MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 55 (1)

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Laboratory building.

This building is much smaller than other buildings on campus, with a total of three floors, located behind the Sixue Building—except for the small arch bridge in the center of the school, there is also a road leading to Zhixue Building. And the laboratory building is located at the end of that road.

According to Chen Dazhuang, that road will only be open at two times, one is when they organize to go to the gymnasium, computer room or art classroom for classes, and the other is for evening self-study when students on duty go to clean up. For the rest of the time, even in the past, ghosts hit the wall.

It's okay during the day, but at night, you might be trapped there all night. Not to mention whether there will be any accidents, staying out at night is a violation of school regulations. In addition, the laboratory building itself is not safe... so if conditions permit, the few remaining capable users will try their best to take over the cleaning work on duty.

There are two classes in the Zhixue building, and they will take turns to send people to clean, and only two people will be sent at a time. Chen Dazhuang watched helplessly as Yang Buqi put a bottle of mineral water on Xiao Zhang's table, and then took the initiative to say something to Xiao Zhang after class. Xiao Zhang was stunned for a few seconds with his mouth slightly open, unscrewed the mineral water and drank it, unconscious on the spot.

Chen Dazhuang watched in amazement, he felt as if he was watching a palace fight to give poison. Yang Buqi remained calm: "Fake death medicine. Just let him sleep for a while."

He controlled the dosage, and the actual effect was equivalent to fainting. As a "witch", he is very sure about the efficacy and use of each poison, and basically can't make mistakes.

And he has carefully studied the school rules. Once it is confirmed that they are really unwell, the students can naturally skip all the school activities and teacher's instructions. On the bright side, at least Xiao Zhang doesn't have to worry about being named and deducted points in the afternoon.

Yang Buqi also told Xiao Zhang the same way. This child is also sincere, one dares to speak and the other dares to believe.

Chen Dazhuang: ...

The question is, are you feeling unwell? Are you almost out of breath? Just dragging him to the infirmary like this, wouldn't he be buried on the spot?

"I can't help it. After all, is it fake death medicine?" Yang Buqi helped carry him to the infirmary, and said, "Don't worry, I'll just sleep. I'll apologize when he wakes up." Just wake people up on the spot.


Chen Dazhuang was obviously still not at ease. Fortunately, the school doctor was easy to fool than Da Zhuang. After a simple inspection, he said "There is no cure, he is about to die", and then threw him on the hospital bed, and issued a sick leave certificate very calmly.

Just casual.

Xiao Zhang was on sick leave, so he could avoid all the classes in the afternoon and adventures in the evening. He got three credits at a time because he helped others.

They all have bright futures.

Compared with Yang Buqi's side, the atmosphere on Xu Tueran's side is a bit awkward.

the reason is simple. She originally wanted to go to the laboratory building with Zhu Tang and take care of each other; but because she turned herself in and made inroads, she and the deputy class directly took the two places of students on duty, leaving Zhu Tang with a confused look on her face.

Not only that, the math teacher also deducted two more credits from Xu Tueran on the spot—this time it was really deducted into negative points, and the death value in Xu Tueran's mind began to increase.

To her surprise, the math teacher just gave her a cold look, smiled gloatingly, turned and left.

No additional punishment was given to her.

Xu Tuoran couldn't help being surprised, and even though he was surprised, he tried his best to save himself—in the Chinese class in the afternoon, she secretly released four supernatural objects again, which caused the monitor to fight with other students again. By pulling the frame, he scored another three points.

Anyway, it was earned back.

As for the questions about the math teacher, she barely got the answer until late in her self-study.

"It's not that she doesn't want to punish you. It's just that you have already been sent to the laboratory building. Even if you want to be punished, you have to wait until you go back alive."

That night, in front of the laboratory building. The deputy squad leader with a high ponytail tidied up his schoolbag while calmly answering Xu Tuoran's questions. The latter took a deep look at her, and finally asked the question that he had cared about for a long time: "Who the **** are you?"

The deputy class threw the bag on his back, and flashed a business card with a torch pattern on his backhand: "Ai Ye, Dahuaihua was originally stationed with abilities, life torch level. Are you old man Jiang's? Are your two companions too? "

"Ah? No, I'm from the Charity Institute. Xu Tuoran." Xu Tuoran frowned, "Why do you think I'm from Old Man Jiang's side?"

She didn't question why the deputy class knew that she had two companions who entered the school together, and their names were so unique, it was strange that they couldn't tell.

"Because the silver paper you used is his family's patent...Sorry, I made a mistake." Hearing Xu Tuoran's words, Ai Ye's attitude eased obviously, "Let's go in and talk about the rest. Finish it early and go back early, This place gets less safe the later it gets."

She said, but didn't go in, but took out her mobile phone and took a picture of Xu Tuoran.

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

"Leave a comparison picture first, so that you don't know each other when you get it." The deputy class took the initiative to explain, "Have you brought your mobile phone? Take a picture for me too. The frontal photo is clear, and remember to include the eyes, nose and mouth—in case We separated in the building, and when we meet again, we must remember to take out the photos and meet the couple first."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She complied in a daze, still a little strange in her heart: "It means, will I not recognize you because of certain things?"

"Everything is possible in this building." The deputy class said in a tone that was not surprising, "After entering, I wouldn't be surprised if you called my name in front of a lump of rotten meat."

She put away her mobile phone and stepped into the laboratory building first. Xu Tuoran followed silently, and as soon as he entered the door, the crisis prediction and death value prompts sounded in his mind at the same time, making people's brains buzzing.

With her determination to enter, the sirens of the crisis prediction gradually subsided. Xu Tuoran took the opportunity to turn over the death value, and only added fifty.

It seems...not very high?

Xu Tuoran was even more confused, and tentatively asked, "Is this the territory of 'it'?"

"Probably." The deputy squad leader carefully looked around, and beckoned Xu Tuoran to go to the bathroom—they were here on duty after all, and all the cleaning tools were in the toilet cubicle.

"This place has already been captured by it before the accident." The deputy class walked and said, "We tried our best to prevent students from approaching, but people were still tempted by it to come here from time to time. Now it has the upper hand, and it is even more unscrupulous. I send people here every day—"

"I'm sorry, please wait a moment." Xu Tuoran only felt his head buzzing, "What's the 'accident' you mean..."

"The accident two months ago." The deputy class glanced at Xu Tuoran, and the emotions in his eyes finally fluctuated, "You don't know? Aren't you a reinforcement sent by the Tzu Chi Institute?"

"...No, I'm just here to find someone." Xu Tuoran frowned slightly, only to feel that some questions that had been hovering in his mind for a long time finally had a faint answer—why did they not get any response from any capable person when they came in, why did the teacher and the school worker All monsters...

"Do you know Audrey?" She whispered, "She went out from here."

"Xiaoli?" The deputy class paused, and his face became a little loose. "She really left? Is she okay? I think she was not in a good condition at the time..."

"It's not very good. She has awakened and become a capable person. She is being treated at the Charity Hospital." Xu Tuoran said, "She told me about the situation here, but it is very different from the actual situation..."

"Normal. She was the last batch we sent out before the accident." The assistant squad didn't change his face, pushed open the last cubicle of the toilet familiarly, took out a mop and bucket from it, and handed it to Xu Tuoran, "She When she left, the accident had just happened. After she left, everything changed."

"Change?" Xu Tuoran's heart skipped a beat.

"It turned against the wind, the companion creature took over, Zhixue Building was completely occupied, and the remaining capable users were all downgraded to students..." The assistant class sighed, and looked up at Xu Turan, "How many of you came in this time? I'll observe Come on, it seems to be just the three of you?"

"...Strictly speaking, it should be five." Xu Tuoran pursed his lips slightly. She had confirmed with Zhu Tang that they saw Yang Buqi's car when they came in, and there was no one in the reception room, so Qu Mian should have been picked up by Yang Buqi.

"There is no trace of them in Sixue Building, so it could only be because they were bewitched and enrolled in the school opposite." The deputy class thought thoughtfully, noticing Xu Turan's frown tightened, and took the initiative to comfort him, "Don't worry, As long as you apply for admission, you can always stay here for a while."

"Then what about leaving?" Xu Tuoran asked.

The deputy class was silent for a while, and sighed after a while.

"We are still thinking about this matter. If it goes well tonight, I will arrange for you to meet with other members when we go back... There are too many explanations, so let's focus on the moment."

As she spoke, she reached out to the wall of the compartment again. His brows furrowed immediately.

Xu Tuoran observed her expression and keenly sensed that something was wrong: "What's wrong?"

"...the piece of rag that was just hanging over here is gone." The deputy class went in and looked around again with a delicate expression, "There is also a mop missing."

Xu Tuoran: "?"

"... Forget it, it's not a strange thing in this place." The assistant class snorted, "Be careful, the abnormality may have already started."

After finishing speaking, he closed the compartment door, turned around and walked out.

Compared with the teaching building, the overall decoration of the laboratory building is more exquisite, and the walls are covered with white tiles. In addition, it is located behind the Sixue building, and the sunlight is almost covered by the teaching building, making it even colder. Once you step in, you can feel the slightest coolness.

The laboratory building includes chemistry, physics and biology laboratories, as well as art classrooms, computer rooms and multimedia classrooms. There are also many rooms with locked doors and no signs, so I don't know what they are used for.

Occasionally, the teacher will organize audio-visual classes in the computer room. Otherwise, the laboratory building is basically unoccupied and will not be open.

However, many people said that when they were cleaning, they found traces of human activity in the empty art classroom, or that the computer in the computer room was not turned off, and the case was hot—this was what Xu Furan heard from Fang Xing. , but whether it's true or not, Fang Xing himself can't tell.

As a good student who worked hard to earn credits, Fang Xing was never sent to clean up. At most, they come to class together. The piece of white phosphorus in her hand was taken by herself from the chemistry laboratory on the second floor while everyone was in the multimedia classroom. She said the front door over there was broken and wouldn't close and no one bothered to—

It happened that Xu Tuoran and the others were going to clean the corridor on the second floor today. When she passed by rubbing the tiles, she deliberately went over to study it.

The front door of the laboratory was indeed open, and there was a huge black scratch on the lock, deeply embedded in the door panel. The door lock is completely broken, no wonder it won't close.

As for the back door, it was locked. Xu Tueran tried a few times, but found that he couldn't open it, so he gave up.

The scratches are heavily charred and smoky. Xu Tuoran asked the deputy class about this matter. The deputy class stared at it for a while, then just shook his head: "I don't know. Maybe it left behind when it invaded here. I can't remember."

"Don't remember?" Xu Tuoran raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Ever since I became a student, my memory has gradually deteriorated." The deputy class bluntly said, "It should be a side effect of being constantly named...Speaking of it, you are very witty. You have taken so many strange names."

As she spoke, she glanced at Xu Tuoran's badge. Xu Tueran smiled embarrassedly, and pointed to her brand: "I wanted to ask before. Why did you choose this name for yourself?"

The assistant class calls itself "Ai Ye", and the name on the business card is also that. However, on the badge, it says "Alice".

"This? It's a misjudgment." The deputy class was rubbing the rag in the bucket without looking up, "'it' doesn't understand English. So for a while, we would suggest that the children who come in give themselves the entire transliterated name to avoid being caught. Roll call. Later, I became a student myself, and I continued this method as a matter of course.”

It was useful at first, because for "it" and "it" companions, this seemingly meaningless name is indeed very difficult to understand.

And for things that they cannot understand, creatures tend to instinctively reject them. The same goes for "it".

However, after the accident, "it" has grown at an astonishing rate, and it is no longer difficult to pronounce such incomprehensible names.

"If you use a pseudonym, there will be relatively less negative impact when you are named. But after all, you can't avoid it...and a name that has been used for a long time and is bound to a person, even a pseudonym, will become a real name." The tone of the deputy class Some helpless.

That's why she felt that Xu Tuoran and the others could get the names of the three of them. Regardless of Xu Tuoran's words, the other two girls are more awkward than the other, which is indeed an effective way to protect themselves.

As for Xu Tuoran... From the deputy squad's point of view, he can only be regarded as a dangerous soldier. Thanks to this domain, the companions who can be assigned to be teachers and janitors are very powerful, have emotions and personalities, otherwise her name may not be able to avoid the roll call.

...Of course, Xu Tuoran didn't think about it in the first place.

"I remembered when you said that." Xu Tuoran stopped wiping the tiles, and turned his head, "Those janitors and teachers don't seem to be of equal strength? The monitor is much weaker..."

"The janitors and teachers all start at the low level. The dormitory management is the weakest, and it should only be at the bottom level. I don't know about the others... But I can be sure that the average strength of the janitors is weaker than that of the teachers. Among the teachers, the one who can be the head teacher The strongest." The assistant class explained, "However, the strength ranking among the teachers is not fixed... Sometimes they will hunt other monsters in the domain, and even other accompanying creatures. The more they devour, the stronger they are."

For example, in the Sixue building, there were originally art teachers and information teachers, but after the accident, the companions also served as teachers. I don't know when, these two teachers disappeared one after another, and the two courses also disappeared.

As for the squad leader, as Xu Tuoran sensed, he wasn't even counted as a companion creature. It's just an energy body created by "it" from the remains of believers, and it's just a puppet that doesn't even have self-will.

"Those students were 'created' to grab the position of the class committee." The assistant class said bluntly, "Don't think there are many 'students' in our class...they are all flowing between the two classes. Sometimes it seemed that the competition was not enough for us, so they all ran to the first class to occupy the positions of cadres, which was very thief."

Here in the Si Xue Building, there are only four ability users left. And a class has five positions: squad leader, deputy class, health committee member, study committee member, and moral education committee member, and they cannot serve concurrently with each other. The four capable users took over all positions in Class Two except the squad leader at one go this time, while in Class One, all five positions were occupied by monsters, and they were beyond their reach.

In addition, there is a key cadre position, that is, the dormitory floor leader. There were six places in total, and they only won two. Fang Xing snatched one as an ordinary person. The remaining three also belonged to the monster camp.

The class committee can add credits to students within the scope of responsibility, or help avoid danger. The head of the dormitory floor is responsible for checking the dormitory, and can also help with cover. Once these positions are lost, it will pose a great threat to both ability users and ordinary students.

"In other words, the main focus of your time here is to compete with these monsters for posts?"

Xu Tuoran smacked at the words of the deputy class. For some reason, he always felt something was wrong: "Then these energy bodies used to be the class committee can be continuously produced?"

"In theory, yes." The deputy class nodded.

Xu Tuoran: "I mean, if one is gone, can another be made immediately to make up for it?"

"This... shouldn't work?" The deputy class paused for a moment. Before the accident, she was in charge of the teacher's position, and she had also dealt with this kind of monster students who sneaked in. Generally speaking, if a mob died, it would take at least a week for a new substitute to come in.

"That's it." Xu Tuoran flicked the rag, "What is the competition? Competition, take a sack one by one the night before the election, kill it and sink it in the water..."


Subclass: "..."

"I... understand what you mean." She was silent for a moment, and said with difficulty, "What you want to say should be to 'dealt' them all..."

Although I don't know why, this speech sounds a bit strange, but the deputy class thinks that he must have understood correctly.

"The problem is, we are all students now. Students can't kill each other." The deputy class said seriously, "It's okay to make trouble secretly, but it's not okay to do it directly."

"Ah?" Xu Tuoran was taken aback, "Really? I remember that there is no such thing in the school rules."

"This is not a school rule, it's a 'law' created by the original order-capable person." The deputy class didn't know what to think of, a trace of nostalgia appeared in his eyes, and then he became firm again, "This is the most basic and fundamental rule in this domain One. Just like apples are bound to fall, in this school students just can't kill students."

Struggle to death just like the squad leader and the others, fighting each other. But serious injuries will be automatically nullified—the domain owner of this domain is actually war-chaotic. Before the ability users intervene, they often stir up trouble in the school and incite students to hurt each other. Therefore, from the very beginning, that order ability user set this rule to death.

But at that time, she probably didn't expect that there would be a terrible situation where all the ability users would become students.

Although this rule is essentially beneficial to them, from a certain point of view, it is indeed tied.

When the assistant class said this, he couldn't help showing a little tiredness in his brows and eyes, but he suppressed it quickly. Xu Tuoran next to him thought for a while, but raised his eyebrows slightly, and beckoned to the deputy class mysteriously.

"Vice squad leader, come." She took out a tissue and wiped her hands, then took off her backpack, "I'll show you something nice."

Subclass: "...?"

She looked left and right, and leaned over puzzledly: "What?"

Xu Tuoran beckoned her to squat down in the corridor, unzipped her backpack, and pushed aside a bunch of silver colored paper.

"I bought this teddy bear from old man Jiang. It's a good product." Xu Tuoran lowered his voice, "Light-level, it can be used. Have you seen this knife? Below the light-level, anyone who sees whoever cuts will have a broken stomach. You can even sew it up yourself. You just have to promise that you can sneak it into the squad leader’s bedroom at night, and tomorrow you will be the only kid in the whole building who can be the squad leader..."

Vice monitor: "..."

Although, why do you have to sound like a villain making trouble? If I remember correctly, we are the party of justice, right? And why do you seem to be very skilled?

But this way... it seems that it is not impossible?

The deputy class carefully took out the teddy bear, studied it carefully, and was about to say something when suddenly there was a "bang"—

The two turned their heads in astonishment, but saw that the corridor was empty and there was nothing.

No, wait...not right.

Xu Tuoran stood up suddenly: "It's the chemistry laboratory!"

When she passed by the chemical laboratory before, she went in and took a look. He didn't close the door when he came out.

However, at this moment, the door was clearly closed.

Xu Turan and the deputy class looked at each other, and immediately wrapped the teddy bear up again. The deputy class took the first step and rushed to the door of the chemistry laboratory. He only took a look inside and immediately pursed his lips.

"Xu Tuoran." She waved to the people next to her, "You... the laboratory you saw just now, is it like this?"

Xu Tuoran stood on tiptoe, looked in through the small window on the door, and frowned slightly.

I saw the interior of the chemical laboratory, as if a murder had just happened at this time, with dazzling red everywhere. The tables and shelves were covered with paste, and even the test tubes and beakers placed outside were stained with blood.

There were large scorched black drag marks on the floor, which looked like some kind of mollusk crawling across it.

Xu Tuoran pursed his lips, pushed **** the door in front of him, and frowned even tighter: "This door can't be opened?"

The lock on this door is obviously broken, why can't it be opened?

The assistant class at the side gave her a surprised look: "You still want to open it? Leave it alone, and follow me..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard another "bang". A **** handprint was suddenly slapped on the small window in front of the two of them.

The deputy class looked even more serious, dragged Xu Tuoran and ran outside. Xu Turan didn't know why, but he always felt a little weird in his heart. He was dragged by the deputy class for a few steps in a daze, turned his head suddenly, and widened his eyes slightly.

I saw in the corridor behind him, at some point, two extra figures appeared—two scorched black figures.

The two figures looked tall, wearing white shirts and plaid skirts, but their bodies were black, as if they had been roasted by charcoal. Beside them, there is an open door, which is the back door of the chemical laboratory that Xu Tuoran could not open before.

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Her eyes turned slightly, and she suddenly broke away from the deputy class's hand: "Sorry, I still have something to do."

After finishing speaking, regardless of the deputy class's obstruction, she turned around and rushed towards the two scorched black figures - before she got close, she turned her fingers quietly. The wet marks on the dragged ground were still wet, and a thin layer of frost immediately appeared, spreading towards the two black shadows at an astonishing speed.

The two figures did not move at all, they still stood there quietly. Xu Tueran felt even more strange, and happened to have used a bucket before passing by, and reached into it. After several upgrades, her manipulation of "No. 7 Ice" has reached the point where she can control the shape. But in a blink of an eye, a sharp ice pick was taken out of the bucket, and it pierced the black shadow!

The deputy class watched from a distance, and opened his mouth slightly. However, seeing that the ice pick was about to be pierced, Xu Tuoran seemed to be controlled by something, and his movements froze for two seconds. Immediately afterwards, she suddenly withdrew her hand, raised her foot instead, kicked one of the shadows forcefully, picked up the bucket and mop, turned around and rushed back quickly.

The deputy class grabbed her and quickly scanned her body to confirm that she was not injured. Fang dragged her to a trot along the corridor, and stopped after going up the stairs.

"What were you doing just now?" The deputy class couldn't help but said, "Stop talking, why don't you go?"

"I was thinking of bringing back the bucket and mop first." Xu Tuoran raised his hand, "By the way, try the depth of those two things..."

Deputy class: "...What's the result of the test?"

"Weird." Xu Tuoran said truthfully, put down the bucket, touched his tail ring, "Whether you say strong or not, weak or not..."

The point is, no matter whether she approached or provoked, the death value did not increase.

Xu Tuoran looked at the deputy squad leader ponderingly: "Have you encountered them before?"

"Only a few times. Those things can't be killed, and they can't be beaten. Don't waste time with them." The deputy class took out his mobile phone to check the time, thought for a while, and then found Xu Tuoran's photo, facing her face looks.

Xu Tuoran: "...?"

After confirming, the deputy class put away the mobile phone. Seeing Xu Tuoran's face of "???", he took the initiative to explain: "You kicked someone a little strangely just now. So I want to verify it."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

"That's my habit." She said sullenly, her tone a little helpless.

Although "Unfortunate Rabbit Leg" has been upgraded, it has developed to the point where it can be activated by kicking people casually. But because the only action specified at the beginning was "front kick", Xu Tuoran got used to this action a little bit, as long as it was face-to-face, there would always be a front kick...

"Forget it, don't worry about it." Xu Tuoran rubbed his forehead, "Why do we have to go upstairs?"

"There is a safety zone upstairs. The anomaly has already started. If the situation gets worse, we have to take some measures." The deputy class said seriously, then turned around and walked up quickly.

at the same time.

"Hurry up, go upstairs." The health commissioner urged, walking up another staircase, took a few steps, and turned around, "Hey, are you okay?"

"...Well, it's okay." Yang Buqi covered his chin with one hand and said vaguely, a faint white light glowed from the palm of his hand.

The health commissioner looked at him inexplicably: "I just said to go. You must not move, you must wait for that rabbit to rush to you..."

"I just think something's wrong." Yang Buqi finished his self-healing, touched his intact chin, and exhaled, "Those two rabbit-headed men don't feel like ordinary monsters... Have you met them before? "

"No. I've only seen tauren before." The health commissioner said honestly, "but the essence should be the same."

Can't kill, can't fight back. Every time it appears, it will be accompanied by severe hallucinations.

Like this time too.

This time they were in charge of cleaning the chemical laboratory. Yang Buqi was determined to get it done quickly so that he could spare time to find his companions, so they came a little earlier, and when they entered the building, they heard some kind of babble and followed from the lobby to the corridor. The sanitation committee member went to the bathroom alone to get the cleaning tools. He just put the rag and mop into the bucket, but the time to turn around and talk was gone.

He had no choice but to take another rag and mop upstairs, and took Yang Buqi to the chemical laboratory. Not long after I entered, I saw the front door of the chemical laboratory swaying as if blown by the wind, and a few **** fingerprints appeared inexplicably next to the broken door lock.

"Don't panic, don't panic. Routine abnormality, routine abnormality." He told Yang Buqi with experience, Yang Buqi was also very good, as long as he couldn't see it, he lowered his head and wiped the laboratory table carefully. After dragging it, even the shelves and the test tubes and beakers placed outside were carefully wiped.

Because they don't have a bucket, they can only use the faucet that comes with the laboratory to wash the rags. However, while washing and washing, the water in the faucet suddenly turned red. He could only turn off the water silently, ready to go outside to find a bathroom to wash.

As a result, as soon as I went out, I saw that the originally clean floor and tiles outside were covered with large patches of dazzling red. There was a round head in the corridor, and the long black hair was spread on the ground; A lump of meat with unknown meaning, with a bloodstain spreading below it.

"..." Rao was a well-informed health committee member, so he couldn't help falling silent when he saw this situation. He thought about it, and walked out as if nothing had happened, and within two steps, he was suddenly dragged back by Yang Buqi.

"There's something outside!" He frowned, slammed the door shut, and blocked it with his back, "It smells like an abomination!"

The health commissioner was slightly taken aback. He is not very sensitive in terms of induction, but soon he realized that what Yang Buqi said was right—there was indeed an abomination in the corridor.

But there is not a strong sense of oppression...should there be only light levels? And for some reason, the breath is fleeting...

"Should it be all right?" He thought silently, looked up, and stopped for a moment.

I saw two heads outside the small window of the front door of the laboratory. I don't know when.

Two rabbit heads were squeezing outside the small window, looking in coldly.

Red eyes, looked at them as if they were looking at two dead objects.

...For a moment, the health committee member felt a sense of panic as if he was being visited by a predator.

He closed his eyes and tried his best to adjust his emotions. On the other side, Yang Buqi had already cut his finger, turned around and pressed against the door.

"Hello!" The health commissioner hurriedly said, "What are you doing?"

"Defense." Yang Buqi said without turning his head, and raised his hand to draw a rune on the door. Only halfway through the painting, the two rabbit heads at the door suddenly disappeared—as if what they saw was just a hallucination.

...Yang Buqi exchanged a glance with the health committee member, and silently healed the wound on his hand. The health commissioner rolled his throat and pointed to the back door: "The front door is not safe. Let's go through the back door."

The back door of the chemistry lab can be opened from the inside. They opened the door and went out, only to see that the corridor was still full of blood thorns, and the head and pieces of meat were quietly placed on the ground, watching them silently.

"... Generally speaking, it's best to pretend that you can't see anything at this time. Put the tools back after cleaning quickly, and it's over." The health commissioner controlled his gaze and whispered to Yang Buqi, "But If the abnormality is serious to a certain extent, you have to go to the third floor to take shelter temporarily..."

Yang Buqi raised his eyebrows slightly: "What do you mean, serious enough?"

"It's seeing hallucinations become dynamic. Or those things attacking you—!"

Before the health commissioner finished speaking, his eyes suddenly widened in surprise. Yang Buqi followed and swept to the ground, his expression also changed - he saw that the bloodstains on the ground suddenly twisted like a living thing, and countless tiny arms stretched out from it, grabbing at their calves!

Not only that—the rabbit-headed man he saw before reappeared out of thin air, and Yang Buqi watched helplessly as it stretched out its hand to dig into the piece of meat, pulled out a mass of viscera-like things, and hammered it down towards him.

...what is it trying to do?

Want to suffocate yourself with this glob?

Yang Buqi fell into confusion, and then, something even more confusing happened - just as the lump of flesh and blood was about to touch his neck, the rabbit-headed man suddenly became motionless as if he had sensed something.

In the next second, it suddenly withdrew its hand, raised its foot instead, and kicked Yang Buqi's chin firmly and steadily.

Yang Buqi: "...!"

He groaned, covering his chin with his hand. Look at the rabbit-headed man again, he has already picked up the pieces of meat and human heads on the ground, and bounced away.

The figure blinked and disappeared into the corridor.

Yang Buqi: …

He stared blankly at the direction in which the rabbit-headed man disappeared, feeling vaguely that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell. Before he could think clearly, he was grabbed by the arm by the health commissioner and dragged up the stairwell beside him.

Gotta go upstairs—the health commissioner emphasized again. It has developed to this point, and the anomaly will only become more and more serious. Fortunately, there is a safe area on the third floor...

"Going forward, the two of us cannot be separated under any circumstances. If we are separated, we must remember to confirm our identity when we meet again. Have you taken a photo of me? You must take it out and check it when the time comes. Don't rely on the badge. They may take this Stuff hides..."

The health commissioner led Yang Buqi to open the door into an office on the third floor familiarly, picked up the thermos cup on the table and began to twist the lid. Finding that Yang Buqi still had a pensive expression on his face, he couldn't help but said, "Are you still thinking about that rabbit?"

"...Well." Yang Buqi touched his chin and nodded with a complicated expression, "I always think its kicking movements are a bit weird..."

Generally speaking, if you want to attack someone with your legs, kicking is definitely the most convenient action. However, that rabbit-headed man kicked up straight from the bottom up...

Judging from the distance and position of the two at the time, this attack method was really awkward. However, amidst the awkwardness, it made him feel somewhat familiar.

"They're all bunny-headed people, so it's nothing unusual to move strangely." The health commissioner said without raising his head, "Hey, open the cabinet over there. Empty the contents inside."

"It was originally empty." Yang Buqi opened it and took a look. He turned around and found that the health committee member was cutting his hand. He couldn't help being startled, "Hey, you—"

"Normal operation." The health commissioner pursed his lips, "You will know when you remove the wall calendar behind you."

Yang Buqi turned his head in perplexity, and moved the calendar away according to the words, only to find that under the calendar was a piece of ruled paper—

It's just that the regular paper seems to be very old, the paper is yellow, and the edges are curled up. The red writing on it was already very dim.

【...Floor Emergency Self-Help Guide 2.0】

[Please note that this guide will only be updated and take effect when abnormal conditions occur in this building. If you have experienced severe hallucinations when reading this guide, please follow the instructions strictly. 】

[1. Please tell yourself. Everything you just saw is fake and does not exist. Be sure to tell yourself this over and over again, and believe what you say. 】

[2. Enter any office on the third floor and lock the doors and windows. Please note, please check the thermos cup on the table when you enter, if there is heat in it, leave immediately and find another office to hide. 】

[3. If there is a knock on the door, ignore it, ignore it, ignore it. 】

[4. For the same reason, ignore any noise coming from outside the window. like