MTL - When an Angst Writer Meets a Doting Writer-Chapter 15 Festival

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I pushed the **** into my heart. He told me a lot and I listened to it.

Xu Chi: But when it was time, I suddenly found that I could not do as free and easy as he said.

Xu Chi: Do you understand the truth, but still have a bad life?

Xu Chi: Hahahaha... Sorry, I am just making an analogy.

Xu Chi: As an author, you shouldn’t say such a thing, but you support me so much. I don’t think it’s okay to say it to you. I wrote it for three years. It’s nothing, it’s not red, until recently I’ve got some New readers.

Xu Chi: I think, in the perspective of a small transparent author, a slightly encouraged word is much better than a self-perceived but malicious comment.

Xu Chi: I feel that I am talking nonsense. Who doesn't like to listen to good words?

Xu Chi: I often think about this kind of comment. If you don't like it, don't like it. Can you tell me? My self-confidence has to be hit.

Xu Chi: Not right, maybe people say the truth, hahahaha, maybe I really don't have the talent to write.

Xu Chi: Sorry, this really shouldn't be what an author should say.

Xu Chi: Fortunately, there are you, the biggest gain of my writing is that the works should be you.

Xu Chi: I am sorry for the next time, just like it, I will be more literary tomorrow.


In three minutes, no one in the group spoke.

Tang Yan's frowning in the chat box knocked and hit, and finally the hand was still on the delete button, and cleared a lot of words to be said. He sighed quite frustratedly. In front of Tingting, he could lick the lotus flower. If he changed his personality, he would have no problem.

The phone vibrated again, and Tang Yuzhi looked down at Tingting's reply.

Tingting: I just went down with tears.

Tingting: Sorry for short, I forgot that you are the most sad person.

Tingting: Is the sugar candy sister there? Borrow some money.


Tingting: I want to bring "I miss you" to the list one.

Sugar: Why should I borrow money from me?

Tingting: Because I have no money, you have money.

Sugar: According to the X website, you must enter at least tens of thousands of pieces to enter the top ten. Are you sure?

Tingting: I am dead.

Tingting: Don't call me.

Tingting: Go to fucking.

Tingting: Who is rare?

Tingting: The short-written text is written for people who understand it! !

Tingting: Oh, I am so uncomfortable.

Tingting: Why do people write so many collections with no one?

Sugar candy:......

Tingting: Hey, what can I do? ! ! It doesn't make sense to preach. I don't have the money to pay for it. I am really a waste.

Sugar: @短男神神 Don't look again, no code words, go out and play today, relax and relax.

Sugar Sugar: Some people think that they are quite objective. They didn't think that they were embarrassed at the beginning. It is a waste of feeling to talk to this group of people.

Sugar: [Don't be sad.jpg]

Sugar candy: [hug.jpg]

Sugar candy: [Love you 啵啵.jpg]

Tingting: [Well, I can be annoyed again.jpg]

Tingting: @糖糖妹妹 I think you are amazing.

Sugar: What happened?

Tingting: Let's talk about the truth.

Sugar: I know more when I look at it.

Tingting: Your eloquence is so good, it is recommended to be a lawyer.

Sugar candy:......

Sugar: I am smarter than you.


Tingting: I treat you as a sister every day. Are you like this?

Tingting: You women really can't.

Sugar: Sorry, I just want to express my love for you.

Tingting: I have a very glass heart recently.

Tingting: I will cry when I can't move.

Tingting: You can't be a murderer.

Tingting: I recently spoke with a scorpion.

Tingting: Do you understand?

Sugar: Don't understand, can you imitate it?

Tingting: You give me a shut-up rational woman!

Sugar: What is your murder?

Sugar: Are you amazing?

Tingting: That must be great.

Tingting: Today, my sister's birthday, I bought a bunch of flowers and sent them to their company.

Tingting: [Picture]

"Shouxing: I just took the heartbeat and speed up."

"Tingting: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

"Tingting: Deer chaos?"

"Shouxing: I am afraid I will wait for the men of our company to see."

"Tingting: What are you afraid of!!!"

"Shouxing: No one dares to chase me."

Tingting: [呜呜呜.jpg]

Sugar: What does it mean, what is she in the company?

Tingting: I don't understand.

Tingting: You women are weird.

Xu Chi was stunned and laughed by two people in the group. He understood that the two men just wanted to comfort themselves and make themselves happy. He smiled and was planning to put down his mobile phone and get a message from Tang Weizhi. Message.

Don Juan: Did you eat?

Xu Chi: No.

Tang Yizhi: What time is it?

Xu Chi: 3:30 pm Beijing time.

Tang Xizhi: You didn't have lunch?

Xu Chi: I wake up to this point.

Tang Xizhi: Are you also a left-behind child?

Xu Chi: Yes... what?

Tang Xizhi: The weather is so good, let you come out to play.

Xu Chi: Where to play?

Tang Xizhi: Your home is in the west of the city, my home is in the east of the city, then we will fold it, go to the garbage street in the center of the city.

Xu Chi: There is a garbage street in the center of the city? I do not know how?

Tang Xizhi: I have to say that there must be, when you go out, remember to eat something to fill your stomach, don't be hungry.

Xu Chi: ...

Xu Chi: Are you sure that I will come?

Don Juan: You will definitely come.

Tang Xizhi: See you at night.


Xu Chi followed the positioning to find Tang Yan and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Xu Chi in the city of A for so long, never know that there is such a place.

As the name suggests, the garbage street is a street. Xu Chi looked at the end and the roads were full of small vendors.

As the night falls, the voices of the people are full of enthusiasm, and the smoky food aroma is moving in the direction of Tang Yin.

The ear is full of passers-by chat and all kinds of "sorry to let it", Xu Chi looked up and saw Tang Yanzhi wearing a beige coat with a mobile phone and waving his hand to him, inexplicably thought of the description of the previously read book Scenes.



"A lot of people..."

"There are always so many people here, you follow me, be careful not to lose, what do you want to eat? I will buy it for you."

When Tang Xiaozhi saw Xu Chih, he put a cup of fried yogurt into his hand, and he took it in a hurry and chewed the shallow pear vortex.

"I don't know why..." Xu Chih said vaguely. "I always feel that you know me very well."

Xu Chi holding a fried yogurt in one hand and a spoon in one hand, Tang Yanzhi could only take his clothes to avoid the crowd. He listened and said with a smile: "How do you say?"

Xu Chi has always played straight ball. "Every time I need something, you will appear."

"The last time I didn't have an umbrella, you appeared, this time..."

Tang Yanzhi asked: "What do you need this time?"

Xu Chi swallowed the yogurt in his mouth and said, "Satiate."

“The satisfaction of being with friends can fill the satisfaction of all vacancies and replace all unhappy satisfaction.”

"Are you satisfied with a cup of fried yogurt?"

It’s a bit of a distress to listen to Tang’s words. “Is it too easy to satisfy people? Is it easy to be cheated?”

"Do not worry." Tang Yuzhi pulled Xu Chi to stop at a stall selling sour and spicy powder. "With me, no one can deceive you."


"Don't know, I don't know anything about you, but you always give me a feeling that we have known for a long time."

"You don't know if I write a text?"

"except this."

"Then I will give you a chance to let me know about me."

"Forget it..." On a cold winter night, Xu's face was blown red by the wind. "I have nothing to ask."

"Then let's play a game."

"what game?"

"It's very simple, you ask me to answer, don't think."


After thinking for a while, I asked: "Hobbies?"

"Eat and sleep."

"life goals?"

"Become a rich man."

Xu Chi said with a smile, "You didn't answer it well."

"How come..." Tang Yanzhi said seriously, "I am very serious."

After I finished eating the last fried yoghurt, I said, "I don't want to ask."

There were a lot of people in the queue before the booth, and the two were not in a hurry to buy. Tang Yanzhi said: "That will change me to ask you."


"Do you like famine?"


“Do you like sweet text?”


"Do you like cats?"


"Do you like dogs?"


"like me?"


Xu Chi stunned and saw Tang Yanzhi’s smile in front of him look like a sinister look, and he smiled helplessly.

"You are so childish."

“Not very fair?”


"You tolerate my childishness, I accept all your unhappiness and sadness."

"What about happiness?"

“Happy to share this kind of thing with friends.”

"Are you not a friend?"

"Of course I am, but I prefer to do that..." Tang Yanzhi smiled and bit the last words very heavy. "Can turn your unhappiness into a happy friend."


"To receive my full negative energy, are you not very bad?" Xu was snarled.

"What is this...