MTL - What’s Wrong With Seeking Death?-Chapter 54 【Catch insects】

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Perhaps because of the lighting problem, the thing lying upstairs on the opposite floor is actually a little bit different from what Xu Tueran saw last night. But she was sure that these two were the same thing.

Not only Xu Tuoran, Zhu Tang and Lin Ge obviously noticed the thing opposite. The two just glanced at each other, and immediately looked away with experience. Lin Ge was fine, but Zhu Tang turned pale on the spot, and his breathing became short of breath.

Lin Ge patted her immediately, Zhu Tang shook his head, pinched himself hard, and said in a low voice, "I'm affected, I'll take some medicine when I have a chance... This domain owner seems to have the same tendency as me."

She also has chaotic tendencies, and is more susceptible to the domain master's influence than others. Fortunately, I always have some medicines from the charity institute on my body, which can help stabilize my mental state.

Xu Tuoran actually felt a little uncomfortable. But maybe it was too deeply affected by the previous fight against Haunted House No. 71, and with resistance, the reaction now is not so great.

She looked away, led Zhu Tang to the side, and glanced at the surrounding crowd - it seemed that most people didn't notice any problems on the other side, only a small number of people deliberately lowered their heads and quickened their pace, as if they were walking Dodging something.

With limited time, Xu Tuoran couldn't remember their faces and badges one by one. She sighed secretly, and looked at Fang Xing again. The latter looked over curiously: "You guys, do you also see something on the opposite side?"

Xu Tuoran was startled: "You saw it too?"

This calm expression doesn't look like it.

Sure enough, Fang Xing shook his head: "No. But my former roommate always told me that there is something in the upstairs opposite. Some classmates also said the same in private. They sometimes pointed it out to me, but I never saw it. Pass."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

In a sense, this is also a strange kind of toughness.

But in this kind of place, it's a good thing to not see it. Xu Tuoran didn't want to arouse her concern or panic, he just waved his hand lightly and said "It's okay, don't worry about it", then he and Lin Ge supported Zhu Tang and walked to the cafeteria.

And just a dozen steps behind her, another group of students just rushed to the bridge.

Where Xu Tueran couldn't see, a girl with a high ponytail raised her head, her eyes fell on the building across the bridge, her brows immediately furrowed.


This is a long building, spanning two campuses, with two floors. Xu Turan and the others couldn't go up to the second floor, they could only enter the ground floor area. On the other side, they used a staircase to lead directly to the second floor, and there was no entrance to the first floor.

Below the cafeteria, a row of fences stood abruptly, dividing the open space in front of the cafeteria into two. It was obvious that they did not want the students on both sides to use the opposite entrance.

"At a time like this, don't people from Zhixue Building come to eat?" Xu Tuoran frowned and looked at the other side of the fence. It was empty there, in stark contrast to the surging crowd around her.

Fang Xing shook his head slightly: "I don't know. I have never seen them come to eat. But sometimes, I can hear voices from the second floor of the cafeteria. It must be because the time has shifted."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Reluctantly leaning towards the fence, she reached out to dig it out, but found nothing. Instead, the security guard who was patrolling saw it and pointed it out on the spot: "Hey, what are you doing? I didn't see it and told you not to come close—"

"I'm sorry, I didn't see it." Xu Tuoran lazily responded, and walked back to the other girls, his eyes revealing thought.

Although she was scolded for her behavior just now, she didn't add death points.

Explain that this behavior is not harmful to her...well, try again next time.

Xu Tuoran made up his mind and followed Fang Xing into the cafeteria. There are only two windows in the cafeteria, and there is a queue that is neither long nor short; on the other side there is an independent area, which seems to be an additional food supply area, but there are many girls around it.

A girl who had just finished her meal passed by them. Xu Tuoran glanced at the things in her hand, a compressed biscuit and a bottle of mineral water.

...No, where is the promised women's noble academy?

"Each person can receive one free meal a day, and that's all they get." Fang Xing explained to the other three in a low voice, "In addition, you can also buy meals at that place over there. But you need to exchange them with credits."

"Credit?" Zhu Tang frowned, "What is that? Is this in the school rules?"

"Yes, but it's at the end. You have to read to the end." Fang Xing said, "Credits can be accumulated. If you perform well, the teacher will give you extra points. If you don't perform well, the teacher will deduct points. If you have high credits, it will be very difficult to participate in the class committee election." There is an advantage, and it can be spent directly like that."

As she spoke, she looked at the independent food supply area again. Xu Tuoran looked over and saw a glass pantry in the supply area, which contained a lot of food such as potato chips, bread, fried chicken, and colorful candy jars.

I have to say that it looks more attractive than simple compressed biscuits and mineral water.

Fang Xing was obviously also distracted by the attraction, his throat rolled a few times, and finally he lowered his head submissively, leading the other three to line up at the ordinary window.

Xu Tuoran and the others are just entering school and have no credits yet. As for herself, she still wanted to save credits to run for the class committee, and none of the four of them had the conditions to spend extravagantly.

"And to be honest, I don't get hungry very easily here." Fang Xing thought for a while, and then added to the others, "It's just that sometimes I get hungry. It's very, very hungry."

"Even if you're not greedy, the sales of those things won't be low." Xu Tuoran looked at the food special area and lowered his voice, "Eating fried chicken can be regarded as a kind of decompression in such a ghost place."

I just don't know what the meaning of this kind of thing is...

Because there were not many people in line, they got their food quickly. Xu Tuoran looked at the dry compressed biscuit in his hand, thought for a while, and took a tentative bite after unpacking it.

The taste is naturally not good. Xu Furan chewed it a few times and came to a conclusion: "It's just ordinary food."

Eating it will not increase the death value.

"Wait a minute, that's not right." Zhu Tang studied the packaging on the compressed biscuits, and suddenly frowned, "This is food produced by the Charity Institute."

She raised her head with a delicate expression: "How can there be these things in this place?"

"You mean these biscuits? We actually stocked them up before."

At the same time, on the second floor of the cafeteria, Chen Dazhuang was sitting on a chair, casually answering Yang Buqi's question: "This box has existed for a long time. Although the metabolism of the human body will be relatively slow in the domain, but after a long time , I will still be hungry. So we used to use people outside to help stock up some food."

It just so happened that the Charity Institute and the Renxin Institute would come to observe regularly and helped bring in a lot of things. They were originally used as life-saving supplies, but when the weather changed two months ago, the domain owner directly took over all of them and distributed them to the students as a food control group.

"The food over there, have you seen it? They are all used to lure students." Chen Dazhuang motioned Yang Buqi to look at the special food supply area next to him, "Ordinary people will be affected subtly if they eat it. The credits in the hands of ordinary students can kill two birds with one stone."

For students, credits are also life-saving things. If it is negative, it will be directly regarded as a serious violation of school rules—and in this domain, serious violations of school rules can be reasonably punished by teachers.

"In the past, most of the teachers in this domain were capable people. The so-called 'punishment' just goes through the process. Sometimes it can be used to deal with the spies sent by 'it'. But it's different now..." Chen Dazhuang said heavily With a tut, he looked worriedly at the food supply area.

"Then you can't stop other people from buying?" Yang Buqi frowned slightly.

"I tried it, but it's useless. It's easy to be caught by the teacher and deduct credits." Chen Dazhuang sighed.

The only good news is that the compressed biscuits distributed by the domain owner are specially produced by the Charity Institute, which can increase a certain resistance to chaotic tendencies—although not much, but better than nothing.

Yang Buqi was startled when he heard the words, and a little absurd in his heart: "Then it still holds it and sends it around?"

"It's probably afraid that the real students will starve to death." Chen Dazhuang shrugged and raised the compressed biscuit in his hand, only to see dense English words printed on it.

"Most importantly, it can't read. Hey, illiterate dog."

Chen Dazhuang said something sarcastically, and put the compressed biscuit into his pocket cherishingly. Yang Buqi's heart moved slightly: "You just said, 'real students'..."

"This matter is a bit complicated, so I will explain it to you later. There will be a teacher coming here later, so let's go to the classroom first." Chen Dazhuang said, and took a picture of Qu Mian and Xiao Zhang who were still struggling to eat biscuits, "Let's go. "

The two naives hurriedly responded and stood up in a hurry. Yang Buqi glanced at them with complicated emotions, and kindly taught them how to keep the unfinished biscuits. After the instruction, he got up, tugged at the hem of his skirt uncomfortably, and followed Chen Dazhuang to go downstairs.

There is a sink downstairs, about a few steps away from the fence. Yang Buqi went over and rubbed his hands habitually, then raised his head inadvertently, his eyes fell on the empty field on the other side of the fence, and his eyes suddenly paused.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Chen Dazhuang was very alert, "What did you see?"

"...It's nothing." Yang Buqi paused, then shook his head, "Just now, I had a faint feeling...but I can't tell."

He took a deep look at the opposite side and thought for a while, but he couldn't grasp the mysterious and fleeting feeling just now, so he had to leave with Chen Dazhuang.

At the same time, on the other side of the fence—

"Xu Tuoran?" Zhu Tang took a few steps forward, and when he turned around and saw Xu Tuoran still standing downstairs in the cafeteria, he couldn't help but feel a little strange, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

"...I don't know." Xu Turan was silent for a few seconds, then shook his head, "I felt something just now..."

She wanted to get closer to feel it carefully, but the nearby security guards had already glared at him aggressively. Xu Tuoran had no choice but to temporarily suppress his curiosity, turned around and walked to the classroom.

There are two classes in Sixue Building, one is on the second floor and the other is on the third floor. The rest of the classrooms are either used for other purposes or simply empty. The three newcomers were all assigned to Class Two, sharing the same classroom as Fang Xing. They had just entered the teaching building when a classmate wearing glasses greeted them.

"Hi, I'm the monitor of class two. New students please come with me. I'll take you to collect stationery."

She spoke dryly, named the names of the three, and led them forward without even looking at Fang Xing who was beside her. Fang Xing originally wanted to go to the classroom by himself, but suddenly remembered something, and quickly chased after him, tearing off Xu Tuoran's clothes.

"Take off the ring." She gestured to Xu Tuoran with her mouth, "Be careful of being investigated!"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She looked down at her hands, and only then remembered that she still wore the tail ring given by the system on her little finger—she had worn it for too long, and she was used to it like a part of her body. If Fang Xing hadn't reminded her, it wouldn't be easy for her to remember.

But in the school rules, is there a rule that students are not allowed to wear jewelry... Xu Furan's eyes turned slightly, thinking about it, he still took off the ring first and put it in his pocket.

The class leader who led the way was obviously one of the "abnormal" students, and the stiffness when walking was obvious. She took the three of them to an empty classroom, took some pens and notebooks and handed them over, and slowly read the names of the three when she handed them out. There is no death value prompt sound.

Xu Tuoran looked at her thoughtfully, and when he put the notebook into his schoolbag, he deliberately tore open a piece of silver paper in the bag.

In the next second, I saw the squad leader stepping out of the door with his left foot and his right foot, and fell down with a bang.

I see. It seems that this guy's level is lower than that of the dormitory supervisor. And it's much lower.

Xu Tuoran made a judgment in his heart, wrapped the silver paper as if nothing had happened, zipped it up, and gave the squad leader a hand when he went out.

The squad leader who fell to the ground looked dazed, and when he was picked up, he even said "thank you" coldly - he felt a little embarrassed for Xu Turan.

Entering the classroom is the time for early self-study. However, this school is very popular, and no one organizes early reading. There are only a few students who are reading something like a hymn in a serious manner, with sparse voices.

This reading does not appear to be mandatory. Most of the students turned a blind eye to it, some were resting on the table, some were scribbling and drawing in their notebooks, there was no one to communicate with, and even fewer studied seriously, only Fang Xing, who was a real senior in high school, took the time to brush up on the questions.

The three of Xu Turan were arranged in the corner of the classroom, next to Fang Xing's. The three of them were not idle after they sat down, either continuing to study the school rules, or continuing to observe the members of the class. I don't know how long it took, and finally ushered in the formal class.

According to Fang Xing, there are only four courses in this school. Mathematics, Chinese, physical education, music. Take turns every morning and afternoon. In addition, evening self-study will be arranged in the evening. During the self-study period, any teacher will come and watch. Except for the students on duty who have to go out to clean up or the class committee members who have other responsibilities, everyone else must be present.

The teachers of each subject have absolute authority in their own classes and cannot be provoked by other teachers. But for students, they can't do whatever they want. In addition to normal classroom interaction, the only thing the teacher can directly mobilize in class is the class committee.

In addition, teachers cannot force students to carry out instructions, cannot confiscate students' personal belongings, and cannot spend more than five minutes on things that have nothing to do with teaching.

— Like the dormitory regulations, this part of the rules only takes effect under the premise that "teachers cannot be trusted". Xu Tuoran paid special attention to this part, and even carefully copied it in his notebook.

After class, except for the math teacher who is the class teacher, the class teacher will no longer be able to issue any instructions to the class committee.

Strange to say, the teachers of the two classes in Sixue Building are both math teachers.

Xu Tuoran didn't quite understand it at first, but after the morning class ended, she gradually found the reason——

Perhaps it is because, among these teachers, the math teacher is the strongest.

A big example is the increased death value when they click on their names.

Xu Tuoran remembered very clearly that before the class, a total of three inhuman beings called the name "Dad". Among them, the squad leader's name does not increase the death value, the dormitory supervisor increases by 40 points, and the teacher of the administrative department who is in charge of reporting can increase by 50 points at a time.

And one morning, the four subjects of Chinese, PE, music, and mathematics took turns, and the death points obtained by being called were all higher than 50 points. Among them, the Chinese teacher can bring 70 points, and the physical education and music teachers can only bring 60 points.

The math teacher is the best, and he gives ninety points for every roll call, which is the best among all the others.

Not only that—when he was in class, Xu Tuoran would always secretly carry some supernatural objects with him. When class is in the classroom, it is hidden in the desk bucket. During physical education and music class, she puts it in her pocket—but because of the limited pocket capacity, all she can carry with her is a small vitamin pill bottle and a fox ornament that she always tends to.

Even so, physical education teachers and music teachers are more affected than others. The physical education teacher fell into a sluggish state during class, and the music teacher simply dozed off.

The Chinese teacher is a bald middle-aged man with obvious meridians protruding from his bald head, which is so big that it is full of contradictions.

Xu Tuoran released a total of four fire flashlights, chaos mirrors, vitamin bottles and fox ornaments in his class. When there are more things, the "confusing" effect will naturally intensify. The class monitor and the other two started fighting with each other in class. The scene was so lively that even Fang Xing, who was doing the papers secretly, raised his head in shock. .

The bald-headed Chinese teacher still maintained his composure, but the writing on the blackboard seemed messy, and his speech became a little confused... But generally speaking, there was nothing very out of his composure.

Although according to Fang Xing's evaluation, this teacher's writing on the blackboard was already very poor. The train of thought is not clear at all. If you put an ink-stained worm to crawl on it, you probably can write better than him.

Regarding this, Xu Tuoran can only express that, after all, they are all teaching in this ghost place, and the requirements should not be too high.

When it was the turn of math class, she still chose to release the four-piece suit at once in order to test the effect.

The squad leader who fought in the last class and the other two have been punished to go outside to reflect. The classroom is quiet, only the sound of chalk rubbing on the blackboard can be heard regularly.

Xu Tuoran stared nervously at the figure in front of the blackboard, but the female teacher with neat short hair didn't seem to feel anything, she just copied the questions on the blackboard expressionlessly.

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly I heard a "click", and the chalk broke. Looking at the questions on the blackboard, the math teacher suddenly tilted his head exaggeratedly.

"Did I write this question wrong?"

She spoke in a low voice, as if talking to herself, but her voice clearly spread throughout the classroom.

Fang Xing, who was stealthily writing his own topic, raised his head reflexively, and quickly scanned the topics on the blackboard, obviously startled.

As if noticing her expression, the math teacher looked over calmly: "Student Fang Xing. Did you see it? Can you tell me where I went wrong?"

Fang Xing: "..."

At the moment of being called, there was a pain like a needle **** in his temple. She stood up awkwardly, and said carefully: "Well, teacher, have made a wrong number from the second line onwards."


The math teacher turned his head and stared at the formula on the blackboard for a while, then nodded with a sudden realization: "So I was indeed wrong."

She glanced sideways at Fang Xing, and waved her to sit down: "I will give you a point for being brave enough to point out the teacher's mistakes."

Fang Xing closed his eyes in relief, and the next second, he heard the teacher say again: "But you are rude to the teacher. Three points will be deducted."

"..." Fang Xing raised his head in disbelief, his face covered in circles. The math teacher ignored her, turned around gracefully, and slowly scanned the classroom.

In the end, it fell on Xu Tuoran who was sitting in the corner.

Slightly squinting her eyes, she walked towards Xu Tuoran unhurriedly.

"Father and classmate." She read out the name on Xu Tuoran's badge without changing her expression, "Can you tell the teacher, what is in your desk bucket?"


She looked up at the teacher who was close at hand, and smiled implicitly: "Teacher, there are only some handmade papers."

"Stand up when answering the teacher's question." The math teacher said flatly, "If you are not polite, two points will be deducted."

Xu Tuoran: "..."

Fortunately, in the last class, she scored three points for helping to fight. Otherwise, it would be too outrageous to deduct negative marks on the first day of class.

She looked at the teacher in front of her, stood up obediently, and emphasized again: "Teacher, there are indeed only some handmade paper."

"Good boys don't lie." The math teacher raised his voice.

"You can see for yourself if you don't believe me." Xu Tuoran was confident.

The reminder of [Congratulations on getting 20 death points] sounded in my mind. In the next second, the teacher glared at him fiercely, and put his hand straight into Xu Tuoran's desk bucket—

After a while, she suddenly heard a heavy "hiss" and quickly withdrew her hand.

The fingertips were slightly red. She looked at Xu Tuoran angrily, and the latter looked back innocently: "Teacher, do you want to continue watching?"

math teacher:"…"

"Deputy squad leader!" She raised her voice slightly, "Come and see! What's in her desk!"

Unexpectedly, she would call for foreign aid, Xu Tuoran's face changed slightly. On the other side, a girl with a high ponytail has already responded and walked over quickly.

She bent down and looked into Xu Tuoran's desk. However, in the depths of the table, a row of silver colored paper was shining faintly.

...that's a little embarrassing.

Xu Tuoran remained calm, and began to think about how to be round in the future.

She just stuffed these colored papers in not long ago—she felt bad when she saw the math teacher looking at it, and immediately stuffed a pile of notebooks and a row of silver paper **** into the desk tray, so as to block the ghosts behind. object. After being checked by the math teacher in public, she deliberately activated the "confusing" active effect, which delayed her for 0.75 seconds to complete the arrangement.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would ask other people to check it... The reason why Xu Tuoran used silver paper to block it was because he guessed that the math teacher would not be willing to take the initiative to reach out for this thing. But this thing should not work for ordinary people.

It would be fine if she just took out the colored paper, as she had piled up a bunch of notebooks behind. I'm afraid that this teacher is being serious and asks her to take out all her desks...

Xu Tuoran looked at the girl next to him with a complicated expression. But after seeing her take a deep look inside, she stood up: "Teacher, there are indeed only some handmade paper **** inside."

The math teacher's tone was filled with a hint of irritability: "Then take out the ball of paper and look inside!"

The deputy squad leader looked at it as he said, and put the paper ball back in place before the math teacher could react.

"Report to the teacher, there is nothing behind the ball of paper."


Xu Turan looked at her in surprise. The deputy squad leader kept his eyes straight and said in the usual tone: "If you don't believe me, you can call other class committees to check."

math teacher:"…"

She glanced coldly at the deputy squad leader, paused for a few seconds, and suddenly calmed down: "Forget it, no need."

After finishing speaking, she pointed the assistant class back to her seat, walked back to the blackboard, and continued her lecture, without looking at Xu Tuoran again from the beginning to the end.

Only the voice of adding fifty to the death value reminded Xu Tuoran how upset she was at this moment.

Xu Tuoran felt at the time that the math teacher would probably cause her some more trouble.

But she didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

The first period in the afternoon is math class. As soon as the bell rang, the math teacher walked in hurriedly, followed by the squad leader who finally came back from the punishment.

Xu Turan didn't release any supernatural items in this class. Even so, there were at least four non-human beings in the class, and her "confusion" still had an effect-the monitor fell face down just as he entered the door.

The math teacher walked into the classroom and was about to lose his temper when he was disturbed by this fall. After a moment of silence, he pointed helplessly, pointing the squad leader to stand outside again, and Fang slapped the podium hard.

"Squad leader to report. Someone in the class is wearing jewelry. All students, sit still and don't move. The teacher will come and check one by one now."

"I emphasize again that in my class, no one is allowed to wear jewelry, and no one is allowed to have tattoos or make-up. If I find out, there will be a place for self-study to clean the laboratory building tonight."

She said she checked them one by one, but actually went straight to Xu Tuoran as soon as she came up. Xu Tuoran innocently spread his hands towards her, she only glanced at it briefly, and immediately looked at Xu Tuoran's pen case, desk bucket and pocket.

The inside of the desk bucket has already been cleaned up, and there is nothing suspicious in the pencil case and pockets. The math teacher refused to let her go, and went to look through her schoolbag again. As soon as she opened it, she was dazzled by the silver inside - all wrapped in silver paper.

The tingling sensation from the last time I touched the paper still lingered on my fingertips. The math teacher fell silent for a moment.

"Teacher, do you still want to touch it?" Xu Tuoran actively cooperated, and even took the initiative to push the schoolbag in front of the teacher, "Why don't you open it and take a look, come, take a look. Maybe there are jewelry hidden inside?"

math teacher:"…"

She glanced at Xu Tuoran angrily, put down her schoolbag forcefully, turned around and walked to the other people's seats.

Xu Tuoran was satisfied when he heard the reminder of the death value sounded again in his mind. However, when she saw the direction in which the math teacher was going, she paused again.

The math teacher is checking Lin Ge right now. And next to Lin Ge, sitting is Zhu Tang—there is no doubt that the three of them with the most distinctive names are all regarded as objects of care.

Although usually not named, but at this time, it will definitely be highlighted.

Lin Ge was fine. She didn't need them. The problem is Zhu Tang.

Xu Tuoran knew that there was a circle of dragon scales on Zhu Tang's wrist—she could freely control the dragon scales on her body, but she couldn't put away only the scales on this part.

So she usually wears long sleeves as much as possible. Even if you wear short sleeves, you will also wear a bracelet or wrist guard to cover it.

She's wearing wristbands now. But once it is taken off, the dragon scale will definitely be exposed. According to this math teacher's picky personality, he might be directly slandered as a tattoo...

Xu Tuoran's thoughts turned, and he immediately took out the silver square box containing the pen of the pen fairy from his bag, opened it, took out the tail ring inside, and put it on his hand—anyway, she wanted to go to the laboratory building to have a look, and she deliberately Hiding the ring, I just wanted to try to see if I could drag the time past five minutes.

If I can go with Zhu Tang, it would be good to have someone to take care of me...

"Teacher! I—" She raised her hand after putting on the ring, and almost at the same time, the other hand wearing an exaggerated bracelet was raised high.

"Report teacher, I surrender myself!" The deputy class with a high ponytail looked serious, "I'm wearing jewelry!"

Xu Tuoran: "..."

She glanced at the other party in surprise, the deputy class looked back blankly, and quickly looked away.

Xu Tuoran moved his eyes down and landed on the other party's breastplate. Recall the names above that you saw earlier.

If I remember correctly, it should be...Alice?

On the other side, Zhixue Building.

Their first session in the afternoon is Chinese class. Yang Buqi frantically wrote, and when the teacher turned around, he threw a ball of paper onto Chen Dazhuang's desk.

[Didn't you say that you would give me the spot to clean today? What's the situation now? Why did you appoint Xiao Zhang? ? 】

Chen Dazhuang secretly glanced at the teacher on the podium, and replied helplessly:

【I have no idea. The teacher's order has priority over the health committee. He has already appointed Xiao Zhang, and the health committee can't change the list. 】

So why did you appoint Xiao Zhang!

Yang Buqi stuck his head on the desk, he had nothing to love in his life.

Chen Dazhuang couldn't see it, and silently threw another ball of paper.

[This may be Xiao Zhang's life. 】

From morning to now, there are a total of four and a half classes, and something happens every time. Either he was unable to answer the questions, or he just fell asleep and was caught. In the afternoon, the Chinese class teacher took care of his appearance on a whim. He was caught on the spot because he had sideburns, so he was directly assigned to clean the laboratory building at night.

Generally, two people are sent on duty. The health commissioner is on their side, and there is still a place, and he must take it by himself. In this way, there is no part for Yang Buqi.

Yang Buqi: …

He was silent for a moment, pursed his lips and replied to Chen Dazhuang:

【Then what if he can't go tonight? 】

Chen Dazhuang: ...?

No, wait, why can't he go?

[It's useless to pretend to be sick! Don't even think about it! 】Chen Dazhuang replied immediately, 【The school doctor will check! 】

Yang Buqi: ...Understood.

In other words, it’s not enough to pretend.

Yang Buqi was silent again, took out the mineral water he had received at noon, unscrewed the cap, and dabbed on the mouth of the bottle. A little green fell into the water and quickly melted into it.

Then, while the teacher was not paying attention, he calmly put the mineral water on Xiao Zhang's table behind him.

Jinhua, drink water.