MTL - Weird Deep-sea Game, I Can Fish Without Limit-Chapter 2 unlimited fishing

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  Chapter 2 Unlimited Fishing

   "Emm...only a fishing rod, no bait?"

  Li Feng looked at the rough wooden fishing rod in his hand, then at the empty backpack, and reconfirmed the fact that the game system did not provide bait.

   Can SSS level fishing be used without bait?


   Li Feng swung the fishing rod, and the hook without bait fell into the water.

  [Unlimited Fishing] What is the use of this talent, how to use it,

   Whether you can help him solve the current situation, after all, you have to practice it first.

   The breeze wrinkled the sea.

  Fishing for the first time, Li Feng felt apprehensive, but luckily the sea didn't make him wait too long.


   Soon, the fishing rod in Li Feng's hand suddenly sank.

  He immediately concentrated and lifted the pole fiercely.

  As the hook was pulled out of the water, a sticky green-brown seaweed was pulled out.

  For the seaweed in another world, Li Feng just looked carefully and found nothing special.

  The scorching sun above his head was still there, looking at the plain seaweed in front of him, Li Feng was somewhat disappointed.

   "It's not bad to be able to fall out of this thing without bait..."

  Li Feng laughed at himself while concentrating on thinking about Danshui.

  However, when he took the hook off the ball of seaweed, his eyes suddenly appeared:

  【You got seaweed essence, health recovery +10%】

  Li Feng's hands froze, and following this reminder, he suddenly felt much more comfortable all over his body.

   My strength has recovered, and my mouth is not so thirsty anymore.

   "There are really unexpected gains."

  Since fishing can restore health, Li Feng swings the fishing rod again without hesitation.

  Catching seaweed can restore health, so for the time being, fresh water and food are not a problem.

  What to do now is to restore the health to 100% as soon as possible.

  The sun is shining brightly, the sea and the sky are the same color.

  The time of the second pole seems to be much longer than the first pole.

  While waiting for the fish to take the bait, Li Feng opened the chat channel to see what talents other players have awakened.

   Sure enough, the chat channel is now full of chatter about their awakened talents.

  0549: "I am a C-level strength enhancement, and my strength has increased by 40%. Now pulling the boat is very easy, tmd!"

  0573: "Hahaha, upstairs, that talent is very suitable for you, I have already seen the rising king of trackers!"

  0658: "Hahaha!"

  0157: ≧≦)haha~"

  0549: "Don't do this! I'm having a hard time"

  0663: "I am a D-level agility enhancement, and my agility has increased by 30%. To tell you the truth, I can run faster than a rabbit now!"

  0234: "You guys are fine. I am an E-level spiritual enhancement, and my spirit has increased by 20%. It seems to be useless except for my clear mind."

  0149: "I am an F-level stamina enhancement, and my stamina is increased by 10%. I am too miserable!"

  0952: "Fuck, I am also F-level stamina enhancement! I want to go home!"

  0028: "I am a B-level fire control technique, and I seem to be able to control flames."

  0741: "Wow, B-level talent! I ate a lemon!"

  0149: "Class B, I'm so envious, woo woo woo..."

   Now, the thousand players who entered the game have all awakened their talents.

  Some people are happy, some people are sad.

   Li Feng looked at the chat channel and silently wrote down the type of talent.

   From the chat content of other players, it can be seen that there are several types of talents awakened by players:

   One is physical enhancement of strength, spirit, agility, and endurance.

  The amount of physical enhancement depends on the talent level.

   There is also a special ability, such as fire control, snowfall, and his own infinite fishing.

  0549: "Everyone, strength enhancement is indeed useful. I was rewarded with an extra copper coin by the foreman for my outstanding performance in pulling the boat. Hahaha, I am too difficult!"

  0149: "Your C-level talent is already powerful, but someone like me, F-level, is so difficult!"

  0856: "I am mentally strengthened, and now I feel like I will never forget it."

  0653: "I am agile. If I can wear it back, I must be the world sprint champion."

   After that, in the chat channel, many players either shared or complained about their talents.

   Li Feng discovered that,

  Among the players who spoke, most of them received passive physique enhancement, and their ranks were below B rank.

   On the surface, these physical enhancement talents have no fancy magical effects.

   But through the descriptions of those players,

  Their strengthened bodies have indeed been improved differently.

   This made Li Feng somewhat envious.

  After all, this is a world of extraordinary and various unknown existences.

  Fast speed, great strength, and good memory, all of these will help players survive in this dangerous world.

   But alas,

  The game guide has long stated that each player can only have one talent.

  Since I have awakened SSS-level unlimited fishing, it is impossible to obtain other talents.


   Just as Li Feng was thinking about various talents, the fishing rod in his hand stopped suddenly.

  The hook without bait seems to have caught something again.

  Li Feng hurriedly dispelled all kinds of thoughts in his mind, and only concentrated on starting the pole.

   Soon, as the fishing rod was lifted, many aquatic plants accompanied by mud were pulled onto the raft.

   At the same time, a reminder appeared in front of Li Feng again:

  【You got the mud from the sea, stamina enhancement +1%】

  Looking at the prompt that flashed in front of him, Li Feng couldn't help opening his eyes wide.

   "Enhanced stamina? Unlimited fishing can also catch natural abilities?"

  As soon as he realized this, Li Feng felt that he suddenly gained a little physical strength.

  Even if it is not obvious, it is very clear in his physical sense.

   Put away the fishing rod, Li Feng hastily called out his personal information.

  【Name】: Li Feng (Li Feng)

  【Race】: αK49 Blue Star/Human Race

  【Identity】: A student on the eastern island who unfortunately suffered a shipwreck, the only survivor of the Discovery

  [Level]: Level 0 (quasi-transcendent)

  [Talent]: SSS-level unlimited fishing; F-level stamina enhancement +1%

  【Occupation】: Disabled

  [Extraordinary ability]: None

  [Faction]: Not selected

   Sure enough!

  Looking at the talent bar, Li Feng found that he already had two talents.

  SSS-level unlimited fishing, and endurance enhancement.

  Although the stamina enhancement only increases by 1%, the level is even less popular F-.

  But Li Feng thought in his heart,

  Since he can obtain talent through fishing, can he also upgrade his talent through fishing?

if it is possible,

  In the future, wouldn't he be able to obtain various talents and upgrade them all to SSS level?

  Once this idea was formed in his mind, Li Feng threw the pole again without hesitation.

  The sky is clear and the sea breeze is blowing slightly.

  Waiting for the next pole,

  Facing the sea breeze coming from the pavement, Li Feng subconsciously lowered his head to check his raft.

   This raft is still dilapidated and ordinary, with the seaweed, aquatic plants, and mud he just caught on it...

  Because they are the spoils of his first fishing, Li Feng has not thrown them back into the sea yet.

   But looking at these little things, Li Feng couldn't help laughing bitterly.

  He has unlimited fishing talent, but he doesn't really care what fish he can catch.

   But if things go on like this, he can't get rid of the word "Air Force".

  But after all, there is no bait. An iron hook that can hook seaweed, aquatic plants and mud is already good enough.

   Just as Li Feng was complaining to himself, a light flashed from the corner of his eyes.

   Li Feng hurried over to check, and it turned out that there were a few fluorescent insects hidden in the aquatic plants wrapped in mud.

  The worm looks exactly like an earthworm, but it is translucent in color.

  But since they are bugs and live in the sea, wouldn’t they just be used as bait?

   But this is a bug from another world. Li Feng was afraid of being poisonous, so he only observed it from a distance for a while.

   Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the bug, he cautiously poked it a few times with the long water plant leaves.

   After confirming that there was no danger, I carefully threaded one with a fishhook and threw it into the sea.

  The fishing line sank into the calm sea, and Li Feng waited anxiously.

   Not long after, the fishing line was pulled by something, and Li Feng was pleasantly surprised.

  Because he felt that the end of the hook was no longer dead things like seaweed silt.

  This time, I should have caught a fish.

   No longer thinking about it, Li Feng concentrated on setting up his pole.


  As the fishing rod was lifted, a blue-gray fish fell onto the raft.

   At the same time, Li Feng appeared again:

  【You got the magic light herring, stamina enhancement +2%】

   Seeing this prompt, Li Feng understood it.

  His guess was right!

   Without delay, Li Feng immediately opened his personal information, looked at the talent column, and saw—

  [Talent]: SSS-level unlimited fishing; F-level stamina enhancement +3%


  His stamina enhancement has become +3%.

   1% last time, 2% this time, stamina enhancement is indeed superimposed.

   "Crack! Crack!"

   Just when Li Feng was about to continue swinging his pole, there was a sudden noise from his side.

   It turned out to be a magic light herring out of the water, and it was thumping violently on the raft at the moment.

  Looking at this fish whose whole body was blue and gray, but its back was covered with bright white spots, Li Feng suddenly thought.

  In the talent description of Unlimited Fishing, there is—

   "Including but not limited to fishing in water."

  Just now, the target of my swing has always been the sea, so what if I change the target of my swing now?

   It's like the magic light herring in front of you.

  Using fish as a medium to fish, what will you get?

   While thinking in his heart, Li Feng approached the magic light herring with the fishing rod in his hand.

  (end of this chapter)