MTL - What If I Can’t Die?-Chapter 3 The origin of the female ghost, the road of civil and military

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There is a resurrection point setting inside. After clicking, a black and white light point will appear, and he can choose the location at will.

After walking around the house, he finally set the resurrection point under his bed.

This is a place I am familiar with, and it is relatively hidden, so I can use it for a while.

"Even if you die outside in the future, you will be resurrected here, which is relatively safe."

Song Shi clapped his hands. After relaxing, a sense of exhaustion surged, and he fell asleep.

This time he wasn't afraid of anything, he couldn't die anyway, and slept soundly and soundly.

The **** crows and the sun rises!

Song Shi was faintly awakened by the sound of dogs barking.

On the brocade-backed jade pillow, Song Shi opened his sleepy eyes and looked at the embroidered bed curtain. The focus was not on the carp, but on the system panel.

"The system is really a good thing. Not only did I have a career, but I also had the ambition to cultivate immortality."

Song Shi had a smile at the corner of his mouth: "There is a fire spirit root in the sky, but there are no exercises and no one to point it out. It will not be realized in a while."

Back to reality, he noticed that his body was dirty.

"You're so clever, ask Xiaomei to prepare a bucket of hot water for me!"

Song Shi got up and said to the window.

Da Congming is his personal bodyguard, resting like him at night, and doing things with him during the day.

This guy is tall and big, but his brain is a bit weak, and he has been exposed several times about his going to the brothel.

Song Shi gave this guy a very clever nickname because of what he lacked and what he made up for.

"Good, Seventh Young Master."

Amidst the sound of footsteps, Da Zhiming went to call someone.

Soon, the old lady came in with a big wooden bucket, six servants followed with hot water, and the maid Xiaomei followed with rose petals, saponins and other toiletries.

"Master Seven!"

The eight people saluted respectfully.

"Well, just pour the water out and I'll wash it myself."

This time, Xiaomei, the hothouse girl, was not allowed to take a bath and change clothes. The main reason was that he had many wounds on his body, and it would be troublesome to be discovered.


The servants and maids retreated after preparing their things, without thinking too much, because they knew that this young master was more amiable, and would wash up by himself, unlike other young masters and ladies who were coddled.

After Song Shi took a bath, his whole body looked completely new.

Looking at the dirty water in the barrel, he thought of the female ghost in red who killed him last night and was turned back by him. He frowned and said, "There are indeed ghosts in this world. It seems that some of the rumors I usually hear are not too exaggerated, but I was born in a wealthy family, so I rarely meet them."

"Great cleverness, have any women in our Song family drowned to death in recent years?"

Song Shi walked to the door, and asked on the way. He knew that unless he was shitting, eating and sleeping, he basically waited outside the door during the day.

"Yes, there are hundreds of daughters from the Song family, and one or two of them fall into the water by accident or die by themselves every year."

Da Zhiming replied with a buzzing voice, his voice was calm and heavy.

"Has anyone dived in a red suit?"

Song Shi opened the door and added a condition.

Da Congming outside the door stood up straight, and whispered while saluting: "Young master, he deliberately committed suicide in a red dress. I only know that there is one on the side of the big room, which has something to do with the third young master. It happened two years ago." , was suppressed at that time."

"What exactly is going on?"

Song Shi became interested. The youngest, Song Hu, is the only one in the family who has a reputation. He has always been aloof and aloof.

"Hey, I don't know about Lao Liu either. I only heard that it was the woman who came to the door with a pregnant belly, and then she threw herself into a well for some reason."

Da Congming's real name is Liu Limeng, and he usually likes to call himself Old Liu.

"Why don't you understand?"

Song Shi was speechless.

"Master, you have a noble status, there is no need to know these disgraceful things."

Da Zhiming chuckled, in fact, he also understood that Song Shi was not welcome in this family, and his mother was just a maid, who died of illness early, and they were usually served by servants and maids.

If you didn't hear others mention it, how would you know the news.

He guessed that the young master knew it when he overheard other people chatting while drinking with people in Yaoyuelou.

"It seems that I was pinched by that female ghost as a soft persimmon. She wants to use me to intimidate the third child, or is it that she can't get close to the third child?"

Song Shi frowned and looked outside.

Autumn is crisp and sunny.

He took a deep breath, pressed these guesses, and calmed down completely.

"No matter how many demons and ghosts there are in this world, I can't die, so what are you afraid of?"

He murmured in his heart: "Since there are ghosts, it means there are also cultivators who must be contacted. I want to cultivate immortality, but I have no interest in competing with other people for any property!"

"Master Seven!"

A burly man with a fleshy face, red skin, and big copper bell eyes walked over.

Compared with Song Shi, who was 1.76 meters tall and handsome, this guy was two meters taller, and he looked fierce, and he felt a little oppressive when he walked over.

"Dai Dou, what's the matter?"

Song Shi had no expression on his face. This man was the guard of the big house. He usually relied on the authority of his master and was not very polite to him. Naturally, he would not wait to see him too much.

Dai Dou squinted and spoke carelessly.

"An old concierge died inexplicably last night. The master felt that the house was not clean, so he planned to ask the Master of Jinyuan Temple to do it. UU Reading

The time is at three o'clock in the afternoon, and the master said that the male in the family must be there on time, and let you know, don't go to the Yaoyue Tower and never return at night. "

"The porter is dead?"

Song Shi's eyes changed, and he muttered in his heart, could it be that the female ghost had already killed one of them before he attacked him?

"On these things, you can figure it out."

Dai Dou was too lazy to talk nonsense to this concubine, so he turned around and left with his head held high.

"Damn, what are you so proud of!"

Da Zhiming cursed secretly: "Isn't it just because I am a big man, I am not inferior to you in strength."

"Big clever, are you first-rate, second-rate or third-rate now?"

Song Shi teased.

He knew what kind of first-class and second-rate martial arts practitioners were, but unfortunately he didn't practice martial arts because his family didn't allow him to take the imperial examination route, so he didn't have much contact with him, so he didn't know much.

"Of course I'm top-notch. If it weren't for my bad eyes, heh, I wouldn't be afraid of top-notch."

Da Zhiming squeezed his cross-eyed eyes, his skin was dark, his forehead sunken into a pit, his cheekbones were high, he looked rather funny.

"Tell me about the division of your martial arts practitioners?"

Song Shi was curious.

"Young master, the master has an order that you are not allowed to practice martial arts, so as not to distract you from the imperial examination."

Great intelligence and integrity.

The sons of the Song family have been divided into civil and martial arts according to their talents since they were young. The seventh young master studied civil and martial arts and was not allowed to practice martial arts. If people found out that he revealed things about martial arts, he would inevitably be punished.

"You've said this many times, but what if I just want to know today?"

Song Shi said coldly, with a blazing light in his eyes, he seemed to be not angry and arrogant.

Da Clever was surprised, and felt that this dandy young master was a little different today.