MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 19 Happy 3 old

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"I miss you? Just me, who is so cheap, and my teacher and brother miss you?"

刚刚 The voice just dropped there, and another voice sounded.

Although both use the Chuan Yin Soul Search Dafa, the two performances are two opposite situations. The former is like crying and complaining, the other is sad and moving, while the latter is domineering and leaking.

When Fang Qingshan heard this, he immediately looked happy. Needless to say, the two were Tianshan Tongxu Wu Xingyun and Xixia Queen Mother Li Qiushui. It was Fang Qingshan who asked Su Xinghe to pass a letter to his disciples to send them a letter and invited them.

One of the reasons he did this was to know that Wu Yazi, although he liked Li Canghai, felt guilty about Li Qiushui. Before he died, if he could see him, it would be a wish in his heart. .

The second is that he had an idea in his heart. He came to Gushan Mountain. Although it was calculated that there was no cliff, but got along for many days, it was a pity to let Wuyazi die like this, so he thought Save him.

It's just that he is alone. Obviously, if he wants to kill, he won't be able to return to heaven.

After all, Wu Yazi himself is not just a master of martial arts. For medical astrology, calligraphy and painting, mechanical handicrafts, trade replanting, singing and singing, quiz, five elements and gossip, Qimen Jiajia, farmland water conservancy, economic strategy, etc. And so on, the same is omnipotent and omnipotent. Otherwise, would n’t he teach the world-renowned Xue Shenyi.

Qilian Wuyazi has been alone for thirty years, and there is no way to hurt his body. He can only watch him worsen a little, so much that he is about to die in the dark wooden house, let alone Fang Qingshan.

However, if you add Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui, two great masters, the situation will be very different.

秋 Li Qiushui didn't say anything first. It was just bamboo shoots. At that time, it was only a look at the medicine books in the Lingshan Palace of Tianshan Mountain, and then he could change the eyes for Azi. This shows that Wu Xingyun's medical skills are not low.

With the help of the two of them, plus the thinking of Qingshan above, I believe there is still a certain degree of certainty.

Of course, if it doesn't work in the end, Fang Qingshan can only say that he is doing everything, listening to his fate, and at least letting the three happy olds, and they reunite again after a lapse of thirty years, but it is a bit of a sorrow.

It's just different from Fang Qingshan's happiness. He had calmly reprimanded Fang Qingshan's Wuyazi when he heard these two voices, but his face changed greatly, full of panic, and he stared at Su Xinghe fiercely, hurried to the other side of Qingshan Road. "Aoyama, quickly, take me away."

The reason for this is that he felt guilty for Wu Xingyun and felt that he had lost them and faced Elder Jiang Dong facelessly. Therefore, even after being conspired by Ding Chunqiu and struggling for 30 years, Su Xinghe did not let them pass. letter.

What ’s more, Xiaoyao apprentices have some meanings because they not only have first-rate understanding, but also have good looks. That is to say, Xiaoyao is actually a place to look at the face, not a handsome guy or a beauty, and they don't care.

At this moment, Wu Yazi is old, and only Fang Qingshan and Su Xinghe have nothing to do. If two sisters and sisters who are still beautiful like flowers can see their respect, Wu Yazi can't accept it.

"Master, are you so reluctant to see us?"

"Go? You have to hide for thirty years. You are so disappointed without Wuyazi."

Waiting for Fang Qingshan's action, they saw one behind the other, one tall and one short, and two figures appeared in the valley like ghosts.

The tall face is covered with a scarf, the figure is slim, and the skirt is light and windy.

Dwarf looks like a girl, small and exquisite, but it is domineering but out of shape.

The two of them were in Xixia and one in Tianshan, but they did not want to go one after the other and reached the Kugu Mountain at the same time.

When I came to the valley, the two looked at each other, snorted at the same time, didn't speak, and looked away, but there were only three people in the field, one old and one young, and the last half of the body was almost in the ground.

Although the juvenile was romantic and chic, he put it in the usual place, and said that Li Qiushui would not take another look at it, but now he glanced at him.

The old couple were somewhat familiar, but upon closer inspection, it turned out that it was Su Xinghe, but compared with that year, the appearance was really uncomfortable, and they could not help frowning at the same time.

As for the person who is about to die, neither of them is in their eyes, and they are more lazy to look at.

"Su Xinghe, how did you make it look like this? It's a smear on me."

Wu Xingyun glanced at Su Xinghe and scolded.

Xiaoyao's candidates are all with beautiful bones and handsome faces. I think Su Xinghe was also a small fresh meat. In addition to the martial arts of Xiaoyao, whether it is the Eight Wilds and the Six Hewei, the only one, or the small Wuxianggong, Beiming The magical powers, etc., have the effects of delaying aging and keeping youth, so when they saw Su Xinghe, they were very uncomfortable. Especially as a disciple of Wuyazi, he did not look like Wuya. Is the child smeared? Therefore, Wu Xingyun, who loves Wuwu and Wuhu and hates iron and steel, directly scolds him.

This time, not only because I knew Wu Yazi was present, but also felt that way in my heart. Even Li Qiushui rarely agreed with Wu Xingyun's point of view, blaming, "Xinghe, it wasn't the uncle who said you. Then you were drunk and so on It ’s so complex, I still have n’t improved in the past few years, but I ca n’t let martial arts fall. ”

"Huh!" Wu Xingyun heard Li Qiushui's words, and gave a cold hum to Su Xinghe, "You send us a letter saying that your master is here, people? Wouldn't you really see us both, and Run away! "

"This ..." Su Xinghe heard the words, sweating coldly, looked up at Wu Xingyun, but his eyes were aside Wuyazi, stuttering, speechless, watching Wu Xingyun The two looked more and more ugly, and they could not help but get into trouble. The other side said, "Little brother, you have to tell the two uncles, you are the one who made me a mess."

"Little Master?"

It wasn't just Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui. At this moment, even Wuyazi shot at Fang Qingshan with his eyes brushed.

Wu Wuyazi was still wondering how Su Xinghe had not disobeyed his orders for thirty years. How dare he be so bold today? It turned out that everything was a ghost made by this little rabbit.

As for Wu Xingyun and Li Qiushui, they had not paid attention to Fang Qingshan at the moment. After knowing that he was a close disciple without Yazi, they looked at it with his eyes.

At first glance, romantic, handsome, handsome, echoes the aesthetics of the Xiaoyao school.

When I looked at it again, it was a big surprise. Although Fang Qingshan's internal force was freely released, in the eyes of the two of them, it was easy to see that his strong internal force was not as good as the two of them, but it was not far away.