MTL - When Does This World Have a Blood Bar Displayed?-Chapter 546 The essential

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  Chapter 546 key


   There is no land, no sea, and no air.

  Everything is a time of darkness.

   There is a force named "Orlog (Orlog.

   He is invisible, comes from nowhere, yet exists. What cannot be said can be explained at will, everything is known but can never be understood.

  The ruler of all things, the eternal law of the universe, the destiny without beginning and end, the secret first cause...Beyond all things and exist in all things at the same time, all things have a part of him. All the epic stories in the Nine Realms, even Ragnarok, are manifestations of his will.

   Although not involved in any story, each story is its will.

  It doesn't do anything, but the unconscious operation flows out of everything, symbolizing birth and death, the beginning and end of everything.


  The fierce debate is not carried out in the form of sound in the general sense.

   It belongs to the communication of "spirit", which is the thinking language of the great spiritual body, and also the unidentified fluctuation of the wavelength of will.

  In the void, a large amount of information can be felt, and they are constantly colliding and influencing each other, which is the embodiment of the fierce words of the gods. Language is power, and the spirit of speech is brilliance. As the source of all mysteries, the immortal gods can naturally manifest all of these.

  Based on common sense, generally only very wise sages are able to study and study for many years to learn the profound meaning of the words...

   But that is the limitation of mortals and mortal things. As a creature born divine, much older, wiser, stronger, and unreasonable than human beings, there is no such shackles at all. Because the profound meaning of the spirit of speech is like an instinct to the gods, like an extension of thought, and there is no need to learn it deliberately.

  The communication of the gods itself is the full embodiment of the profound meaning of words and spirits.

  Beyond human intelligence, immortal, divine, wise, just like that.

Therefore, the more intense the communication between the gods, the more intense the collisions at the information level. The realm of the undead is filled with an invisible storm, like a hurricane sweeping through many mythological realms, making everything turbulent , sleepless.

  In the moment of thought, the collisions between brainstorms have interacted countless times.

  This debate has entered a heated stage from the moment it was just raised.


   "Run away! Run as far away as possible! Just leave this world!"

   "We can't take risks, once it wakes up, it will destroy everything..."

   "Enough! You are gods! Why do you only want to escape? We have signed a new covenant, and we should fulfill the covenant, support the executors of the covenant, and launch this general attack..."


  All kinds of different opinions, the confrontation between divinity and humanity are all in this moment of birth and death, and they are all in the gods who hold their own opinions. It can be said to be fully experienced.

   Such intense brainstorming seems to be going on forever.

  Until a wise female voice sounded coldly—

   "Let's be more sober! It doesn't make any sense whether there is a **** or not... In front of that existence, we mortal gods are nothing but mortal things!"



  Perhaps it was the last cold words that suffocated all the divine will.

  So this dark void fell into a deathly silence for a short time.

   I have to say that this wise female voice was very precise and pointed out a crucial point, and it was also the point that both the fugitives and the rebels felt the most hopeless and powerless.

  Yeah, in front of that existence—

  All gods are nothing but mortal things. After all, they are equally fragile, equally perishable, and equally...insignificant.

  For the behemoth that grows bidirectionally on the timeline, for the existence that can roam time and space at will and rewrite cause and effect, no matter how you speculate, it is impossible to overestimate.

That's it, some things are more terrifying than imagined, and sometimes, half-knowledge is often more unfortunate than simple ignorance... Due to the unequal information, the gods have no way to know the whole picture of this matter, let alone know that it is a The monsters that suddenly flew from other universes and timelines are changing.

  Especially under the premise that the world line itself changes, and the details of fate and cause and effect are replaced accordingly.

  All of this may seem abrupt, but it can be traced back to some traces in mythology and history. It seems that the foreshadowing was planted a long, long time ago, pointing to the truth that was even more distant.

So even the gods are amazed by this. Just like Erica's astonishment and fear not long ago, the gods in this world are also afraid and apprehensive... Monotheism, Creator, Tai One, God, Almighty God , how could these appear?

  —Didn’t the gods exist before the myths?

  —Didn’t it mean that mythology is just a ritual of later birth, a story passed down orally by people in later generations, and the gods are just substituted into the story, choosing the role they play?

   Could it be that even the gods have grasped only the fragments of the creation of the world, and the real history is hidden in the depths of those seemingly most absurd and nonsensical myths? Those unrealistic myths that even the gods would laugh at are the real Genesis?

  No matter what, the gods can't be sure what's going on. They can only make guesses based on the existing signs, intelligence, and clues.

From denial and disapproval at the beginning, to anger and suspicion later, to the spread of unspeakable fear, silent resistance... Finally, until now, they who were driven into a desperate situation without any suspense basically believed in that The consciousness sleeping at the end of time may really be the Creator.

  This kind of belief is a manifestation of helpless weakness and concession, and it also shows that the gods are really aware of how huge the gap between the two sides is.

   "What else can we lose?"

   After being silent for a while, words finally sounded again: "The Creator has destroyed all possibilities, those parallel possibilities have disappeared, the timeline is slowly closing, and they are all leading to the same future..."

   "This is already the last world line, even if we gather all our strength, do we really have the confidence to face that existence?"




   Facing this most direct question, the other voices were silent for a while before answering in a low voice.

  In the realm of immortality, the godheads of the gods are unique. Even if there are different interpretations in different worlds, the source is always the same. It is like the shadow of an object under the light, reflecting different outlines from different angles, but in the final analysis, these different projections always have the same source.

  In the former multi-dimensional world, the gods also manifested in different world lines and parallel time and space at the same time. They may be suppressed and sealed in this world, and stir up the situation in another world.

  Just like the power of destiny is scattered, when the world line is now completely unified, the godheads and divinity of the gods are also completely gathered together, becoming more complete on the conceptual and spiritual levels...

   At the same time, the new covenant law has been updated, changing the previous rule structure, and has also been strengthened by a stronger force of destiny...

The gods are all like in ancient times. They jointly signed on this new covenant, and while lending their own power, they can also get the power blessings of other clans and the stars of the world. Even if it is not as exaggerated as the boost that the King of the End received It is indeed able to make its power reach an unprecedented peak.


   Still too powerless...

  Because the existence to be faced is too grand and dreamy—

Maybe it's Brahman, who is born of all dreams in Indian mythology, maybe it's the formless Orlaug in Norse legends, maybe it's Kronos, the invisible philosophical concept in ancient Greece, maybe it's the One and God... who? I know what it is, anyway, it is the highest soul, the **** of gods...



   This time the dead silence didn't last long and was broken again.

   "At least implement the requirements of the covenant, and send them a blow that clears the way..."



  The other side—

   is still just a moment of thought.


  Emilia opened her eyes suddenly, her long hair flowing and shining brightly in platinum.

Accompanied by breathing and blood, the holy power rolled up a huge vortex, which faintly affected the outside sky, making the already violent storm even more fierce and violent. She looked at the sky not far away, and saw nothing but darkness. The world of light was suddenly torn apart!

   Like a great sun suddenly descending, evaporating the sea!

  It’s like thousands of nuclear bombs bursting out at the same time, countless rays, particles, and radiation, tearing apart the darkness in an instant, illuminating everything like daylight.

  Boundless thunder and fire fell, and thousands of sharp swords pierced the curtain of night like sunlight. This is a trans-horizon blow from the Persian God Realm, an arrow containing the power of the sun king Mystra! Tens of millions of arrows all turned into rain of arrows, and each arrow of divine power possessed unimaginable terrifying heat!

  The first round of blows almost evaporated the trembling ocean, and even the storm and the sea level were all cut off, and those monsters didn't know how many died!

   And this is only the first round of blows, and it is also a beginning.

  The intensive blows that followed came from the major gods, containing powerful divine powers of various attributes, like endless bombing, the mighty divine power shook the sky and the sea, making the orbiter sway. Ciri's face changed slightly, and he hurried up to grab the joystick, trying to stabilize it.

   "It seems that there is no problem, they have fulfilled the covenant between us..."

  Princess Liulitong raised her eyebrows and breathed a sigh of relief.

   "It's now, they will come over soon, let's act first!"

"According to Miss Wanyuli's interpretation, this black sea of ​​life is the original place of origin, but it also fits the concept of the sea of ​​milk in Hindu mythology...Although the sea of ​​milk is a sea flowing with milk, But the world and even the gods are also conceived and born from the sea of ​​milk, which is also the source of creation."

   "As the one lying on the ocean, Vishnu lay asleep on the body of the serpent Ananta, floating on the sea at the beginning of creation. Whenever the end of the kalpa ends and the world is destroyed, He will wake up and recreate the world..."

   "So, this must be the key point—only by breaking through the end of the sea of ​​milk, can we see the sleeping supreme soul, the three-in-one heaven."


(PS: The ending is also a headache, worrying people... ah, it must be a sequela, just like I am always tired, weak, and easily fatigued. I must be dragged down by the debuff of the disease (confirmed)...By the way, thanks to everyone Let’s have an early year (‘д`)…彡…彡)

  (end of this chapter)