sections will be updated frequently.

However, there is one section Tang Li often [used], but he has never checked it carefully: that is the map of the world.

【world map】

1, 3, 7-9: [to be unlocked]

No. 2: Hilltop Villa Area (Home)

No. 4: Riverview Villa Area (Tang Family)

No. 5: Lingang City Center (Company)

No. 6: Lingang civilian area (streets, markets)

In terms of shape, the map of this world is a square divided into nine small squares, starting from the upper left corner and marked with numbers 1-9.

Located in the center of the map block [No. 5: City Center], it is the most frequent place for Tang Li.

There are Mirare-In companies in Chuchisi, major shopping malls, supermarkets, pedestrian streets, game towns, auction houses, dinner restaurants and appraisal offices, all-inclusive, everything, and almost everything can be found.

At present, most of Tang Li's unlocked locations are located in the center of the map. Blocks in the corners, such as No. 1 and No. 9, are still locked.

As for the [Orphanage] located in the suburb of Lingang, the map has not yet been unlocked, and it is still a gray [Area 1].

Tang Li intends to take advantage of this opportunity to visit there.

Chu Chisi raised his head from the stack of papers, fixed his eyes on her, and asked lightly, "Why did you choose the orphanage?"

"Because 'child' equals the future."

Tang Li put her hands together and analyzed: "At least in the eyes of most people. If the donation is placed on the children, it will be more powerful and can block public opinion."

Very cool and logical idea.

It's just that she did something for a certain purpose and for her own interests, and she lost a little bit of fresh, warm human touch.

In a sense, they are one kind of people.

Chu Chisi turned the pen, her knuckles were slender and white, and she held the jet-black pen against her lips, sagging the soft flesh slightly.

She asked, "So what are your plans?"

The two sat facing each other, but their postures were slightly different. Chu Chisi leaned forward slightly, the pen pressed against his lips, and his dark eyes locked on Tang Li.

Relatively speaking, Tang Li has to relax a lot.

Tang Li leaned back and sank between the leather seats, her slender legs folded up, and the arc was beautiful and delicate, letting Chu Chi think about her.

"I handed all the documents and applications to Assistant Xi. She said that the preparations can be completed in two days. With your wife, I heard that the results of the application will come out soon."

Tang Li raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at each other with a smile: "I will stay at the orphanage for the past few days to see what facilities need to be built, record it and then go to unified procurement."

The golden color flows slowly, always reminding people of some bright things, such as the slightly drunk sunlight in the afternoon, such as the lights reflected in the river in the middle of the night, and the two people kissing in the wedding dress by the river.

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment.

The jet-black pen touched his cheek suddenly, and slowly slid down along Tang Li's lower jaw, crossing between his necks.

The force is very light, and there is a hint of danger.

Chu Chisi pressed down on his body, his expression was like a smile but not a smile, his long eyelashes drooped down a little, almost touching the tip of Tang Li's nose:

"I will go with you."

The pen slowly slid across his throat, holding down a few breaths, and the ink smeared between the skin, leaving a dark trace.

"The orphanage is in the outskirts of Lingang, right," Chu Chisi frowned, smiling beyond his eyes, "I'll go with you."

This was not a question, but a cold and unreserved order.

She cruelly cut off all the branches of choice, so Tang Li could only agree, not refuse.

But Tang Li would never reject her.

"Of course I can, I can't ask for it." Tang Liyingying smiled, "I am so lonely and boring, I wish my wife would go with me."

Chu Chisi didn't expect her to agree so happily, the pen in her hand stopped, and she was obviously stunned: "...Okay."

【Ding dong! Congratulations on completing the daily quest! 】

The notification sound for the completion of the task sounded, but Tang Li completely assumed that he did not hear it.

She folded her legs and sat on the office chair, and looked at Chu Chisi eagerly: "Are there any other requirements?"

Chu Chisi was indifferent: "What do you mean?"

Tang Li sat up a little bit and held her wrist gently, Chu Chi thought for a moment, the hand holding the pen loosened, and almost didn't hold it.

Pressing the pulp of the finger against the wrist, slowly, rubbing the soft skin, the strength is neither light nor heavy, but it is very itchy, very itchy.

The aroma of the pear blossoms poured into the blood, burning like fire.

Chu Chisi's breath trembled slightly.

Tang Li held her hand, and pushed the pen a little deeper, against the buried artery, the sound vibrated and transmitted to Chu Chisi's fingertips: "Any request is fine."

"I'll promise you anything," she said.

Chu Chi Si's hand trembled, and he pulled himself back suddenly, breathing up and down, with a hint of trembling: "What... what did you say?"

She couldn't hold the pen firmly, and it hit the ground with a "click", the cap of the pen was thrown out, and Gululu rolled far away.

Tang Li looked at her with boundless tenderness in her eyes.

Chu Chisi bit his lip, and a drop of blood overflowed, moistening his throat with a bitter taste, bitter and astringent.

She smiled softly, her voice suddenly cold: "Do you think I would trust you so easily?"

Tang Li shook his head: "I don't think, if you let go of your doubts about me so quickly and let your guard down, then you are not Chu Chisi."

Chu Chisi smiled: "Yes."

Suddenly, an unquestionable force pushed Tang Li down on the chair, but she didn't resist, and was just pressed by the other party.

Chu Chisi leaned down, approached Tang Li a little, knuckles caressed her chest, slid softly along the fabric, and tapped the slender button on the neckline.

Knuckles rubbed against the collar, then clenched tightly.

She smiled, and her voice fell into the abyss, leaving only darkness:

"What if I said, I want your life?"

Tang Li was pulled by the collar, but she didn't have the slightest intention of resisting, letting her move. The long hair was wrapped around the white neck, and light blue blood vessels could be vaguely seen.

Chu Chisi could hear her heartbeat.

Once, twice.

Smooth and quiet, like a curve that doesn't change.

Chu Chisi got a little closer, tugging at her collar, but her voice was a little bit coquettish, like a kitten, she insisted on pestering you and harassing you: "Will you agree?"

Warm breath crept into her neck, as close as she leaned down and kissed every inch of her neck tightly.

"You will promise me anything you say."

She smiled lightly, her voice was cold, indifferent and unsympathetic, but there was a faint red streak in her eyes, which made Tang Li feel distressed.

Tang Li was forced to look up, her long hair scattered.

She pursed her lips, but her voice didn't change, she looked lazy: "I have to think about this again."

Chu Chisi frowned: "What are you thinking about?"

Tang Li looked calm, "Because I have something I don't really want to, so I must think about it."

Her voice was lazy, but the end tone was slightly raised: "That is the lovely wife in front of me who grabbed my collar and put her into her arms."

Tang Li smiled and said, "I don't want her."

Chu Chisi: "...?"

The hand holding the collar tightened a bit, suppressing his breath, Chu Chisi's voice was full of incredulity: "What did you say?"

Tang Li just smiled: "I said, I don't want to leave."

Chu Chi thought for a while, and his long eyelashes raised a cold smile: "Do you really think I won't kill you?"

Tang Li shrugged and muttered, "Of course you will, but not now. We agreed to go on a date in the suburbs of Lingang, wife, you can't go back on your word."

Chu Chisi: "..."

Didn't he go to the orphanage to be a volunteer? Why did he turn around in Tang Li's mouth and inexplicably turned into a "date"?

Tang Li knows her too well. This person eats soft and not hard. Every time he makes a pitiful plea for a few times, he will soften his heart, and then he will tease her over and over until his cheeks are flushed.

After a while, Chu Chisi loosened his collar.

She looked puzzled, stared at Tang Li and said, "I really don't understand, it's not common sense - why are you not afraid at all?"

"Because you are cute." Tang Li replied in seconds.

Chu Chisi: "..."

The system hit the wall again: "I can't figure it out, are you cherishing your life or wanting to die quickly."

Tang Li was very calm, and moved out her "signature" fixed sentence: "You don't understand, an Alpha whose mouth is not sweet enough can't find a wife."

The system is desperate: "Shut up you."

Seeing Chu Chisi's serious face, not knowing what he was thinking about, Tang Li straightened his messy collar and leaned over a little: "Chi Si, let's go together tomorrow."

Chu Chisi nodded: "Well."

She pursed her lips and glanced sideways suddenly, her voice lowered slightly: "You are not allowed to stay out of my sight for too long."

Tang Li smiled brightly: "According to the order.".

The suburb of Beimeng is far away, and Tang Li woke up early that day.

The time shows [7:30AM]

Tang Li was wearing a white hoodie, humming a little tune in a good mood, and looking in the mirror again for the first time in the world: "Does it look like Altaïr's assassin's white robe?"

The system held the forehead: "Let's play less games."

Tang Li said confidently: "I can't help it, and my wife ignores me. It's been a long and lonely night. Could it be that they didn't even play games for me?"


Tang Li took off the hood, neatly combed the long brown-blond hair that he slept in, and tied it into a ponytail.

She swayed open the door and looked around.

Seeing that there seemed to be a person sitting in the living room, and there was some noise of packing, Tang Li walked over a few steps, smiling brightly: "Wife, good morning."

Chu Chisi looked up suddenly, looking unhappy.

She was dressed in black clothes and black trousers, and the peaked hat was pressed down very low, which made her lips red and teeth white, and she was as delicate and beautiful as a porcelain doll.

On the coffee table was a black backpack that Tang Li was very familiar with, but it seemed to be bulging again. God knows what dangerous objects Chu Chisi stuffed into it after the last time.

Tang Li paused and said silently, "We are going to the orphanage, not fighting. What are you preparing?"

Chu Chisi looked sideways, raised his long eyelashes, and his voice became colder: "In case of emergency."

The implication is simple: if you dare to do something, or take the opportunity to plan something, just wait for the reset point.

Tang Li: "…"

Does she even want to hide?

"Okay," Tang Li sighed, "then are you going to the orphanage in black? We're here to coax children, not to seek out X's family."

Chu Chisi was stunned: "..."

Seeing Chu Chisi sinking into contemplation, Tang Li knew that he had come to a point.

Tang Li took a long leg and sat down beside her.

The weight of his body pressed the sofa to sag slightly, a light shadow covered his shoulders, and Li Xiang softly wrapped around the tip of his nose, which immediately aroused Chu Chisi's vigilance.

She stepped back a little, her eyes wary.

"Children, they all like lively and bright colors," Tang Li began to come up with bad ideas, "Wife, you are so pretty, do you want to wear some light-colored clothes?"

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment and said, "I didn't."

Tang Li quickly grabbed the words: "I have."

She said and ran away. She was extremely motivated, and her figure quickly disappeared from her room, leaving Chu Chisi alone on the sofa: "…"

Tang Li didn't care what the children liked. This was a great opportunity for Chu Chisi to wear the clothes she chose, and she must not let it go easily.

Fortunately, although Tang Li disliked the taste of the original body, she still accepted a large bag of new clothes that Tang's mother specially bought for her when she moved. Now is the time to open the bag.

I have to say that Mother Tang is indeed an artist.

Her taste is much better than the original, and these new clothes are fresh in style, in matching colors and in an eye-catching design.

Tang Li turned around for a long time, and there was nothing she didn't like.

"This blue skirt will look good in Chi Si, this purple tulle top looks good too, and this light cyan coat..."

Tang Li muttered in pieces, took out all the styles she liked and piled them on the sofa, and they piled up into a hill in a while.

The system couldn't stand it any longer, and reminded aloud: "Hey, are you a model catwalk or a fashion week show? Are so many clothes going to crush Chu Chisi?"

Tang Li whispered: "No way, my wife looks beautiful in everything, it's really hard to choose."


After a while, Chu Chisi heard the door open. She turned her head to look, and saw Tang Li holding a huge "hill pile" and slowly moving out of the room.

Her expression froze for a few seconds.

"Wife, these are new clothes that my mother bought when they moved. I have washed and dried them all, and I have never worn them."

Tang Li moved to the sofa step by step, piled all the clothes on it, and then looked at Chu Chisi expectantly: "Would you like to try it?"

Chu Chisi was silent for a moment.

She turned her head, and her eyes fell on the hill of clothes: "You mean, all of this?"

"Yes," Tang Li said with a lot of reasons, "Although I think my wife looks good in everything you wear, you can still try it..."

Just halfway through, he was stopped by someone.

Chu Chisi smiled: "Don't even think about it."

Tang Li was aggrieved: "Woo, I chose it with my heart."

She is best at putting on that pitiful expression, with a few strands of restless blond hair hanging around her lips, inexplicably like a fluffy dog ​​hook doll.

I can't help but want to rub my head.

"It's too much, I don't have time." Chu Chisi was unmoved, and coldly rejected her, "Just try one."

It was good that she was willing to change clothes.

Tang Li suddenly regained his energy, and was picking and choosing in the hills of clothes piles, when an unknown "ding dong" sound suddenly sounded in his ears, which made Tang Li's mood fall to the bottom of the valley:

【Limited Time Mission (0/1)】

【Task Details】Let the lover put on the clothes she chose by herself, gently help her tie the bow tie, and whispered in her ear: "Can I be the one who removes the ribbon?"

[Failure Penalty] Instant death and return to the reset point.

Tang Li's voice was cold: "You want me to die?"

The system held its head quiveringly, and the sound became smaller and smaller, almost inaudible: "This is a task that the program reads data and automatically generates."

"Hey, then I used to live a leisurely life. Who added this broken mission program, causing me to jump back and forth on the edge of life and death every day?"

Tang Lipi smiled but didn't smile, "I don't think I need to bother Chu Chi Si, I will directly send myself back to the reset point, maybe even faster."

The system's voice is very vague: "Don't, don't give up!"

The voice is about to stutter, and let me not give up.

Tang Li rubbed his forehead and finally picked out a lavender chiffon top—no other idea, just because there was a place to tie a bow behind the collar.

For the task, she worked hard.

Chu Chisi glanced and said, "It's inconvenient to do things."

Tang Li was heartbroken and began to accuse: "You just said you can try one. This is just a top, not that kind of inconvenient long skirt."

Chu Chi thought for a while, but took it.

After a while, she pushed open the door of the room, still with that cold, unchanging expression: "Is it alright?"

Lavender is elegant and gentle, like a violet in its early bloom.

Tang Li seldom sees her wearing such a color. Most of the time, it is white or black. The wardrobe is full of professional suits for work, and there is no color at all.

Chu Chisi lowered her eyelashes and fiddled with her long hair, her black hair swaying slightly with her breathing, like the waves flowing across the beach layer by layer.

Tang Li's eyes widened a little.

Staring at her without blinking,

With an expressionless face, Chu Chisi took a few steps to pick up the bulging black backpack. As a result, his arm had just been stretched halfway, when Tang Li quickly grabbed his hand.

Chu Chisi: "?"

Tang Li's hands were very soft, and the delicate touch and warmth enveloped him, like a hug that he had longed for for a long time.

Her fingertips were slightly hot, scratching her skin intentionally or unintentionally, rubbing slowly along her tendons, and scratching on the back of her hand.

The movements are thin and itchy.

Chu Chisi struggled slightly, but Tang Li had long known that she would do this, and held her firmly in his hands, resolutely unwilling to let go.

"Chi Si, this dress suits you very well."

"You look so good in clothes." Tang Li looked at her watery, thinking about how to bring the topic to the bow, Chu Chisi has already withdrawn his hand calmly.

Chu Chisi tilted his head, glanced at the small purple flowers embroidered on the sleeves of the tulle, and frowned: "It's just a product formed under social norms."

she pale