MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1693 Win

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Eternal Heart Light!

Although it is only a secret method, it may not be more powerful than other martial arts skills in reincarnation.

But at this moment, it has become Fang Qingshan's only hope of upwind.

The reason for this is because this method can communicate the charm of eternal green lotus in the meditation.

Although there is only a trace, it is enough compared to the vastness and magnificent shore of Eternal Qinglian.

Just like in the flood, the prestige was so powerful that he seduced Twelve Golden Immortals to lose their helmets and armors, and tossed Xiaoxiao with a rat and a rat, completely fragile in front of Yuanshi Tianzun.

This is true of saints, not to mention far beyond the existence of the emperor.

And in order to achieve a one-hit kill, or Fang Qingshan is not sure, using the eternal heart lamp method, can he fight back, so he can only do everything.

Therefore, when he performed this method, he once again condensed out the eternal lotus seed, the core of the eternal sky boat.

Then, the whole eternal spirit was refined and turned into kerosene.

As for the mind, it was completely burned.

It seems that he is not trying to win the first place, and he feels that he has a feud with the Emperor of Two Sides. Only one of them can survive, either you die or I live.

Of course, Fang Qingshan is also relying on the title tower here, he would not act so recklessly outside.

Here, even if he is desperate, even the title tower may not be able to completely isolate the injury, but at least he will not die. In this case, he has no scruples.

As for being outside, Fang Qingshan would not be like this. After all, if he loses, he loses. As long as he has a life, he has to go, and the emperor on both sides cannot keep him.

If you lose your life in order to win, you are really stupid.

After all, Qingshan stayed there without worry.

There is no dispute over the length of the road.

Not to mention, because Fang Qingshan broke out with all his strength, and it was a desperate breakout, regardless of it, just for the last point, the ultimate sublimation. Therefore, at this moment, the light of the eternal heart light has reached an extreme. Compared to the beginning, at this moment, Fang Qingshan's eternal heart light is more than double, ten times, and more than a hundred times.

Of course, this kind of thing can't be avoided, there is only one chance, and it will be dead if you use it, so you ca n’t use it except for the dead net and the broken jade.

Another thing is that in addition to Fang Qingshan desperately, there is also a three-day stand-by for Shibei.

This time is different.

First of all, the eternal sky boat is promoted, and the eternal lotus seed is the core of the eternal sky boat. The sky boat is promoted, and the lotus seed naturally receives the most benefits. If the previous sky boat was only in its infancy, now, the sky boat and the lotus seed have reached Growth period.

In addition to the core eternal lotus seed, the yehuo red lotus in the eternal **** furnace unit has been promoted, and it is no less weak than the creation of the green lotus of the year.

Then with the reincarnation of Taoist boxing, the promotion of this meritorious deed, plus Qingshan above, once again watched the eternal green lotus up close, so that the figure of the green lotus on the main road rose along with the water.

Following this, Fang Qingshan's cultivation was promoted, and the eternal spirit of his body was naturally more pure.

At this moment, Fang Qingshan is almost equivalent to a half-eternal Taoism, which is better than that of the Emperor.

The lamp, wick and lamp oil have all been improved, and the power of the eternal heart lamp is naturally incomparable, and the power of the blooming light naturally goes up.

Among the lights, a supreme green lotus bloom can be seen faintly. Surrounding him are all kinds of lotuses of more than thirty-six varieties, and purple gas gathers into clouds, which is sacred and extraordinary.

This time, Fang Qingshan did not attack, and the method of eternal heart lamp is not an attack method.


This time, Fang Qingshan wanted to use the charm of the eternal green lotus to defend the three heads of the three emperors.

Speaking of which, the Emperor on both sides is also bold, and his luck is unparalleled.

If it is not bold, how dare you use the three godless gods as a template to create three godheads when you are the emperor?

And if it wasn't for unparalleled luck and talent, how could he have created such a taboo in the time of the emperor.

Courage, luck, talent, and even backing are all indispensable.

Speaking late, then fast.

It looks like a long time ago, but from the two sides of the Emperor God to cast the three taboos of taboo secrets, to Fang Qingshan to cast the eternal heart lamp, and the two secrets collided together, everything happened only in the electric light flint, the rabbit rises and falls between.

Looking around, but seeing that the Three Supreme Beings existed, as if they were stealthily bowing down towards Fang Qingshan.

Good guy, good words all year round. If you do n’t match, you have to have a linger. Those who are high-shoulders have to sacrifice their salute toward young people, not to mention that the three Supreme Beings are worshiping, and naturally it ’s boundless doom. Come on.

Fortunately, a bright light hung above Fang Qingshan's head, and an infinite amount of light was sprinkled, and a magnificent 981-pink green lotus was looming. Fang Qingshan was completely protected in the meantime, and any misfortune was isolated.

The laws are not touched, and the laws are not invaded.

Loud sound, elephant looks.

At this moment, there were no earth-shattering sounds, no irresistible aftershocks scattered, and no ...

At this moment, there is only stationary, everything is stationary, the world is stationary, the rules are stationary, the void battlefield is stationary, the three statues are stationary, Qinglian is stationary, Fang Qingshan and the Emperor of God on both sides are stationary, and even the title tower is stationary for a moment.

The outside time is passing by a little while still, maybe it is a moment, maybe ten thousand years have passed.

At some point, the stillness was broken and everything came alive.

Then, whether it was the three deities in front of the two-faced Emperor, or the green lotus above Fang Qingshan's head, it seemed like a dreamlike bubble. The smoke disappeared, and nothing seemed to have happened.

Fang Qingshan and the Emperor of the Two Sides are once again the same as before the Qiandun of the same move ~ ~ Each party, looking at each other quietly.

This time, the two weren't laughing, but they both gained something.

Suddenly, a smile appeared on both faces of the Emperor, and the other side nodded.

"You are good. You are very good. Although it is still far away, but I look forward to your growth. I believe that it will not be too far away when we see you again."

As soon as the voice fell, they could see that the ghost of the Emperor on both sides instantly turned into a little bit of light.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect."

Fang Qingshan sighed, and said two things unexpectedly.

The first thing I didn't expect was that he really won the title of God Emperor Monument first.

Although his number one seems to be a bit of water, which is a good deal of luck, after all, this is not the peak level of the two-faced Emperor, and when the last two-faced Emperor cast three heads and three heads, there are still people involved, otherwise he himself If you want to win, you have to drag on.