MTL - Who Doesn’t Like a Sweet Little Alpha?-Chapter 2

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Su Yuzhou touched his nose.

Maybe the **** period is approaching, his pheromones are very unstable during this time, and they are often released without knowing it, and he himself can't learn how to control it.

Even his own mother finds him a little distasteful, not to mention other alphas.

Su Yuzhou sighed, bent down, and looked under the bench, only to see a small glowing thing lying there quietly.

He reached out to pick it up and put it in the palm of his hand to examine it.

This is a drop-shaped pendant, the surface is polished to be smooth and bright, the color is blue and blue, and the depths are sprinkled with fine light spots.

Like the starry sky at night, very beautiful.

You can see that it is precious.

Su Yuzhou quickly stood up, trying to catch up and return it to the gentleman, but—

"Su Yuzhou, it's your turn."

The nurse called him at the door. Seeing him standing still, she urged, "What are you still doing? Come in."

Su Yuzhou looked at her, then hesitantly looked at the end of the corridor.

The figure of the man has disappeared from the elevator entrance.

He thought for a while, looked away, held the pendant in his hand, followed the nurse into the infirmary obediently, and sat in front of the doctor with his backpack.

The doctor retrieved his medical report from the system and checked it carefully.

Su Yuzhou held the pendant and asked softly, "Doctor, do you have his contact information for the gentleman who just walked out of here?"

"Oh, you mean Mr. Su? What are you doing with him?"

After finishing speaking, the doctor looked up and looked at the young man in front of him suspiciously.

The alpha who just turned eighteen years old has a handsome appearance between a teenager and a young man, a little childish, but not particularly childish.

He has light chestnut hair, which looks fluffy and soft, with a slight natural curl, which complements his fair complexion and looks a little boyish.

Su Yuzhou gives the impression of being clean and bright, especially the pair of eyes that seem to be able to smile, with an inexplicable affinity.

Because of its own characteristics, alpha is generally aggressive, and sometimes even synonymous with irritability and rudeness.

But such aggression was not obvious to the young man in front of him.

Of course, this doesn't make anyone suspect his gender.

Mild and powerful, it is surprising that these two qualities exist in contradiction and harmony in young people.


What day is today? In one day, I encountered two high-quality AOs on the front and back feet.

The doctor muttered.

What's more troublesome is that the high-quality omega has to remove the glands...

Thinking of this, the doctor felt that his head was big.

At this time, the young alpha reached out.

The pendant fell on the table and made a crisp sound.

"This gentleman dropped it, can you help him return it?" Su Yuzhou said.

"Huh? Oh."

The doctor glanced at the pendant, nodded, put it in the drawer, and said casually, "When Mr. Su comes next time, I will hand it over to him."

"Then let's talk about you first."

"Dude, have you felt any changes in your body lately?"

Su Yuzhou blinked, the doctor's tone...

He suddenly became a little uneasy, and asked cautiously: "Doctor, is there something wrong with my body?"

Knowing he had misunderstood, the doctor shook his head.

"Take it easy, it's a good thing."

Under the doctor's explanation, Su Yuzhou realized that he had become a top alpha.

The hormone level of the human body tends to be stable after adulthood, and AO is further divided into three levels of inferior, ordinary and high-quality in medicine.

Because the pheromone is very weak, beta is not further divided.

"Congratulations, lad."

Su Yuzhou was slightly stunned.

High-quality alpha means stronger and smarter than ordinary people, and more talented in the field they are good at. The top people in this society, high-quality alpha accounts for the vast majority.

Their contributions to society also allow high-quality alphas to obtain more resources.

As for low-quality alphas, this may sound a bit harsh, but such people generally have some kind of defect or disease, and once diagnosed, will receive certain welfare subsidies.

However, if such a subsidy can be waived, of course it is best not to.

So, Su Yuzhou always prayed that he was an ordinary person, but he didn't expect...

Even once?


He tilted his head and clenched his fists in confusion, "I don't feel anything?"

Isn’t it that high-quality alpha is very powerful? He looks normal anyway.

"Take your time and watch for a while."

The doctor said, "Judging from your physical examination this time, I am afraid that your **** period will be earlier."

"It was estimated that there are still half a month, and now it is estimated that it will arrive in a week. You have to prepare."

Su Yuzhou nodded nervously.

The doctor smiled: "Take it easy, the first **** period should not mark the object, right?"

After all, he is only eighteen years old and he has just come of age, and he is still a half-year-old child.

Su Yuzhou's ears were slightly warm, and he pretended to be calm and shook his head.

Although he has tried his best to hide it, the doctor still sees his shyness, which is a bit strange.

This is the first time I have seen the shy alpha.

After all, alphas of this age are basically full of blood and energy. As long as they see O, they are easy to get bloody, or in other words, sperm-worms go to their brains, and they can't control it at all.

So when Su Yuzhou just asked Su Qian, the doctor was suspicious.

But now it seems that this child is very pure.

The doctor clicked his tongue twice, and finally told Su Yuzhou a few precautions, and then gave him a special inhibitor for alpha, and sent him away.

Su Yuzhou politely said thank you, then left the infirmary with the order, went to the pharmacy to queue up to get medicine, and by the time he left the hospital, it was almost evening.

He took a taxi home again.

In the house, Lin Zi had already cooked a table of good dishes and was waiting for him, and Su Lan read to him again, asking him to remember his father's goodness, and to give him advice when he was ill meals.

Su Yuzhou replied obediently, and when he was satisfied with the meal, he remembered what he wanted to tell them.

When they heard that he was identified as a high-quality alpha, the Su family was naturally pleasantly surprised, especially Su Lan, who put down the tableware and chopsticks halfway through the meal, and excitedly called all the relatives and friends they knew. friend.

Su Yu, who was studying abroad, and Su Yuzhou's sister, naturally knew the news immediately.

She laughed happily and said she wanted to fly back to see him.

Su Yuzhou was an orphan in his last life. Even if he passed the college entrance examination, no relatives would congratulate him. Only the dean of the welfare institute congratulated him.

Although he was born in the weird ABO world in this life, he is still very happy to have a complete family, parents who love him, and a sister who has a better relationship.

Seeing them happy, Su Yuzhou is also very happy.

The Su family is very happy.

Until, Su Yuzhou mentioned that his **** period may be at least a week earlier, and then...

He was kicked out of the house.

Of course, before being kicked out of the house, Lin Zi thoughtfully helped him pack a change of clothes and prepared two delicious lunch boxes, and Su Lan also personally Drive him to the door of the hotel.

Alpha's sense of territory is very strong.

As the saying goes, a family can't accommodate two adult alphas, even their own children are no exception, especially their parents are AO groups.

If you continue to stay at home and wait for the hot period to arrive, it may turn into a bloodshed.

These are precedents. Although Su Yuzhou can't imagine such a situation, he can understand it.

However, when he pulled his luggage and got out of the car, and watched his mother drive away in her little broken car without saying hello, he couldn't help but feel a little sad .

In the past life, he was also thrown at the gate of the orphanage like this, watching the black car get further and further away, and finally drove out of his life. The difference is that he is no longer the child who cries with tears and runs after the car.

“Ding Dong—”

As soon as the phone rang, Su Yuzhou took it out and looked at it.

Dad: [The hot period will be more difficult, baby boat must cheer up~ Although Dad can't accompany you, he will cheer you up at home (*^_^*)?]

Dad: [We have reserved a beta nurse for you, who will arrive in about three days. You can ask him if you don’t understand anything. During this time, he will help take care of you]

Dad: [If you encounter a problem that cannot be solved, be sure to call your home, don't carry it by yourself]

Dad: [Zhouzhou will always be Dad’s favorite baby~]

I have to say, having an omega dad is so healing.

Su Yuzhou suddenly forgot his sadness.

He called up the input method, echoed ok, then dragged his suitcase, happily walked into the hotel, and went to the front desk to check in.

It's cool to stay in a high-end hotel, just go out and play in the summer vacation!

Su Lan only booked a normal room for him, but this hotel is of high specification. Even the normal room is higher-end than the average hotel, and of course the price is not cheap.

And next, he will live here for a month.

In the evening, Su Yuzhou came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, took a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator, and walked to the balcony while watching the night view while blowing the wind.

The hotel garden below is lively, with open-air parties over the pool.

Su Yuzhou drank Coke and looked down to watch the excitement.

Suddenly, his hand moved.

Huh? That person is...

Su Yuzhou squinted his eyes, but still couldn't see clearly. After thinking about it, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket, called up the camera, and kept zooming in on the figure.

In the camera, the black-haired man is holding a red wine glass in his hand, and is talking to two or three people next to him.

He is so dazzling, even among the alphas, he is the most outstanding one.

Isn't that Mr. Su?

Su Yuzhou looked at it for a while and finally determined that this is the fierce A he encountered in the hospital corridor yesterday!

He touched his chin.

I am idle anyway... Why don't I remind him that his pendant is in the doctor's place?

Recalling the scene where the doctor put the pendant into the drawer, Su Yuzhou felt unreliable.

In that case, shouldn't I call someone back to get it? Said to return it to him next time, but what if I forgot?

Thinking like this, Su Yuzhou put down the coke, took the room card and mobile phone and went out the door.