MTL - Wear To the High School Days of Iceberg O-Chapter 79

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Today's weather is much better than yesterday, no rain, but still very cold.

The Jiang family's old house is in a green community in the center of Huancheng, surrounded by lakes, and the scenery is very good.

This old house is an old house built in the last century. Although it has been renovated several times, the architectural style has not changed.

The red bricks are stacked solemnly and elegantly, and the house is surrounded by dense green trees. It looks very grand and has a sense of history.

Tang Wenzhen reprimanded Jiang Shuyi for dawdling when he got out of the car.

The road leading to the main house looks very spacious, and the windows in the corridor have also been carefully taken care of, and people's faces are beautifully reflected in the glass.

It seemed that there were already some first guests here, and a few formally dressed people passed by them, and then said hello to Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen.

Jiang Shuyi's grandfather, Jiang Jinnian, was a very capable businessman when he was young, and he was well thought out in every aspect of his life.

Although it is no longer a shopping mall, people often come to the house to pay New Year's greetings during the Chinese New Year.

In this circle, just the things the old man knows, the inside story, and the contacts he has can be converted in units of gold. Therefore, there are many people who come to ask him to do things during the Chinese New Year.

In the hall were the wine and fruits brought by the guests just now, and the gifts were placed in a corner of the living room, piled up as if they were about to rot.


Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao walked to the living room.

The living room is very spacious, Jiang Jinnian is sitting on the mahogany sofa, and the family doctor is measuring Jiang Jinnian's blood pressure.

As he grew older, the old man's face became kinder. Compared with his lean appearance when he was young, he was much fatter and his hair was also gray.

Perhaps it was to make up for the fact that he hadn't treated his children tenderly when he was young, so he was very tolerant towards his children, especially when facing his granddaughter Jiang Shuyi, he was closer to infinite doting.

"Grandpa, happy new year." Jiang Shuyi walked in and said hello.

"Oh, Shu Yi, you are here."

The old man watched them walking slowly, and smiled kindly.

He patted the seat beside him to signal Jiang Shuyi to sit beside him.

"Dad." Jiang Haichao and Tang Wenzhen also walked over to say hello.

Seeing Wen Yao, Jiang Jinnian narrowed his eyes.

He rolled up his clothes with a smile, and waved his hand to call the family doctor out, "This is?"

"I'm Jiang Shuyi's classmate." Wen Yao looked at the old man squarely and said hello.

The old man smiled, and looked at Jiang Shuyi meaningfully, "Oh, classmate?"

He waved his hand and greeted, "Sit, don't stand."

"This little classmate, sit next to Shu Yi."

Several people sat down quietly.

The old man glanced at Wen Yao, and then whispered into Jiang Shuyi's ear, jokingly said calmly:

"The little girl is very beautiful."

"..." Jiang Shuyi's ears turned red.

Jiang Shuyi was a little taken aback, she was actually a little afraid of Jiang Jinnian.

So even though she knew that he was Jiang Shuyi's grandfather and Jiang Haichao's father, and he loved her granddaughter very much, she was still afraid of him.

But now this person behaved like an ordinary kind old man, which frightened her a little.

The old man looked at Jiang Shuyi's expression, and laughed "hahaha", "Do you want to eat jujube cake?"

He asked someone to take out the snacks that the original owner liked to eat when he was a child,

"I remember that Shu Yi loves to eat this. When I was a child, I would come to the house specially, shouting, "Grandpa, I want to eat jujube flower crisps". Whenever I eat it, I want to eat a plate..."

The old man would talk about this matter every year. This year, perhaps because of the arrival of new customers, he spoke with more interest and added many details.

The original owner likes to eat this dessert, but Jiang Shuyi doesn't like it very much...

But thinking that this was the kindness of the old man, Jiang Shuyi slowly cut it open with a small fork and put it into his mouth.

Jiang Jinnian stroked Jiang Shuyi's head like a child's head, the old man's hands were covered with wrinkles.

Even though Jiang Shuyi doesn't look like a child at all now, the old man still treats her like a child, as if she will never grow up.

"Does the little girl like to eat this too?"

Jiang Jinnian asked Wen Yao.

Jiang Shuyi knew that Wen Yao didn't like to eat such sweets, but Wen Yao nodded and said politely: "Well, thank you Grandpa."

—Wen Yao is pretending to be good.

Jiang Shuyi wanted to tease Wen Yao, but the old man immediately joked:

"It's good to like to eat."

"If you marry Shu Yi in the future, you can often come to my house to eat, and my pastry chef will make many other things..."

After hearing this, Jiang Shuyi coughed out, and a piece of pastry powder was coughed on the table.

Wen Yao took out a tissue and wiped the table in front of Jiang Shuyi.

"Hey, why are your eating habits getting worse and worse, look at the little girl..."

The old man smiled, and said in a cheerful voice, "Look at you again, why don't you pay attention at all."

Jiang Haichao smiled indifferently, and Tang Wenzhen shook his head.

The old man couldn't stop joking once, and at lunch he asked Wen Yao jokingly when he would marry into the family. Jiang Shuyi felt complacent and a little embarrassed, and ate an extra bowl of food.

When Wen Yao was made such a joke, he just nodded calmly, without any reaction on his face.

It looks very stable.


After lunch, Tang Wenzhen drove out because the new product researched by the company's development department needed to be signed.

Only a few of them were left at home.

Jiang Jinnian would sit in front of the TV on time at 2 o'clock every afternoon to watch Go explanations.

The old man not only watched, but also played against the chessboard.

Jiang Shuyi sat on the side, she couldn't understand this thing, and didn't want to learn it, so she lay lazily on the mahogany sofa in the living room and basked in the sun.

Maybe it was because she got up too early today, she fell asleep not long after.

Jiang Jinnian turned down the volume of the TV, and asked someone to bring a blanket for Jiang Shuyi to cover it.

In the room is the sound of explanations on the TV and the sound of chess pieces falling on the board.

Not long after, Jiang Haichao came over and put the old man's health medicine over.

Just as Jiang Haichao put the medicine on the table, his hand touched the TV remote control, and the TV screen suddenly went out.

Jiang Jinnian frowned.

"Sorry, wrong press."

Jiang Haichao hurriedly reached out and groped to turn on the TV. When he adjusted the channel, the chess game had advanced a few steps, and the commentator on the TV praised repeatedly, "Ah, I actually thought of this move..."

Jiang Jinnian looked at the TV with a puzzled face, as if saying, "How could this happen?" After he couldn't figure it out, he glared at Jiang Haichao.

Jiang Haichao didn't speak, but walked away in two or three steps.

Wen Yao glanced at the chessboard, walked up to the old man, and slowly put the chess pieces over, "Maybe it was played like this."

Jiang Jinnian looked at the chessboard, nodded with a look of understanding, "Ah, that's it..."

"You can play Go?" The old man glanced at Wen Yao.

Wen Yao nodded quietly, "A little bit."

Jiang Jinnian was a little interested, after all, most people at Jiang Shuyi's age can't play Go.

In fact, Jiang Jinnian also wanted to teach Jiang Shuyi, but his granddaughter is really not a character who can sit in front of the chessboard for a long time...

"You and I will play next game." Jiang Jinnian smiled.

"..." Wen Yao didn't refuse, and sat obediently in front of the old man.

In the first half, Jiang Jinnian was still asking Wen Yao if he wanted to give up, but after half an hour, he looked at Wen Yao in silence, as if he was in a long exam, "..."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Jinnian, then quietly raised his head to look at Jiang Jinnian, "..."

Jiang Jinnian put the chess pieces back into the wooden box, "You have won."

Wen Yao nodded his thanks.

"You play well."

Jiang Jinnian sighed, but his tone seemed to be talking about something completely different.

Jiang Haichao smiled, and made tea for the old man, "I heard from Shu Yi that Xiao Wen is the number one student in Shu Yi's school, and she earned the school's scholarship by herself, and she has a bright head..."

"Yes, you are coming to our house for the New Year these few days, are your parents relieved?"

Jiang Jinnian slowly put away the chess pieces, his eyes were sharp.

When Jiang Haichao heard this question, he leaned over and murmured into Jiang Jinnian's ear.

"Dad, Xiao Wen's parents are gone."

But the old man stopped holding the chess pieces, and looked at Wen Yao with a complicated expression, "Not here? Did he die?"

Wen Yao said quietly without ups and downs, "Mother passed away."

"Where's father?" Jiang Jinnian continued to ask.

Jiang Haichao pulled Jiang Jinnian and signaled the old man not to ask further questions.

"Father is in debt, and his whereabouts are unknown now."

Wen Yao looked at Jiang Jinnian calmly.

Jiang Jinnian looked at Wen Yao's eyes and frowned, "You don't have any other relatives?"

Wen Yao shook his head silently.

"Hmm..." Jiang Jinnian's face was not very good-looking, and he stopped talking.

"..." Wen Yao sat opposite him, slowly packed up the chess pieces,

"Grandpa, do you want another game?"


Jiang Jinnian waved his hands stiffly, and then he set up the chess record in front of the TV by himself.

Jiang Haichao patted Wen Yao's shoulder, "Don't worry, the old man is like this from time to time, you are tired from playing chess, go and have a rest."

Wen Yao got up and greeted the people in the living room politely, and walked to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.


The water in the faucet kept flowing out.

Wen Yao looked at his face in the mirror as if confirming.

She felt the cold slowly spreading to her body from the cold water.

For Jiang Shuyi's family, it is easy to know their own situation, so Wen Yao never planned to hide his family's situation from the very beginning.

Perhaps Tang Wenzhen and Jiang Haichao's reactions were too relaxed, so she relaxed her vigilance, but the old man's reaction just now gave Wen Yao a faint feeling:

—Jiang Jinnian will probably never bring up the topic of his marriage with Jiang Shuyi again.

Wen Yao slowly withdrew his hand and dried it with a towel.

She knew that Jiang Jinnian's reaction was that of a normal person.

In terms of family, everyone can see the gap between her and Jiang Shuyi's family. Who would want their children to be with someone from a family like theirs?

Wen Yao thought about turning off the faucet slowly, but felt as if her heart was being held.