MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 245 The battle for godhood begins, the damage is passed on, and the soul eater comes out

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  Chapter 245 The battle for godhood begins, the damage is passed on, and the soul eater is out

   "Surprised, you should have heard of my death."

  In the outer city of Fengxi City, in the living room of Li Feng's house.

  Shadows emerged from the night, with fluffy mist, as if imperceptibly, the mist eroded the colors in the room, and even the lights turned into black and white.

  At this moment, in the very center of the fluffy mist, there were substantial ripples, and Marthas, who looked like a skeleton, stepped out slowly.

  He drove his rickety body, withered legs and feet, and thick robes, disturbing the mist around him, and his voice also came out with the overflowing mist, reaching Li Feng's ears:

   "Today, the whole city and even the endless sea are celebrating my death, but you didn't expect that I'm still alive and descended here in the middle of the night."

  Mathas couldn't hide his pride and excitement in his words. From his point of view, he successfully faked his death today. An extremely realistic fake corpse deceived everyone.

   And his situation of hiding in XZ and being rounded up for decades finally came to an end today.

  Thinking of those who once wanted him, Black and White House, Eye of Violet, Ring of the Earth...

   Today, through the eyes of Governor Fell, Masshas sees their ignorant jubilation.

  Those humble human beings who have no godheads and are not players, they rejoiced after learning of their own death, but Marthas knew that in the near future...

  After he has obtained a complete godhead and becomes a level three player, he will, one by one, repay his revenge for being wanted everywhere for decades.

   Half of the godhead can repair his body, and can create a perfect corpse that has fooled the leaders of many forces, so what about the complete godhead...

  Thinking of this, Marthas smiled, the system is really a good thing, it will give prompts, and he will give rewards.

  So today's trip, from this player named Rhine or Li Feng, forced to find out the whereabouts of the other half of the godhead, and then got the half of the godhead, which is a milestone for Marthas.

   It was difficult to suppress the excitement in his heart, and Mathas knew that his real life, the life of turning his ambition into reality, was starting from this moment.

   "Huh—are you confused?"

  Seeing that Li Feng was just sitting in silence, not even saying a word, Mathas thought he was pretending to be calm.

   After all, even if a Tier 2 hunter comes from another world, has different insights and tricks, so what?

   Not wanting to waste time and words, Mathas was aloof, as if treating prey to be slaughtered, disdainfully explaining why he came, and making a quick decision.

  He hoped that Li Feng would cooperate wisely. Of course, if he didn't cooperate, Marthas felt that he would be happier.

  However, when Mathas was about to speak, Li Feng, who had been sitting on the chair of the sofa, said with a calm smile:

   "Actually, you can do better."


   Li Feng's inconsistency made Marthas feel puzzled:

   "Better, what do you mean?"

   "I know that you only got half a godhead, but for non-players, half a godhead is powerful enough.

  But you used this ability to tightly forge a corpse to deceive people. The ins and outs and the killing process are all based on your dictation, which is really a bad idea. "

  Li Feng said here a little sigh and a little indifferent chuckle:

  "Since you have become a player, of course you have to use various conditions to let non-players witness, experience, and speculate with your own eyes. Only in this way will they be truly convinced."

   Still sitting relaxed on the sofa, Li Feng looked at Marthas standing at the door with a calm demeanor. He deliberately used a gesture of teaching younger players.

   But teaching newcomers was definitely not Li Feng's original intention, he was just delaying time.

   Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the brass clock on the fireplace. It was 11:40 p.m.

  Mathas, who has half a godhead, has come to his door, and in his body, there should be the soul of Governor Fell.

   But for Li Feng, as long as there is another 20 minutes of delay, he and the opponent can achieve an evenly matched effect.

   On the other side, after hearing Li Feng's regretful teaching, Mathas opened his slightly squinted eyes with anger and shock in his heart.

  And what Li Feng said just now made him understand what happened yesterday about the coming of the two gods.

'Knew it-'

  Mathus gritted his teeth secretly. When the Lava Lord Cocoon was sealed in the plaza yesterday, the arrival of the Weaver Goddess and the Hunting Goddess was indeed a fake by this player.

  As for letting non-players witness, experience, and guess...

  Mathus recalled what he had heard about the experiences of the superhumans of the three major forces yesterday.

'Ah! To deceive non-players, this person actually did it. '

  Mathus frowned tightly, he thought about yesterday and today, he and Rhine each faked one thing.

   And it just so happened that the people who were deceived were the three major forces, the Violet Eye, the Black and White Court, and the Ring of the Earth.

  In all fairness, in terms of the results of being deceived, the lies made by Rhine are obviously more effective and far-reaching.

  ‘So, he didn’t pretend to be profound and casually talk about it just now, he really did it. '

  Unwilling anger and jealousy filled the whole body, but this was not the end, Mathas heard other things from Li Feng's words just now.

  Although Marthas is not very used to being a player and lacks player thinking, he still thought of it slowly.

  The trigger task given by the system should not only be received by myself, this Rhine must have received it as well.

  And just like his mission, the system also clearly told him that he and Penrose Fell had used the forbidden spell soul fusion, and they were both level 2 players.

   Otherwise, this Rhine would not use the word "you" accurately.

  The system was not on his side, which made Marthas feel a lot of disappointment.

  However, since the system wants them to fight, it must be based on strength.

   Not to talk too much about the thoughts in his mind just now, Mathas laughed:

   "Since you know everything, save me from wasting my tongue."

   As he spoke, he took a step forward, his whole body ready to go, and then asked sharply in his voice:

   "So now, tell me where is the other half of the godhead?"

  No response, no movement, Li Feng just sat there, looking at Marthas indifferently.

  He needs to get the other side one step closer.

   Sure enough, seeing Li Feng's attitude of not cooperating at all, Mathas was about to attack.

  He subconsciously took a step forward, and suddenly a strong wind like a knife blew from the spot, and the strong wind surrounded Marthas in a circle.

  Every wind that touched him turned into a sharp knife, piercing away.

  Waving his arm, Marthas used the Soul Eater ability Shadow Skin, and immediately, a thick black film appeared around his body where the skin was attached.

  When the piercing winds encountered the black thick film, they were directly sucked into it, resisting the damage for Marthas.

   "Heh, boy, you really have more than a second rank."

   Being in the enchantment of the wall of wind and mist, Marthas could feel the strength of the person who arranged the enchantment.

  If this enchantment was only cast by a second-level transcendent, as a fifth-level Marthas, it can be broken in an instant.


  Feeling the damage resisted by the Shadow Skin, Marthas realized that Li Feng's strength was actually on par with him.

   After all, it is also an existence that breaks through the fifth level.

   Another anger rose from the bottom of my heart.

'how is this possible! how is this possible! The extraordinary road to promotion to the fifth rank has long been cut off, and the chief dean is only the fourth rank and ninth rank.

  I and Governor Fer, in order to break through the fifth level, did not hesitate to use forbidden techniques, which not only cost a huge price, but also caused all kinds of troubles.

  But this person broke through to the fifth level without seeing any forbidden technique he used.

   Is it because he is a player? Just because he became a player earlier than himself? '

  Dissatisfied, unwilling, and resentful, Mathas had the idea of ​​killing Li Feng after the matter was over.

  At this moment, the Shadow Skin was absorbing the damage from the Wall of Wind and Mist. Marthas looked through the barrier to where Li Feng was sitting, but found that the sofa was empty and there was no one there.

  The next moment, Marthas suddenly became alert, his skeleton-like body turned around quickly, his hands formed sharp claws, and swung behind him.

  The sound of howling wind drowned out the sound of gunshots. When Marthas was trapped by the wall of wind and fog and his attention was diverted, Li Feng used the hidden person ability to shuttle through the shadows and came behind him.

   Immediately afterwards, he raised the flint and shot directly through the wall of wind and fog,

   But Marthas, who is also at the fifth level and has half a godhead, can only react faster than Li Feng.

  In the blink of an eye, when the bullet just flew out and was only an arm's length away from Mathas, Mathas turned around suddenly, wrapped the bullet with the sleeve of his robe in his hand, and threw it aside.

   Without stopping, a gloomy dark purple pyramid flew out of Marthas's hand. Ling Cone trailed a long tail light and shot at Li Feng at the speed of a bullet.

  Knowing that he is no better than Marthas who has half a godhead, Li Feng dare not take it hard.

  He used the hunter ability to escape in space, and immediately disappeared in place. When he reappeared, he was already behind the partition near the fireplace in the living room, which was the location designated by Li Feng in advance.

  The hunter's ability to escape space requires the user to designate a location in advance. As long as the user is within a certain range of the designated location and uses this ability, he can immediately return to the designated location.

  Different from the shadow shuttle of the occult, space escape is more limited in terms of escaping danger because it needs to specify a location.

  But he can activate it without shadows, and in some conditions that lack shadows, it is actually better than shadow shuttle.

   It's just that it's not because Li Feng lacks shadows at this time. Under the gaze of Marthas, Li Feng doesn't want to expose the fact that he is still a hidden person too early.

  Although he is only a Tier 2 concealer, he was discovered too early. In the fight, Marthas, who has rich combat experience, would have been prepared early after all.

  Mathus was originally a hidden person of the Black and White Court, but for greater power, Marthas rebelled against the Black and White Court, became a favored member of the abyss, and embarked on the path of the Soul Eater.

  Although Marthas gave up the way of the hidden person, he also has the strength of a third-order hidden person.

  Tonight he emerged from the shadows and thick fog, using the ability of a third-order concealer.

  So Li Feng understood that he had better not expose himself too early, otherwise, given how familiar Mathas was with the hidden people, he would be extremely easy to be predicted by him no matter what.

   "Hehehe—hunters are indeed masters of escape."

  Seeing that Li Feng dodged his attack, Marthas laughed contemptuously:

   "You still have helpers, I know you want to procrastinate, but it's over, let's change places."

  Mathus put his hands together, and black and red blood flowed from his hands. Immediately afterwards, the mist that had filled the room for a long time suddenly turned into black and red blood as if in response:

   "See the power of the forbidden spells you hate."

  As Marthas' voice fell, mist flowed in the entire room, the scene was illusory, and everything seemed to be covered with layers of water waves.

   Under the agitation of unknown forces, the layers of water rippled and spread out circle by circle.

  The next moment, when the surrounding scene was reshaped, it was already full of scorched and ruined walls, obviously changing the location.

  Earlier, when Governor Feil and Marthas received the task of finding the other half of Godhead through Li Feng.

  They guessed that Li Feng might have helpers by his side.

  So the two of them negotiated, and Marthas came forward to use his forbidden spell to teleport Li Feng to the basement of Storm's End.

   Suddenly entering an unfamiliar environment, it must be difficult for Li Feng to notify his people quickly.

  Even if he could, it would take time for his people to arrive, and in battle, time is the most precious thing.

  Besides, the governor had already asked Lannis to lead heavy troops to guard Storm's End, to be on guard against anyone and any extraordinary spells.

  In this way, Li Feng is alone, and this is a two-on-one battle. Moreover, the governor and Marthas still have half a godhead, and they can use three supernatural spells at the same time.

  Besides, even if there is any change, there are still Lannis and a large number of Storm's End soldiers outside the castle of Storm's End.

  Even if Li Feng would run away like that brawny player, he would still be unable to fly.

   A player has already been let go and made a mistake once. Governor Fell will not make a second mistake.

  The stuffy air from the lack of vents, mixed with the endless burnt smell entered the nostrils, Li Feng saw the surrounding scenery clearly, and roughly understood Marthas' intentions.

   Without further ado, Li Feng raised the flint and shot at Marthas as fast as he could.

   "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

   Li Feng actually didn't care about the result, he just wanted to use the terrain immediately after suppressing Marthas to enter countless ruins.

  However, under the dim light, Li Feng was surprised to find that Marthas didn't take away the bullets like before.

  He let the bullet open a blood hole in his body, and then gradually grinned grinningly:

   "Hahaha—hunter, even if you are promoted to the fifth level, you still don't have a godhead, and you don't even know the role of a godhead."

  While Marthas was speaking, Li Feng clearly saw that the blood hole in his chest caused by the bullet was recovering by itself.

   "How can a mortal kill a god?"

   At the same time, Marthas' voice sounded again:

   "Even if I only have half a godhead, I can manipulate the laws to repair my body.

  And you, a mortal with only mortal strength, can't hurt me at all. "

  'It turns out that even half a godhead has this ability. '

   Slightly squinting his eyes, Li Feng already understood.

   Now, he needs to delay as long as possible.

   While Marthas was still proud of himself, Li Feng quickly flashed into the jungle of broken walls and stone pillars.

  In extraordinary battles, although they don't play a particularly big role, they can somewhat block the line of sight and play a certain role in delaying.

   Turn on the countdown to the end of the system cycle, it doesn’t take much, if you delay it for another 15 minutes, it will be...

  Li Feng calculated in this way, but suddenly, there was a gust of wind blowing around him, and Marthas appeared beside him, and at the same time, a dry and hoarse voice sounded:

   "Stop struggling, tell me the whereabouts of the other half of the godhead!"

  Mathus, who is also a soul eater, a concealer, and masters various forbidden spells, is indeed like a shadow, and it is difficult to get rid of.

  The black-red taboo spell radiated again, and Li Feng immediately used the space to escape again, and changed his position to the escape position he had just redesignated.

'It can only be this way. '

  Mathas, who has half a godhead, is indeed difficult to deal with. This is the difference between having a godhead or not.

   Unable to do so, Li Feng decided to take a risk.

  He took out a small bottle from his backpack, and while getting rid of Marthas, Li Feng drank the lucky potion first.

  Seeing that Li Feng used the space to escape again, Mathas refused to let go, he grinned and used the shadow shuttle.

   It was a moonlit night, and the originally dark basement was full of shadows.

  In this scenario, the shadow of the hider shuttles, which is naturally better than the space escape of the hunter.

  So in the next moment, Marthas will arrive in no time.

  Seeing Li Feng, he immediately wanted to attack again, but at the same time, Mathas felt his brow froze.

  As a hidden person, he naturally understands this kind of spell, which is the damage transfer of the hidden person.

   Can't help being slightly stunned, Mathas wondered in surprise, could it be that Rhine is also a hidden person.

  ‘Both a hunter and a hider, huh. '

  Mathus felt contemptuous in his heart, so what if he was a hidden person, and what if he could use damage transfer.

  Although his body was badly affected by the forbidden spell, the body transformed by the forbidden spell also possessed powerful power.

  Injury transfer? But it's going to be a big discount.

   While Marthas was thinking this in his heart and was about to launch an attack without hesitation, Li Feng felt relieved, and his damage transfer spell was successfully released.

   Then next.

   Li Feng poured the whole small bottle of sea-blue purification potion in one gulp, and a cool feeling flowed down his throat instantly.

   But miraculously, the cooling potion obviously disappeared in his throat. Under the damage transfer spell, Li Feng didn't really drink the potion.

   On the other side, Mathas, who was confident, suddenly felt a cool feeling passing through his esophagus.

  The next moment, the coolness fell into the stomach, and then suddenly spread to the whole body, he only felt that the dry and skinny flesh and blood all over his body had been soaked in the coolness.

'This is! This is! This! '

  Mathas was horrified to feel his thin muscles grow, and his shriveled skin regain its elasticity.

   But at the same time, he also felt that the extraordinary power in his body was pouring away like a river bursting its banks.

   "No! No! No!"

  He can use the power of Godhead to repair the damage of bullets, but he cannot repair the power of potions that purify forbidden spells and heal body damage.

  Because the purification potion itself is healing his body.

   But, the price!

  In the dark basement with little light, in an instant, Marthas lost his extraordinaryness and became a real mortal.

   What frightened him even more was that with the absence of extraordinary power, he could no longer feel the half of Godhead in his body.

   Thanks for the 500 points rewarded by Aisi Tangdou

   Thanks to book friend 20190318193058009 for the 100 points

   Thank you book friend 20221021154843862 for the 100 points rewarded

   Thanks to everyone who voted··*




  (end of this chapter)