MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 57

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Palace of Order.

Relying on the only "100% login chance", Xu Tuoran, who fell asleep, came to the door of this server smoothly.

Like other upgrade servers, the entire area is hidden behind a wrought iron gate. To Xu Tuoran's surprise, this door was white - not only that, there was only this door in the entire space.

She recalled seeing "The Path of Chaos" and "The Scourge Graveyard" before. Regardless of the color and style of the door, in other spaces, there are two doors facing each other. The one I encountered this time was quite special in every respect.

Xu Tuoran looked in through the gap of the door curiously, spread out his palm, and as expected, he found a key hidden in his palm.

This key is also white, with a very exaggerated heart shape on the head of the key. Xu Turan raised his eyebrows inexplicably, he didn't care too much, he inserted the key into the lock hole, and after turning half a turn, he heard the sound of the lock cylinder opening.

Without her pushing, the heavy door opened to both sides by itself. Xu Tuoran probed in and looked in, and let out an "ah" in surprise.

I saw that behind the door was still a door.

There are two doors in total, both of which are slightly smaller iron doors, each occupying a space. It seemed very close at first glance, but Xu Tueran found out after a closer look that it was actually far away.

Under Xu Tuoran's feet was a long staircase that stretched obliquely downward. Below the steps, there are one or two trails that meander and extend to the bottom of the two doors respectively.

There is a large piece of dark green tall grass in the middle of the trail, and at least one tall grass can move without wind. Indistinctly visible in the grass are countless translucent figures turning around, seemingly lost in it.

Xu Turan knew in his heart that he could see all the layout clearly now because he was standing on the high steps. But once you walk down, if you don't do your best, you will become one of the people lost in this tall grass.

I just don't know where the light leading to the "candle" is. Looking at it, I didn't see it at all...

Xu Tuoran thought for a moment, then raised his hand and nodded left and right, planning to pick a random path and try it out.

Tap Doudou, and soon hit a road on the right. Xu Tueran immediately walked down the steps, and finally stepped on the ground. Just as he was about to walk to the right, a strange feeling came from his feet—

Soft and cool. Hairy.

She lowered her head in surprise, only to see a rabbit nestling at her feet.

white rabbit. It looks like the size of a small ball, a ball of velvet, long ears, red eyes, too normal to be normal.

…But in a sense, what looks extremely normal in a place like this may itself be abnormal.

Xu Tuoran carefully observed the rabbit for a while, then moved to the side nonchalantly, pretending not to see it, and prepared to continue walking to the right.

But the rabbit posted it by itself. Not only sticking, but also kept pushing his body closer to Xu Tuoran's feet, almost tripping him.

Well, it seems that pretending not to see may not work. Xu Tuoran pursed his lips and knelt down: "What do you want?"

Of course the rabbit didn't speak. It just jumped out a few times suddenly, and its movements were vigorous. Xu Tuoran thought it was going to leave, but he didn't expect it to stop not far away, and turned to look at her again.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

The rabbit jumped to the left and just stopped at the entrance leading to another road. Xu Turan raised his eyebrows slightly, and deliberately took another step to the right, and as expected, he saw the rabbit jumping back again, and gently nudged her with his head.

...Is this some kind of server-specific monster? She looks cute, you won't wait to suddenly grow bigger and bite her?

Xu Tueran stared at the rabbit for a while, and for some reason, he saw a sense of familiarity. After thinking about it, she simply followed its meaning and walked to the left. The rabbit was visibly happy, bouncing up and down, and coming over to rub against it from time to time, with its ears hanging softly, looking cute.

It's just... really cute.

Xu Tuoran had to admit that his heart was moved. Anyway, the road was chosen randomly just now, and she didn't feel any malice from the rabbit, so she really walked down the path on the left, step by step.

On both sides of the path, the dense tall grass is like a deep wall. The grass shakes from time to time, revealing some figures or glimmers, and then being submerged by the tall grass in the blink of an eye. This scene should be quite oppressive, but Xu Wuran only feels familiar and relax.

This seems to be different from the relaxation in the "Natural Disaster Cemetery". But she couldn't tell exactly what was different.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, the rabbit suddenly came up again, lightly biting Xu Tuoran's leather shoe buckle, and pulled her into the tall grass. Xu vainly walked along its guidance, his figure gradually disappeared into the tall grass, but the originally impenetrable tall grass seemed to sense something, and automatically moved aside, giving her a small gap.

There were other translucent figures, who came over in a daze at this time. The tall grass closed in like a tide, silently blocking them all out again.

The tall grass is like waves, as Xu Tuoran approaches, it separates and closes again. Xu vainly walked in along the gap without realizing it, until he reached the depths of the grass, muttering as he walked—the Palace of Order, all the way here, he didn't see the palace, it was just a maze.

I don't know how long I walked, and finally came to the depths of the tall grass. Xu Tuoran's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Not far in front of her, there were ruins.

The broken walls and ruins looked like a corner of a magnificent building. The huge broken stone pillars stood alone on the ground, and the surface was covered with moss and dead vines.

Spectacular and desolate, inexplicably makes people feel a little sad. However, Xu Tuoran remembered that when he looked down from above, he clearly did not see such a thing.

The rabbit hopped and led Xu Tuoran to the back of a certain broken wall, and saw a small group of light spots floating quietly in this corner.

Xu vainly stretched out his hand and held it in his hand. A warm feeling poured in from the fingers, and at the same time, there was a familiar prompt sound—

[Congratulations, you have successfully completed an inclination upgrade]

[Current Quality: Snow White]

[Current Level: Natural Disaster: Lamp / Order: Candle]

[Congratulations, you have obtained a new special skill of inclination to order - [absolute kingship]]


In the silent office, Xu Tuoran suddenly opened his eyes.

[Stunt: Snow White·Absolute Kingship]

[Current Level: Order: Candle]

[Effect: Active stunt. You can designate any area as your [country]. In [Countryland], you can formulate arbitrary rules based on your status as a king, and modify, supplement or invalidate them. Every operation will consume a certain amount of stamina. As long as you are within the range of [Countryland], the rules you handle will continue to take effect. 】

[Remark 1: The delimitable range of [Countryland] increases with the user level. 】

[Remark 2: When you leave the range of [land], it is considered as [resignation]. After [leaving office], the rules handled will gradually become invalid with the passage of time. 】

[Remark 3: When the rules you handle are contrary to the results of other order ability users, if the opponent's level is below the candle, your rules will have the highest priority in actual execution. You are free to modify, overwrite or void the rules made by the other party, and the other party has no right to do so to you. 】

[Remark 4: You always have the final right to interpret the rules you have dealt with. 】


The first time Xu Tuoran woke up, he quickly scanned the unlocked new stunt and came to a conclusion silently.

This new skill seems to be quite popular.

She blinked slowly, and struggled to get up from the chair—because of her sleeping position, her shoulders and neck were a little uncomfortable. Looking around, Xu Turan fell into silence for a moment after catching a glimpse of the deputy squad leader sleeping on the other side of the desk.

... Technically speaking, she didn't "see" the vice-president. In her eyes, sleeping opposite the desk is an arthropod insect as tall as a person, with thin membranous wings clinging to the sides of the body, opening and closing slightly with breathing.

The just-upgraded Order Tendency didn't seem to show resistance to illusions. Xu Tuoran stared at the bug carefully for a while, then looked away as if nothing had happened, and carefully stepped on the floor with both feet.

The floor looked quite ugly at the moment, with minced meat and blood all over the floor. Xu Tuoran knew that these were all fake, but he still couldn't help walking around, tiptoeing, and came to the rule paper.

She took out her phone and checked the time. It was only about twenty minutes before they fell asleep. Evening self-study is not over yet. If they could leave at this moment, they would not have to worry about not returning home at night.

The premise is that you can leave.

Xu Tuoran looked at the rule paper in front of him and took a deep breath. He touched his pocket again to confirm that the medicine given by Yang Buqi was within reach.

Then, she opened the "Skill Points" panel in her consciousness, raised 3,500 points from the death value in one breath, and put them all on the new special skill "Absolute Kingship"—

She remembered that the last time she smashed the "confusing" from the candle to the torch, it cost a total of fifteen thousand. And this time, she intends to send this skill to Hui level at once...

A huge amount of value was poured into the skill bar of "absolute kingship" like no money. At almost the same time, Xu Tueran heard voices in his mind one after another:

[Congratulations, you have completed a temporary special skill upgrade—]

【Current Level: Lamp】

【Current Level: Torch】

【Current Level: Hui】

【...Effect:...In [Countryland], you can formulate arbitrary rules based on your status as a king, and modify, supplement or invalidate them. Each operation will consume a certain amount of stamina...]

【...Remark 3: When the rules you handle are contrary to the results of other order ability users, if the other party's level is Hui or below, your rules will always have the highest priority in actual execution. You are free to modify, overwrite or void the rules made by the other party, and the other party has no right to do so to you. 】

- It's done.

Xu Tuoran took another deep breath and turned his attention to the rule paper in front of him.

Let's enclose this laboratory building as "National Land". After thinking for a while, she said cautiously:

"I declare that the fifth, sixth, and seventh rules on this rule paper are all invalid and can never be restarted—"

It is obviously a very light word, but when it is said, it seems to carry a great power. Xu Tueran didn't know how to describe that feeling—at the moment she said this, she seemed to hear something being solemnly knocked, and the sound echoed in the clouds far away.

The final word.

Perhaps it was because of directly skipping the level and using the Hui-level skill, Xu Turan felt a faint dull pain in his body the moment he spoke. However, this feeling quickly receded, and Xu Tuoran's attention returned to the rule paper.

On that piece of paper, the last few lines were being quickly erased. There was a click sound from the door, Xu Tueran hurried over to try it, and found that the door could be opened.

Xu Turan felt relieved, and even planned to wake up the deputy class and leave. However, just as he turned his head, another reminder sounded in his mind——

[Congratulations, you have obtained 1,500 death points. 】

Xu Tuoran: ...?

The hallucinations all around have not faded. She turned her head vigilantly, only to feel that something flashed in front of her eyes—

It was a man's face.

A cold, manly face. Opening a pair of golden eyes, the eyes are full of disdain, ridicule, and a touch of anger.

He seemed to say something to himself, but Xu Tuoran didn't hear clearly. She only noticed that the other party raised his right hand towards her.

He grabbed it in the air with his right hand, as if he was grasping something, he tightened it violently.

In the next moment, a huge pain in the chest came over. Xu Tuoran whimpered and fell to the ground.

The deputy squad leader was awakened by Xu Tuoran's fall.

When she opened her eyes, the hallucinations around her were half fading. In her eyes, Xu Tuoran was just a huge succulent plant lying on the ground. The plant was dripping sap, and while it was dripping, it was still crawling out.

The deputy squad leader instinctively felt that something was wrong, and leaned over while calling Xu Tuoran's name. When she got closer, the hallucinations completely dissipated, and she finally saw everything in front of her clearly.

The deputy squad leader's expression changed immediately.

Xu Tuoran was lying on the ground clutching his chest, his eyes were closed, his face was pale, his left hand was clutching an opened medicine bottle, and blood was bubbling out between the fingers of his right hand, forming a pool on the ground.

And in front of her was the open office door.

What's even more frightening is that at this time, Xu Tuoran was actually crawling out—even though he was unconscious, his body was still moving! Hands are stretched out of the room!

The deputy squad leader was completely dazed. After realizing the reaction, he immediately squatted down, carefully turned her over, and moved her palm away. His expression was even more serious—I saw a horrible blood hole on Xu Tuoran's chest, which didn't look like he was being raped. It was stabbed with a sharp weapon, as if it was caught by some monster.

The deputy class hurriedly covered his palm, green plant vines protruded from the palm, interwoven into a fine net, carefully covering Xu Tuoran's wound, while absorbing the blood of Xu Tuoran's wound, constantly Secreted mucus, trying to help her wounds heal.

"Vampire Vine", one of her skills. It looks like an attack skill, but it is actually only suitable for milking people.

Xu Tuoran was in a daze, still trying to move outside. The deputy squad leader wanted to control her, but she heard her speak vaguely and her voice was erratic: "You can't be here...go out...first out..."

"What?" The deputy squad leader didn't hear clearly for a while, but wondered why the blood-sucking vine took effect so slowly today. Xu Tuoran muttered "rules", and the vice-ban Fu thought to himself, looked aside suddenly, and finally understood the reason why Xu Tuoran wanted to go out first.

I saw that on the rule paper, the last few lines of unfavorable rules had disappeared at some point, and replaced by two new lines of rules—

[In this office, any drugs are prohibited from taking effect! 】

[In this office, any form of treatment is prohibited from taking effect! 】

…was targeted.

This is the deputy class's first reaction.

Her mind quickly flashed through all the things she saw after waking up, connecting everything together in a blink of an eye—

There is no ritual pattern on the cabinet, but the contents of the rule paper have been erased. Therefore, it should be Xu Tuoran who used a method that did not require rituals to release the confinement of the room when he was asleep, but it also caused revenge from the mastermind behind the scenes.

And the two new rules that appeared on the rule paper were aimed at Xu Tuoran, who was seriously injured, and wanted to put her to death!

The deputy squad leader's breath was stagnant, and he was about to half-drag Xu Tuoran, who was covered in blood, and tried to move to the corridor. After finally moving the person out of the office, just as he was about to rescue him again, he glanced out from the corner of the eye inadvertently, and the whole person froze suddenly.

At the other end of the corridor, there were two figures standing.

Two charred figures. Standing side by side in the corridor, watching them quietly.

The deputy squad leader's heart couldn't help beating wildly, and he hugged Xu Tuoran into his arms as much as possible, showing a bit of determination on his face.

The treatment of blood-sucking vines is still in full swing. The deputy squad leader wanted to save people and guard against those two monsters at the same time, so the efficiency of treatment would inevitably be affected. However, in Xu Tuoran's state, it was impossible for her to take people away on the spot.

Fortunately, the two scorched black figures disappeared on the spot after staying for a while.

The deputy squad leader closed his eyes, only to feel that a huge stone in his heart was finally put down. She lowered her head again, and was about to take a closer look at Xu Tuoran's wound, when she saw a scorched black hand appear suddenly, and put it on Xu Tuoran's body.


The deputy squad leader's heart stopped, and he followed the hand to look over, facing a blurred face with a sinister smile.

Yang Buqi felt that there might be something wrong with his brain.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain what he is doing now—squatting in front of a murderous rabbit-headed man, saying "I have no malice, I am a good man", while carefully covering the black rabbit in the opponent's arms with his hands.

He didn't know what he was thinking either. Obviously they can go now—not long ago, he woke up from his sleep due to an inexplicable force, and when he opened his eyes, he found that the closed office suddenly unlocked by itself, and the hallucinations lingering in the office quickly faded away. The rule paper on the wall changed inexplicably, but it didn't seem to hinder them.

Yang Buqi immediately woke up the health commissioner, and the two quickly evacuated. As a result, as soon as I reached the corridor, I was stupid.

They saw the bunny head again.

Standing at the other end of the corridor, looking at them coldly.

The difference from before is that there is only one bunny-headed man this time, but it has an extra black rabbit in its hand—it is being carried by the bunny-headed man by its ears, and blood is dripping down its body . The drooping hind legs occasionally twitched, indicating signs of life.

Yang Buqi couldn't help looking at it a few more times at that time, and was urged to go up the stairs by the health committee member, and stopped after walking a few steps.

"Yang Dalang?" The health commissioner looked at him in surprise, "What's wrong with you?"

"I... I can't tell." Yang Buqi raised his hand and rubbed his head, his face covered, "I just feel that something is not right. My heart is inexplicably hanging, very uneasy..."

"The rabbit-headed man is staring at you, can you not hang on?" The health commissioner was puzzled, "Quickly withdraw—"

He stretched out his hand to tug on Yang Buqi, but the latter backed away slightly.

" hugged the rabbit in its arms." Yang Buqi glanced at the opposite side carefully, and said in a low voice, "it seems to have human nature. It wants to save it...that rabbit doesn't look like a monster..."

Health Commissioner: "..."

At first, he was surprised that Yang Buqi suddenly said what he was going to do. However, in the next second, looking at Yang Buqi who turned around and rushed towards the rabbit-headed man, the health commissioner had an epiphany—

Da Lang, this is making excuses for his own death.

He watched helplessly as Yang Buqi shoveled a sliding shovel in front of the rabbit-headed man, and then carefully stretched out his hand towards the black rabbit in the other's arms.

"Calm down, calm down. I'm not looking for trouble. I'm just here to see the rabbit, look at the rabbit..."

He heard Yang Buqi muttering, and put his hand completely on the black rabbit.

If he is beaten by the rabbit head man at this time, I will definitely not save him—the health committee thought silently.

He knows that the ability users with life tendencies will more or less have the plot of the Holy Mother and the Holy Father, but the Holy Father is really too much to this extent!

In fact, the deputy squad leader almost beat someone up at that time.

Even for ability users, suddenly seeing a scorched black corpse lying on the ground smiling at you is enough to be called a horror. And when people are frightened, they will want to punch the other party, which is completely justified.

It's just that she couldn't swing that punch—she instinctively flicked her right hand that was pressing on Xu Tuoran's wound, and was just about to swing it, but was gently held down.

The assistant class lowered her head in surprise, only to see that Xu Tuoran had opened her eyes at some point and was pressing the back of her hand weakly.

"Don't worry." She said weakly, "Wait a minute."

Vice monitor: "...?"

She looked at Xu Tuoran in surprise, and then at the charred figure in front of her. The opponent's hand was moving along Xu Tuoran's clothes to the wound bit by bit. The deputy squad leader frowned instinctively, but still followed Xu Tuoran's instructions and moved his hand a little away.

The scorched black hand finally covered the wound on Xu Tuoran's chest. It lifted slightly, and dirty blood dripped down the outline of the palm.

"..." The deputy squad leader's blood pressure suddenly became a little high. But the next moment, her eyes widened in astonishment.

She saw that Xu Tuoran's wound was healing at an alarming speed. Breathing is also rapidly becoming calmer. Xu Tueran picked up the medicine bottle in his hand, as if he wanted to pour a pill into his mouth, after thinking about it, he seemed to think it was unnecessary, and then capped the medicine bottle again.

She didn't seem surprised by her healing, she just stared intently at the scorched black figure with a bit of thought in her eyes.

"...Xu Tuoran?" The deputy squad leader frowned slightly, and faintly felt something flashed in his mind, but he couldn't believe it, "What's going on?"

"This... To be honest, I was just guessing before." Xu Tuoran said, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of the scorched black shadow, then carefully sat up, and transferred the schoolbag hanging behind his back to his chest.

The deputy squad leader took advantage of the situation and stepped back a little, looking at the scorched black figure with vigilance. Xu Turan gave her a comforting look, and tried to sit up straight.

She didn't know if the vice squad leader or the ability users who came here before had similar feelings. But not long ago, when she was about to plunge the ice pick into the monster's body, she did feel a resistance—

A very gentle, very strong, but very firm, unquestionable resistance.

The deputy class president once said that in this school, there is a layer of the most basic logic, that is, students cannot kill students.

In addition, when she was trapped in the office, she and the deputy squad leader had hallucinations. If they hadn't confirmed their identities, she might have been fooled. This made Xu Tuoran involuntarily come up with a bold idea:

Was the monster they saw before really a monster?

And now, her guess has finally been finally confirmed.

Xu Tuoran looked at the scorched black figure in front of him, exhaled lightly, and said softly with a voice only he could hear:

"I declare that in this building all illusions must disappear."

When the voice falls, words follow suit. The surrounding scenes are like tulle falling, layers of hallucinations fade away one after another, gradually peeling off the strange reality.

The health commissioner who was running towards Yang Buqi suddenly stopped, and his eyes met the stunned deputy squad leader—the similar surprise gradually turned into surprise, he widened his eyes in disbelief, and accelerated his pace to rush forward go.

On the other side, Yang Buqi, whose wrist was being held by Xu Tueran, froze in place, raised his eyes slowly, and met Xu Tueran's thoughtful gaze.

"Aunt Yang..." She read out the name on the other party's ID slowly, then nodded suddenly, "Oh, is that why you wear a skirt?"

Yang Buqi: "..."

Although, Dalang.