MTL - What is the Experience of Being Stronger Than Saitama?-Chapter 24

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"It's okay, not dead yet."

These words came out from under the white beard of the mechanical warrior, causing Yan Die beside him to look into his eyes curiously.

These eyes are emitting a faint blue light, and there is terrifying energy brewing.

041 Before moving


Two blue rays of light shot out from the eyes of the mechanical warrior. After a burst of shooting, the metal block was cut into small squares and scattered around, leaving only a small piece buried in the ground.

Mechanical Zhanxiong's exoskeleton was activated, and the remaining metal blocks were removed, revealing the two A-level heroes below.

It turned out that the Prodigal Swordsman opened the wall of sighs at the moment when the metal block fell. Although the entire metal block could not be confiscated directly, it saved the two heroes from becoming meat sauce. They were only pressed into the ground and suffered a little bit of damage. internal injury.

The dragon that had endured most of the impact had lost consciousness and returned to its human form.

The Prodigal Swordsman lowered his head a little ashamed when he saw Mechanical Zhanxiong, "I'm very sorry, I've embarrassed the company."

Mechanical Zhanxiong watched the two of them condescendingly for a few seconds, without speaking, he started the engine and left the scene.

Yan Die gently fell to the prodigal swordsman's side, "That... do you need help? (⊙﹏⊙)b."

The prodigal swordsman smiled bitterly, looked at the unconscious dragon and said, "I'm sorry to bother you."


It has been a week since the battle on Changqing Street.

Yang Xi chose to work peacefully this week.

In the Lugang Evening News, no one has come to post the search notice of "Looking for Cousin Li Qiye". Liu Yuan is really not quick enough to do things, but Yang Xi didn't expect him all.

In Lugang City, there are two clues about the blue pill, one is the Glacier Warrior, and the other is naturally the B-level hero of Superman.

Yang Xi never went to him before, also because Superman has been cooperating with the company to record a show called "Running Heroes".

It was also thanks to his record of defeating the One-Eyed Hunter last time that he was able to catch the last train of this popular outdoor variety show. As a flying guest, he has been participating in several episodes of the show.

Hot and sour fan Superman has a good ability to play stalks. He has attracted a lot of fans by this show. If there are a few more B-level records this year, he may be able to upgrade to A-level hero by the end of the year.

However, it still depends on the strength of his economic company. After all, the big men of the Hero Association are not easy to serve.

The Hero Association has excess resources and will naturally tilt to the heroes directly under its own family. Heroes like Superman who signed with a brokerage company outside did not have a lot of operations. If he wanted to upgrade to an A-level hero, he himself had to do a lot of bleeding. Prepare.

Yang Xi has paid attention to the tweets of Superman of Hot and Sour Fan, and he has also given him a lot of gifts, successfully infiltrating the fan group of Superman of Hot and Sour Fan.

The money for the gift is naturally funded by the activities of the adjudication organization.

In the group, Yang Xi learned that the Hot and Sour Fan Superman will hold a fan meeting three days later. The admission ticket costs 800 azure coins, and Yang Xi, who is not short of money, has decided to participate.

Now that Yang Xi's control puppet has reached the A level, the brainwashing hot and sour powder Superman should not be a problem.

It should be time to actually get clues about the blue pill.

In addition to this matter, Yang Xi has to be busy with another thing - changing houses.

In fact, it was very convenient to share a lease with Lin Naixue and the others, but in order not to cause them trouble, Yang Xi decided to move out.

"What!! Brother Yang, are you going to move out? What about Sister Naixue?"

Pan Yuanyuan looked at Yang Xi with astonished eyes, and almost didn't say he was a scumbag.

Yang Xi is also very helpless, he and Lin Naixue obviously have nothing, and now the little kid is full of thoughts.

"I'm a big man and you three women, oh sorry, it's really inconvenient for four women to share the rent. I used to have no money and no way. Now I...cough, I have a wave of promotion and salary increase, so I still decided to moved out."

Yang Xi nodded towards Ding Lan's mother and daughter. Only Lin Naixue remained in the room and did not come out. Since Yang Xi didn't eat the sausage fried rice she specially made that night, she never took the initiative to speak to Yang Xi again.

Ding Lan sighed, "Since you've made up your mind, I won't stop you. It's a kind of fate for everyone to live under one roof in a place as big as Lukang. If you need help from my sister in the future, just say it. , anyway, everyone has added a communicator, which is very convenient."

Yang Xi also touched the little girl's head a little sadly. It was in this hut that he grew from an almost ordinary person to the level where he can fight two A-level heroes without falling behind.

"I'll treat everyone to an expensive meal, as an apology to all the beauties!"

Ding Lan smiled and said, "We're all ok, but if you want to invite her, you can't do it without Nai Xue, you go and call her!"

Pan Yuanyuan was immediately amused and coaxed, "Yes, yes, I won't go without Sister Naixue. Brother Yang, can you take the initiative for a while, Sister Naixue is so good-looking and has such a great figure! What's not good enough for you!"

"This..." Yang Xi's face was a little hot.

He is a normal man, and it is false to say that he doesn't like Lin Naixue, but he really doesn't want to involve innocent people in danger.

However, thinking of Lin Naixue's unhappy appearance recently, he felt that he really should clarify things.

"Let's go, go back to the room and take a nap. Uncle Yang will invite you to dinner later, what would Bao'er want to eat?"

"Boer wants to eat ice cream!"

"No, children can't eat ice!"

Ding Lan gave Pan Yuanyuan a wink, and Yang Xi was the only one left in the living room.

Looking at the door with the pink bear next to it, Yang Xi hesitated for a few seconds before finally plucking up the courage to knock on the door.

"Knock knock knock!"

"The door is unlocked, come in."

Lin Naixue's sweet voice came from inside.

Yang Xi walked into the girl's boudoir with a little embarrassment. The first thing she asked was a faint scent of plants, the same as the smell on her clothes that day.

"I'm going to move out."

"I heard it just now." Lin Naixue lowered her head and played on her phone.

Yang Xi scratched his head embarrassedly, "I want to invite you, no, please have a meal before leaving."

"Don't go, I have no appetite. I'll have fried rice at home."

"..." Yang Xi smiled bitterly, "If you are angry about the fried rice that day, I apologize to you!"

Lin Naixue raised her head with fog in her big eyes, "Apologize? Why are you apologizing? It has nothing to do with you!"

She turned her head to one side and wiped her tears, her snow-white neck was full of stubbornness, "I would have known better to feed the dog!"

Yang Xi felt very nerve-wracking, really nerve-wracking. He had lived for so long, and the only thing he was good at dealing with was Yang Feifei, a girl.

"Don't do that..."

Lin Naixue stood up, tears streaming down her face: "Do you dislike me for being a wine escort!"

Yang Xi quickly waved his hand to deny, "How could I be for this reason!"

"That's why you hate my birth? Right? But I can't choose my parents either!"

"No no no, you really misunderstood!"

"Then why don't you like me? Am I ugly?"

"Calm down! Lin Naixue! Can't there be some pure friendship between men and women?"

Yang Xi put both hands on Lin Naixue's shoulders.

042 Liu Yuan in action

"You first ask your heart, do you like me, or just want to fall in love."

Yang Xi is still relatively rational. He thinks that Lin Naixue's goodwill towards him mostly comes from the lack of security.

She almost broke with her family and wanted to pin her heart on another kind of emotion.

But... part of the reason is that Yang Xi is more handsome. Another person, Lin Naixue might not be able to make that bowl of sausage fried rice at all.

Feeling the strength of Yang Xi's hands on his shoulders, Lin Naixue's emotions slowly stabilized.

In fact, she has always been a little ashamed of herself.

In order to get rid of the influence of her original family, she changed her name to the foreign-style Lin Naixue. She learned makeup and matching, worked hard to exercise, and practiced yoga to improve her temperament. And so on, all in order to better integrate themselves into the big city of Lukang.

I have to say that she does a good job. Anyone who doesn't know her past will think she is a native of Lukang.

But Yang Xi has witnessed all her embarrassment during this time - vomiting in the bathroom, accompany drinks in the bar, and being forced by her parents to go back to her hometown to get married.

In the face of Yang Xi's non-response, she instinctively began to think about the bad side, whether Yang Xi disliked her experience, whether Yang Xi looked down on her birth, and it was more sad than the person she liked not loving her, it was him. look down on you.

Before everything, Lin Naixue was disguising like a hedgehog, and after removing this protective shell, she was a fragile porcelain doll that could be shattered when touched by someone who cared about her.

"Maybe you're right."

Lin Naixue slowly became normal.

She thought about it for a while, maybe she did have a good impression of Yang Xi, but she didn't want to confirm the relationship right now.

Maybe it was because his "moving" behavior stimulated her sensitive heart.


Lin Naixue adjusted her emotions and laughed through her tears, "But, I do crave your body!"

Although she was molested by Lin Naixue, Yang Xi breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Naixue in this state is normal.

Yang Xi smiled and said sullenly: "You didn't say it earlier, it made me worry about it, to be honest, I'm also interested in Miss Naixue's long legs, why don't we discuss it now?"

Lin Naixue hit Yang Xi, "Stinky hooligan! But I couldn't cry in vain just now. I can't be a boyfriend and girlfriend. I want to be more than a friend. You have to be my prospective boyfriend for a while!"

Yang Xi nodded indifferently, the prospective boyfriend would be more comfortable, and there was no great pressure.

As long as you have enough spare tires, you are a male **** - from the famous lover Fan Peng.


In order to complete the task of the organization, Liu Yuan diligently maintained a relationship with the Glacier Brave, and took him outside to have fun together every three or five days.

Although it was very strange why Liu Yuan was so good to him, the Glacier Brave was a little defensive at first, but as time went by, he felt at ease and enjoyed it.

Perhaps Liu Yuan's behavior was inspired by the mechanical warrior. After all, his recent performance has been very good, and there is a faint meaning of upgrading to an S-class hero, which is also a major event for Kunlun Company.

"Brother Li, go on drinking!" Liu Yuan continued to fill the glacier brave Li Canyang who was already drunk, "Aren't you giving your brother face?"

In terms of strength, E-level Liu Yuan can't even lift Li Canyang's shoes, but if it's more than drinking, I'm afraid Li Canyang will have to get down.

After all, Liu Yuan has been familiar with various drinking routines since junior high school. Often, when Liu Yuan drinks a drink, Li Canyang has to drink four or five drinks.

At this moment, Li Canyang swayed in a dizzy manner.

"I...I drink! Hiccup! Happy...Drinking with Ah Yuan is just fun! Haha...hahaha!"

Li Canyang picked up the glass and drank it, and after a few foolish swings, he fell down on the sofa, unconscious.

Liu Yuan whispered beside him, "Brother Li? Wake up! Brother Li?"

The Glacier Warrior didn't respond for a long time.

"What the hell, I finally got down!"

"You guys, go out and wait!" Liu Yuan waved his hand and drove out all the people who accompanied the wine in the box.

It's just that these girls look at Liu Yuan a little strangely.

Liu Yuan murmured: "Oh, what expressions are they all!"

The girls who left really misunderstood Liu Shao's true intention of letting them go and leaving behind a handsome drunk guy.

"Wow wow wow, will it be very exciting next?"

"Yeah, I'm still wondering when Liu Shao likes to pick up girls with people. It turns out that the ones he brought here are what he wants to pick up!"

"It is said that he is still an A-level hero, Liu Shao is so courageous!"

Ignoring the earnest whispers outside, Liu Yuan skillfully searched the Glacier Brave.

The Glacier Warrior has mobile phones, hero communicators, wallets, etc. The only suspicious thing is a close-fitting candy box.

About half the size of a palm, very delicate.

"This is..." Liu Yuan was about to take the candy box out of the Glacier Warrior's pocket when his hand was suddenly caught.

The Glacier Brave suddenly opened his eyes, "What are you doing?"

Liu Yuan was almost scared to pee, but fortunately, he was prepared and pointed to the cigarette in his mouth, "Looking for fire, I don't know where I lost it."

The Glacier Brave covered his head with a headache, fumbled for a metal lighter on the sofa and handed it over, "What about the girls? Why are they all gone? How long have I slept?"

Liu Yuan lit a cigarette, "The girls have all gone out to touch up their makeup, which one did Brother Li fancy tonight!"

He showed a skilled smile, and since the first plan failed, he continued with the second plan.