MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 518 request

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Chapter VIII Request

Constance sat on the tree stump and looked at the front with a blank expression. Since she became a prisoner of war, her hands and feet have been cut off, her character has undergone tremendous changes. She used to be an elf who loves to laugh. Now, I often don’t say a word for hours, just sitting in a daze. Although Han Jin personally treated her, but healed only the wounds on the body, the psychological trauma still exists, the experience of suffering emerged from her eyes from time to time, like a nightmare, she could not breathe.

There are probably hundreds of elves on the side, and Gao Bin gave her an elf brigade to let her follow the traces left by the abyss world army. The purpose is to find out the strength of the army. If possible, it is best. It is not difficult to estimate the specific number of races. The soldiers of the abyss race must be camped for a break, and the area of ​​the camp can be guessed.

Of course, only calculating the strength of the other side, far from talking about knowing oneself and knowing oneself, because a sudden and terrible strong person can easily reverse the situation.

Just as Constance was fascinated, the silver Pegasus warrior wandering in the distance turned his head and watched it to the southeast. There was a heavy hoof in the distance. The time was not long. Several small black spots jumped from the woods. Out, mad, usually wading through the river, rushing toward the patrolling silver Pegasus fighters.

Then, there were more than a dozen black spots jumping out of the woods and chasing them in the back.

The elves all had sharp visions, and they soon discovered that seven or eight human knights riding across the armored bulls were rushing in front, and a group of minotaurs chasing after them!

The silver Pegasus warrior hurriedly spurred the Pegasus to shoot at the location of the brigade, and also issued an alert of the enemy while flying.

The alarm sounded five or six miles away. The elves who checked the site of the camp heard the alarm. Only Constance was still sitting on the tree stump.

"Adult!" An elf captain quickly walked over: "The enemy attack! There is an enemy!!"

"Enemy?" Constance suddenly realized that he immediately stood up and jumped on his silver Pegasus. An elf patrol quickly joined the brigade from all directions, and in just a few minutes, it became a battle. Array.

"It's a Minotaur! They are chasing a few human knights!" The first silver-flying Pegasus warrior who discovered the enemy's situation fluttered while flying.

"How many enemies?" Constance looked calm.

"more than ten!"

"Ready to save people." Constance shouted, then drove the silver Pegasus, and first stepped forward.

The elves are behind a line of Constance, which is the most advantageous form for the elves to attack. If you want to encircle the enemy, the two wings will be carried out with the sprint speed of the silver Pegasus. The situation is not retreating. The elves can turn into fan-shaped and flee, and save as much power as possible.

Soon, the knights riding across the armored bulls jumped into Constance's eyes and saw an army suddenly appearing in front of them. The knights were a little overwhelmed, perhaps with a gambling mentality, a knight struggling to wave A tragic flag was worn and the speed slowed down.

Constance did not pay attention to the knight, her eyes have been nailed to the dozens of minotaurs, and the longbow is slowly pulled open.

An arrow spurt out, rubbing the waving flag of the flag and flying it into a bull's head.

The Minotaur screamed and couldn't help but fall back, but the next moment, he climbed up and fled to the rear, while the other Minotaurs turned and followed behind their companions.

There was a bit of pain in Constance's eyes. Although the distance was too far, if at the peak of her strength, the minotaur would never hurt and die! The wound healed, but her strength could not be fully recovered.

"Catch!" Constance squeezed a word from his teeth and continued to fly forward.

A few knights riding across the armored barbarian realized that the comers were friends and non-enemy, all of them showed a happy color. The knight headed by the knight wanted to meet and greet Constance. Who knows that Constance didn’t take care of him and flew from him. And too.

The elves showed a very superb riding experience. In the blink of an eye, the entire Pegasus team rushed past the knights, but no rubbing occurred, and several iron armored bulls made an uneasy nose.

Constance once again opened the longbow and aimed at the head of a Minotaur. The speed of the running of the Minotaur and the speed of the silver Pegasus were very different. This time the distance between the two sides was less than three hundred meters, with the vibration of the bowstring. The sound, the Minotaur has been thrown forward.

The rest of the elves in the effective range also followed the opening of the longbow. The vibrating sound of the bowstring and the broken sound of the arrow were connected. The running minotaurs were planted one by one, and most of them were shot in the blink of an eye.

The headed barbarian knight looked at the backs of the elves, suddenly remembered something, and turned the armored bulls to chase the elves: "Come back! Danger!!!"

Can't blame him for not warning the police, not sleeping, and being chased after a few days and nights. Hundreds of companions fell down under the enemy's butcher's knife. He was exhausted and nearly collapsed, and the mind could not react.

In the end, there were only three Minotaurs. They used their hands and feet to escape the river and drilled into the woods. Constance suddenly took the reins and raised his right arm, indicating that the elves stopped chasing because she smelled a sense of uneasiness. .

Gao Bin gave Constance all the elite warriors. Seeing Constance raise his right arm, the elves have stretched the reins, and the whole formation is still scattered.

"Dangerous..." came behind him and the scream of the angry cow knight: "There are a lot of bullhead fighters! Danger..."

The warning of the Barbarian Knight was a little late, and the distant forest suddenly trembled, and then a tall and majestic figure jumped out of the woods, waving a cold tomahawk, snarling while snarling. If it is not the uneasiness that Constance has sensed, the sprint speed of the silver Pegasus is likely to come to a head.

Constance estimated the number of enemies in the first place, and the corners of his mouth showed a faint sneer. If the enemy had evil eyes and Medusa cooperated, it would make her a headache, and the alligator, for the elf warriors. one dish!

Constance made a whistle, and the silver Pegasus fighters split into two teams like water, let out the center, and then stepped back without any trouble.

This is the customary tactic of the elves to deal with the melee regiment. The two teams retreat in different directions. No matter which enemy the enemy bites, the other team will release the attack without mercy. If the enemy also chased the soldiers, it is better. The team elves will become four teams, the enemy will divide again, the four team elves will become eight teams, and even evolve into their own battles. A fast-moving shooter vs. a running warrior, the former undoubtedly has the upper hand, even if it can not cause fatal damage for a while, dragging can also drag the enemy alive.

"And... there are a lot of lions!!" The pretty cow knight screamed hard.

Constance’s face changed dramatically, and his heart was shocked and suspicious. If there is a lion in the chase, it’s hard to imagine that these few bulls can escape here, they should have been killed, but listen to the knight. The tone is not like nonsense.

"Flee away!" The pretty cow knight groaned.

Constance fiercely bite his teeth and shouted: "Remove!!" After experiencing the war with the orc race, the overall strength of the elf was greatly reduced, and the loss could no longer be tolerated, and Gaobin gave her the elite. These warriors are extremely precious. She has the responsibility to bring the soldiers back intact. I believe that they have and are not credible. She does not dare to take risks.

When the elves heard Constance's command, the speed suddenly increased and they retreated to the rear like a tide.

"Hey..." The barbarian knight groaned and hurriedly turned the iron armor, and the cow was the first to escape to the distance.

Unfortunately, the speed of the iron armor is very unsatisfactory, and the silver Pegasus fighters easily surpassed him.

"Hey, hello..." The wild cow knight looked at the back of the silver Pegasus fighters and turned to look at the Minotaurs in the rear. The speed of the armored bulls was not even better than those of the Tauren fighters. I can successfully escape here. It is the death of countless companions who sacrificed their lives. Seeing that the enemy is getting closer and closer, the barbarian knight is anxious and angry: "You wait for me..."

Constance hesitated, slowed down, waiting for the pretty cow knight.

The barbarian knight was relieved and moved to cry. When he caught up with Constance, he hurriedly laughed and said: "Hello, I am..."

Constance pointed coldly to the front: "Run!"

The barbarian knight swallowed his self-introduction and tried to drive the armored bull, rushing from Constance.

Constance opened the longbow, and the spurs rushed out, hitting the buttocks of the iron armor.

Although Constance did not use too much strength, the distance was too close, and the iron armor made a dull sorrow, and the speed suddenly increased.

"I am fucking..." The pretty cow knight couldn't help but make a scream of anger, but he closed his mouth very well.

Constance did not care about the barbarian, and said faintly: "Follow us, run out for thirty miles, and our people will meet." In this sentence, Constance has already surpassed each other.

The speed of the silver Pegasus is really enviable. The bully knight wants to stop and say, he wants to say, can you take me with me? But think about the characteristics of the silver Pegasus, he also gave up.

"Mom, it's awkward! Can't you say hello first?" The pretty cow knight glanced at Constance's back and whispered, then looked back at the chase, and he was satisfied with the current speed. But he became the last one, and the psychological pressure was too great. He hesitated for a moment and shouted: "Man, I am sorry..." After he finished, he reached out and bounced on the arrow feather.

At least a quarter of the arrow rods are deeply inserted into the buttocks of the armored barbarian. The armor is very unbearable, and the squeaking sounds again, the eyes have turned red, and the white foam in the mouth keeps flowing. A mad cow, and the speed of running is speeding up again.

The rest of the bulls and knights saw the elves returning back and took the initiative to continue to flee. Unfortunately, they were as suspicious as they were with the leader.

It is said that the escaping of escape is not to surpass the enemy, as long as you can surpass your own companions, a few barbarian knights make all the stops, you chase after me, desperately sprint.

For a moment, behind the heavy hoofs, they saw that the leader had appeared among them, then watched the leader over them, first half a cow, then two meters, three meters, the distance is getting bigger and bigger, until When they saw the arrowhead behind the wreck of the iron armor, they suddenly realized that they had pulled out their long swords and ruined their mounts. Only two knights hesitated and did not dare to do it.

The first barbarian knight turned back and said: "As long as we escape 15 miles, we will be saved! Fast!!" He deliberately said less than half way, worried that the exhausted knights gave up their fighting spirit. .

Upon hearing this sentence, the two knights immediately slashed their swords. The speed of the armored bulls was very ordinary, and they were long-lasting. But at this moment, they no longer have any concerns, and they first fled to the place to say.


On the Ares, Yalena and Zeng Green are installing the 湮 湮, the position of the bow, four locomotives have been installed, and the position of the stern has been installed five, only so much, the Ares Although the area of ​​the deck is very large, the space occupied by the brakes is not small. Moreover, there are more than a dozen Titan giants. There is really no place to put them.

And everyone is used to looking for the feeling of faint and freehand on the deck, getting together to chat, telling a few jokes, and having fun. If you want to remove all the tables and chairs, it is estimated that in addition to the mountain warriors obeying orders, everyone The group will be opposed.

Moxico, Sasou and Lei Zhe sat at a table and laughed. The three brothers haven't seen each other for a long time. They haven't finished talking these days because they have a lot of topics. How does the Moxic Branch struggle to brag about its strength? As long as there is an opportunity, he will clamor to fight with Sasou and Leizhe, and even let them both come together, while Sasio and Leizhe are in the city of Dipu. I have been treated as a super VIP and I have enjoyed all kinds of blessings.

After chatting for a while, Moshin Branch stood up and walked to the side of the ship. He suddenly fell down and hugged the ship's side. He shouted: "Oh... oh... I have to fall, sister Dominie, save me. ......" The words have not been finished, Mo Xinke screamed and laughed, almost burst into tears.

Sasio and Lei Zhe grinned, and they were flushed. Geng Qing looked at this side and smiled and shook his head. He was very emotional. Young is so good...

In fact, most people are laughing, with two exceptions, one is Dominique, and the other is the female Titan around Dominique.

Chesham expressed enough sincerity and thought very thoughtfully. Four of the Titan giants he sent were female Titans. In addition to protecting Dominic, there is also the meaning of serving with them. Everyone can see that Come out, this is the reconciliation signal that Chesham sent to Dominique.

Interestingly, one of the female Titans was fainted, so after making the God of War, a big joke came out. The ship's side of the Ares is normal for humans, but it is too short for the Titans. It just surpassed the Titan's knees. As a result, when the God of War was lifted, the female Titan immediately collapsed, holding the ship's side. Let's ask Dominique to save her...

"Moxin Branch!" Dominique was furious, lonely for too long, and when she saw the tribe, she certainly had to protect her. And the female Titan seems to have no experience, her eyes are red, and the crystal tears keep turning in her eyes.

"Joke, let's make a joke..." Moxie said with a smile.

"I won't tell you!" Dominique sank and then shouted: "Raphael!!"

"Don't... don't..." Moxico immediately panicked. He was not afraid of anything else. He was afraid of the special training. Although he made great progress, he definitely didn't want to come again. What is even more terrible is that Han The inflow reveals a certain meaning, as long as he causes trouble, he will throw him to the magic laboratory again.

"Apologize!" Dominie shouted.

If it is really a leak, who hurts, no one else said, Mo Xinke will apologize himself, but he thinks that he is not wrong, just a joke, and that female Titan is too tender, crying Nose, he feels that he is good for each other. If he does not mature as soon as possible, he may be ruthlessly eliminated if he encounters an accident.

The eyes of Moxinke turned and suddenly called: "Jenny... Good sister, save me, save me..."

He still imitated the appearance of Jeanne, and this time even more than Minnie was laughed, and Jenny was wronged and wowed.

"Mox, she is just a child, bullying her very interesting?!" Dominic held her face again.

Just then, a voice came: "What's wrong?" With the voice, Han Jin went to the deck.

"Mossenko cried Jenny's breath!" the two men said in unison, and the **** pointed straight to the Moxico, and then Sasio and Lei Zhe looked at each other and laughed. Everything was gone.

At this moment, Gao Bin’s figure rose from the side of the ship, and then Constance appeared. Finally, there was a very embarrassing knight. Gao Bin opened the door and said: “Raphael, something went wrong!”

"What?" Guevara walked up the deck after Han entered, and hurriedly asked Gao Bin’s words.

"Raphaelite!" The savvy knight hurried to kneel down on Guevara: "Please allow me, on behalf of the Freedom Federation, to pay tribute to the strongest people on the mainland!"

The atmosphere suddenly became calm, and Guevara's look became very weird, and Han Jin and Gao Bin exchanged their eyes.

"Constance, you first introduce the situation to the adults." Gao Bin whispered.

"Yes." Constance gave a cry and told the situation at that time.

"Those minotaurs? Are there captives?" Guevara asked.

"They only chased a few miles, then they pulled back." Constance said: "I am worried that there will be a change, no one will be investigated, all the soldiers will return, and no prisoners will be caught."

"The messenger of the Freedom Federation? I made a special trip to the Holy City... to ask for help?" Guevara said slowly.

"Yes...Yes." The knight's face was very embarrassing. He had been stunned for a long time, and no one let him get up, and people came straight to the subject and there was no buffer, which made him very uncomfortable.

"It seems that the situation in the Freewealth is very bad." Gao Bin smiled and said: "You came to Rafael for help, even if Rafael is a kind of person who doesn't know? Is it so urgent?"

"I..." The knight began to feel dizzy again, and the other party's words seemed to be easy to understand, but he just didn't understand.

"How did you come to the Holy Crown City for help?" Han Jin asked.

"We caught some of the captives of the abyss. According to them, Rafael injured the fallen angel Catherine in a fair confrontation," The knight looked at Guevara with a pleading look.

Everyone can't help but be dumb. It is true that Catherine was defeated, but it was not defeated by Han Jin. To be exact, it is her own to defeat Catherine.

However, this rumor is naturally not stupid to deny that Guevara is even more happy. Pushing Hanjin to the throne has always been the wish of Guevara. The old man devoted his life to Hanjin. It is hoped that Han Jin will be able to move towards the glory of his dreams.

The arrival of the free federal messenger made Guevara acutely aware that a great opportunity has emerged. Han Jin can certainly be called the king directly in the holy crown city. No one will oppose it. The problem is that although the area under Hanjin’s rule has already included several main cities, for a king, the size of such a territory is somewhat thin.

If you add the Freedom of the Union, then everything is different. After centuries of the continent’s incompetent situation, no one has ever established a cross-regional empire.

The knight who was kneeling on the ground was already fainting at the moment. The pursuit and long-distance trek in the past few days have made his physical and mental exhaustion to the extreme. After so long, the iron man must not hold on. He even suspects the opposite. Does the legendary Raphael have some bad hobbies, or how can he always smile at himself?

"You are right, Catherine is indeed in the hands of our Raphaelite." Guevara took the lead for Han, and directly took the big hat over. "However, why didn't you go to Xiongguang?" empire?"

The knight couldn’t help but glance at Guevara’s words. No one would call himself an adult. Isn’t Rafael himself worshipping? This face is a little lost...

As if to see the doubts in his heart, Guevara owed a owe to Han Jin and said, "This is our Raphaelite. The information of the Freedom Federation is a bit too occluded. Even the age of our adults. Didn't figure it out?"

The knight looked bitter and secretly groaned. The elf clearly shouted Rafael. What did you say when the old man jumped out? However, at this moment, he naturally did not dare to show his slightest grievances. He had to admit his life and went to Hanjin. "Please forgive me for my ignorance. I can’t believe it. The Raphaelite of the sacred martial arts is so Young, looking at the history of the continent for thousands of years, only you can do this at your age, and the language can no longer express the shock in my heart..."

It seems that the Freedom Federation sent him to be the messenger for no reason. When it came to the Cavaliers, there was no trace of embarrassment on the face of the Cavaliers. It seemed to be a practice beforehand. A series of flatterings continued to emerge from his mouth.

"Well, you get up." Han Jin said with some helplessness. Seeing this guy's enthusiasm, if he does not interrupt him, I am afraid he can always say that the sun is setting.

The knight heard the words and stood up, and his heart was still smug. No one could stop his touting. Even the legendary Raphael was no exception.

At this time Guevara turned and said a string of characters to Han Jin silently, and also made a gesture. This scene just happened to fall in the eyes of Zeng Qing, who looked at this side. He couldn’t help but squint, but with the savvy of Green, he quickly figured out the key points, and kept his head busy, and couldn’t help but whisper. One sentence, "Building the momentum? This guy really hasn’t missed any chance..."

Guevara said that 'Angel', Han Jin also showed a hint of sorrow, but immediately reacted, Guevara, this is to let him summon the angels, no doubt, as long as the angels show up, will definitely Breaking the eye of the messenger of the Freedom Alliance, looking at the entire continent, who can have angels as servants?

Han Jin couldn't help but smile in the bottom of his heart. Such a high-profile behavior completely did not attach to his state of mind. However, Guevara's thoughts also made him clear that the old man was eager to push himself to the position that attracted attention. For Guevara. Han Jin has always had a special kind of emotion. He can't bear and can't refuse Guevara's request. Moreover, it is good for Han Jin himself.

Han Jin was over the head, and Harley’s heart was fascinated and quietly sank under the deck.

At this time, the knight bent down to Han Jin. "Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Bauer and I am the head of the Free Federal Guards."

Everyone was a little surprised. I didn't expect this guy with a slick mouth to be a head of the team. Is it true that the promotion of the free federal government is decided by mouth? Lei Zhe and Sasou all turned their eyes to the Mo Xinke, and they were thinking, if you throw the Moxico branch there, you should be able to mix it into an official position.

Bauer naturally wouldn’t know the thoughts of other people’s minds, but he still said in a sincere tone. “The emergence of the abyss army is a disaster for all the ground races. The Freedom Federation is the first to bear the brunt of the abyss. Full attack, in this case, it is difficult to annihilate them all by the power of the free federation. I hope that Raphael can lend a helping hand to know which city or alliance is not the purpose of the abyss race, but All the people on the ground, today is our free federation, then maybe tomorrow their goal is your holy crown city."

Han Jin looked at Bauer with a playful look. He maliciously speculated and annihilated them all? I am afraid that you are annihilated, you are right, or how Baba’s ran from here.

Guevara frowned on one side, do people in the Freedom Federation like to talk so much? If neither Catherine nor the vampires were attracted to the Holy City by Han Jin, I am afraid that the Freedom Federation has now vanished.

“How long can you support?” Guevara asked bluntly.

Bauer stunned and didn't understand why Guevara suddenly asked this question, but he still smiled and replied, "It is not difficult for us to be free from the federal self-protection. What is difficult is how to minimize the loss of this disaster..."

"So we can rest assured that you don't have to be too anxious. It is a big deal to send troops. We have to negotiate slowly." Guevara interrupted Bauer's words very politely, the guard of the Guards. The head of the team should not be tempted in front of Guevara. He learned that Catherine had been injured by Han Jin. Even if he had no time to find out what kind of person Han Jin was, he rushed here, and the other’s eyes had been revealed. There is no point in hiding. What's more, the principals of the Ares are a group of sophisticated guys who want to play tricks and make use of them.

"Let the Bauer messenger go down and rest for a while. It’s a long way to go, it’s going to be exhausted." Han Jin is on the side of Guevara.

Bauer doesn't know what to say, it's a good trip. It’s really easy to say. In order to break through the encirclement, I have already sacrificed the lives of hundreds of companions. After all the **** battles and thorns and thorns, how did I get into the mouth of these people and become a simple journey?

"But..." What Bauer had just said to save the current unfavorable situation was stunned by the sudden appearance.

Two angels with white wings behind them crouched in front of Han Jin and said in unison, "Master!"

how is this possible? ! Bauer’s eyes almost fell out of his eyes. God, what did I see? ! The light angel who stayed in the world? ! Wait, what did they just call the Raphael? the host? !

"Get up." Han Jin casually said, did not look at the two angels a few eyes, as if they are just a normal existence.

Balcher was shocked at the end. He even took a bit of fear in Han Jin’s eyes. The light angel who was supremely high was so shackled at the feet of this young man. This is simply unacceptable. Although the power of light angels is only equivalent to the superpower of human beings, angels represent the will of God and the glory of God. Angels can fight for human beings, and will never do anything that is detrimental to their own dignity. In a sense, dignity is more important than their lives.

"What? Is there something else?" Han Jin looked at Bauer as if he was wondering why he was still standing here.

Bauer woke up fiercely, and slammed into the foot of Han Jin and cried out loud, "Raphael, help us free the federation!"

Han Jin was shocked, and the reaction was a bit too intense, right? Bauer’s psychological defense collapsed so quickly that some of Han’s prepared backhands were completely useless.

"What happened?" Han Jin asked curiously.

At this moment, Bauer can't wait to slap himself, why he always wants to keep that **** face, and everything he has witnessed shows that this young man is not only the only person who can save the free federation, but Bauer can imagine Obtained, this lord with an angel servant is destined to become the legend of the whole continent. Who can stop his footsteps?

Bauer, who was frightened by the strength of Han Jin, no longer dared to hide it, and told the situation of the Freedom Federation without reservation. In fact, Han Jin’s guess is correct. The Freedom Federation is indeed in jeopardy. More than half of the cities are in the hands of the abyss. It is commendable that the Freedom Federation has never given up resistance, but because of the disparity in strength, no matter how hard they fight, They can't resist the advancement of the abyssal race, but at best they have slowed down the pace of the abyss army.

Until the people of the Freedom Federation learned that the fallen angel Catherine was defeated, and finally ignited the fire of hope in their hearts, such a powerful existence, I think there should be enough power to resolve this disaster, so there is Bauer’s trip to help.

After saying all this, Bauer stood on the side with a pitiful look and looked at Han Jin with a look of hope, hoping to get an inspiring reply.

However, the facts made Bower disappointed, because it was not Han Jin who spoke, but the bad old man in the eyes of Bauer.

"Raphael, don't forget, Catherine is still nearby." Guevara solemnly reminded Han Jin.

Han Jin’s face suddenly showed a hesitant look, and he hated standing at the side of Bauer’s roots, but he did not dare to say anything.

After considering it for a long time, Han Jin was helplessly spreading his hand to Bauer. "You also heard that the fallen angel has never gone far. As far as my own wishes are concerned, I really want to help the Freedom Federation, but I am leaving, what about my holy crown city?"

When Bolton stayed, even if he had thousands of reasons, how can he move his feelings and know what is right, and can't let people give up their homes?

"Now the mainland is turbulent, people are not stable, let alone the residents of the city, the soldiers below, can not leave the adults, you are their main heart." Guevara's words are very igniting Suspect.

Bauer is in a hurry, and then let the old man say it. The help-seeking thing will definitely be lost. His parents and children are waiting for his good news in the free federation. Once they are not supported, I am afraid he will go back. The only thing that can be done after that is to buy a few coffins in advance.

"Actually... In fact, if the adults help you, the Freedom Federation will be grateful to the adults from top to bottom. No matter what your requirements, we will try our best to meet..." Later, Bauer’s voice became smaller and smaller. I myself suspect that the Freedom Federation can't get a countertop in the eyes of the other party, but it has the existence of a light angel servant.

Sure enough, Guevara’s hateful voice rang again. “Require? What do you think we can ask for your free federation?! If it is something that we adults can’t get, can you freely have a federal solution? ”

"I don't mean that..." said Bauer, who was desperate in his heart. He really couldn't think of a reason to impress the young lord.

"Not to mention, the eyes of our adults are very long-term." Guevara said meaningfully.

Long-term vision? Bauer jumped in his heart and immediately captured this information. What does this mean? Is the purpose of this Raphaelian adult not only the current abyss army? So what is the goal for the longer term? The answer has come to the fore, and that is the whole continent! That's right, it must be like this! Bauer is excited to think, this is too normal, like the god-level powerhouse with strong power like Han Jin, if he does not have any high-level ambition, then it is really abnormal.

"Adult, the instrument that detained the lord of Marion, you have not signed it yet?" Guevara suddenly popped up.

"Yeah." Han Jin nodded and said, "I will go now."

Reward the lord? ! Bauer was shocked again. Did Raphael have already won the king? ! In this case, it means that my previous guess is true! Bauer’s brain suddenly began to work at a rapid pace, trying to think about what the free federation could do, and could be used to impress the young king in front of him.

At this time, Han Jin had turned and walked into the cabin, and Guevara said after he entered with Han Jin, "There is also Cesham of Cold Shadow City. This time his sincerity is also quite big..."

Under the Guevara, Bauer couldn’t hear it. He wondered if he had heard the mistake, the Chesham, who is famous for his arrogance. The Titans who have never bowed in front of the Black Dragon? God, is this Raphael unified the Northeast region? !

In the mind of Bauer, a sudden flash of light flashed. Since the purpose of the other party is the whole continent, why can't the Freedom Federation be attached to this young man like the Titans? The more Bauer thinks, the more he feels that this thing is feasible, and does not say that the current free federation is close to the point where it exists, even if it is safe and sound, until the young man really begins to fight for the mainland, the free federation does not have that strength to block. The other side's road.

Since it can't resist, there is nothing more than two ways to go. One is that jade is burned, but Bauer estimates that there is only a free federation that can be burned, and the other is surrender, but that is when the soldiers are under the city. The helpless move made. And if you trust the past, not only will the free federation be spared the catastrophe, but there is such a strong backing, which is not a bad thing in terms of it. As for the high-ranking people, Bower believes that they will make it right. The choice, one side is destruction, the other side is survival, even the fools should know which one is more reliable.

The top people in the Freedom Federation, if they know that Bauer’s thoughts at the moment will be stunned, can anyone expect that the messengers they sent out will be trying to sell the entire Freedom Federation?

Seeing that Han Jin’s figure is about to disappear at the door of the cabin, Bauer yelled out loud, “Raphael, wait a minute!”

Han Jinwen stopped his footsteps and turned around. In fact, he and Guevara always slammed into the cabin at a slow pace, waiting for Paul's retention.

"What else? You see, I am very busy." Han Jin made a dissatisfied look.

"Raphael!" Bauer rushed to Hanjin a few steps and bent down deeply. "I beg you to help and save the fate of the Freedom Federation."

"Give me a reason."

"Because, the Freedom Federation is about to fall into the map of the adults." After Bower said this, he only felt that he was relaxed. He was confident that he would promise his request.

"Is this your own opinion, or is it the idea of ​​Kemalaki?" Guevara asked, and Kemalaki was the head of the current free federation. In fact, it doesn't matter how Kemalaki himself thinks. As long as Bauer said that sentence is enough, Guevara wants only an excuse.

"It's my opinion, but I believe that Kemalaki will not object," Bauer said loudly.

"Well, since this is the case, Rafael, then should we change the plan?" Seeing that the purpose has been reached, Guevara has become spiritually refreshed.

The people on the deck witnessed the whole process of the whole thing. Seeing that the poor messenger eagerly jumped into the trap that Guevara had carefully crafted for him, there was a feeling of ridicule. Is this a bit too much? With such a simple sentence, it determines the fate of the Freedom Federation.

"Mr. Guevara, don't worry so much..." Han Jin was helpless at the same time, although Guevara did not ask for his opinion on this matter, but it cannot be denied that Guevara did Everything is for his Hanjin.