MTL - When the Empress Dresses Up As a Female Trainee-Chapter 55 Stop talking!

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/ Mo Baqian

Lan Muzhou's lips were hot and soft.

With the magic power that makes Qi Mo's heart soft, he kisses the corner of her lips lightly.

At this moment, she suddenly opened her eyes wide.

Even breathing is suffocating.

She could feel the cautiousness and recklessness of the young man in front of her.

The lips only paused for a second, and then quickly left.

Lan Muzhou lowered his eyes and licked his lips.

The body is already hot, and the whole person is hot, and he is ashamed and looking forward to it.

And a little bit of fear.

With this muddle-headed energy, he was impulsive.

I don't know how Qi Mo will react.

But he kissed them all.

Qi Mo didn't object, so just pretend he doesn't mind!

Thinking of this, Lan Muzhou stretched out his weak hand and grabbed Qi Mo's wrist.

Pull Qi Mo to his side.

Qi Mo didn't move.

With Lan Muzhou's current strength, it is not enough to pull her.

She has mixed feelings.

There was a word on her lips, but she couldn't say it.

Still not ready.

What if, as Lu Qingqing said, Lan Muzhou knew she was a woman and didn't like her anymore?

Lan Muzhou lost his temper, what should he do if he hates her?

She was at a loss.

She has always been able to control everything and everyone in the past.

She has never been afraid of anything.

But now, she couldn't even say a few short words.

The more you cherish, the more timid you are.

Until today, she finally felt this deeply.

Lan Muzhou didn't pull people away, and seeing Qi Mo in a daze with a sullen face, he was dissatisfied for a while.

At this time, Qi Mo was in a daze? !

Is this too surprised, didn't react, or didn't take him seriously at all? ?

"Qi Mo, why are you in a daze." He stretched out his hand to hook Qi Mo's neck.

He wanted to attack again, but Qi Mo quickly dodged it.

He froze, his heart was half cold.


Didn't Qi Mo actually mean that?

A wave of fear swept across the border, and he didn't even dare to breathe.

If so...

Qi Mo dozed his eyes and swallowed in his throat.

Throat astringent.

Extending the head is also a knife, and shrinking the head is also a knife.

Let's be honest.

She raised her head, her usually lazy face was serious.


A bad premonition is like a turbulent wave crashing on the shore, making Lan Muzhou terrified!

"Stop talking!"

His blood turned cold, and he didn't dare to look at Qi Mo's face.

For fear of seeing ridicule and contempt in those eyes.

He quickly got into the quilt and turned his back to Qi Mo.

Lips are still trembling.

"I have a fever, and I feel very unwell, don't...don't bother me anymore!"

In the last sentence, he spoke forcefully, his voice was slightly hoarse, and he looked a little fierce.

But the heart is begging—

Don't reject him outright.

Give him some face.

Qi Mo was slightly startled, and his tense spirit slowly relaxed.

What he said was that Lan Muzhou had a fever, so he should go to bed earlier and rest more.

Telling such a thing, I'm afraid he won't be able to sleep all night.

The fever is not getting any worse.

"Okay, then you should rest first and try to go to bed early tonight."

Qi Mo nodded, and quickly poured a pack of cold medicine with the hot water next to him.

Read the manual carefully again.

She warned: "The cold medicine is ready, drink it when it's not hot, it's not too bitter, it seems to be sweet, take a blue pill for the medicine next to it, take a rest after drinking it, I won't bother you .”

The door was opened softly, and closed softly again.

The bedside lamp gave off a warm glow.

The yellow-brown potion was contained in the glass, emitting a white mist.

Lan Muzhou covered his mouth with both hands, not letting himself make any sound.

His body was hot, sore and sore; the same was true for his head, which was like a needle prick.

But this is not as good as the feeling in his heart.

It seems that someone has been torn from it, and it seems that someone has gouged it out.

Bloody, made him collapse.

He also wanted to tell Qi Mo that he would definitely take care of his family and make them recognize Qi Mo's existence.

Heh, there is no need for him to fight for something with the family.

He was rejected.

Could it be that the previous ambiguity and connivance were all his illusions?

Is it all imagined by him in his heart full of joy?

Lan Muzhou buried himself under the quilt.

He did something wrong.

Kissing Qi Mo impulsively, and now he doesn't even have to be friends.

The limited group is for a one-year period.

This can he live.

Sure enough, Qi Mo would not like people like him.

Not gentle, not kind, and not restrained and refined.

It's the complete opposite of He Ruilin.

He is so stupid.

How could Qi Mo like him?

It can be known by casual analysis that this is impossible.

He was not Qi Mo's type at all.

Even if Qi Mo doesn't like He Ruilin anymore, it is absolutely impossible to like him.

It saves the eldest brother from worrying about him, and saves him from quarreling with the family.

It's... a bit good.

Lan Muzhou turned over and kept comforting himself in his heart.

But the corners of the eyes were still hot and humid.

Damn, his first love.

It's the first time he likes someone, this the result?

He was snuffed out in the cradle before he needed much effort.

What will other people think of this relationship when they reach middle age...?

What else can I think of it!

I think he is ridiculous.

Ridiculous and hypocritical.

Outsiders think that he has a good background and must have a smooth journey.

Who knew that if he chose a profession, he would break up with his family.

On the night of forming a group, among the other four people who debuted, which one did not receive the blessing of their parents?

He doesn't have it, only him.

Only the eldest brother took some time out of his busy schedule to congratulate him.

His career is not recognized by his family, and he doesn't like him even if he likes him.

Heh, there are people on the Internet who say that Qi Mo worships money, that Qi Mo is hired/raised by someone?

He didn't want Qi Mo to be that kind of person anyway.

Now he hopes that Qi Mo can really worship money.

At least…

At least they wouldn't refuse him so simply.

After returning to his room, Qi Mo sighed.

The emotion was overwhelming to her.

After losing a lot of self-control, he resisted the urge to hug Lan Muzhou and kiss him.

But she can't... just be so confused.

He was really afraid that Lan Muzhou would not like her, and he was also really afraid that Lan Muzhou would hate her.

But she always needs to be responsible for her actions.

When Lan Muzhou's fever subsides tomorrow, she will confess.

Don't irritate him today.

Qi Mo's biological clock has always been extremely punctual.

But that day, my mind was confused, and I didn't gradually fall asleep until late at night.

The next morning, when she woke up with her biological clock, her head hurt.

No one is awake at this time.

The corridor was dark, she went downstairs in the dark, and turned on the light in the living room.

I cooked a bag of instant noodles and ate it myself.

At this time, I received a message from Lu Qingqing.

Lu Qingqing: Are you up yet?

Lu Qingqing: I still have fifteen minutes to arrive at your place, you pack up and come out.

The work of a broker is indeed hard work.

To pick up and drop off the artist by car, you need to get up earlier than the artist.

It's only past six o'clock.

Fifteen minutes later, Qi Mo got into the commercial vehicle.

"It's so cold this morning. I was frozen when I went out." Lu Qingqing said, rubbing her arm, "Xiaoqi, have you read the script for you?"

Qi Mo also felt a little cold, so he tightened his clothes.

"Well, look good, don't worry."

Four days ago, there was an acting class in "Actor's New Life", and it was not compulsory to attend.

Just in time for the "National Idol" finals, Lu Qingqing helped Qi Mo ask for leave.

And this morning, the actors in the same group need to rehearse together and receive the final guidance from the instructors.

In the afternoon there is a formal stage performance.

All the way to the "Actor's New Life" program group.

After what happened last time, many staff members knew Lu Qingqing, and Qi Mo was popular again. The staff immediately welcomed them in together as soon as they saw them.

There was no need for makeup during the rehearsal, and they were taken to the rehearsal room.

Open the door and go in, there are already two actors rehearsing.

One of them is an acquaintance, Zhang Yiyi.

Qi Mo had never seen the other person.

Lu Qingqing clasped her hands together in front of her chest, with an apologetic smile on her face, and said: "Before Xiaoqi was preparing for the finals in the "National Idol" program group, and the time was relatively urgent, so I didn't come to attend the acting class together, and I didn't talk to you until today I'm really sorry to meet you! But Xiao Qi has prepared well, I hope you can rehearse smoothly and get good grades!"

Qi Mo also said: "I'm sorry I didn't attend the acting class before, I will try my best to make up for it."

On the day of the acting class, I happened to be rehearsing with my teammates, so I couldn't get away.

The scene between Cui Chuyu and Zhang Yiyi was not smooth, and his face was slightly gloomy.

Knowing Lu Qingqing's identity, he couldn't afford to offend him, so he lowered his expression and smiled.

"It's okay, just hurry up and rehearse this morning."

Zhang Yiyi also laughed beside him and said, "Thank you for your good words! I hope we can win Group B!"

Lu Qingqing didn't disturb their rehearsal in the rehearsal room, and left after a few pleasantries.

Seeing that Lu Qingqing disappeared from sight, Cui Chuyu's expression sank again.

He was successfully resurrected from 25 eliminated actors.

With such a small chance, it was hard for him to be resurrected, and he still thought about participating in a few more rounds and showing his face in front of the audience more.

In the blink of an eye, he ran into Qi Mo and Zhang Yiyi.

Zhang Yiyi is famous for being popular, but her acting skills are average, as he has seen before.

That's okay to say.

Looking at Qi Mo? It's just a boy group member who just debuted, what acting experience does he have! Even if the blind cat met a dead mouse last time and stood out from the replacement actors and stayed on, no one can say how good his acting skills are.

As a result, he even skipped the acting class.

Although it is not mandatory, but you are a new performer and you still don't participate?

Counting the round trip, it only takes half a day. No matter how busy "National Idol" is, how could it not be able to squeeze out for half a day.

It's really the lime platform's praise, so I don't work hard at all!

This is what Group A looks like, but what about Group B competing in the same segment?

Actress Xia Xi! Pei Zeyuan who was praised by three instructors at the same time!

How could they be opponents in Group B?

Cui Chuyu was not reconciled.

The more I think about it, the angrier I feel.

How is it so unlucky?

He looked at Qi Mo's face several times.

That skin, at first glance, has no blemishes, and it is so delicate from forehead to chin.

It looks like it's been made up.

What makeup do big men wear?

Bah, sissy!

He snorted coldly in his heart.

He also complained in a strange way: "Come here early in the morning. If you have time to put on makeup, why don't you memorize the script and rehearse twice."

"Huh?" Qi Mo raised his brows in surprise, "I don't have any makeup on."

Cui Chuyu's body froze, almost heartbroken.

No makeup?

How can you have such good skin without makeup?

Glancing at the mirror that occupied the entire wall, two meters away, he wished he could see the bulging pimple on his face.

That is medical cosmetology, and it must be medical cosmetology.

These idols rely on their faces to make a living, but he doesn't rely on his faces, he doesn't need it.

He comforted himself in his heart.

Zhang Yiyi saw that the atmosphere was not right, and immediately changed the subject, "We're all here, so let's start rehearsing now? I didn't perform very well just now, please give me some advice."

Yes, rehearsal is the most important thing.

Cui Chuyu snorted softly, "Well, hurry up and rehearse."

He once won the Best Supporting Actor in a TV drama award, and he is still confident in his performance.

After all, it is better than inexperienced.

So he glanced at Qi Mo arrogantly, "Come and act, I'll see how it goes."

This buddy... EQ is a bit low.

Can't you see that Zhang Yiyi deliberately turned the "spearhead" on herself?

Qi Mo curled his lips, not annoyed.

If you want to watch the performance, it's not bad to go straight to the topic.

Taking two steps closer to Cui Chuyu, she narrowed her eyes, and a cold light flashed in her long and narrow phoenix pupils.

Cui Chuyu took a step back, feeling something was wrong—

This Qi Mo had a smile on his face, but why did it make him feel terrified?

Qi Mo chuckled, "You don't really think... I don't know anything, do you?"

While speaking, she raised her eyes, and her playful eyes were locked on Cui Chuyu's face.

Cui Chuyu suffocated, and a chill ran down his back!

The scalp is starting to tingle.

For a moment, he actually thought that Qi Mo could really crush him to death laughing.

What's happening here?

Qi Mo was skinny and tender, and was half a head shorter than him. Looking closely, his face was still a bit girlish.

But temperament, why is it so scary? !

With a lump in his throat, he choked subconsciously, "This..."

"Have I allowed you to speak?"

Qi Mo put his hands behind his back, and the smile on his face disappeared the moment Cui Chuyu spoke.

A face became cold, as if there was a layer of frost.

"Don't make me...remind you a second time."

Cui Chuyu was stunned on the spot, with his mouth slightly open, unable to speak.

The air seemed to condense.

"Papa papa..."

There was a burst of applause.

"Why don't you continue? Both of you acted well just now, Qi Mo's aura is fully revealed, and Cui Chuyu's trembling fear is also very penetrating. It's really good."

It's rare for Song Xinru to give a big compliment like this. If someone else sees it, her jaw will drop in shock.

"I was afraid that Qi Mo wouldn't have time to come to class. It would be difficult for your group to rehearse, so I came over to take a look first. The result surprised me."

Hearing Song Xinru's voice, Cui Chuyu suddenly came to his senses.

A smile appeared on his stiff face, and he said modestly: "Mr. Song, I'm overwhelmed, I'm overwhelmed."

Zhang Yiyi didn't see that Cui Chuyu was really scared, and thought they were playing against each other.

So he also said to the side: "You are too good, there is no trace of acting at all, I have to learn more from you!"

Cui Chuyu sneered, feeling guilty when she looked at Qi Mo.

Of course, there is no trace of acting.

Because his performance is basically the most real reaction of the body.

The fear of being watched by Qi Mo with a smile is definitely not an illusion.

Looking back now, he still feels scared.

That look and it really from acting?

Song Xinru seemed to be looking forward to them, nodded and said: "Then you guys do it all over again? I'll start with you and go to other groups later."

Qi Mo is not afraid to come right away.

She has already memorized her lines fluently, plus she is playing the role of an emperor...

Isn't that easy to grab?

However, seeing Zhang Yiyi's troubled face, she said: "Teacher, in fact, we just got together for the first time, and we haven't prepared too much yet."

Zhang Yiyi went down the steps, nodded quickly, "Yes, yes, we still lack a little bit, this is the first time."

Cui Chuyu didn't want to come right away either, "Teacher, let's rehearse two more times, we really aren't ready yet."

A group of three, all hoping to come back later.

Song Xinru had no reason to persist.

So he nodded, "That's fine, I'll go to other groups to see the situation first."

Before leaving, she took a few glances into the rehearsal hall of Group A.

Can the first row... be so good?

Qi Mo, a little idol, really surprised her. It seems that she really shouldn't have any prejudice against idols.

After Song Xinru left, Zhang Yiyi took a deep breath.

so far so good.

If she performed immediately, she might be at the scene of a car accident, and the performance would be fragmented.

She clasped her fists together, "That...two good guys, take me with you?"

Cui Chuyu calmed down, the arrogance just now was gone.

Qi Mo doesn't look like a mountain, but he is by no means a simple person.

It is human instinct to avoid danger.

He suddenly understood that Qi Mo should not be provoked at all.

So he said vaguely: "Then rehearse twice together, and correct any problems slowly."

According to the schedule arranged by the program group, they rehearsed as a group in the morning, started doing makeup and hair uniformly after lunch, and officially started recording in the afternoon.

Qi Mo had a good impression of Zhang Yiyi.

So he didn't shy away from it, and communicated his thoughts and opinions with Zhang Yiyi directly.

Zhang Yiyi graduated from a major, obviously has a certain foundation, and can quickly absorb the questions raised by Qi Mo and Cui Chuyu.

The three of them worked together for a whole morning, and made a lot of progress.

During the break, Qi Mo's cell phone rang.

When she saw it, it turned out to be Qi's mother's phone call.

Because of the time difference, Qi's mother is busy with work, so they usually contact each other through WeChat.

Call directly, there must be something.

She left the rehearsal room, went to a window at the end of the corridor, and answered the phone.

"Hey mom, call... is there something urgent?"

"You hit the mark again."

"Mom and your father are both busy in Europe and can't make it back. I want you to participate in a charity auction instead."