MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 166 Suddenly rich Ye Fan! (Third update, 1000 monthly ticket plus

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Chapter 166 Ye Fan suddenly got rich! (Third update, 1000 monthly ticket added)

 The Dawn Army came to Qinghe again.

 There are still about 300,000 zombies on the other side of the river.

Because the river is frozen, the river is no longer an obstacle. Ye Fan now uses long walls to block zombies.

This is more expensive, but there is nothing you can do, after all, there are too many zombies.

 The zombies in Qinghe are currently gathering on the other side of the wall. When they hear the arrival of the vehicle, they start to stir on the other side of the wall.

 Ye Fan calculated the time and determined that all the zombies in Qinghe would be eliminated within a week.

 But not long after the battle started, Ye Fan received a report from War Eagle.

A large group of people from the Burning Legion left their base, drove almost all their vehicles, crossed the outer ring road between Pinggang and Huacheng, and prepared to head towards the Shenlong River in the north.

As a result, they were besieged by a large group of zombies on the edge of Flower City.

Ye Fan immediately checked the footage shot by War Eagle and saw a **** killing field.

More than 6,000 people from the Burning Army were completely wiped out at the edge of Huacheng!

Densely packed groups of hundreds of thousands of zombies are all over this wilderness, and they are feasting on food.

Since the beginning of the apocalypse, they have rarely had such an opportunity except after the first wave of zombies had a feast.

There are fewer and fewer people. If you occasionally find a survivor and kill it, there is not enough corpses to fill your teeth.

But this time is different, there are more than 6,000 people!

 The smell of blood filled the wilderness, and the roars of zombies swallowing were everywhere.

 The picture quality is not very clear, but Ye Fan can see that it is filled with a large number of mutated zombies.

And there are also King Kong zombies.

From the perspective of the survivors' escape, they tried to break out, but failed. There were too many zombies, and they formed an encirclement, which did not give these survivors any chance.

 There is no doubt that this is a group of corpses commanded by the Corpse King.

 Seeing so many people die and become food for zombies, Ye Fan felt very uncomfortable.

 What if he had forcibly brought the Burning Army people under his command in the first place? Wouldn't today's scene have happened?

The Dawn Army's advance must be accelerated, and the survivors can no longer be scattered everywhere.

Ye Fan made up his mind almost in an instant. He wanted to unify the Huacheng area.

"Convey my order to recruit new troops to bring the total number to two thousand and two, and then leave three hundred men to defend the city. All the remaining troops will come to Qinghe with spare ammunition. I will end the battle here within two days."

The current number of Dawn Army is close to 2,000, with three battalions of 1,650, 100 paratroopers, as well as guard platoons, medical soldiers, sentry guards, etc., about 1,900 people.

 The four barracks can accommodate up to 2,200 people, and Ye Fan requested that the soldiers be filled up at once.

 The four barracks were producing at full speed, and the number of soldiers was soon full.

 Except for the guard force of 300 people, the rest of the people rushed to Qinghe.

 Arrived at Qinghe, everyone immediately went to the battlefield.

 This time it was different. All the soldiers brought enough spare ammunition, which was enough to support shooting for a long time.

 The battle lasted from morning to noon, and bullets were refreshed in the afternoon.

 Start using spare ammunition in the afternoon, and stop this wave of fighting at dusk.

  Collecting supplies and burning corpses, the work lasted until midnight, and all the soldiers rested in their cars.

 After having a full meal and a good rest the next day, Ye Fan removed the wall again at noon.

 The bullets are refreshed, and all the guns start roaring again!

 The fighting lasted until four o'clock in the afternoon.

 The spare ammunition we brought was almost exhausted.

 But the results were extremely rich. Ye Fan's 1,900 men annihilated more than 300,000 zombies!

Whether you are a veteran or a new recruit, all of them will rise to the stars in this battle!

Even Ye Fan’s ten tanks were promoted to three stars during the battle.

The performance of Samsung's Type 15 is extremely excellent. The main gun can carry 50 rounds of ammunition every day, the anti-aircraft machine gun can carry 5,000 rounds of ammunition, and it also has an extra grenade launcher.

With 40 rounds of grenades, you can start artillery plowing mode at any time.

If these ten Samsung Type 15s weren't so powerful, this battle might not be able to annihilate the 300,000 zombie army.

Tang Yafei's Wuzhi has also been upgraded to three stars. It is flying around in the sky, firing four machine guns at the same time. Occasionally, when a second-level zombie appears, a missile will be fired at it.

At the last moment of the afternoon of the next day, Wuzhi finally caught the last train to upgrade to Samsung.

 After the upgrade, the Wuzhi's firepower is even better, with the total ammunition capacity of the four machine guns reaching 20,000 rounds!

Moreover, the number of missiles on the aircraft has also been increased to eight, making it a deadly weapon in air combat.

In addition, the main units upgraded to three stars include magnetic blast infantry and two war bears.

Three-star magnetic storm infantry is definitely the most powerful among all infantry arms.

An electromagnetic gun with a power of up to 50,000 volts can directly wipe out the zombies.

Several times when zombies were about to rush over, the electromagnetic guns of the Magnetic Stormtroopers relieved the pressure.

War bears are also very powerful. They are not afraid of zombie virus infection at all. They rush over and kill the zombies. Ordinary zombies will be flattened with one slap.

 After upgrading to three stars, the height of these two war bears has exceeded four meters, and they look like prehistoric monsters.

Especially when Ye Fan saw two big guys joining forces and easily twisting off the head of a King Kong zombie, Ye Fan knew what a powerful infantry unit he had obtained.

 This is a technology he obtained from Rakshasa, but the local war bears of Rakshasa cannot be as strong as Big Fat.

  After all, Ye Fan's Red Police Force can rise to the level of stars, which no one can compare to.

There was another person who contributed the most during the battle, and that was Wang Huining.

Shen Ruihui brought Wang Huining to the battlefield. When he really couldn't stand it anymore, Wang Huining would try his best to surrender the approaching zombies.

 Control zombies and make them kill each other. The number of zombies controlled and killed by Wang Huining alone must have exceeded 10,000.

Wang Huining is very useful, but Ye Fan doesn't want him to regain his former strength, and he may lose control by then.

 The improvement of the strength of the troops is still a trivial matter. The most important thing is that Ye Fan really captured Qinghe.

After the last zombie was shot and killed by Ye Fan himself, the river bank was already empty.

 Turning on the radar screen, there are only some sporadic zombies in the entire Qinghe City, and most of them are trapped in a certain house and cannot get out.

Those who were able to walk and wander outside were basically lured over by Ye Fan and annihilated here.

Looking at the huge Qinghe County, Ye Fan couldn't help but open his arms.

 The fishy smell in the air doesn't matter anymore, this city is his!

 “Let’s go! Go get rich!”

After passing through the zombie corpses everywhere, leaving some troops here to collect supplies, Ye Fan led the large troops and rumbled across the bridge that had been fought for countless days.

This is a very memorable day. Ye Fan doesn't know if there is any survivor force elsewhere who can recapture a county, but his Dawn Army did it.

Even though the Rakshasa people recaptured Haishanwei, the number of zombies in Haishanwei's city was not even half that of Qinghe.

Moreover, Ye Fan has to fight zombies and humans constantly, and it is really rare to achieve such a brilliant record.

 The next step is the time of great harvest.

Ye Fan entered Qinghe County, and he already knew the locations of all the gold shops in the county.

He divided his troops into many and headed to every corner of the county. He wanted to bring all the gold in the county to him.

 A large open space has been cleared above the snow in winter.

 Then soldiers continued to return and dumped pallets of gold and silver jewelry here.

 Piles after piles, shining with gold!

Ye Fan was sitting next to the pile of jewelry, looking at the gold all over the floor.

 Since the day he entered the end of the world, he has been dealing with gold and silver, but there has never been a day as exciting as today.

 And he also found the reason.

 It was not exciting enough before because the quantity of gold and silver was not enough.

 For most people, these things are useless, but for Ye Fan, these all represent strength!

 The work of moving gold and silver lasted for two full hours, and it was not finished until it got dark.

Ye Fan asked the surrounding vehicles to turn on their headlights and shine them on the pile of gold and silver.

With green light in his eyes, Ye Fan put his hand on the pile of gold and silver.

“Didi~~! I found precious metals that can be converted into system money. Do you want to convert them?”

 “Convert all!”

 “The transformation was successful, congratulations, sir, for getting 3,442,537 gold!”

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment and shook his head for a long time without realizing the number.

 He heard it right, it was one million, not one hundred thousand.

 More than 3.4 million!

 It was a full million more than the more than two million he originally planned!

 Ye Fan has been busy in the last days for more than three months, and the total harvest is probably about the same as one day today.

How many soldiers can this explode?

If the mobilization of soldiers is activated, more than 30,000 people can be exploded directly.

Ye Fan carefully looked at the money numbers in the system.

 Including his accumulation during this period, his current total money has reached 3.8 million.

 With this money, the overall strength of Ye Fan's Dawn Army must have improved by leaps and bounds.

It took a long time to calm down the excitement.

 He did nothing else and directly selected two barracks.

The core area can also house two barracks. Let’s get these two buildings out first.

As for how to spend the remaining money, it can't be done in a while, so Ye Fan just calm down.

"Everyone, get ready to start collecting supplies. From today on, Qinghe County will become our safe zone. Everything here belongs to our Dawn Army!"

Feeling the chief's happy mood, the surrounding Dawn Army soldiers cheered.

 Ye Fan was also excited.

 After capturing Qinghe, he will begin to unify the flower city.

 With sufficient financial backing, the rise of Dawn Army will be unstoppable!

 (End of this chapter)