MTL - Wanderer of Myriad Worlds-Chapter 1669 Endlessly

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The world's great wonders. All kinds of good fortune and magic are just things you can't think of, nothing you can't do, nothing without.

Merit, luck, destiny, cause and effect, time, space, seven emotions, six desires, the last law ...

And the wisdom of the soul is one of them.

The world has three talents, heaven and earth.

Among them are all beings.

The importance of heaven and earth will not be mentioned. If there is no living being in a world, this world is dead and there is no development potential at all.

And what is the most important thing for beings? In fact, it is wisdom.

Or conversely, only with wisdom, whether it is a beast or a dead person, can be called a being.

The power of wisdom can be said to be no less than those top laws.

In the flood, the first human race is completely inferior to the Lich Dragon and Phoenix, but they are able to move from the Kushiro blue ray to the dominant position step by step in the mountains and mountains. What do they rely on? Isn't it wisdom?

The renren fired, there were nests to build houses, yiyi's weaving clothes, Fuxi to play gossip, Shennong tasted Baicao, Cangjie made characters, and even spring and autumn contended ...

The power of wisdom is endless.

The power of the wisdom sword condensed and condensed is naturally conceivable.

The most famous sentence is wielding a sword of love.

Love is a word that teaches life and death.

Among the floods, Laozi was too forgotten, and among the heavens, there were seven emperors.

And Hui Jian can cut off love, see the whole panther, and see the sharpness of Hui Jian, even if it is not as good as the mosquito stinger's mosquito sting, it is probably not found, it is likely that it is the last of Xingyi The enlightened Chodo exists the same.

Although wisdom is as invisible as qi and merit, it is a real thing.

The same is true of the will of the soul, but when they can interfere with reality, the power is completely self-evident.

In this case, when wisdom condenses into a sword, his sharpness is also predictable.

The power of wisdom can cut through everything, cut off the sky, endlessly sharp, like the same grade, even as long as the same large grade, even if it is one or two small grades higher, with the benefit of Huijian, even if it is the sword of the Emperor It's hard to compare.

The value of this Huijian sword is high. Don't talk about the secret door of Yimen. Even if you look at the whole Tao of Yimen, even in the infinite void, there are very few comparable to it.

It is an existence that is even older than the Xingyi Emperor, condensed with immeasurable wisdom, like the sword of an emperor, and finally fulfilled his prestige with the life of an emperor.

It's a pity that life is not right.

The sword was cut because the emperor sacrificed this treasure to kill the emperor.

But Hui Jian is the peak God Emperor sacrifice to kill the Emperor.

Although the results are the same.

However, the former is safe and sound, while the latter is sublimated to the fullest.

Fang Qingshan took the sword in his hands and suddenly felt like he was facing a decisive decision.

The sword's meaning of wisdom is boundless, like a deep sea.

Kill everything in the name of wisdom. ?

Moreover, he is not just sharp with everything.

Because of wisdom, you can also achieve the level of solitary nine swords, you can understand all the gaps between heaven and earth. Cut it out without any disadvantage. ?

Good guy, it is extremely sharp at first, and it also focuses on the weakness of others. Covering the door to start with is a wretched development, but the effect is naturally a lever.

As big as wisdom is, how strong Hui Jian is. ?

The so-called one-strength drop for ten sessions is the power of strength, and the power of ingenuity. It is the power of wisdom.

Wisdom is immortal.

Of course, if it was just attacking Wushuang, Fang Qingshan would not care much.

Hui Jian does attack Wushuang, but in the Eternal Skyboat, whether it ’s the original Death Scythe, Chaos Magic Horn, Thunder Banner, or the later Chaos Clock, the karma red lotus or the Eye of the Last Law, or the Law of Amplification just incorporated Wait, Tongtong is extremely sharp and has strange and unpredictable abilities.

Some may not be as good as Hui Jian, but others are not weak at all, such as the Eye of the Last Dharma.

Therefore, Hui Jian can really be valued by Fang Qingshan, naturally it has other unique aspects.

Hui Jian is between fantasy and reality, but a symbol of supreme wisdom. See everything and cut it all. Whether it is nothing or real, there is no difference under Hui Jian.

The most important thing is that this thing, like bodhi wood, mixed Yuanling liquid, Wudao tea, etc., are things that can help people cultivate and increase their understanding and wisdom.

Fang Qingshan held it in his hands and felt a slight vibration. In addition to the supreme sword, there were also ancient sky sounds echoing. Let people unconsciously produce infinite wisdom, feel the world, and be more relaxed. ?

This is the real reason why Fang Qingshan values ​​this thing.

In addition to Hui Jian, the other piece of treasure is an iron pill called Shengshengzhuzhu.

Listening to the name, this thing knows that it has the same meaning as Everbright.

And that's true.

It is not clear exactly what material this object is, anyway, it is a wonderful treasure among the heavens.

The real role of this thing is not to make Lingbao, elixir, but to assist.

If you add a little of this material when refining a treasure, as long as the treasure is not destroyed instantly, then the thing can repair itself according to the degree of damage, without using other resources.

Although Fang Qingshan's eternal sky boat also has a self-healing function, it needs to consume the source of power or the will of all beings in the eternal thunder pool.

And if it is integrated into this treasure, then there will be some damage in the future, and the speed of repair will be faster, without much consumption.

In this way, the attack of Chaos Magic Horns will also rise with the water.

After all, Tianzhou is not afraid of damage, so he can replace the injury with the injury, and eventually drag the other to death.

Although this object does not increase the ability of Tianzhou's attack and defense, its importance is not weak at all.

Especially in the face of many dangers ~ ~ It can be repaired in a minute and a second, it may be fighting for life.

As for the treasure of attack and defense, there is really no shortage in the eternal sky boat today.

After all, even with the promotion of Tianzhou, the deck unit has also been transformed from a conventional unit into a deterrent weapon, and it is almost catching up with the eternal furnace. Therefore, this auxiliary treasure is even more critical to the improvement of Tianzhou's overall strength.

In addition to Hui Jian, in addition to the everlasting beads, the final harvest is naturally the indemnity gifts from Wangu Tianmen and Jiwuzong.

This time, the two were bleeding too much, and they were sincere.

Other than that, just four top-level three-level peaks are enough to make many small martial arts lose their homes.

Unfortunately, although these four top-level treasures are good, Fang Qingshan did not care about one.

It's not that they're bad, but it's really inappropriate.

It is either an attack or a defense, but it is not as good as the existing treasure in the unit weapon above the Castle Peak.