MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 48 Tai Chi vs Dragon Drop

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过 The masters' tricks seem to be a rare visual feast.

But the inner reason is extremely dangerous.

Qi Qi meets his opponent and will meet Liangcai.

It was easy to hit real fire.

It's not that they have any contradictions with each other, but that it is difficult to find friends and opponents. Once they start to get excited, they will naturally not keep their hands.

Keeping hands is not only disrespect to the other party, but also because the masters are over-recruited and require full attention. They cannot be neglected at all. Once you keep your hands, he will go all out, and then you will be in danger.

Xiu Wei arrived at Qiao Feng and Fang Qingshan. Although he had internal strength to protect his body, some even practiced the dragon elephant like Ruo Gong, and King Kong did not damage his body. But when he did not die, he would also Seriously injured.

I want to rely on the sky to slaughter the dragon. The unrecognizable cultivation is also obvious to everyone. He has also practiced King Kong's magical skills, but he has taken a few punches from Xie Xun, and his internal organs cracked and died.

Therefore, Qiao Feng's battle was never spared.

Xun Qiaofeng, regardless of his character or matching martial arts, is the same. When he is strong, he is stronger.

Xie Jianglong's eighteen palms were originally the world's first masculine palms, adding three-point power to his hands.

I took Long Yin to follow, Taishan topped out, and no matter how his opponent did it, I dropped ten times by myself, broke the skill with my strength, and pushed the world side by side.

In addition to Fang Qingshan's internal force, compared with Qiao Feng, it is indeed a little worse.

No matter whether it is from the experience of playing, the skill of the moves, the purity of the internal force, etc., he has fallen short of Qiao Feng.

But the Liuyang Palm of Tianshan Mountain he studied is a combination of rigidity and softness, martial arts of yin and yang, and Taijiquan is based on Rou Kegang.

The eighteen palms and Taijiquan of Jianjianglong are simply the battle between the spear and the shield.

Although Fang Qingshan's accomplishment on Taijiquan is not as good as Qiao Feng's understanding of the dragon and the eighteen palms of the dragon, but coupled with his ridiculous internal force, it just makes up for his shortcomings.

Qi Qiaofeng is one way to do everything, Fang Qingshan is a trick to eat all over the world.

Liuyang Zhang of Tianshan Mountain, Fang Qingshan has only learned about half a year. Although he has extraordinary talents and has no cliffs, Wu Xingyun is pointing, but the fight is limited to Li Qiushui and Kumo Mochi. Although he has internal strength, he can't compare Qiao Feng's decades of soaking.

Therefore, after casting the Liuyang palm of Tianshan Mountain twice, Qiao Feng was about to get through the routine, Fang Qingshan immediately decisively swayed his hands and changed a trick to Baihe Liangwing.


I saw Fang Qingshan suddenly change a style of play, Qiao Feng could not help but frowned slightly.

I saw Fang Qingshan standing there loosely, seemingly full of flaws, but Qiao Feng felt that no matter which direction he attacked in the past, he would fall into Fang Qingshan's trance, and the flaw would instantly become a trap.

If you change someone, you will definitely look forward and back, and try back and forth, but Qiao Feng is different. He follows the path of falling ten times, no matter what his moves, traps, splits, and the nature disappears.

Sure enough, a little hesitant, Qiao Feng stepped forward with both palms out and pushed forward, which was a powerful move in the eighteen palms of the dragon that shocked Baili.

As soon as Qiao Feng moved, Fang Qingshan followed, and he embraced a Tai Chi-like circle with his hands, dancing quickly into a mysterious arc.

Although the strength of the eighteen palms of the dragon is fierce, once it falls into the circle of Taiji, it seems to be caught in the mud. The strength is divided into two, two into four, and four into eight ... ... Either transfer, or disintegrate, or fight back, and between breaths, it disappears invisible.

Taijiquan is not a mere skill that can only be passively beaten. He just pays attention to the enemy after he has done it. The enemy can't move and I can't move. The enemy has moved me first.

One stroke resolved the strong internal force of the eighteen palms of the dragon, and Fang Qingshan stepped out obliquely. He put his hand on Qiao Feng's wrist, and led by a pull, but wanted to throw Qiao Feng out.

Qiao Feng is a character. Although he suddenly faced, he wasn't shocked. His feet sank, causing a catenary to fall across the river, his arms trembled, and his strength was unshakable, which resolved Fang Qingshan. The lingering force on Taijiquan.

"it is good!"

When Qiao Feng saw the hunting heart happy, he took a breath and snorted, his left palm leaned forward, and his right palm shrugged out from under his left palm, but he jumped into the abyss.

When Fang Qingshan saw the situation, he didn't bump into it. He swayed his hands and embraced Tai Chi. He continued to draw circles in front of him, with large circles and small circles, regular circles with oblique circles, and flat circles with vertical circles.

太 Tai Chi circles danced from Fang Qingshan's hands, one move and one style, making it like flowing clouds and chic!

Alas, a burst of vigour broke, Qiao Feng's palm fell into Fang Qingshan's Taiji circle, and both vanished.

After receiving Qiao Feng's palm, Fang Qingshan raised his arm slightly again, as if waving a long sleeve.

For a moment, the thunder was suddenly shocked, and the air seemed to be blown out. Although Taijiquan was based on Rou Kegong's knack, this did not mean that he did not have a fierce attack method. Fang Qingshan had a single whip ~ ~ Waving it in a snap, the fierce and majestic is not inferior to the eighteen palms of the dragon, shocking.

"It's a good skill that is flexible and flexible, and it can be used for control afterwards."

Although Qiao Feng only fought with Fang Qingshan in two ways, but based on his knowledge, he naturally understood the true meaning of Taijiquan, and he could not help but be impressed.

He said with his mouth, the movement in his hand was not slow at all, with a long whistle, his left palm was round, and his right palm was upright, so that he could see the dragon in the field, but this was the first time he used a defensive move, but in his own way. There is a strong wall between the green hills, the enemy comes to block, and the enemy disappears.

This is not that Qiao Feng is afraid of Fang Qingshan, but he knows that fighting this way will not help at all. In the end, it becomes purely internal force to win, and Fang Qingshan's internal force is so absurd. If he does not change, he will be afraid in the end. It really has to be dragged down.

So after catching Fang Qingshan's single whip, Qiao Feng took a deep breath, and the eighteen palms of the dragon came out, Kang Long had regrets, the flying dragon was in the sky, seeing the dragon in the field, don't use Qian Qian, and shocked Baili. Or leap in the abyss, the dragon moves his tail, Liwa Dachuan, Miyun does not rain, and so on.

The quicker you hit, the faster and more endless. The further you move, the greater the power.

Xie Jianglong's Eighteen Palms is a unique skill that does not emphasize gravity and does not stress.

Not only is he fierce and uncast, but he can also gain momentum.

One trick after another, endless, like a rolling river. Once the general trend is over, it is a torrential flood, unstoppable.

Qiao Feng knows that although the eighteen palms of the dragon are strong and uncast, Fang Qingshan's Taijiquan is equally good. This is the comparison between the spear and the shield, especially the gap between them is not large. The defense was a delusional wish, so he decided to play fast and accumulate power, only for the last move, settled.