MTL - Wasteland Commander-Chapter 150 The first hero!

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 Chapter 150 The first hero!

Ye Fan didn't know who to choose for the hero camp, so he got a three-star unit from each of his troops.

 This is the army hero battalion, which can only improve the army.

 Speaking of which, Ye Fan has quite a few army units. In addition to tanks, there are many light machinery vehicles, such as dining cars, ambulances, warriors, Xiaolongs, Dongfeng armors, assault armored vehicles, Type 63 towed rocket launchers, etc.

There are more soldier units, including conscripts, army soldiers, engineers, military dogs, rocket launchers, scouts, snipers, flamethrowers, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-aircraft infantry, demolition troops, etc.

 Each unit of arms came with a three-star unit, and Ye Fan decided to take a look at the price first.

 He first asked Wang Hu, a mobilization soldier, to pass.

Wang Hu walked into the first room. After entering, the price for promoting a hero immediately appeared.

 1000 gold!

 The cost of mobilizing soldiers is 100 gold, which is ten times more.

  Let the mobilization troops come out and the army soldier Luo Fei go in. The promotion price is 2000 gold, which is still ten times the price.

 The military dog ​​Xiaotian goes in and gets 3,000 gold!

Scout Zhuge Yunxue goes in and gets 5,000 gold!

 The engineer goes in and gets 10,000 gold!

 Once the armored vehicle drives in, the promotion price reaches 60,000 gold!

  Ye Fan has determined that the conditions for a hero to be promoted are ten times the cost.

Ye Fan doesn't know whether it's expensive or cheap at this price. It's easy to upgrade soldiers to become heroes, but it's difficult to upgrade to military commanders, which costs 300,000 gold.

 Tanks also cost 200,000 yuan to upgrade, which is too expensive.

“Nana, isn’t the price of ten times a bit high? Is the price-performance ratio of the hero that high?”

Nana said: "Sir, take a closer look. The hero unit has a preview of what it will look like after the upgrade. Take a look and decide what to do.

 Ye Fan once again let the soldiers enter and opened Ye Fan to check.

The appearance of the people themselves has not changed much, but the submachine guns in the hands of the conscripts have changed. The guns are much larger, and grenades have been added. There are also body armors on the bodies, making them look very tough.

And the name has also changed, called the King's Mobilization Soldiers.

And the army soldiers were even stronger. The light machine gun in their hands turned into a six-barrel heavy machine gun, and the whole body was covered with bullet chains. The look reminded Ye Fan of the Terminator.

The sniper's sniper rifle has become as tall as a person. It is said that it can resist tanks and anti-equipment. Ye Fan believes it. It is estimated that it will be easy to snipe the King Kong zombies.

The scouts are similar. Their submachine guns are also equipped with grenades and ten high-explosive grenades are hung on their waists. Their skills are probably improved a lot.

  Medics and engineers have not changed much. After all, their strength is reflected in their professional skills.

 Xiao Tian went in, and the size of the preview increased dramatically. It was a mutant beast before, but now it feels like a Warcraft.

The 63 rocket launchers have also become much larger, and those originally short rocket launchers have also become large rocket launchers.

Ye Fan is not considering the mechanical type for the time being. It is too expensive. He only has 30,000 gold in hand now, so he can only get the soldier type.

When Ye Fan decided to be the first to upgrade his soldiers, he clearly saw the desire in the eyes of these three-star soldiers.

 As a Red Alert soldier, everyone also longs to have strong combat effectiveness, to be able to charge into battle for the commander-in-chief and kill the enemy bravely.

 Strong combat effectiveness requires strong strength, and heroes are the best way to advance.

Ye Fan looked around and was a little confused about who was first.

  It can be said that each arm has its own advantages.

If you think about it in the long run, Ye Fan prefers to be an engineer.

After an engineer becomes a hero, he may become a scientist.

It will be of great help to the crystal research that I am currently conducting intensively.

  Crystal research had come to a standstill before. Apparently, there was no breakthrough in the research of ordinary engineers and three-star medical soldiers.

Ye Fan still remembers that if he wants to improve his own strength, he needs a combat laboratory to steadily improve.

 But the Combat Laboratory has not yet been released, and we don’t even know when it will be released, so individual red alert units need to have high-tech levels.

Even if you are not an engineer, the medic is still a good choice.

 Three-star medical soldiers are equivalent to professors at medical universities, but what about heroic medical soldiers?

  Will he have the ability to almost bring the dead back to life?

 But now is wartime, and the war is about to begin, so it is best to have heroic units with high combat effectiveness.

 Ye Fan adopted the elimination method.

 The improvement of mobilization soldiers and army soldiers are both firepower, but Ye Fan currently has no shortage of firepower, which is not urgently needed.

There is no urgent need for anti-aircraft infantry, as the opponent has not yet shown aerial firepower.

 The heavy machine gun group does not need to be upgraded for the time being. The current heavy machine gun is enough.

 The remaining options are flamethrowers, scouts, rocket launchers, snipers, and military dogs.

There are five people in front of Ye Fan, the rocket launcher warrior Su Mo, the sniper Zhao Ming, the scout Zhuge Yunxue, the flamethrower warrior Wang Aiyu, and the military dog ​​Xiaotian.

Shen Ruihui looked on eagerly, but Ye Fan had no intention of being the first to promote him.

  This boy has repeatedly ruined his good deeds, and Ye Fan plans to let him cool off.

Ye Fan thought about it for a moment, and before he could tell who would be promoted first, he heard Nana's prompt tone.

“Sir, a supply box has been refreshed 30 kilometers behind you in the Xing’an Mountains. It is located on a cliff. It will be kept for 48 hours. Sir, it is best to send a scout to collect it.”

Ye Fan was stunned for a moment, and actually refreshed the supply box on the cliff!

 He discovered a problem. Supply boxes were rarely refreshed in places where he could get them directly, and they were all relatively difficult to reach.

 A green dot appeared on the radar.

 But the radar display was not so clear after all, so Ye Fan immediately sent Wu Yun over to take a look.

 The perspective switched to the perspective of dark clouds. This guy flew towards the Xing'an Mountains at an extremely high speed and arrived in ten minutes.

The supply box is on the cliff, and it is sunken in. It is also entangled with vines, and even the dark clouds cannot untie it.

 Only the nimble human fingers will do.

Must be a scout.

Ye Fan looked at Zhuge Yunxue and then at Shen Ruihui on the side.

“Can you go up and get the supply box now?”

“Sir, that’s difficult. Our current capabilities are still a bit lacking. If we become a hero unit, it will be no problem.”

  Both people answered in unison.

Ye Fan sighed helplessly.

 He just wanted to make Zhuge Yunxue the first hero unit, but Shen Ruihui's luck really made Ye Fan envious.


 Ye Fan looked up to the sky and sighed.

The more you annoy someone, the more they keep dazzling you in front of your eyes.

 This guy is so cheap.

Ye Fan waved to Shen Ruihui: "Come here."

Shen Ruihui walked up to Ye Fan and said, "Hey, sir, I knew you deliberately asked me to wait for a while. You must be testing my patience, right?"

Ye Fan snorted from his nostrils: "Stop talking nonsense and get in quickly."

 Shen Ruihui was the first to walk into the hero camp.

 After entering, it was like being on an operating table, with various instruments and tubes connected to his body.

 His guns were also sent there for modification.

 This room starts to move quickly.

“I’m sure this hero unit uses scouts. It costs 5,000 gold and is being modified...”

 Ye Fan took the others and waited patiently.

 About half an hour later, Shen Ruihui’s transformation was completed.

 As Shen Ruihui walked out of the room, the room was completely closed.

 Once a hero is promoted, this room can no longer be used. There are only six places in this hero camp.

 Ye Fan set his sights on the new student Shen Ruihui.

 This cannot be calculated with 5,000 gold. The room itself is worth 20,000 gold.

It costs 25,000 gold to build a combat unit. If the strength is not good enough, Ye Fan will suffer a big loss.

 The new Shen Ruihui looks different.

 “Sir! Heroic scout Shen Ruihui is reporting to you!”

 “Tell me about your situation!”

"Yes! Sir, my basic physical fitness has been improved five times. It has been modified using Red Alert's black technology. The firearm behind me comes with five rounds of grenades. The ammunition capacity of the firearm has reached 1,500 rounds! And I have ten high-explosive grenades with me. My fighting skills, mobility, reconnaissance and counter-reconnaissance capabilities have all been greatly improved..."

 Ye Fan waved his hand. In fact, the scout unit is a mediocre unit.

 His abilities in all aspects are good, but they are not top-notch.

 Snipers are not as good as professional snipers, and firepower is not as good as heavy machine guns and rocket launchers.

 But just because he can do everything, he is an all-purpose soldier.

But these are not the most important things. Ye Fan just wants to see whether Shen Ruihui's overwhelming luck will work.

“There’s no need to say anything. I’ve given you the first hero unit. Let’s see if you can get me some good stuff from the supply box. Now go and collect the supply box right away.”

 “Yes! Go now!”

 Shen Ruihui ran away happily.

 With the airplane, it becomes much easier to collect supply boxes.

 Ye Fan asked Bi Jinbang to fly the plane and send Shen Ruihui directly to the top of the mountain.

 It arrived in a few minutes. Shen Ruihui got off the plane and took out the scout's special flying grab.

He grabbed one end and pinned it into a crack in the rocks on the top of the mountain, then tied it to his waist and went down the mountain wall.

The mountain wall is rugged and undulating, making it impossible for a non-super-powerful scout to reach it.

Ye Fan paid attention to Shen Ruihui's actions throughout the whole process. He wanted to see if this kid was really that lucky.

Let’s not talk about it if you are lucky. If you are not lucky, then Ye Fan has a lot of good work waiting for him.

Even Ye Fan has thought about it. Ordinary supply boxes will not work. They must be good goods.

This is not retaliation, because it involves Ye Fan’s lifelong happiness.

Shen Ruihui didn't think about this at all and followed the rope to the mountain wall.

 Hands quickly untied the vines outside, and then took out the supply box.

 He got out a rope and tied it to his body. The mission was completed.

 Just get back on the helicopter and report to Ye Fan.

Just as he was about to leave, Shen Ruihui suddenly lowered his head, and then reported directly to Ye Fan in the system.

“Sir, there is another box in this small depression. Do I want to take it out together?”

 (End of this chapter)

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