MTL - When the Little Milk Dog Decided To Break Up with Zha Shou-Chapter 43

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Hearing the crisp sound, Ran Qiu stood up abruptly, and Wen Yuanyu was also hurriedly pushed into the operating room.

Before the operation, the doctor handed the pen and the operation signature book to Ran Qiu, and Liu Nai followed the doctor with red eyes, "The teacher told me that if one day there is an accident and the family members need to sign, I will ask you to sign."

The words on the surgery signature book were blurred into one piece, and Ran Qiu couldn't read a single word clearly. His hands were shaking so badly that he couldn't sign a single word. Finally, he gritted his teeth, clutching the pen tightly in his hands, and finally signed the words. superior.

The operation process was very long, with doctors and nurses rushing in and out.

Ran Qiu really wanted to ask whether Wen Yuanyu's injury was serious, but he was also worried that the doctor would be distracted by his question, and he didn't want to affect the ongoing operation even a little bit.

Liu Nai has been waiting with him outside the operating room, as if wanting to comfort him, Liu Nai should have said a lot, Ran Qiu kept hearing voices in his ears, but he couldn't hear a word clearly, only Liu Nai's mouth was open. Zhang Hehe.

He felt that the sky outside the window was getting dark, until it was getting dark, and then it was very dark, and it was dark for a long time. Finally, Wen Yuanyu was pushed out of the operating room.

At this moment, Ran Qiu broke free from the feeling of being blind, feeling blind without any perception.

The fear that was hundreds and thousands of times stronger than when we broke up at the beginning suddenly came to his mind, he stood up without delay, rushed to the doctor, and said in a trembling voice: "Doctor, Wen Yuanyu, what is wrong with him?" Sample?"

The old doctor looked unpredictable, "The patient was stabbed in the kidney with a knife, causing the kidney to rupture, and there was heavy bleeding during the operation..."

Speaking of this, the old doctor suddenly paused, "You are a family member, do you know that the patient is taking antidepressant drugs?"

"What?" Ran Qiu was still thinking about the hemorrhage, he froze for a while, but didn't react.

The old doctor frowned tightly, and said seriously: "We found sertraline, an antidepressant drug, from his pocket. There is also aripiprazole, if the patient's depression is not very serious, it is usually not Will take both at the same time.”

Ran Qiu frowned, he forced himself to get out of the stunned state, "I don't his life in danger now?"

The old doctor looked at him, and continued with the previous words, "The renal artery was not injured, and life is not in danger for the time being, but you must know that depression will affect the patient's own desire to survive, and the prognosis depends on the patient's cooperation. "

Ran Qiu's tense nerves finally relaxed when he heard "there is no danger to his life". Only then did he have the energy to think about the old doctor's other words.

The old doctor said that Wen Yuanyu had depression...depression? How could Wen Yuanyu have depression? How could he not know that Wen Yuanyu has depression!

The old doctor patted him on the shoulder and told him, "The patient's physique is extremely poor, he is severely anemic, and especially mentally unstable. As a family member, you should take good care of him."

Ran Qiu nodded blankly, and quickly said: "Thank you, thank you very much."

After Ran Qiu entered the ward, he moved a small bench and placed it beside the bed, quietly looking at the man on the bed.

Wen Yuanyu's face was so pale that it almost merged with the bed in the ward. His most beautiful eyes were quietly closed at this moment, with slender eyelashes hanging down on the eyelids, looking gentle and fragile, as if he only blinked , Wen Yuanyu will disappear.

He stayed by Wen Yuanyu's bedside, thinking a lot, from the first time he saw Wen Yuanyu on TV, to their first meeting, and now to the entangled relationship between the two of them.

In the props room at that time, the injury on Wen Yuanyu's arm was obviously caused by a cigarette butt, but he didn't even ask, did the depression start at that time?

But this time, Wen Yuanyu could clearly control Wang Fufu, or at least avoid it, but he chose to take the knife with his body in exchange for his "dispelling Qi". Is this because of depression? He didn't dare to think, if this knife really stabbed the renal artery, if Wen Yuanyu never got off the operating table, he didn't dare to think, would Wen Yuanyu not mind his own life at all? He was so angry and...he didn't even know who he was angry with.

Ran Qiu stayed by the bed until dawn, but he still didn't feel sleepy at all.

There was a knock on the door of the ward, and Liu Nai pushed the door and walked in. He held a packaging bag in his hand, and asked cautiously: "Brother, do you want to eat something? You don't sleep or eat, your body needs to support yourself." Can't stop."

Ran Qiu took the breakfast bag in his hand and put it on the small table beside the bed, but he didn't open it, "Wait for Wen Yuanyu to wake up, I don't have much appetite right now."

Liu Nai couldn't persuade him anymore, he nodded slightly, and was about to leave when Ran Qiu stopped him again, "Do you have the contact information of Wen Yuanyu's parents or family members?"

Liu Nai opened his eyes blankly, then shook his head slowly, "Teacher doesn't like to talk about family affairs very much, and I dare not ask too much."

Ran Qiu said "um", then turned his head to look at Wen Yuanyu, and remained silent.

Liu Nai walked to the door of the ward, and before going out, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. He didn't know Wen Yuanyu's family, which was normal, but Ran Qiu didn't even know it. With Ran Qiu's clingy and sensitive temperament, I don't know if I will think about it secretly.

Liu Nai turned his head hesitantly again, and explained hesitantly, "Brother, the teacher didn't mean to be alienated from you before, it's just... the teacher seems to really don't want to trouble others, so he keeps a distance from everyone, and rarely talks about himself. thing."

Ran Qiu heard that there was something in his words, and turned his head to look up at him.

Liu Nai scratched his head in embarrassment, "That is, you are very favored at home, so it may be normal for you to "trouble" each other. Although I don't know the teacher's family, everyone who doesn't want to trouble others , ideas and experiences are actually not too different.”

Liu Nai sighed softly, "Because you trouble others, you will be rejected, and it's embarrassing to be rejected, so I don't want to say anything."

Ran Qiu didn't explain his family to Liu Nai, and the reason why he broke up with Wen Yuanyu was not because he felt "alienated".

Wen Yuanyu didn't take the initiative to tell him anything, it wasn't that important to him, although he wanted to be intimate with Wen Yuanyu at first, but if Wen Yuanyu was a person who needed a certain amount of space, he wouldn't mind Wen Yuanyu Yuan Yu stayed in his comfort zone.

Their real problem is "trust".

Wen Yuanyu doesn't take the initiative to say, he can always ask, he can be the more active party, the sense of distance caused by "alienation" will not affect the trust between them.

However, if Wen Yuanyu chooses to lie to him after he asks, then there will never be trust between them.

After an unknown amount of time, Wen Yuanyu's fingertips moved slightly on the hospital bed.

Ran Qiu came back to his senses suddenly, he straightened up, his back felt a little uncomfortable after sitting for too long, but his eyes were fixed on Wen Yuanyu's face, a little nervous. After another two minutes, Wen Yuanyu slowly opened his eyes.

After seeing the person sitting with him beside the bed, Wen Yuanyu's eyes were instantly filled with gentle light, he opened his mouth, his throat was a little hoarse, "Did you not sleep, you have dark circles under your eyes... you Have you got a meal yet?"

Ran Qiu didn't answer him a word, but first told him everything about his physical condition and what happened during the operation, except that he didn't mention depression.

In the process of speaking, he has been observing Wen Yuanyu's expression. When he saw that Wen Yuanyu didn't care much about these things, his heart sank more and more.

Feeling very sad, Ran Qiu's face was not very good-looking, he sat on the bench expressionlessly, his whole body released the air-conditioning comparable to an ice cellar.

Since the breakup, Wen Yuanyu became more and more "fearful" that Ran Qiu would be angry. He felt that Ran Qiu was fine just now, and wondered if he had said something wrong again. Wen Yuanyu was a little embarrassed for a while and didn't dare to say anything.

It was Ran Qiu who broke the silence first, "Do you need to call your parents?"

Wen Yuanyu paused, he looked at Ran Qiu's expression, hesitated for half a second and said: "I haven't told you before, my father is serving a sentence in prison, and my mother has passed away."

Ran Qiu looked at him. He was surprised by the answer, but he was not particularly surprised. It was like he finally knew something that he wanted to know for several years. Could not be more ordinary truth.

Compared with this, Ran Qiu actually wants to know why Wen Yuanyu is taking antidepressant drugs. He wanted to have a good talk with Wen Yuanyu, but Wen Yuanyu had just finished the operation and needed to rest, and it was not suitable for such a serious topic, so he didn't ask in a hurry.

Moreover, there are many things that he hasn't figured out. He really needs to calm down by himself and figure out the way ahead, how he wants to go.

Wen Yuanyu was lying on the bed, his eyes were reluctant to leave Ran Qiu for a second, he hesitated for a while, and said: "Go back to sleep, I have nothing to do, Liu Nai can take care of me, you...wake up and come back okay?"

"Okay, then listen to the doctor and rest more." After Ran Qiu stood up, he saw Wen Yuanyu looking at him expectantly.

He read from these eyes that Wen Yuanyu probably wanted to ask him for a kiss, he hesitated for a moment, then lowered his body slightly, and touched the back of Wen Yuanyu's hand.

Although there was no kiss, Wen Yuanyu did not expect such a small action at all. He was so surprised that he even forgot to blink his eyes. When he realized that he wanted to touch his fingers back again, Ran Qiu had already pushed the door and went out. .

Liu Nai was waiting outside the door, and Ran Qiu told him that Wen Yuanyu had woken up, and if there was anything to call him, he left the hospital.

Ran Qiu didn't go back to his parents' house. After such a big incident happened, his father would definitely want to talk about Ran Yiming with him. Now he doesn't want to hear this name at all.

He returned to Wang Fufu's house in the old community.

This house seems to have become his safe haven, and he will return here every time his mind is messed up.

There was a lot of dust in the room because no one took care of it. After Ran Qiu entered the room, he first opened the windows to let in the air, and then he went back to the room and took a nap.

This sleep didn't last long, he woke up after only three hours of sleep, this place is too far away from the hospital, he packed up his change of clothes, and planned to find a hotel near the hospital and open a room, so that he could be in time if something happened Rush to the hospital.

In the next few days, he visited the hospital every afternoon, but only stayed for an hour each time before leaving. He and Wen Yuanyu didn't talk about their relationship, they just chatted casually.

Wen Yuanyu's spirit is much better than just after the operation. This afternoon, Ran Qiu packed two servings of vegetable porridge at the restaurant outside the hospital.

Carrying the takeaway bag, he took the stairs to the fifth floor as he did a few days ago, and found Wen Yuanyu's ward one by one.

After he pushed open the door naturally, he saw Fang Lan who he hadn't seen for a while in the ward.