MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 219 Discover secondary players

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   On the way to Warner's house, Li Feng thought of Huang Yanyan's name in this world, and asked it very funny.

   "Hmm—don't mention that horrible name."

  Huang Yanyan rolled her eyes, obviously not very satisfied with the name.

   "My father in this world, Mr. Warner, sponsors various institutions in Wind's Rest every year."

  Huang Yanyan mentioned the matter of the guard just now, she has the three views of the player world, she thinks she should explain it to Li Feng:

   "This includes the guards of Wind's Rest, so those soldiers just now will give me more face."

   Li Feng nodded after hearing this, let alone the endless sea, it is the same everywhere.

  The autumn air is refreshing, looking at the Warner's castle approaching not far away, Li Feng suddenly remembered something, and asked about Mr. Warner's recent situation.

   After all, on the other hand, Mr. Warner recognizes himself.

  However, according to Huang Yanyan, Mr. Warner is not in Wind's Rest City right now, but has something to go to King City.

   Just saying that, Huang Yanyan led Li Feng into the courtyard full of laurel trees.

   "I was in danger just now, thanks to this gentleman who saved me."

  As soon as Huang Yanyan came back, the housekeeper and servants of the Warner family gathered around.

  Now, Huang Yanyan had to find a reason for Li Feng, so she simply lied.

  After that, she took Li Feng to a small quiet living room at home, and asked when Li Feng became a player.

  Li Feng didn't hide anything. As he guessed, he and Huang Yanyan were players at the same time.

   But what he didn't expect was that Huang Yanyan worked in the official research institute before becoming a player.

   Moreover, the research institute has many official players, who are distributed in the endless sea world, and organize to collect information about the game world from various angles.

   "Yes, if you are an official player who has no achievements in Chaofan, you will enter the social group."

  Huang Yanyan roughly explained to Li Feng:

   “What you read about unions, strikes, and articles about new ideas in the newspapers, we actually did almost all of them.

  The Endless Sea is an era where extraordinaryness and technology coexist, but it is understandable that in an era without major wars and famines, the population will only increase.

  According to our statistical research, the proportion of extraordinary people is actually very small.

   Now we always feel that there are many extraordinary people around, because this is Wind's Rest City, the capital of a big island.

   Several extraordinary organizations have been set up here, naturally gathering many extraordinary people.

  If you go inland and look at some small counties, you will find that there is not much difference from the player world two hundred years ago. "

  Because he has all kinds of information from the research institute, Huang Yanyan knows a lot about the endless sea in the overall situation.

   Speaking of this, Li Feng also recalled that he went to Woodshire because of Faranell's notes.

   There, Chaofan's influence on society is indeed minimal.

   "So based on this, in addition to extraordinary, our research institute is also starting from breaking the social structure, hoping to gain more voice here.

  Oh, by the way, since we are in the same period, you must have seen me in the chat channel.

  I am the number 97 who is responsible for delivering official news. What is your number?

   By the way, what is your talent? Eh wait, it can't be..."

   Discovering that Li Feng is also a player, Huang Yanyan has too many things to say, and too many things to ask.

  At the same time, she recalled what happened when she met Li Feng in the player world in recent months, and based on the clues, she suddenly guessed his talent.

   While talking, the elderly housekeeper brought cake and fruit.

  But after she put down the plate, she didn't leave immediately, and she chatted with Li Feng very politely as a housekeeper.

  In a well-mannered home, this is a signal to a young lady that it is time to end conversations with guests, especially when meeting alone with young men.

  Huang Yanyan was speechless. Since she transmigrated into Elizabeth Warner, she inherited the memory of her predecessor on the one hand.

   On the other hand, the housekeeper's wife and several of her etiquette teachers teach her various etiquettes every day.

   Now, Huang Yanyan naturally understood what the housekeeper's wife meant.

  Although the current folk customs of the endless sea are no longer as conservative as in the last era.

  But for a daughter of a noble family who follows the tradition, it is still unseemly to be in the same room with a man alone, and spreading the word will affect her identity.

   "The laurel in the garden is blooming. It's very beautiful. I'll take you to see it."

  Did not follow the reminder of the housekeeper's wife, Huang Yanyan took Li Feng to the yard. Seeing this, the housekeeper's wife had a shocked expression on her face, but it was covered by a professional smile for a moment.

   "Well, you too... It's not easy."

  In Warner Manor, in a courtyard full of laurel trees.

   Noticing that the housekeeper, maid and bodyguard were following him ten meters away, Li Feng said to Huang Yanyan in a funny and helpless way.

   "Well—they are there to serve, and they also mean to monitor and witness, to testify that we are innocent."

  Huang Yanyan folded her arms, her originally excited mood was lost by them:

   "You said how my life became like this. I was going to organize a trade union, lead a strike, force the king to make a constitution, or directly overthrow the feudal rule."

  Li Feng: "...Good guy, are you here to rebel?"


  Huang Yanyan nodded seriously:

   "Based on our cognition and three views, there are social problems everywhere in the endless sea.

   But now that we are here, as long as we have the ability, there is no reason to follow the crowd, follow the local aborigines to oppress, or be oppressed.

   And the research institute also means this, the official of our world will provide us with the necessary materials. "

   Li Feng had also speculated about this in the past. He had read several newspapers that were relatively famous among young people.

  The ideas and ideas above are more or less familiar to him.

  And on the other hand, if the official players really gain political status through armed or unarmed revolutions.

   Then the official of the player world, the control over the endless sea, will reach an unprecedented height.

  There's no reason why they shouldn't.

  ‘It’s really extraordinary and secular. '

  Li Feng was feeling emotional here, Huang Yanyan remembered the topic just now, and excitedly guessed:

   "By the way! Isn't your talent fishing?"


  Suddenly caught by Huang Yanyan's most secret talent, Li Feng's heart froze suddenly:

"Why do you say that?"

  Huang Yanyan is very common:

   "I have known you since I was three years old. You have never touched a fishing rod for more than 20 years, but I remember that you suddenly went fishing two months ago.

  I still remember that you caught a dead body before you even got into the water.

   Moreover, I can also confess to you now that the owner of the corpse you caught is also a player.

   But when we found her, she had been killed. "

  Huang Yanyan mentioned that Li Feng caught the player Susan's body.

   Speaking of this, Huang Yanyan sighed. From her point of view, who killed Susan, this case has not been solved yet.

   "Er—you're so right."

   Li Feng marveled that this girl studied criminal investigation after all, some trivial things could become clues to her.

   "Did I guess right?!"

  Seeing Li Feng's admission, Huang Yanyan was surprised, but she wasn't surprised by her own reasoning.

   It was the surprise system, which gave the player such a strange talent. This was the first time she had heard of it.

  Among the many official players in the research institute, and among the more registered ordinary players, this is the first time Huang Yanyan has heard of this very casual talent.

   Immediately, he said in a funny and regretful way:

   "It's not easy for you."

  Li Feng was stunned for a moment, seeing what Huang Yanyan meant, she seemed to think that fishing should be useless.

  ‘Indeed, it doesn’t sound like a talent that can increase strength or help in combat. '

   "I saw you using a gun just now. Are you a hunter? How many levels have you been promoted to? Do you have a job? Where do you live now?

   Oh wait let me guess, are you working for the Earthen Ring? "

   Soon, Huang Yanyan turned to other questions. She didn't ask about talent in detail, and Li Feng didn't elaborate.

   "Hmm... how do you know?"

   Li Feng asked, his own situation was more complicated, and he didn't know where to start.

  Huang Yanyan guessed that he worked for the Ring of the Earth, and she seemed to be right.

   "Because we were waiting for rescue, the retreating guards said that people from Baifeng Manor were coming."

  Huang Yanyan recalled the scene of being surrounded by strange insects:

   "At that time, we were all waiting, and then you came, and... I can probably feel that you should be around the second level, right? It's about the same as me.

  Also, your revolver doesn't look like an ordinary item, and only institutions like the Ring of the Earth can provide it.

   If you say that, Baifeng Manor treats you pretty well? "

  Because of the ordinary cufflinks, Huang Yanyan could only feel that Li Feng was in the same rank as himself.

   "The thinking is clear and the guess is good."

  Li Feng nodded and replied, Huang Yanyan guessed a few things really well.

  But as for his real situation, it was too embarrassing to involve too much, Li Feng really didn't know where to start.

  Or, I said something myself, but Huang Yanyan, who has investigative knowledge, discovered the problem and implicated others.

   After all, he hasn't said anything until now, Huang Yanyan guessed his talent and some social connections from the details.


   Li Feng sighed in his heart.

   "Then you are living in Baifeng Manor now? How is the environment there? Are you used to living? How about you come to live in my house?"

  Huang Yanyan originally never thought that Li Feng would be a player no matter what.

   Now once she finds out the truth, she feels that she has a companion, and a companion who can be completely trusted to face the strange world together.

  So at the moment, Huang Yanyan wants to share with Li Feng whatever good things he has.

   Li Feng was very grateful in his heart, but slightly glanced at the people behind them, and said with a smile:

   "It should be difficult to come to live in your house."

  Seeing this, Huang Yanyan suddenly remembered what she said to stowaway X.

  At that time, X disliked the dilapidated school house, and wanted to live in Huang Yanyan's house, but Huang Yanyan flatly refused because of the rules of aristocratic families.

   "It doesn't matter, as long as I have a fight with my father in this world, he will agree."

  Huang Yanyan was full of confidence.

  Li Feng thought of Mr. Warner who went to Wangcheng to do business, and suddenly felt that the scene where the three of them met would be more fun.

   "Cough, no need, I live pretty well now."

   "Then do you have money to use? I'll give you some."

   "Uh... no need, I'm pretty well off now."

   "Well—it seems that you are doing well in the Ring of the Earth."

   Having roughly understood Li Feng's situation, Huang Yanyan looked envious:

   "Did you know? There are really very few players who can enter the Ring of the Earth, especially those without the resources of the research institute.

  So, if you really look at Endless Sea as a game, you are the best batch of players. "

   "Uh, this is just a coincidence."

  The cool autumn wind blows, bringing the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus in the garden.

  Looking at the golden sweet-scented osmanthus hidden under the green leaves, Li Feng thought about what happened after he entered the game.

  Suddenly, I felt that it would be great if my experience was as simple as Huang Yanyan guessed.

   "You will be fine, you can be promoted to Transcendence in an open and honest manner, you can see the outside world, and you can do what you want to do.

  I can only be trapped here, and every aspect of my life must be arranged. "

  When Li Feng lamented that his situation was complicated and unsatisfactory, Huang Yanyan also felt sorry for his life.

  Hearing her sigh, Li Feng suddenly remembered the deal Uncle Huang made with the mermaid.

  Her current life is actually bought by her father. With such good conditions, she should live happily.

  Li Feng suddenly had the idea of ​​telling the deal between the mermaid and Uncle Huang, but he remembered that Uncle Huang had long since passed away.

  After talking about this matter, nothing can be changed, only Huang Yanyan is left with sadness.

  Maybe life is really unsatisfactory, no matter who it is.

  Thinking of this, Li Feng suddenly felt that he was open to it. A bad life also has a bad way to live, so why bother.

   "By the way, I'm asking about your business."

  In the garden full of laurel, Huang Yanyan went back to the topic after being silent for a while:

   "Do you know where those strange bugs came from?"

  Huang Yanyan thinks that Li Feng is someone from the Ring of the Earth, so he might know something about it.

   But Li Feng just shook his head, he was still not sure about this matter, and he asked Kestrel, the ring of the earth is still not clear.

   "Then do you know the lava lord?"

   Suddenly, Huang Yanyan asked about the lava lord.

   Li Feng was taken aback when he heard this, but he nodded in confirmation and said:

   "An extraordinary creature from long ago."

   "That's right, as far as I know, one of the lava lords is called Cocoon."

  Huang Yanyan mentioned what she learned from X:

   "The cocoon is the cocoon of the worm cocoon. I always feel that these strange insects are related to the cocoon of the lava lord?"

  Hearing what Huang Yanyan said, Li Feng was quite shocked. Could it be that the official players are also investigating Cocoon?

   "Lava Lord Cocoon? How do you know this?"

   Li Feng asked curiously.

   "Alas, this thing is too complicated..."

  Huang Yanyan was talking about holding her forehead, and she suddenly felt that she didn't know where to start.

   "Some things have happened in our world. I'm not sure yet. Will the research institute tell the players, so if you hear it, just pretend you didn't hear it, okay?"

  Huang Yanyan is still not sure whether the research institute will include X's situation in the confidentiality regulations.

  But she trusts Li Feng, and Li Feng is in the Ring of the Earth, so he must know a lot of things that she doesn't know.

   "Okay, I promise it goes in one ear and out the other."

   Li Feng said to Huang Yanyan.

  The bright autumn sun shines into the lush laurel trees, and the autumn wind blows, leaving swaying spots on the ground, like bits of broken gold.

  Huang Yanyan quickly talked about what happened in the recent period.

  Stowaway, X, Level 2 player, Core of the Earth, Fragment of the Creator, Godhead, and two extremely difficult tasks.

  During her narration, Li Feng found out.

   It turned out that in Wind's Rest City, there was also a second-level player who had the core of the earth.

   And not only that, they even have the same tasks.