MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 39 Internal secret

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The atmosphere of this forest is very quiet, the scenery is very elegant, but it is not suitable for young people's life. It doesn't matter if you are old, the mentality between the two is too big. It's boring here, there is almost no entertainment, can't you count ants to play? After dinner and before going to bed, this section became a prime time. Everyone sat in a chat with Tiannanhaibei. Even Xiannier, who usually doesn't like to talk more, opened his voice.

"Xinnier, let's talk about it!" Julie looked at Sunnier with her sparkling eyes. Since she knew that Xiannier had served as a commander, especially the commander of the heroic force in the famous battle, she I started to worship Chanel.

"There is nothing to say." Siniel said with a sigh of relief.

"You are a hero, everyone is waiting to hear your story." Sasio laughed.

"Hero?" Chanel's tone is full of sarcasm: "The hero is not so good. I am the ninth commander. Do you know why I can be a commander? Because the previous commanders all died." It!"

Everyone was a bit stunned. I don’t know why Sunnier’s emotions have changed so much. Xiannier bit his lip and whispered: “Forget it, don’t ask, I tell you, the war is not as interesting as you think. Meaningful, full of ugliness, cruelty and bloodyness everywhere, if you have the chance to go to the battlefield, you will understand, but I hope that you will never have this opportunity."

"Xinnier, you are too young to bear our ability." Han Jin said faintly: "Of course, beautiful is the exception."

"What happened to me?" Han Li was dissatisfied with the white.

"Yeah, I agree." Moxie took a shot of Han Jin's shoulder and said loudly: "Sinnel, we are very interested in your experience, let's talk about it."

"You guys..." Sunil said helplessly: "A long time ago, the elves had been living on fruits, but now, what do you eat, I will eat with you, don't you think I am weird?"

Han Jin and others looked at each other. They didn't pay attention to this before. Think about it carefully. It is true.

"Because the war has completely changed our civilization." Siniel said slowly: "Sometimes, picky is going to pay a heavy price, even life. We are not qualified to be picky, especially in war, we can't find food. We will take off the leather and cook it. What else can we not eat?"

Julie couldn't help but hold her mouth, she couldn't figure out, how can a tough leather be a food? !

"Actually, I am not a real commander. In the last battle, we immediately won the victory. We were suddenly attacked by five red dragons. As a result, we were only able to disperse. At that time, there were only a hundred or so left. Partners, they elected me as the commander, and my task is not to lead them to victory, but to take them safely back to Yehliucheng.” Sunil’s voice is getting lower and lower: “However, I finally returned to Yehliucheng. There are only seven elves, including me."

"Have you seen the Red Dragon??" Steelberg exclaimed. In his opinion, the dragon is an extremely distant and extremely powerful existence.

"More than just seen, we also killed a red dragon together." Xiannier said faintly.

"Dragon crystal?" Han Jin hurried, most of the time, he can keep calm, but when it comes to energy, he becomes another person.

"There are four red dragons in the sky. Do you think we should look for Longjing?"

Han Jin’s heart is a pity, but if you think about it, even if the elves dig up the dragon crystal, they don’t necessarily fall into the hands of anyone. Anyway, they have nothing to do with themselves.

"I am a little tired." Chanel stood up and walked back.

"Xinnier, don't go." Moxenko hurriedly called.

Xiangnier did not hear the sound of the Mo Xinke, and disappeared into the woods without looking back.

"She is not easy." Sasko whispered: "Actually, in that war... every living elf is not easy.

"Do you know?" asked Mo Xinke.

"I only know a few things. After all, it was a decade ago." Sasio said slowly: "The lord of Zaguned and the lord of Casas jointly launched a large-scale attack, Yehliucheng..."

"Cass Lord? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Don't talk about it, listen to me and you will know." Sasio dissatisfied said: "At that time, the situation of Yeliucheng and Shengguancheng was very passive and dangerous. Yehliucheng sent an elite shooter squad and a silver Pegasus army. Going deep into the rear of the Casa Lord’s army to carry out the harassment, calculating the time, they insisted on more than a year, destroyed two large magic transmission arrays, annihilated numerous small units, and burned a large number of heavy weights, except for the Casa Lord. Outside the main city, they have been occupied by other cities, and some have even occupied several times."

"The main force of the Casa Lord is fighting Desmark, unable to rescue the rear, and the Silver Pegasus Army is quick to move, not to say decisive, not even to find them. It is very difficult to find them. Finally, the Casa Lord is forced to The method had to take the risk of picking up a few Red Dragons and Guards Legion to get rid of the Silver Pegasus.” Sassauton paused: “Dismmark has been waiting for this opportunity. He launched a full-line attack and only took three days. It broke through the defense of the Casa Lord and killed the Casa Lord in the chaos."

"The Silver Pegasus Army paid a heavy price." Sasio sighed: "I heard that the elf who finally returned to Yehliucheng alive is less than one-tenth."

"And then?" Han Jin asked.

"Nothing, the Casa Lord died, and his territory was divided by Yehliu City and the Holy Crown City. That's it."

Han Jin was silent, and Mo Xinke and others showed a sly color. They really understood what Sunil said. After swimming for more than a year in the enemy's back, the hardships and dangers she experienced were unimaginable. Eat leather? It looks too normal now.

"What are you thinking about?" Sasio looked at Hanjin.

"What about Zaguned? You didn't talk about him just now."

"He? Casa is dead. Can he hang on to the wild willow city and the holy crown city? He has already fled back to his own territory."

"The wild willow city and the holy crown city did not chase the army of the Black Crow City?"



"This... I don't know." Sasio shook his head. What he knew was the big process and the big link in the whole war. Not only did he know that many people know that, as for why, it belongs to internal secrets. It is.