MTL - Virtual World: Close Combat Mage-v3 Chapter 880 untitled

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The 880th chapter is untitled

The drifting left like this, the players in the house have seen it, but they are not too serious. After leaving the house, drifting immediately withdrew from the very rude guild. When the system news was issued, the players noticed. At this time, there were a lot of people staring at the guild channel. Although the system message was chatted to the brush, it was still seen.

"Hey, drifting out of the guild? What happened?" You Ge gossip is not diminished. The first time I saw it, the first time I asked, but in the small channel of the elite group, he had seen drifting and sword before. The ghost talked there for a while, then retired and left, thinking of greeting the sword ghost.

"Yeah." The sword ghost just did it.

"I am, today is a good day!" Yu Tianshen heard the news, of course, is a big joy, deliberately in the guild channel, the "player drifting out of the guild" system news turned out to see one hundred and eighty times, how See how cool it is.

"What happened? What happened?" You brother was anxious to gossip.

"Rafting!" said the sword ghost.

Although everyone is using the chat channel to communicate, but the room is actually not too big, the side of the message on the side of Youge has been joined by the sword ghost. He looked far away from the look of the sword ghost and thought that there was something to be dug in it. You brother was proud of his keen instincts.

The sword ghost is very helpless. You want to gossip about it. You don't tell him that it is more painful than killing him. The sword ghost is a kind person, and he has to tell the brother.

The two said this, the door of the room was ringing, and the door was hand-opened, but the reporter was more than Mumu. The people in this room know these two people, and they are not too surprised for their arrival. The unknown soldier knows that people will not come to visit when they come to visit, so they screamed in the room that "the big reporter is coming". I understand, who loves to greet who greets.

There aren't so many etiquettes in the game, and many Mumu came in. When they greeted the two of them, they were Han Jiagongzi. When they saw the Han family son, many of them were crying and mourning, and came over and said: "Boss, you can hurt us."

Han Jiagong’s face was surprised: “There is this, can’t you?”

"How can't it." Duomumu is a combination of two people. When I came out to visit, I talked more than many woods. Now my expression is naturally more vivid. I have a look of tears and tears: "You suddenly came to this hand, I used to The report couldn't be finished! No one cares about your dispute with Yingqi now. I am tracking the report and getting an anticlimactic. Isn't that a joke?"

The more depressed wood is really true. It’s rare to have such gorgeous events in the game. There are disputes, battles, top players in the game, gorgeous teams, and the largest studios in the industry. Robbery and revenge can lead to discussion of right or wrong topics. Such a gorgeous theme, the multi-wood and multi-original preparations are well utilized. The previous reports were counterattacked by gunmen, and even the negative reports of other websites, this is what they expected. They just want to induce such a dispute first, and then reveal the truth of the incident, which not only attracts the eye, but also draws the face of the competition website.

Who wants to be so fast, the action on this side is so fast, and in the blink of an eye, they start throwing equipment, throwing it all over the city, and knowing the whole world. In the blink of an eye, the topics they have worked hard to create are unfocused, and the truth they are ready to uncover is no longer care. Although there is no loss for their website, it is a big expectation for Duomumu.

"It turned out to be this. What's the matter? Isn't this throwing equipment a hot topic?"

"No way, I have to do this report." Doki is helpless. From his professional point of view, he still believes that the struggle between the two major groups is a better topic. Throwing equipment is a farce. It’s over. debate? At most, the guy who can't eat grapes can vomit sour water. This farce is really unable to attract long-term attention. At the end of this, the player's online rate in the game and the click-to-post rate on the forum are all mad.

“What are you going to do now?” asked Han Jiagong.

"Of course, I want to count the lucky ones. I also want to summarize the list of things thrown out this time. I think you should have something here? How about it, is it convenient to publish?" asked Doki.

"No problem." Han Jiazi seems to be prepared. The list of 774 items that were robbed was handed over to Wood.

“774 pieces, all thrown?” Duomu said as he took it.

Han Jiagongzi did not answer, but instead took the cup and drank it.

Duomu looked down at the list, but couldn't hear the reply from Han Jiagong. Looking up, the person did not hear his question. He was about to open his mouth and ask again, and suddenly he woke up. Is it all thrown, this can not be guaranteed, it is doubtful. But if the suspicion is not convenient for the other party, it is intentionally chosen silence at this time.

"Hey, are you responsible for throwing things here? We want to interview them one by one, listen to their feelings, see if there is anything interesting in the process, be a topic!" .

"Yes, but..." Han Jiagong didn't say much. As a name, Doki knows that if the people in this room are interviewed, the report that is written may be a novel.

"Hey, I am making an appointment. This is not a matter of much importance." Doki said.

Han Jiazi nodded and pointed to the corner of the room: "The wine is there, you are free!"

The ideal of Duomumu is to be an objective and fair professional journalist. Even if he is a very good person, he does not want to stand up to them and join them in their celebration. At this time, I was looking for someone in a drunkard. I wanted to find a guy who was not so drunk and asked a little more, so that it would be more valuable. In this circle, the swordsmen who are not drunk are naturally fancyd by them. The identity of the swordsman is so prominent. It is also very valuable to interview. So the sword ghost just sent the amateur gossip party of You Ge, and in a blink of an eye was targeted by two professional paparazzi.

This night has passed. Multi-wood and multi-professional judgments are very accurate. Throwing equipment is hot, fast and cold. As soon as the night passed, the people who discussed it were immediately less. Some gossips had pre-judged the goods that infuriated Yingqi’s studio, and Yingqi had to jump out of the street. Who wants this Yingqi to be hit hard, but the reaction is nothing. Very rebellious and Yingqi's role is like intermodulation. Before, Yingqi had the upper hand in the forum public opinion, and it was very unresponsive. Now it is very revengeful, but Yingqi is quiet. Come down.

The players have some inability to understand the intentions of the two, and there are no new gossips, and the gossip party has dispersed a lot. Where did 774 things go? It seems that there are not too many people who have to ask for this.

Gu Fei didn't go online all day, and did not participate in this throwing equipment activity. He basically didn't go to the forum. He didn't even know what happened. When I was on the line, I was told by the gods that the gods were fighting and the other people were pulling the description of yesterday’s grand occasion. After listening to the small half an hour, it was reflected: “Oh, you throw equipment, right?”

"I don't know if you don't know!" Yu Tian Shen Ming and the war without injury, I know that it is a day to play the piano.

"How can I know." Gu Fei said.

"It's a shame. Who told you not to come yesterday, I told you oh..." Then the story started again.

At this moment, in another remote city parallel to the world, Ingee's boss, Geishi, arrogantly emptied their pub in this main city. He is going to personally meet here forever and carefully selected from the main cities to the parallel world. Good road.

Forever, five nights, now it is the right arm of the world, and one behind the other, standing behind the world, the three are silent, counting the time and minute.

"Someone is coming." At this time, the tavern got into a human head and greeted him. It was the leader of the second group, Ying Yang, who took a little man and watched it outside.

Geshiqi Ying Qing Qing Qingzi, mentioning the spirit, Ying Yang has introduced the other side at this time. There are three people who come here. From a glance, you can see that the one is the backbone.

"Hello, what do you call it?" Geshiqiying personally went up to meet.

"Feitiantong." The one who answered him really was the one among the three.

Forever, although I have had contact with everyone, but they are all mail messages, I don’t know the real person. But the information of everyone is already familiar with the chest. Hearing this name immediately sent a letter to Geshiqiying: "Feitiantong, the founder of the six-level guild of Gema main city, Tongtian Tower, although not the president, but still It is a very prestigious core figure in the conference. The rank of the warrior is currently ranked eighth.” Because the members of the eagle group were originally famous on the list, the damage in this fight made the ranks a burst. Transform. To be honest, in the face of the severe punishment of falling down in the parallel world, the change of the ranks is fundamentally concerned.

"Fei Tianxiong, long-awaited for a long time, in the Xiyingqi studio's Geshiqiying." Geshiqiying is no stranger to the way of dealing with players, immediately went forward and flying through the cold.

The name of Geishi Yingying has also been loud recently, and it has been ridiculed by players as a bad luck star in recent times. The one who competed with him for this title was his former opponent, Yun Zhongyu, who was stunned by the Eagles’ group and fell down several times. Later, the 10th League was disbanded. Of course, those who do not know the inside will think that he is also Unlucky person.

"Hello." Feitiantong and Geshiqiying asked the sound, and his eyes turned behind him.

"Forever." Forever seeing Feitiantong staring at him, and smiling and introducing himself.

"Long time." Feitiantong nodded.

The five nights here also included the name in the mouth, ready, the other party will confide when they look at it, who wants Feitiantong to take back their eyes. Five nights are depressed! His identity seems to be not enough at this time!