MTL - War in Heaven-Chapter 1265 Weak force

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In the main hall of the Flame Palace, the dignified gas field spread.

Seeing that General Qin was under control, the guards behind did not dare to move. The finance minister who was already running was also as scared as he was, unable to sit in the same place.

- So, how old is the "less master" in the past?

Feeling the burning anger of the other side, Lin Chi’s expression was serious and asked softly: “So, is this the reason for your betrayal?”

"In order to... this land... I can give everything!"

Zhao Luo’s eyes are red and full of blood, like a goblin who broke into hell: “Flame City does not need you such an incompetent lord!”

" doesn't matter to me..." The Chancellor of the Treasury twitched back and waved his hand, trying to draw a line with himself.

In the face of the assassin's questioning, Lin Chi chuckled, but accepted the other party's accusation very calmly:

"You are right, I admit that the previous ‘less master’ is indeed an incompetent faint prince.”

——When I saw the documents piled up in the small master room, Lin Chi had already noticed the laziness of the young master: the guy who was “playing” did not read the documents at all, but only took all the bills that should be dealt with. Lost in the room.

The few masters before their "falling" were just the kind of rulers who were common in ancient times. It is really inappropriate to let this lazy child rule the city of Flamewind.

It is precisely because of this that the confidant around the Chancellor of the Exchequer will make a plan to assassinate the Lord.

From the perspective of the Flame City, it is perfectly reasonable to assassinate the Lord. But now, the situation is different:

Standing in front of Zhao Luo, the young master raised the invisible dark sword, and the gestures were full and decisive:

"I can understand your anger. But now, I am not the ‘I’ in the past.”


Zhao Luo, who has lost too much blood, has begun to diverge, his body is constantly stunned, and he can't say a complete sentence.

"You can rest in peace, because now I will lead the Flame Army to victory."

After the completion of the lesson, the lesser masters slashed the head of Zhao Luo, the assassin who had been in pain, and finally got a permanent relief.


The unusual silence in the hall can almost hear the heartbeat of everyone.

Lin, who executed the assassin, stepped forward and waved, and the black mist around Qin’s general suddenly dissipated.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Lin Chi came to the Chancellor of the Treasury, bent over the obese man, and stood against him... his left hand.

"Can you stand up?" Lin Chi asked.

"Thank you for the Lord." The Chancellor of the Treasury stood up in a trepidation. Some of them looked at Zhao Luo’s body in a panic: "He is just my guard, I don’t know anything..."

"I didn't blame you for what I meant." Lin Chi smiled and then suddenly lowered his voice: "Bad out of the mouth, be sure to be cautious in the future."

"I, I know." The voice of the Chancellor of the Exchequer is still shaking.

"I read all the documents last night, I will give you instructions later, take the body away, and let everyone else come to the main hall." Lin Chi said to take up the dark sword and turned to the throne of metal.

Until he returned to the throne, the soldiers who were still in a daze finally woke up like a dream and carried away Zhao Luo’s body. Just when General Qin was ready to turn and leave, Lin Chi stopped the other party:

"Don't forget to remove the organ of the body and wash it and send it to me."

"Know it, less master." General Qin nodded.

"In the afternoon, let all the generals come to the Flame Palace, I will see them."

Lin Chi continued to give instructions, but he saw General Qin’s appearance and thoughts, and asked: "What happened?"

"I have a problem, less master." General Qin whispered: "What happened to the black fog just now? And your weapon... is it invisible?"

"This is a secret, let go."

"Follow, less master."

General Qin took another trip and turned away from the main hall with the soldiers.

After the people left, the main entrance of the Flamewind Palace was closed again. The black fog that had previously controlled General Qin had reappeared and condensed into a human figure in white.

"Master, just leave the black hand behind the scenes, is it really good?" Mo Liya's voice was questioned.

"It doesn't matter, I need him for the time being." Lin Chi smiled: "In addition, I have other things to deal with."

The voice did not fall, Lin Qiao’s line of sight, the task prompt has popped up:

The mission "The ruler of the Flamewind City" has been completed.

You have turned on the "Lord Mode (Level 1)". When you are in the throne of the Lord, you can check your army and internal affairs, and you can quickly issue instructions through the commander.

Seeing that he had acquired new skills, Lin Chi also immediately opened the skill bar, opened the level 1 lord mode, and the status of the Yanfeng City army immediately became specific data in front of you:

Flame Wind Army.

Current number: 4275.

Overall morale: low mood.

Overall food and grass conditions: more adequate.

After reviewing the general situation, Lin Chi began to review the specific situation of the troops, and the specific allocation of the Yanfeng troops appeared in front of them:

The Yanfeng Army’s “Blocks” massacre units:

Commander: "Flame Wind Slayer" Silver Cream.

Current number: 812

Morale status: low mood.

Grain and grass status: insufficient.


Flamewind Army Alien Knights:

Commander: Grand Knight Heidelmer.

Current number: 59.

Morale status: low mood.

Grain and grass conditions: more adequate.


Flamewind Army Guards:

Commander: Ren You.

Current number: 37.

Morale status: low mood.

Grain and grass conditions: more adequate.


Flamewind Army 骠 Cavalry Corps.

Commander: Not available.

Current number: 247.

Morale status: low mood.

Grain and grass status: insufficient.


Flamewind Army Bow and Arrow Force.

Commander: Huo Fang.

Current number: 459.

Morale status: low mood.

Grain and grass status: insufficient.


"Is there a morale with no morale?" Lin said.

The situation of the remaining troops is basically similar to the troops above. Perhaps because of the lack of the Lord, all the current military forces are in a state of low morale. If there is a sudden outbreak of fighting, it is afraid that they will die directly.

Although the control of the Yanfeng City was taken back, the city is still in a state of “hunting a waste”, and since the Lord has been working passively, the internal affairs of Yanfeng City should not be optimistic.

"I hate dealing with these internal affairs..." Lin Chi muttered.

"Less Lord, you need to reinvigorate the morale of the army now." Shen Wenchong reminded: "If you continue this way, the Flames will have deserters and traitors."

"I know." Lin Chi sighed: "This is also the responsibility of the lord, I will try hard."