MTL - Who Told Him To Cultivate Immortality!-Chapter 110 Unspoken people's past

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  Chapter 110 The past of the silent Taoist

  Lu Yang took two steps back silently, to prove that he had no intention of taking off the talisman at all, and if the elder sister suddenly fell from the sky, he would be able to separate the relationship.

  A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, which probably refers to this situation.

  The talisman left by the elder sister did not have any fluctuations in spiritual power, and there would be no danger in peeling it off, but Lu Yang just didn't dare to peel it off.

  He revealed this talisman only when he was dying.

  Master, it’s not that the disciple is not filial, it’s that the disciple only has one life, and there are immortals in the spiritual space. If the elder sister beats me to death, I will be killed and killed. It’s not worth it.

  Buyu Taoist sees Lu Yang hesitates, raises his hand and then puts it down, how can he not know his concern.

Lu Yang is not the first person to have such a reaction, he was not surprised by this, he laughed and said: "It's normal if you don't know me, you can go to other elders and inquire about my affairs, you have something for me With a more comprehensive understanding, you will know that what I said is true."

   "But don't tell them about Xiaoyun imprisoning me. Xiaoyun has managed Daoist Sect for ten years, and some elders may not necessarily be on my side."

  Lu Yang felt that what the master said made sense, he only knew that his master was a man of silence, and he had never studied in detail what kind of person he was. This might be an opportunity, thinking so, he left the pine forest.

  After Lu Yang left, the silent Taoist scratched his head. He asked several people to remove the talisman, but no one wanted to.

   "Is there something written on the talisman that made them so scared." He stretched his neck and looked at it for a long time but couldn't see the talisman.

  Lu Yang returned to the mission hall again, and was told that the First Elder was away on business and was not in the sect. Lu Yang had no choice but to come to the Yanchuan Peak where the Second Elder was.

  Yan Chuanfeng was in charge of teaching some basic knowledge of cultivating immortals. When Lu Yang first entered Daoist sect, he still spent a month at Yan Chuanfeng, but Lu Yang had never met the second elder.

   "Senior brother, is the Second Elder there?" Lu Yang asked the disciple who was standing guard at the peak of Yanchuan.

  Senior brother looked at Lu Yang with strange eyes: "Are you looking for the second elder? Then you should go to the medicine garden. He is lying at the entrance of the medicine garden."

  Lu Yang was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Uncle Ba who asked him to dig the soil was the Second Elder.

  He thanked his senior brother and came to the medicine garden. Uncle Ba was indeed here.

   "Huh? Want to come digging again?" Uncle Ba asked with a smile.

   "No, I just want to ask about my master."

   "Old Ninth, of course I know." Uncle Ba became energetic when he said this.

   "Old Nine?"

   "That's right, from the Great Elder you know to the Eighth Elder, to your master's silent Taoist, we are all taught by one master. Your master is the youngest, and the time to join the master's school is the latest, ranking ninth."

   "Old Nine is a broken mouth, Xiao Zui babbles non-stop all day long, have you seen the "Introduction to Crosstalk" on the first floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, that is what Lao Jiu donated to the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion."

  Lu Yang nodded. He remembered very clearly that he was stunned for a long time when he saw "The Beginning of Crosstalk" in the Cangjing Pavilion, thinking that he had entered the wrong place.

   "Later, Master, the old man, really didn't want to listen to Lao Jiu's words, so he named him a silent Taoist, hoping that he would talk less."

  Lu Yang: "Does it work?"

   "It doesn't work. Lao Jiu said, 'You don't talk about strange powers, as long as he doesn't talk about strange powers, you're fine', and then Xiaozui kept talking. His broken mouth just needs to be closed."

   "However, Lao Jiu's cultivation talent is the strongest among the nine of us. Of course, it is incomparable with Yunzhi. I guess Yunzhi's talent has not been much in the past and present."

"After the master retired, the nine of us decided who to be the suzerain, and the eight of us unanimously agreed to let the old nine be the suzerain. If the old nine can say so, he must be a good one. If the old nine disagrees, we will talk about the rules of the world. Whoever decides, Lao Jiu agrees."

   "Then the eight of us went up together, beat Lao Jiu, and forced Lao Jiu to become the suzerain."

  Lu Yang remembered what Master said about "going through a **** battle".

   It's not wrong.

   "The vision of the eight of us is really good. Lao Jiu is very talented in management. He manages the sect in an orderly manner, sweeping away the previous twilight. Of course, this may have something to do with his personality."

   "For some reason, Yunzhi suddenly approached us ten years ago, saying that she will be the one who will manage the sect in the future. We feel that sooner or later it will be the young people's world. It doesn't matter if you take over early, the management will be managed."

   "As for where the old nine went, we didn't care. Anyway, they are almost two thousand years old, and their brains are more flexible than young people. Now we don't know where to jump, and can we get lost?"

  Uncle Ba’s level of cultivating immortals is different from ordinary people in their concept of time. Ten years is not a long time for them.

   After bidding farewell to Uncle Ba, Lu Yang went to the Body Refining Peak to find the third elder.

  Meng Jingzhou was at the Body Refining Peak, with his help, he quickly found the Third Elder.

  The three elders are playing chess with the ancestors of the blue-eyed buffalo clan in the field.

  The Third Elder has a short stature. If he sees the Third Elder in the outside world, Lu Yang will never be able to connect him with the top body.

  Lu Yang knew that there was a terrifying power hidden in the body of the third elder, and moving mountains and filling seas was just a matter of one finger for him.

  The "Shaking Six Styles" created by him is sought after by all the physical practitioners, hoping to be qualified to learn some superficial knowledge.

  Lu Yang also tried to find the ten buffaloes he had summoned in the field, but found that the buffaloes all looked alike and couldn't be distinguished.

   "You asked Lao Jiu? Haha, then you are asking the right person. I picked him up the mountain and fed him a handful of **** and half urine!" The third elder looked like he was lucky to meet me.

  Meng Jingzhou reminded in a low voice at the side: "Master, it's to push the big, not to feed the big."

  The third elder waved his hands impatiently: "They all mean the same thing, don't just stick to words like the fourth child all day long."

   "Old Jiu is notoriously smart, he is the first among the nine of us to learn the spell Ruyi."

"Doesn't the size of Ruyi make the body bigger or smaller? Lao Jiu thought, can we change the function of Size Ruyi into local enlargement, without making it too big, just one or two inches longer, easy to use and maintain It also requires less mana, which is sure to be very popular among men and women, with the man on the bottom and the woman on the top."

   "Lao Jiu followed this line of thought to research, don't tell me, I really let him research it." The third elder slapped his thigh and praised the silent genius idea.

"Later, he wrote a new book of spells called "Small and Small Ruyi (Partial Edition. As soon as the spell came out, it was snapped up by people. At that time, he made a lot of spirit stones. We brothers and sisters went out to eat According to the most expensive point, it is not uncommon to pick up Lingshi if it falls on the ground."

   "It's a pity that the good times didn't last long, and the Great Xia Dynasty quickly came forward to stop this spell and forbid its sale."


   "Call it obscene."

  Lu Yang: "...they seem to be right."

   The second update should be later



  (end of this chapter)