MTL - Warlord of Chaos-Chapter 35 sneak into

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Although the situation on the mainland is very chaotic, the security of the main cities is still ok. As the saying goes, the thieves and the thieves of the thieves, under the severe punishment system, the average civilian does not dare to do bad things, no one wants to become Slaves, as for the privileged classes of the nobility, no matter what they did, went far beyond the scope of law and order. The so-called law and order was only spoken to civilians and slaves.

The supreme power of each city is firmly held in the hands of the lords, and in this world, power is the only criterion for testing everything. Every lord is not alone. There are countless professionals who unite around them and the power of the lords. It is easy to destroy the joint resistance of other acropolises and even all the villages and towns. Only those who can really threaten the lords can only be other lords.

As for the oppressed classes such as civilians and slaves, there must be dissatisfaction, but the world's construction system gives the oppressed class a way out and a channel to vent their dissatisfaction. Want to be a privileged class? Practice hard, when you have the outstanding strength, the privileged class will open the door to welcome you. In order to stabilize and inherit the privilege of your own privilege, the privileged class does not care to have a partner. If you are bullied in your life, then you are incompetent, why can others become good professionals, but you can't do it? Be deceived! If you want to resist, it is your fault, and resolutely defeat!

However, the situation in Beit League is somewhat special, because there is no supreme ruler here, and the city owners of the four acropolises are intriguing each other. What they want to put an end to is a massive **** conflict. As for the small-scale battle, it has never been interrupted, even They themselves are behind the scenes of the fight, which laid the foundation for the chaos of Beit League.

Therefore, the security team of Beit League is the busiest, most tired, most numerous and most dangerous security team. Even in the middle of the night, they must insist on patrolling.

In an alley in the eleventh town, suddenly a head was extended, and the security team that was away was quietly observed. The security team had already turned into another street, and the figure made a gesture.

Xiannier jumped on the wall and carefully observed the surrounding. Her smooth blond hair was still very conspicuous in the dark. For this problem, Han Jin had already argued with her many times, and she strongly urged Sunil to tie her hair up. Then put on the black cloth, but Xiannier refused, the reason is unknown...

" you really want to do this?" asked Michelle in the dark.

"Do you think we still have a way out?" Sasko whispered.

"Reassure, there are only some samurai protection around George, and his guardian is just a high-ranking swordsman, no problem." Han Jin said faintly.

"It's just a high-ranking swordsman?" Mo Xinke dissatisfiedly answered: "What do you mean!"

"Your self-esteem is quite strong." Han Jin Renjun couldn't help but smile. The sentence just now has the suspicion of mulberry.

"You..." Moxenko's ache is itchy, but given the things he has to do now, he can only take a breath.

"Can you shut up?" Cinnel's cold voice passed down from above. Her hearing was very good, but the people below were nonsense there, causing great interference to her.

Everyone was in silence. Han Jin suddenly felt that after the daytime battle, in addition to Michelle, their self-confidence expanded a lot, even the fighters can knock down, but also worry about the little swordsman? Now everyone's emotions are not only excitement, but also very arrogant, this is not a good sign.

Sunil moved quietly along the wall, hiding behind a tree, then slowly taking off the long bow behind him, aiming in one direction, with a loose finger, an arrow flew out silently. A security signal was subsequently issued.

"Sasio, you and Michelle, Steelberg stay here, ready to meet us." Han Jin whispered.

"Well, don't worry." Sasio nodded. He is a magician, not suitable for playing in this kind of sneak attack. Once the magic is released, it will alarm other people, and George’s son-in-law, Rapar, is a high-ranking fighter, if Rapar takes the security team. When they rushed over, they were miserable.

Moxico flicked and grabbed the wall. He didn't look at his tall, his movements were very agile, he turned to the wall silently, and then handed a hand down.

On the tiptoe of Han Jin, he jumped onto the wall by the pull of Mo Xinke, and then the two men approached Siniel one after the other.

Maybe George never thought about who would dare to beat his idea. The defense in the yard seemed very slack. The three people jumped off the wall and walked out more than 30 meters, and did not see a person.

In the middle of the Mo Xinke just turned a rockery, suddenly touched a wet thing, shocked him, and fixed his eyes, a person is sitting in the dimple of the rockery, his neck is also exposed A black arrow feather.

Unlucky! Moxico secretly snorted and rubbed his hand on the body.

Han Jin followed up, looked at the body, and looked back at the wall in the distance. He couldn’t help but whisper: "This is a dead end..."

The mysterious smile of Moxico, depressed the voice and spit out a note: "Eight!"

"What?" Han Jin did not understand.

Moss did not answer, and quickly caught up with Siniel.

Walking through the entire courtyard, without any obstruction, through the corner door is the inner courtyard, that is, where George and his husband rested, Mossenko leaned in the corner door to observe for a moment, whispered: "This is the kid who said The place is, George's wife is so much, how do we know where he is? Can't you find a room and a room?"

Chanel turned back to Han Jin, and Han Jin whispered back: "Where there is a guard, George is there."

Xiannier put her index finger in front of her lips, listened for a moment, pointed her finger to the left, and a group of three people touched the small radial front.

George's life should be very simple. God knows what he wants to do with money. Don't say magical lights, not even a few oil lamps. The outer court does not say it. There are only two places in the inner courtyard where there are several oil lamps.

At the end of the trail, there is a very spacious yard. Under the light of the lights, they can clearly see the four guards gathered in front of the corner gate and whispering something, and Siniel took them here. I heard the voice of the other party.

“What to do?” said Siniel in a very small voice. The grass in front was very spacious and they couldn’t touch it.

"You pretend to be a woman and bring them over." Moxico said in Han Jin’s ear.

Sunil almost laughed out loud, this live treasure! No matter when she can make a joke, she can't smile very quickly, because Han Jin's eyes are turning around her.