MTL - WARNING! Tsundere President-Chapter 1116 1116, compared to these, someone is more important (2)

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Mo Ning sat by his side and asked again.

Talk back, "Since you don't want to stay with me in Y, I can only choose to go to Z with you."

Mo Ning stunned.

"But you..."

But did he not agree to end her relationship with her?

Moining just wanted to ask this question and then reacted.

I am afraid that she and she have misunderstood.

Yansi did not understand her subtext, so he did not care, and even chose to continue with her in this way.

Yansi raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Moining suppressed the emotions in his heart and tried to be as if he had nothing to do. "I thought you would not want to leave the country of Y."

Yansi year provoked her chin, staring at this delicate and handsome face, and rolling a gentle touch in her eyes.

“Although I am more used to living in Eastern Europe, it is more important than someone else.”

He said, he blinked scornfully, and his tone turned to banter. "How, is it very moving?"


Mourning smiled and his heart was a jump.

Her relationship with Yansiian ended sooner or later, but from the behavior of Yansiian, she could feel his stubbornness towards her.

He helped himself so much, and if you can, Moin certainly wants them to get together.

"Well, I am very touched."

She said casually, the next second only felt black!

The beautiful thin lips of Yansi were covered, and the soft bite sucked up, and then tentatively penetrated into her lips and teeth.

Moining did not refuse, and responded absent-mindedly.

Until the tip of his tongue was bitten by a man, he was dissatisfied with it, "Don't let go!"

When the light of Zuning flashed, he pushed him away, and he was cold and cold. "It is obviously you are fooling."

Her embarrassment, full of style, all of a sudden let the man glory, some desires are ready to move.

In the end, considering the problems of the occasion, I can only regret giving up some of the disharmony thoughts, holding her down, closing her eyes and yawning, and being lazy.

"Sleepy, stay with me."

Mo Ning lay down beside him, looking at his angular face, and his mood was complicated.

It seems that I have to find another opportunity.

Outside the door.

Huo Wei stopped Huo Yunzhen, who was looking cold, and raised his eyebrows high. "Daddy, what do you want?"

Huo Yun gave him a look and simply said, "Put your sister out of the fire pit."

According to the investigation during this time, he probably figured out the relationship between Mo Ning and Yan Sinian.

Therefore, he will never allow his baby daughter to grieve himself, even if he has the right to be strong.

Retreat 10,000 steps, even if they are male-female friends, he is not happy, after all, the words of the year does not meet his selection requirements.

It should be said that no man in the world does not meet!

It is his love rival!

Huo Xiao laughed, seeing Huo Yunzhen took out a cigarette, and immediately reached out and snatched it, squatting in his mouth, and his somewhat similar Qingjun face showed a hint of embarrassment.

"Don't forget, Yangyang always hopes that you will quit smoking. It's so old, you should learn to maintain your body. If you have nothing, go to the park and play Taijiquan. It's not good, you can dance in square dance."


Huo Yunzhen took a pat on his back.

"Brats, do not say I'm not old, even if I Qilaobashi, you want to beat you is easy."

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Huo Hao raised his hand and surrendered. "The old man is a generation of generations, and he is unified in the rivers and lakes, and he will never die, and he will be a pillar!"