MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 62 I guarantee

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"The thin noodles of Shaolin? Hey, you Jiangmenists are so good-looking, first beggars, and now Shaolin, do you know who we are?"

The leading man was long impatient, and laughed angrily when he heard Xuan Cheng's words.

"Our Imperial City Division, you are sheltering the son of Jiangnan anti-thief Fang La. Are you sure you want to sit down and talk?"

As soon as this remark was made, the whole scene was silent, and he was quieter than before by oppression by force.

Although the Imperial City Division is not as good as Yipintang on the rivers and lakes, the establishment of the Xixia Yipintang is to emulate the Imperial City Division. His reputation is worse than that of the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty.

At the height of the dwellings and temples, they worry about their monarchs, and when they are far away, they worry about their people.

Although the temple and the rivers and lakes are inseparable, they rarely deal with each other.

Although the people in Minjiang Lake scolded the court eagle dog, they kept awe in their hearts.

However, although the court masters wanted to supervise the rivers and lakes, after all, Xia was banned by martial arts, but in the end he had enough energy and insufficient power. If he was not careful, he would provoke civil unrest. Therefore, in general, rivers, lakes and chaos were rarely delivered.

一旦 Once the rivers, lakes and Chaotang are mixed, the situation will be Dafa.

Especially what they heard just now, the beggars helped the son of the Mani religion anti-thief.

When he saw the beggar, everyone in Shaolin looked ugly, but none of them were talking. The man nodded with satisfaction and waved a small yellow door beside him, walking towards the goal. The beggar helped everyone to look at Elder Xu subconsciously. Seeing that he didn't see it, he quietly spread out, revealing the fuse this time.

"咦? Son, it really is him!"

I saw that although there was some despair, but there was no child who was afraid, Arju Abbi could not help but exclaim in unison.

It turned out that the person to be arrested by the Imperial Division was actually the Fang Shu that they had just rescued.

Although they had expected it when they heard the man reporting the door of the villain's home, they were actually surprised when they saw Fang Shu.

When he was in the woods, Fang Qingshan got Qiankun Daqian eager to practice, so that Ouyang Jing separated from each other and went to Xiaocheng Inn to retreat. Ouyang Jing took Fang Shu to the Western Regions.

After all, there was originally Middle-earth, Ouyang Jing was a Westerner again, and there was a party there.

However, he did not expect that Fu Wushuang would not be alone in his misfortunes. The eyes and eyes of the Imperial City Division were all over the world. They were caught up shortly after Fang Qingshan separated. It was good, there was no martial arts, and we had to avoid hunting and had to be mixed into the beggars.

He originally thought that Shaolin held a hero convention and gathered so many people from the rivers and lakes. The people in the court should be afraid of it. He just took the opportunity to escape, but he didn't expect to be caught up.

"Boy, please follow us obediently!"

Xiao Huangmen 桀桀 smiled and grabbed his hand towards Fang Shu's shoulder.

Ji Fangshu did not dodge, because he knew it was useless at all, but unfortunately the opportunity that Uncle Ouyang desperately fought for himself was so wasted.

He did not think that the people of the court would dare to come to the heroes' assembly directly to arrest people, nor did he think that none of the arrogant kings and lakes heroes would dare to stand up and even the Shaolin beggars were silent.

Yi Fangshu could not help but glanced up and swept around, as the last nostalgia.

"Huh?" Suddenly Fang Shu's eyes saw Fang Qingshan and his party, and there was a strong hope in the eyes of lifelessness.

He just extinguished the fire of survival just after a moment, because he saw Fang Qingshan seeing himself but did not speak,

I thought that like the Shaolin beggars, they were afraid of the court.

Fang Shu's expression did not conceal the small yellow door opposite him. When he saw the flash of light erupting in Fang Shu's eyes, it disappeared as if nothing had happened. He thought that Fang Shu had the same party, so he followed Fang Shu Looking at him, he saw Fang Qingshan and his party.

"Who are you?" Xiao Huangmen did not hurry to arrest Fang Shu, but asked Fang Qingshan and others.

As soon as this remark was made, Fang Qingshan's four people immediately became the focus of the field.

The leading father-in-law's brows frowned. He did not expect that Xiaohuangmen actually had branches, but he also knew that he would not be targeted at this time, so he did not speak.

"Who are we? Do I need to report to you?" Fang Qingshan said slightly.

He had never thought of interfering. Although he had a relationship with Fang Shu, he didn't have any friendship. He saved him only because of the big move and a deal.

He didn't expect that he wanted to keep things quiet, and stood by and looked at whether others were willing or not.

"Presumptuous! Do you think I haven't seen this kid looking at you just now?" Xiao Huangmen saw the Shaolin beggar stunned by the Imperial City Division, and Fang Qingshan dared to talk to him like this, suddenly angry. Seeing you are with him. "

"It's really strange to you ~ ~ You can conclude that we are also thieves with one glance?" Abi sneered, "I think you are also a thief."

"Nine wrong kill, don't let it go!" Xiao Huangmen chilled.

"Some meanings," Fang Qingshan waved his hand, stopped Abi from continuing to speak, glanced at Fang Shu, and glanced at the indifferent lead father, and said lightly, "Say you are, you are not too, the court is really overbearing . "

"I wasn't prepared to intervene. In this case, I have secured Fang Shu." Fang Qingshan beckoned and said, "Come here."

看 "Look, I said you can't get out of touch, now you're exposed."

Seeing this, Xiao Xiaomen didn't get angry and smiled, as if he had discovered something amazing.

It was Fang Shu, first a surprise, and then a little bit embarrassed.

He did not want to involve Fang Qingshan and others, so although he previously recognized the four Fang Qingshan, he did not ask for help.

Because he didn't know if the four of Fang Qingshan could deal with these eunuchs of the Imperial City Division.

You know, the eunuchs who are chasing now are far more powerful than the ones who chased the grove in the first place. Even when Uncle Ouyang was at its heyday, he could not beat him.

In addition, the court's strength is too great, it is simply a network of heaven and earth. Once Fang Qingshan is implicated in them, they are almost universally enemy. Just like when Uncle Ouyang took himself to flee, he would be intercepted almost from time to time.

While Fang Shu was still hesitant, Xiaohuangmen reacted and reached out to catch him.


Fang Qingshan couldn't help humming when he saw the situation. Since he said he wanted to protect the book, how could he watch him fall into the hands of Xiaohuangmen, but when he saw his fingers stretched out, he patted away, and a burst of palm power instantly appeared. to.