MTL - War God Asura-Chapter 888 Weird call

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After the departure of the local governor, on the vast horizon, only the criminal and Su Can elders. (_"")

Elder Su Can glanced at the sentence and had some approval in his eyes, but he did not say much, but after a slight nod, he dissipated in the air like a breeze.

However, witnessing all the criminal decisions, the heart has never been able to settle.

He looked down and looked at the dripping blood in the mountains below. After a long time, above the corners of his mouth, a shallow smile appeared.

"While the soul is lonely, it is a blessing to have such an elder."

Although he was not allowed to talk to the criminal sentence from the elder Su Can, he was sentenced to know that the elder was only for him.

And in this destiny, the souls that are deeply despised by the other three customs, can have such a strong willing to shelter themselves, this is a fortunate misfortune.

"God, do you see that? The old man of the drunkard, no, no, is the elder Su Can, who is actually killing dozens of local disciples in front of the elders."

"It's unbelievable. It's really amazing that this old man who never shows up in the week has such strength and such discouragement."

"No, this old guy won't shoot for no reason. In the past, when he was shut up, or when I was bullied by his disciples, I didn't see him."

"Today he suddenly shot, and so hot, there must be some reason."

Among the mountains, dozens of figures are erected here. They are the soul disciples who escaped before, but everything that happened before them is vivid.

"Is it, is he?"

After some shock, everyone's eyes were condensed on the criminal decision. At this moment, they seemed to find the reason for the elder Su Can.

.................................................. ...........

"The criminal judge is now dark, and you really want to enter the soul chamber at this time?"

"Yeah, the soul is a little different. I have learned the souls of tens of thousands of people. Everything is normal in the daytime, but the night is different and not suitable for cultivation."

"He said nothing wrong, and sentenced the younger brother, this night is really weird, according to my opinion, come back tomorrow."

Beyond the secrets of the soul, the criminal decision is opening the door to the passage of the soul, and dozens of soul disciples behind them are all persuading.

They all recognize the difference in criminal judgments. Now they are in the soul, they naturally want to have a good relationship with the criminal decision, so they are now entangled in the criminal decision.

Especially this is a secret, the interior is quite complicated, and the first-timers are easy to get lost. Everyone wants to lead the way to the criminal decision.

However, the criminal decision only chose to enter after dark, which made everyone feel speechless, because this soul can be said to be a forbidden place after sunset.

"Thank you for the kindness of your brothers and sisters. In fact, I don't need a guide. I can enter alone." The prisoner saw the worries in the hearts of the people, and smiled and prepared to enter.

"The criminal judge, you really can't go in. The soul at this time is really dangerous."

But at this time, a woman with a white face and a long blue dress stopped the criminal decision.

"I never feared the danger of punishment." The sentence was once again chuckled, and the figure flashed, bypassing the woman.

"I didn't lie to you. I practiced here at night, and it is easy to get rid of the evil spirits. Anyone who is ignoring the fire will be killed by the elder Su Can." Seeing the sentence, the oil did not enter, the woman said loudly.

"Get out of the fire? Is there really such a thing?"

When I heard this, the punishment was also tight, and I couldn’t help but look at the woman behind me.

Because he chose to enter at night because he was outside the soul, he felt a call from the soul.

At the time of the day, this week's summoning is looming, but the sun is gradually clearing, but until the night falls, it is even more intense.

However, he never thought that this call from the depths of the soul may contain a kind of danger. It is natural to be curious to hear the woman say this.

"The criminal judge is absolutely true. Although it is only an individual person, I have encountered such a thing, but some people have indeed gone into flames."

"And, when they go into flames, they will lose their past minds, like a beast, and they will not be cured."

"There are no different people who live and die, so they will be killed by Elder Su Can."

The woman was telling the dignity, and at the same time, the people behind him nodded again and again, and obviously they knew these things.

"In this case, the elder Su Can, why not at night, block this, but let me wait?"

When I heard this, the criminal punishment became more and more puzzled. If there is such a potential danger in this soul, it should be blocked at night.

"We don't know this. We haven't seen someone go crazy, but just listen to a brother and talk about it."

"So, where is the brother now?"

"The brother who had cultivated to the Shura warrior shortly before, has left the auspicious government."

"Hey?" The criminal decision was quite a surprise. He couldn't think of such a desolate soul, and some people could break through to the Shura war.

However, it is not unexpected to think about it carefully. Those who can enter the capital are not mediocre. Given a certain amount of time, they can generally break through to that level.

If not, today's soul, I am afraid not only such dozens of people, even if only a few people join each year, but accumulated in decades, it is enough to reach hundreds of people.

"The judges are not just rumors, but they have happened. Because I have witnessed it myself, a talented younger sister has become a monster that is not a ghost."

But at this time, a man who is obscured and whose strength is only the first-order Shura battle spirit, has come out of the crowd.

The man looks plain and has no slightest prominence. If he did not speak on his own initiative, it would be really difficult to attract the attention of others.

However, at this moment, when the criminal saw him, he was shocked, because he was shocked to find that the young man in front of him actually lived a hundred years old.

"Liu Qiang, you are blowing the cowhide again, even if you join the soul to go early, but not to fool us all over the day?"

"That is, we are not fools, you dare to talk nonsense, be careful that I am jealous of you."

The man named Liu Qiang, just out of the way, some disciples are very uncomfortable to get together, and even some people want to force him out.

"This brother, have you ever seen someone who is in the midst of this evil spirit?" At this moment, the sentence was respectfully asked.

The soul of the criminal decision is very keen. Even if Liu Qiang is so good, it is impossible to escape his feelings. The reason why he is now aware is that it can only explain one point.

From the beginning of the criminal decision to the soul, until the criminal decision to open the soul, this person has not appeared, but just arrived here.

And so old, the strength is so low, all kinds of things are told to the criminal decision, this person may really know something, at least he is not a normal person.

"I have seen that it is a talented and intelligent teacher. He is not only beautiful and beautiful, but his talent is even more extraordinary."

"When she came to the soul, we all speculated that no more than two years, she could break through to the level of Shura."

"Even, even the reticing elder Su Can, who looked at her, often talked to her alone and pointed out her cultivation."

"Everyone at that time felt that she would be the hope to reinvigorate my soul. It is the person who hopes to win the title of a holy disciple in the same year."

"But no matter what, just in the holy disciple's appraisal, the month before the start, every night, she can feel the soul, and a voice is calling her."

“At first she couldn’t be sure, but then the call was getting stronger and stronger, which made her feel that the soul was in the air, and it might have some strange power.”

"Later, she disregarded the dissuasion of everyone, insisted that the night enters the soul and wants to find out."

"In order to prevent her from appearing unexpectedly, there are also several powerful brothers and sisters who are accompanying her."

"But after that night, only she survived alone."

"And when we saw her, she was beyond recognition and became a very scary monster."

Liu Qiang’s expression was quite exciting. It was obvious that the original incident left an indelible mark in his heart.

"So what about other people? Why is she only living alone?" Someone curiously asked.

"Others must have been killed by her after she was enchanted." The sentence was judged in a guess.

"Yes, the sentence was quite right. The brothers and sisters who accompanied her to enter the secret place were all killed by her own hands."

"And, when she walked out of the soul, she was ready to kill us. If it wasn't for Su Can, it would die in her hands."

"So what did she look like? Really incurable? Is she really killed by Elder Su Can?"

"Well, when Elder Su Can saw her, she just shook her head helplessly and did not heal it. She shot it directly." Liu Qiang is very depressed.

"Is there really such a thing?"

At this moment, there are more and more mysteries in the determination of punishment. He always feels that there is some secret in this secret, and this secret is only known to the elder Su Can.

The criminal decision knows that the younger sister Liu Qian said must have really felt the kind of summoning. It is not an illusion, because the summoning he feels now is several times stronger than that of the teacher.

"In any case, the soul of the night is very different. If there is such a chance, it is still dangerous."

"So I decided to sue the younger brother, you still don't want to enter it."

At this time, those who had previously discouraged the sentence, once again discouraged the sentence.

In fact, they do not believe what Liu Qiang said. In their eyes, Liu Qiang is just a very talented person who likes to brag about the past.

The reason why they pretend to believe is that they just want to use the words of Liu Qiang to make the sentence a retreat.

"The more I do, the more I have to get into it."

But what they can't think of is that after listening to Liu Qiang's words, the criminal decision is not only fearless, but more and more excited.

This time, the criminal judgment no longer pays attention to the dissuasion of the people. When the body shape is turned, it will go to the soul that only has faint light.

"Wait." However, when a familiar voice sounded, the sentence still stopped the pace of the move.

"Liu Qiang, what's the matter?" The criminal said with a smile, because the Liu Qiang, with the pace of the criminal decision, followed.

"Since the judge decided to enter the prison, I will lead you by Liu Qiang!"