MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 541 Uncover

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The fifth and fourth chapters

The mainland is facing a world war. The ethnic races and abyss have different ethnic barriers. Therefore, the appearance of the Golden Dragon Knight did not cause panic, but because the square was full of people celebrating, the dragon could not descend, only the dragon The knight was sent to the low altitude, and after the Golden Dragon Knight jumped, he flew high again and circled around the city of Esnoli.

Han Jin and Gael’s general manager, Adolf slowly stepped onto the square, and the crowd separated from the sides like a tide. Where did Han Jin and Gael’s head go, the crowd immediately became quiet, and Han Jin’s body was in the air. The armor is easy to identify and almost become a signboard.

Looking up and looking at the golden dragon flying in the air, Han Jin smiled. When he wanted to get more dragon crystals, the shadow of a dragon could not be seen. The abyss demon came out when he When you want to get more space magic crystal, the abyss demon ran elsewhere, the dragon is late, is the **** of fate like to play this kind of joke?

Just stepping onto the steps of the city hall, Kemalaqi rushed over and saw Han Jin. He breathed a sigh of relief and strode up. He lowered his voice and said: "Adult, the Nikola messenger of the male empire came over. You see..."

"I came here for this matter." Han Jindao said: "Let's go, let's go in."

A dozen meters away from the conference room, I heard a low voice coming from inside: "The Honduran adult, I need a positive answer."

"I said it, I personally agree with your suggestion, but the decision is not in my hands." The voice of Honduras sounded.

"What a joke?! It’s an extraordinary time, let your **** parliamentarians go to hell, I have no time to waste on them!"

"You misunderstood me. In fact, those lawmakers have no decision."

"What? You mean..."

Han Jin pushed the door open and walked in. The conversation in the conference room stopped, and Honduras and the dragon knight’s eyes fell on Han Jin, but the two men’s eyes did not look the same. The Cavaliers are full of inquiries, and Honduras is a bit flustered.

Han Jin went to the main seat and sat down and sat down for a moment. He smiled and said: "Honduras, you personally agree with the advice of the dragon knight? Can you tell me, is it a suggestion?"

"Adults, this... this is just a diplomatic rhetoric. It’s not true, it’s not true." Honduras said slyly, Honduras was really excited when he learned that the other was the messenger of the male empire. If it was done properly, use it. Nikolay pinned Hanjin and used Hanjin to contain Nikolay. The Freedom Federation should have the possibility to maintain the status quo. However, the idea is only an idea. When he saw Han Jin, the inspiration had just disappeared in an instant.

It’s terrible to challenge Hanjin’s endurance in a row, not to mention that although Han Jin’s arrival in the city of Esnoli has only been a few days, it has gained great prestige, even being seen by the whole city. For the hero, as a savior, I really turned my face. Don't say that the strength of the nobles is definitely not the opponent of the strong people of the Holy City. Even the people can't grasp them.

Honduras only cares about Hanjin, but forgets the dragon knight, diplomatic rhetoric? When is it true? Isn't this a naked teasing? !

The dragon knight frowned, silently observing Han Jin for a moment, suddenly said: "It turned out to be Raphael, long time..."

"Do you know me?" Han Jin was too lazy to look up, so he played with the tea cup on the table.

"When I came, my Majesty told me that you are likely to appear in the Freedom Federation." The Dragon Knight smiled.


"The army of the Abyss world is divided into three roads, the main attack on our male empire, the Black Dragon King Fan Luding is responsible for the Dragon City and the Dragon Field, and the Allied Freedom Federation, and your area is not harassed." Road: "Your Majesty said that as a semi-god-level powerhouse, you will certainly not be lonely, but you will not choose to go west. First, your army will pass through the capital of the Grand Duke of Solomon, regardless of you and Solomon. How good the relationship of the Duke is, this will certainly cause many people's suspicions. Secondly, your teacher is unknown. The army in the Abyss world can not attack the northwest region, so you only have one road left and south."

"Nikolay seems to know me very well." Han Jin said faintly.

"Of course." The dragon knight flashed in the eyes: "You almost killed our small hall, how can you ignore your existence?"

Hearing this sentence, the look of Honduras and Kemalazi has become a bit weird. Nikolay, the country of the male light, is a young monarch. Only in his early thirties, how big is his child? Why did Hanjin attack a child? Is it... is it in Nikola’s hand that has suffered a loss and moved to Nikolai’s son?

Gail and Adolf also looked at Han Jin with amazement. They never listened to Han Jin.

Han Jin slowly raised his eyelids and looked at the dragon knight. He had just met and had not said a few words. He set a language trap for him. If he explained that he didn’t want to hurt Timothy, it was Emperor. Moss almost killed him, so he only killed the killer, so the result is even more shameful, attacking a child, at most, leaving a cruel impression, and almost killed by a child, is stupid.

This dragon knight is a bit of a skill. The so-called seeing a leaf and knowing the autumn, a small deputy guardian can make him look at each other, Nikola's other generals?

"It seems that Nikola misunderstood my kindness." Han Jin smiled: "Frankly, I want to save Nikolay, lest he make a stupid mistake."

"Save? The way you save is too special..." The dragon knight laughed.

"If it wasn't for Jedice asking me to stop Nikolay from launching the battle of the day, do you think I am willing to go to that ghost place?" Han Jin did not change: "Unfortunately, I am a step late, Nikolay has started After the war, the Holy See was destroyed by him! How? Is Nikola regretful in the face of the army in the abyss?"

The sights of Kemalazi and Honduras turned back to the dragon knight, and the dragon knight changed his face slightly, silenced for a long while, and did not speak. This issue is related to all ground races. If the Holy See is still there, the hope of victory will inevitably increase by a few. He cannot avoid the topic. If he regrets, he will undoubtedly admit the stupidity of Nikolay. If he does not regret it, he will put Nikola again. Prominently became a bad guy, obviously did not know the apology.

"Who said that the Holy See was destroyed?" For a moment, the Dragon Knight slowly said: "We are just washing away the dirt of the Holy See. Now, Archbishop Zachary has become the new Pope! But you, even allow Jeddy. What is your purpose in privately setting up the Holy See in the Holy City? Is it attempting to split the Holy See? Rafael, you..."

The words of the Dragon Knight have not been finished, Adolf stepped forward in front of him, his arms flicked like lightning.

All the attention of the Dragon Knight was concentrated on Han Jin. Adolf suddenly shot and hit him with a surprise. He barely flashed his body and couldn’t avoid it. Adolf’s hand was heavily fanned on his face.

A crackling sound, the dragon knight could not help but fall to one side, but he immediately stabilized his body shape, with the strong vindictive light, the dragon knight has pulled out the sword, roaring and will rush to Adolf.

"Without my recognition, he is also a pope?!" Adolf said coldly: "Go back and tell Zachary the slut, I must end his dirty life by hand, sure!"

The dragon knight seemed to think of something, his body suddenly became stiff, and he looked at Adolf with a sigh of relief.

The monk even has the right to oust the pope. In the presence of Adolf, he is not convinced that he is purely self-inflicted, not to mention slapping him, even if he kills him, he should be deserved.

"I will introduce it." Han Jin smiled and said: "This is the monk of the Holy See, Mr. Adolf. His responsibility is to supervise the operation of the Holy See and to correct the mistakes made by the Holy See in time if he does not recognize Zakri. Identity, then... Zachary really is nothing, understand?"

The dragon knight took a deep breath, inserted the long sword into the scabbard, bent over to straighten the chair, and then slowly sat down to see the posture, it seems that he did not want to see Adolf in general.

There are a lot of things in the decision-making process, and it is impossible to think of the impact of all the details. For example, Jedice, Nikolay claims that Jeddy was assassinated by Lola, and then said that the Holy See colluded with Lola, there are many In contradiction, the two archbishops of the Holy See, Jedith and Zachary, did indeed carry out a series of infighting struggles because of the Pope’s inheritance rights. Since the Holy See and Lola had murdered Jedice, Zachary must be the murderer. One, after Nikolay captured the mountains and the mountains, it was too puzzling to support Zachary as the pope. The most important thing is that Jedice appeared in the Holy Crown City and re-established the Holy See. Although Nikolay announced that Jedice had already died, Jedice in the Holy City was only a fake and a product of conspiracy. But he can't erase the doubts in the hearts of the generals. How can the fake Jeddy win the trust of the light knights and priests?

Jedice’s style of doing things is always the same. What he got in the Holy Crown City, what he used to gain in the Xiongguang Empire, can be said that except for the magicians headed by Geng Green, the generals, the soldiers and the civilians They all like Jedice, and only Jedice can re-establish the Holy See in a short period of time. It is a natural influence. The fakes are very similar in appearance to Jedice, and the ability is definitely different. Far away, let alone, so many bright knights and priests are blind?

Saying a lie, it is necessary to use more lies to go round. Fortunately, Nikolay is a monarch, no need to explain to anyone, no one dares to question him, but doubts are always buried in the bottom of my heart, and Adolf’s appearance, Then thoroughly dismantled Nikolay, even the monks of the Holy See are willing to contribute to Hanjin. Does Jedice’s true and false still use it?

Kemorazi looked at Adolf with a shocked look. He now knows that this old man is not only powerful, but also has unimaginable power to oust the pope? !

Although the strength of the Holy See has become increasingly weak, and later suffered the devastating attack of Nikolay, but in the past few years, the Holy See has always had supreme status in people's minds, and even above the monarch, ousting the Pope is far more than ousting the monarch. People are surprised.

Seeing that the dragon knight is willing to recognize a dumb loss, Han Jin smiled, and before he could understand Nikola’s intentions, he did not want to make the atmosphere too stiff.

For a moment, the Dragon Knight suddenly turned his attention to Honduras: "The Honduran adult, Rafael adults can rush to the Free Commonwealth to help, it is your pleasure, you must treat Rafael adults!"

"That is of course, of course it is..." Honduras was confused and confused. Isn't this nonsense? Not only good hospitality, even the free federation has to be sent out, is not enough?

"Do you know what Rafael adults like to eat most?" The dragon knight smiled, but Adolf had a heavy slap in the face and left a clear fingerprint on the dragon knight's cheek. How much is this smile? It seems a bit strange.

“What do you like to eat?” Honduras asked curiously.

"Raphael is the favorite to drink dragon blood, haha."

"Dragon blood..." Honduras was stunned.

"Is that thing very good?" Gail was a little surprised: "I used to listen to Yalena before, I really didn't see it..."

"Nothing tastes." Han Jin smiled and said: "It's about the same blood as pig blood."

"No? You have also drunk pig blood??" Gael’s manager revealed a weird smile.

Han Jin wanted to counter this ugly short-selling behavior. Doesn't it mean that the dragon knight and his mount are dependent on each other's life and death? So he had to compare the dragon to the poultry, but he didn't expect to get himself in at the same time. He groaned, and he didn't take a glance at Gail.

"Did you eat the dragon meat? How is the taste?" asked the Gail manager.

"I don't want to eat." Han Jin shook his head. "The first time I killed was a minor dragon. The taste was OK. Later I met adult dragons. The taste was very bad, thick and rough. I only spit it out after taking a sip. It is estimated that even the dog will not eat."

"This way..." Gaier sighed.

"What? You want to try it too?"

"There is indeed this idea."

"I advise you to give up, it's really not good."

Han Jin and Gael’s general manager talked about the taste and taste of the dragon meat here. For the dragon knight Dick, it is tantamount to someone talking about the feeling of eating human flesh in front of him. He wants to get angry, but he can’t attack, he wants to turn his head. Can not go, his mission is not to go all the way to expose the bottom of Hanjin, there are more important tasks waiting for him to complete.

"Raphael, have you ever thought about it, if the Dragons of Dragon City and Dragon Field heard you, what would they do?" The Dragon Knight said coldly.

"What will happen?" Han Jin smiled.

"They will go crazy!" The tone of the dragon knight became very fierce, as if reminding Han Jin to think about the consequences.

Han Jin and Gail’s directors looked at each other without leaving traces. Adolf’s slap in the face, coupled with the stimulation of their two people singing and one, seemed to be a bit dysfunctional.

"You can tell them, I don't mind." Han Jin said faintly.

"You may not know it yet? Raphael! The ice dragon Anqi Aier has already woke up from the long sleep!!" The dragon knight stared at Han Jin with a sneak eye: "Dragon City and Dragon Field It will be united soon, do you really think... can you ignore the power of the dragon?"

“Anqi Aier?” Gail’s manager took a moment and said slowly: “She has not appeared on the mainland for a long time.”

"Accurately speaking, after the fall of the Golden Dragon King Milu, the sad Anqi Aier left the Golden Dragon family and disappeared into the people's sight." Seeing the Gaelic master was shocked, the dragon knight’s eyes were ridiculous. Look, finally pulled back a game!

"I seem to have heard the name from somewhere." Han Jin frowned, and then he remembered it. It was Xia Zuo. When he went to the Dragon Field as a guest, Xia Zuo told him that another guardian, Harriet. Go missing the valley to find the ice dragon Anqi Aier.

The atmosphere seemed a bit quiet, and even Adolf's face became dignified. Obviously, he understood what Anqi Aier's comeback meant.

"I didn't have any malice this time." The dragon knight did not dare to take the inch and immediately turned to the topic: "Raphael, if you don't blame, I hope to give me some time, let me tell the original words. ""

"You say it." Han Jin whispered.

"Your Majesty said that although we do not have an advantage from the current situation, but now is the only chance we have completely defeated Donald!" The Dragon Knight said: "Donald's three-way division, looks imposing, in fact he made the first The same mistake in a world war! He is too anxious, have you ever thought about it, if Donald is a soldier, Xu Tu is aggressive, how to deal with it?"

Han Jin laughed and he understood the potential of these words.

"We can't handle it." The Dragon Knight explained himself: "Your Majesty said that if the Xiongguang Empire is attacked first, you will never come to support him. Similarly, if you are attacked first, you will not support you. The mainland has been fighting for hundreds of years and has become a loose sand. We can't unite together! Donald has chosen to split up. This is actually the best for us. We don't have to unite and have no chance to kill each other. We just need to concentrate on defending ourselves. The enemy is fine."

"Nikola let you come not to form an alliance with us?" Han Jin asked slowly.

"If you form an alliance, can you believe us?"


"Your Majesty can't, then what is the meaning of the alliance?"

Han Jin gently sighed. Before he thought that he only unilaterally regarded Nikolay as an enemy. After talking with Geng Green, he already understood that Nikolay had locked him Han Jin, Cui Linda. Nikola must be regarded as a treasure, not to mention that he almost killed Timothy. With this alone, he and Nikolay are endless relationships.

"What did he send you to do?" Han Jin whispered.

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