MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 65 [Supplementary explanation]

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Xu Tuoran led Yang Buqi all the way up to the fourth floor.

On the fourth floor, there is the deputy squad leader's room, and the key was given to Xu Tuoran in advance - there are many props hidden in her room, so Xu Tuoran can get them by himself if needed.

And Xu Tuoran did use some. When Yang Buqi followed her into the room, he noticed that many amulets were hung on the doorknob and the head of the bed, and there were two small silver statues at the door. In addition, defense and purification runes were painted in blood on the floor and walls of the room.

Yang Buqi glanced roughly, and frowned slightly: "Your mental state is unstable."

"There is one thing." Xu Tuoran knew that he could not lie, so he simply said directly, "Although I have banned the hallucinations and speech interference of the big Sophora japonica flower, I still feel uncomfortable after staying with it for a long time."

Strange and irritable ravings would sound in my ears from time to time, the scenes I saw would be distorted for a short time, and my brain would go blank for a moment.

After all, the other party is a bright-level abomination, a mobile source of pollution. Some negative effects cannot be completely eliminated by active prohibition.

That's why Xu Tuoran fixed it on the third floor, while he moved to the bedroom of the deputy squad leader on the fourth floor—the deputy squad leader has natural runes and props here, which are suitable as a defensive base. And it has not been entered by the big Sophora japonica, so it is more "clean".

"How long can you last?" Yang Buqi's heart was slightly suspended, "It will take at least 20 minutes for the Qinxue Building..."

"I'm not sure. But I feel that I'm actually in good condition." Xu Tuoran said hastily, "Those two silver statues, have you seen them? The ones of the deputy squad leader have the effect of stabilizing the mind. And these talismans... Once I have symptoms, Just go back to this room for a while. You'll be back soon."

After recovering, go out to inspect the various floors, do some small things, and earn some death points-in general, it is quite comfortable.

Yang Buqi was still a little worried: "But the mental influence exerted by the abominable thing will continue to increase over time..."

"Then wait until it gets worse. If it doesn't work, just throw it out." Xu Tuoran said it easily, seeing that Yang Buqi seemed to want to say something else, he quickly changed the subject, "By the way, the previous matter hasn't been discussed yet. The results of it."

"You said that the phantom students in the second class are all controlled by someone. Could that person be the high-level order?"

"I suspect it is." Yang Buqi chose a more euphemistic way of saying, "But I don't understand what his purpose is for doing this?"

"Didn't you say that they want to set up a summoning array?" Xu Tuoran found a chair and sat down, thinking, "Maybe he wants to use those students to summon the big pagoda flower?"

"That is, to help escape..." Yang Buqi nodded. He didn't think in this direction before, but just now he saw Dahuaihua's helplessness written in every eyeball, and she was still blinking wildly...

He thought the idea was quite plausible.

"But Zhu Tang said that those girls are still planning to draw runes." Yang Buqi thought for a while, and added, "They didn't have time to leave photos, but the description can be heard, and it doesn't seem like they will be used in the summoning ceremony."

"?" Xu Tueran raised his eyebrows slightly, but he was concerned about another matter, "Aren't those students ordinary people? I mean, they are similar to ordinary people. In essence, they are just relatively low-level energy bodies. ..."

Can such an existence use runes?

"...It's hard to say." Yang Buqi pondered for a while, then shook his head, "But phantom students are almost equal to humans in the domain. Humans, even if they don't know how to infuse power, can theoretically use runes."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"Sacrifice." Yang Buqi said, "Sacrifice at the cost of life that is many times stronger than the required strength."

"That makes sense." Xu Turan suddenly realized, "No wonder he wants to control the phantom students. This is equivalent to wholesale a batch of sacrifices."

As for the purpose of drawing runes, Xu Tuan was not sure about that. However, she instinctively remembered the past rituals she had seen in Haunted House No. 71—at that time, the believers in Haunted House No. 71 also used the summoning ceremony to call for its arrival. But in addition to the ceremony, they quietly arranged the flames that it hated, trying to control the evil things that descended.

The person with the ability to order, he asked the students to draw runes, could it be for similar reasons?

"Not only that, some runes can also cause harm to humans. And if the phantom students in other classes also have problems, it will be difficult for us to spare manpower." Yang Buqi frowned, "Anyway, I think we It is necessary to make two-handed preparations first, such as finding out where the student's imitation workshop is..."

"And about that, your pen, know anything?"

"It? I'm not sure. I was looking for the principal's office before." Xu Tuoran said, but still took out the pen from his pocket.

The pen is clearly not in great shape right now either. Perhaps because too many monsters were placed in the dormitory building, Xu Tuoran's "confusing" effect was further strengthened, and now the whole pen looks floating, covered with squirming flagella, red The ink kept dripping down the gap of the pen cap.

Even so, in the face of Xu Tuoran's question, it still dutifully wrote down the answer in the air:

[Yes! 】

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"So, you know the location of the 'Student Imitation Workshop'?" She raised her eyebrows slightly, "Where is it?"

Pen Fairy's Pen: [Library! 】

This word... means library, right?

Xu Turan thought uncertainly, and felt a little strange after thinking about it: "Then why didn't you say it before?"

[Nai didn't ask me. 】The pen of the pen fairy wrote crookedly,【But I only know that it is not on the first, second, third and sixth floors, where exactly, Idon'tknow. 】

Xu Tuoran: "..." Can you speak properly!

"It's okay, just make sure it's in the library." Yang Buqi said immediately, "Then you continue to guard here, and I'll go to the library to find it."

"What are you looking for? The library is so big. There are two floors downstairs." Xu Tuoran folded his arms, "This guy can directly rule out the first, second, and third floors, probably because I brought it with me when I entered the library last time." been there."

As for the sixth floor, it is the top floor of the library. It belongs to the safe zone set by the capable person, there is no interference from the power of evil things, and it is relatively easy to "read" for the pen of the pen fairy.

"It should be able to read it directly when it reaches a specific floor." Xu Tuoran thought for a moment, then simply said, "Why don't you just take it away. I'm afraid it might be unworthy...?"

Before she finished speaking, she saw the pen of the Bixian fluttered twice in the air, bumped into Yang Buqi without thinking, grabbed Yang Buqi's shirt with thin flagella, and slapped He spat out a mouthful of red ink.

Yang Buqi: "..."

Help. my shirt.

"Hello? What do you mean?" Xu Tuoran was upset. Although she originally planned to lend Yang Buqi the pen of the pen fairy, she was still annoyed by the other party's eagerness to run away. .

Pen Fairy's Pen:…

Although, do you know that there is such a thing as the desire to survive, sister?

"What do you want to survive? The pagoda tree of the National People's Congress is sealed downstairs. What do you want to survive?" Xu Tuoran was even more puzzled.

Pen Fairy's Pen: ...

Didn't you just say the reason? It's downstairs, sister!

"Then... this thing, I'll borrow it first?" Yang Buqi carefully raised his hand, stopping the dispute between one person and one sum, and immediately picked up the pen covered with flagella with two fingers, and carefully put it away. In the silver box that Xu Tuoran handed over

"I'll be back soon." He put the box on his body and said seriously, "Be careful yourself."

"Don't worry. I'm the housekeeper." Xu Tuoran clapped his hands, said firmly, and opened the door of the room, "Come, I'll take you out of the building."

The attitude is calm, as if this place was her territory in the first place.

Now there are still many monsters around the main entrance of the dormitory, Xu Tuoran planned to take him to the first floor to look through the windows, and passed by the third floor again on the way. Live in your curiosity:

"Why does it keep blinking like crazy?"

"Ah? Really. I don't know." Xu Tuoran said indifferently, "Anyway, every time a newcomer comes in, it blinks frantically for a while. It's okay, it will stop by itself after a while."

After speaking, he took Yang Buqi directly to the first floor and led him to the deepest room on the first floor.

"I will designate this area as the 'little ghost area', which is exclusively for the activities of the weaker ghosts. They are also relatively simple-minded, and they will not be mentally disturbed, and they will not cause trouble when you open the window."

While talking, Xu Turan opened the room in front of him with the dormitory key, blasted out the ghost who was sweeping the floor inside, and stretched out his hand to open the window: "Here, let's go."

"..." Yang Buqi gave her a complicated look and nodded.

In the process of opening the window, there was actually only one thought left in his head.

— She also made partitions.

—She even, in the dormitory building, divided the monsters into divisions.

Leaving the dormitory building, Yang Buqi immediately lowered his body, carefully avoiding the crowd of monsters surrounding the building, and went straight to the laboratory building.

It's strange to say, I don't know if it's because there are still many students in the laboratory building. There are no classes at this time, but he still easily walked in through the main entrance.

Yang Buqi stopped at the door, thought for a while, then turned around, closed the door of the laboratory building, and inserted the latch.

Be prepared, be prepared.

Zhu Tang and the others had force-fed the feigned death medicine he left behind to those controlled phantoms, and now the classroom on the first floor was lying down in disorder. Yang Buqi came over to check the situation, and was immediately surrounded by Zhu Tang and Zhao Huaihua, asking about Xu Tuoran's situation.

"Well... don't worry, her situation is very stable." Yang Buqi didn't know what Xu Tuoran told them at the beginning, so he could only vaguely say, "You know, Snow White."

By the way, what is the skill that Pu Han made up for "Snow White"?

Yang Buqi fell into a daze for a moment, and Zhu Tang had already realized it suddenly: "Oh, I understand, the halo of being a fan of thousands of people! It's too powerful!"


Yang Buqi bowed his head in silence, and quickly recalled the scene he saw in the dormitory building.

The companion creature who ran for his life by sticking to the ceiling in fear, the bleak ghost who was forced to clean the student dormitory because of orders, and the powerful evil that was forced to kill each other and couldn't kill each other...

"Well, yes." He adjusted his mood and nodded seriously, "It's just what you think. Lover."

Zhu Tang clapped his hands with an excited expression of "I knew it". Yang Buqi said a few more words of comfort, and after thinking about it, he added: "However, her side is not foolproof. If you have spare energy, you'd better help pay attention to the situation there."

After finishing speaking, he quickly walked through the marked door and headed towards Zhixue Building.

Zhu Tang and Zhao Huaihua were left, looking at each other in blank dismay. Zhu Tang patted the other party: "Hey, sister Zhao, people here are asleep anyway. When Lin Ge comes back, let's talk to her and take turns to observe the dormitory, okay?"

Zhao Huaihua nodded earnestly, still feeling a little unbelievable: "Is Xu Tuoran's aura of a millionaire so powerful?"

"Yang Buqi said it, and used medicine and props. And some qualities are unique." Zhu Tang seemed to accept it, and pointed to the sign on the door, "Here, the one in Renxinyuan Teacher Yu. His level is not high, but as long as his ability is used properly, it is said that he can even seal the abominations of the Hui level."

"..." As a light class, Zhao Huaihua still felt that something was wrong. But still politely did not ask further.

At this moment, Lin Ge's figure walked quickly from the other end of the corridor.

He was still dragging a strange girl in his hand.

The girl's palm was dyed red, and her expression was the same as that of other phantoms, her eyes were empty and blank.

Zhu and Zhao hurriedly went up to meet her, and while feeding the girl the fake death drug, they asked nervously, "What's wrong?"

"Fish that slipped through the net." Lin Ge blushed with exhaustion, "I found it in the bathroom on the third floor. When I found it, I was in a summoning ceremony. All the sacrifices in the talisman circle were alive, and I was scared..."

Fortunately, the ceremony was unsuccessful. She quickly grabbed him and brought him over.

"Huh, that's strange." Zhu Tang, who was trying to squeeze the other person's face to give her some water, said in surprise, "Lin Ge, this person is not from our class."

"Yeah, I'm also surprised..." Lin Ge was still panting. Zhao Huaihua seemed to realize something, her expression changed suddenly, and she turned her face to look at her.

"This is a student in our class." Zhao Huaihua froze, "Shouldn't she be teaching in the classroom at this time? Why did she come here?"

"..." Zhu Tang and Lin Ge looked at each other, and both paused involuntarily.

The two of them, Xu Tuoran and Ai Ye belonged to the second class, and the information class was in the last class; and Zhao Huaihua belonged to the first class, which should be in the teaching building at the moment.

"... I suddenly thought of something." Zhu Tang was silent for a moment, and then slowly said, "We found that the students in Class Two have problems because they immediately became abnormal after reading that document."

"But is there a possibility that someone has seen that document before. But for some reason, kept pretending to be normal. Until..."

"Until the person who controls them gives them instructions." Zhao Huaihua said lightly, and suddenly seemed to sense something, turned around and walked quickly to the corridor.

The moment she approached the entrance of the corridor, the gate of the laboratory building appeared in her vision. Zhao Huaihua stopped suddenly.

Outside the closed glass door, there were already several rows of figures at some point.

A class of girls. The girl in a white shirt and plaid skirt was standing quietly outside the door, looking at her expressionlessly.

"..." Zhao Huaihua's heart tightened, and suddenly there was another low cry from behind her!

She hurriedly turned around and said anxiously, "What's wrong!"

"...the people inside are awake." Lin Ge stood outside the classroom where the phantom students were placed, covering his mouth in surprise. Zhao Huaihua hurriedly turned her head and looked in, just as she saw the girls who were lying on the ground just now, they sat up one after another, their eyes rolled blankly, and they muttered the same sentence in their mouths.


"I'm going to find my father."

"I have to find my father..."

...? !

Zhao Huaihua was confused, and suddenly felt that she had gone to the wrong set: "Who are they looking for?"

"...Dad." Zhu Tang was also confused, "Maybe they want to find the person who controls them?"

Yeah? That's too weird.

Seeing that someone in the classroom was already violent and tried to rush out the door, Zhao Huaihua hurriedly kicked the person back, still feeling baffled: "Did they lose contact collectively and suddenly want to find their father?"

"Then what, I have an idea." Lin Ge cautiously raised his hand, "Is there a possibility that what they are looking for is actually Xu Tuoran?"

Zhao Huaihua was startled: "But she has changed her name..."

"What if that person doesn't know?" Lin Ge said quickly, closing the door in front of him, then turned his head and yelled at the door, "In the name of the fairy godmother, I will give you the attribute of a copper wall and an iron wall, and the time limit is two hours —”

The door didn't change in the slightest, it was still being hammered loudly.

Lin Ge: "... Then one hour—half an hour? Twenty minutes?"

"Five minutes, five minutes for the head office!"

The door was finally quiet. The originally thin door panel shone with a metallic luster, and became thicker with the anti-theft door.

Lin Ge breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to look at Zhao Huaihua: "Sister Zhao, what do you think?"

"...I think, if that's the case, things will be a little bit worse." Zhao Huaihua's expression changed, and she hurriedly rushed back to the corridor again.

I saw that quite a few of the crowd gathered outside the glass door just now had dispersed, and some were walking outside the laboratory building, as if they were searching for something very seriously; while some still seemed to insist on entering the laboratory building , was holding a stone and was about to smash the door.

Zhao Huaihua: "..."

"You have to hold them back." She took a deep breath, "No matter what, don't let them get close to Xu Tuoran's position."

She didn't know why these things suddenly started looking for Xu Tuoran, and she couldn't even be sure if they were looking for Xu Tuoran. But she knew instinctively that this was not a good thing—Zhao Huaihua pursed her lips, and turned to look at the two behind her.

"What are we going to do now?" Zhu Tang rolled up his sleeves, revealing his arms full of dragon scales, "Go out and fight?"

"No, that's too dangerous, and the teacher may catch you." Zhao Huaihua bit her lip hard, Lin Ge rushed over and raised her hand again.

"Well, I have an idea!"

Facing the gazes of the two, she took a deep breath: "What they are looking for is 'father', not 'Xu Tuoran'. Since that's the case, why don't we let someone else be the father?"

Zhao Huaihua: "...?"

? ? ? ?

the other side.

Time rewinds to a few minutes ago.

Zhixue Building · Class 2 classroom.

On the podium, the pale-skinned teacher was absent-mindedly lecturing. The scribbled writing on the blackboard was full of mistakes and omissions. His waist-length black hair twitched restlessly from time to time. Obviously, his mind had already drifted elsewhere.

But under the podium, there is a deadly silence—the students present are either full of thoughts, or are completely numb. They don't care what is written on the blackboard. However, there was confusion and curiosity in his eyes.

Jiang Lin, who was sitting in the corner, seemed to be completely isolated from the world, with one hand hidden in the belly of the table, pressing the phone quickly.

On the screen of the phone is a small program written by himself. The interface looked like a mailbox, and he was reading the latest "email" he received.

"...The summoning failed?" He looked at the text that popped up on the phone screen, and raised his eyebrows in surprise. How could it be, the steps and sacrifices are all correct, and all relevant information has been fully conveyed to those "student union members"...

Under the premise of being heavily controlled, those students are less likely to make mistakes in their steps. And the domain owner can't tell the phantom students from the real students, and there is no possibility of deliberately not responding.

There is only one possibility, and it cannot respond.

If you can't respond, you're stuck. And under the current circumstances, the only way to trap it is probably that guy.

That was really embarrassing—Jiang Lin thought with some regret that if "her" persisted, he would not be able to fish out the domain owner.

It was all well planned. Well now, it's all messed up.

"She was not among the people who entered the principal's office. It means that she has another task now. That task should be to hold the domain master down." Jiang Lin lowered his eyes, writing and drawing in his notebook, "I wanted to drag the capable person in The principal's office, take the opportunity to harvest the domain owner. At least get back the money from it. But now..."

"Well...according to her character, she shouldn't take the initiative to release the domain master. Trouble."

If he had known earlier, he would not have listened to Qu Mian - between the domain master and "her", if he dealt with her first, it might be easier to win.

Hmm...although I can't be sure how far she has grown now. But in such a short time, she is definitely not strong enough to confront the domain master head-on. Most of them still use the original rules in this domain. But in this domain, the original rules can be strong enough to trap the domain owner, only dormitories, or student imitation workshops...

The dormitory is easy to find, but the location of the student imitation workshop is still unknown. And it is not ruled out that she has played other tricks.

—But, no matter what, what is most needed now is to determine her location.

As long as he can let his puppet enter the area where she is, it should not be difficult for him to take over that area.

Speaking of which, what is "her" name here?

He remembered that he had seen it through the rule paper last time. If he remembered correctly, it should be "Dad"...

Jiang Lin thought for a moment, picked up the phone again, and tapped his fingers on the screen.

On the other side, Qu Mian was sitting next to him, seemingly lowering his head to study the paper, but actually he was secretly glancing at him from the corner of his eye.

He has no idea what this guy is up to. But he remembered that Yang Buqi once said that he was asked to keep an eye on this guy and guard against any abnormal behavior from him.

As for Yang Buqi and their current whereabouts, he actually didn't know. But he knew that their action this time was very important and critical, and it was a major event related to the survival of every human being in this place.

He can't help much, but in this kind of place where he can, he can't shrink back or hesitate!

—So, Jiang Lin was only halfway through replying to the email, when he saw a figure next to him suddenly raised his hand and stood up heroically.

"Teacher! Report!" Under Jiang Lin's inexplicable gaze, Qu Mian's angry voice sounded in the classroom:

"I'll report with my real name, and Jiang will come to class and play with his mobile phone!"

Jiang Lin: "..."

? ! !

In the next second, I saw the teacher on the podium striding over.

Jiang Lin hurriedly tapped the keyboard faster, trying to finish the last sentence. It's a pity that the teacher moved too fast. When he typed the last few words, the teacher had already stood beside him and snatched his mobile phone away.

He only had time to send out the unedited "emails" in groups, but the delivery rate hadn't reached 100%, when he saw the mobile phone was held up high in front of him.

"Warning you not to mess around." Jiang Lin's eyes darkened, and he said in a cold voice, "You have no right to confiscate my property."

"Yes, I have no right to confiscate it." The teacher tilted his head in an exaggerated posture, and his neck made a clicking sound.

Then without hesitation, in front of Jiang Lin, he broke the phone.

The phone shattered and made a crisp sound, like the strings holding a large number of puppets snapped.