MTL - Virtual Evolution-Chapter 7 Over 1 year of chef career

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Many times, it is attitude that determines everything. With the right attitude, you can turn stress into motivation and set you on the stage of success. Life is fair. Although I dare not say that a farming will have a harvest, but without farming, there will be no harvest.

Wu Leyuan didn't believe this sentence very much before, but in this year's school cooking career, he fully recognized the accuracy of this sentence.

Remembering the bits and pieces that entered Ju downstairs, this year's experience can even be compared with the life of a previous life .........

渊 Le Yuan, who replied overnight, did not know whether it was because of sufficient cultivation or Master Abbe's soup. The health value has returned to 73%, and the physical value is close to full value.

When Master Abe saw Le Yuan who was standing in front of her, he was startled by his body's ability to recover. After checking it, he found that there was no major problem, and he brought him into Ju Ju downstairs with a little doubt. Kitchen.

As soon as he entered the kitchen, a rush of heat could not stop flowing to Leyuan. Leyuan had been shocked by his fiery scene. Although he still had the scene of Yuebailou's kitchen in his memory, he was second to none in Sichuan. Ju Ju looked dwarfed by going downstairs.

Master Abe led Le Yuan. While introducing him to the chef in the kitchen, he stopped when he walked in front of a tall, young man with a hair, and smiled and introduced to Le Yuan: "A Yuan, this is your brother, he, My name is Shao An. I came here to learn art seven years ago. "

Then he pulled over Le Yuan, held his hands on his shoulders, and pushed him in front of him, as Shao explained, "Shao An, you will be A Yuan's brother from today. Take good care of him. "

When Master Abbe introduced to Le Yuan, Le Yuan was looking at this tall man: Is this the first small BOSS, and also the guy who caused Master Abbe to die prematurely, now five years before the beginning of the plot, It should be three years later, when he was twenty years old, he became a special chef and took away two chefs and all salaries. He is really an unfamiliar wolf-eyed wolf.

Shao An listened and seemed to carelessly, and said disdainfully, "Master Abe, how can you have time to accept him as a disciple, such a little devil, it is better to spend more time teaching me new dishes."

"Shao An, why do you talk like this, A Yuan, Shao An is not what he usually does. Come, now I am starting to teach you." It seems to ease the relationship between Shao An and Le Yuan, Master Abe brought Le Yuan to A corner full of all kinds of fresh vegetables began to preach: "Now I will start teaching you cooking, then A Yuan, do you know what the most basic ability of a chef is?"

"It's the knife and the fire." Le Yuan's answer without hesitation, which was deeply influenced by the information explosion of the last life and learned from memory.

"Yes, knife and fire are the basic skills to test a chef's ability, but it is also a very important ability to choose the most suitable ingredients before cooking." After that, he began to teach Le Yuan how to choose the right ingredients.

After finishing all the points, he smiled and said, "It ’s useless to say that, after you are also a famous chef, then you can master the points I taught from practice, and you can use these bamboo shoots to go Practice it. "

It didn't take long for Le Yuan to start practicing, and the figure appeared behind him.

喂 "Hey, devil, if you know each other, you should leave early. The chef is not a talented person like you, but you should leave early."

"You don't have any talents, it's not up to you, Brother Shao An." Le Yuan said with a dissatisfaction looking at the people standing behind him.

Shao An didn't say much when he heard it. He picked up a kitchen knife and waved it at the bamboo shoots. After a while, the bamboo shoots were cut and he arrogantly said to Le Yuan: "Well, you boy, it's better to I'll learn to cook, and it's better to spend time here. "

"Senior chef Shao An wants to teach you cooking skills. Is it acceptable?"

Cooking (Level 1)

Class D

Priority 11

Effect: Gives a dish a special ability.

Passive: 3% chance of cooking recipes to bring out the mission world

Consumption: 20 physical strength, 10 energy

Note: The cooking skills taught by superior chef Shao An have extraordinary powers.

Although this skill was very attractive, Le Yuan refused, and the outlet countered: "Your technique is good, but you also learned from Master Abbe, has your technique reached the point where blue is better than blue? I don't think so, so I can still learn from Master Abbe. "

"Your boy, don't cry and leave Ju downstairs." Shao An seemed to be irritated by his words, threw a sentence, and turned away.

"Did you mess up with a little boss on your first day? I really enjoyed the protagonist's treatment. Unfortunately, I hope that my choice is correct and I will be more peaceful in the future."

The days passed like this, Master Abbe also taught Le Yuan's cooking little by little, but Le Yuan still didn't receive any skill tips.

He helped in the kitchen during the day. When Master Abe showed his cooking skills, he stared intently, and every time a new dish appeared, he could not wait to taste and analyze.

Le Yuan, who is diligent in his hands and feet, and very easy to learn, is very popular among the people in Ju downstairs. Except that Shao An seems to have been indifferent because of the conversation that day, Le Yuan seems to be already under Ju Ju Lou is an integral part.

At night, when everyone was asleep, Le Yuan would creep up and secretly practise basic skills.

装 Put rice in the pot and carry out repeated pan-shaking exercises, so that the rice inside is polished to become discolored. Practice every day without storm, until each grain of rice in the pot is evenly black, and then continue to increase after adapting to the corresponding weight, and increase the training of the arm. When the training is successful, he starts again The practice of knives.

Thanks to his regenerating body, he was able to support under the dual efforts of day and night. After each exhaustion, he can recover in the shortest time. This constitution supports him after half a year of training.

However, Le Yuan, who has no skill tips for six months, relies on his busy work to dispel his depression and immerse himself in the fun of learning cooking.

In the seventh month that Le Yuan was immersed in cooking, when he finished tasting a new dish of Master Abbe as usual, when he made a detailed review, a system sound that he had not heard in six months appeared—

"Congratulations to the players for tasting more than a hundred premium dishes and producing ingredients, the completion rate has reached 80%, and the talent is super awakened by taste."

When I heard the prompt, it was a stun, and after I reacted, I checked the awakening talent—

Talent: Unknown

Partial Awakening-Super Tactile (Omitted)

Super Taste: Additional Skills: Food is the Sky (Note: No. 6510 tastes more than a hundred special dishes, and the analysis accuracy rate is more than 80%. Approved by the super chef, the self-perceived taste is beyond ordinary, and you can understand the dishes used in the retrospective method. s material.)

Eat for the sky (not upgradeable)

Class D

Priority-affected by talent

Effect: 50% increase in food effect

Consumption: None

Note: Mom never has to worry about my hungry again.

The original awakening of super-taste is to eat and taste, so isn't the other sense of smell, hearing, and vision developed by smell, hearing, and appearance? Are there any special conditions?

The additional skills of this awakening talent did not meet the completion conditions of the main task 2. It seems that the additional skills that do not occupy the skill column do not meet the task. But the awakening of talent inspired Le Yuan, which proved that he went the right way.

In fact, the awakening condition of the five-sense talent is really right, just when the teacher is about to be a full year, the third feeling is awake-ultra-visual.

That was one night. In order to reach the level of Master Abbe's knifework, Le Yuan often practiced the knifework according to the actions of Master Abbe's cutting vegetables in memory.

A person is standing on the table. He is holding a kitchen knife in his right hand and a white radish in his left hand. The kitchen knife is flying in Le Yuan's hands. A thin slice of radish with cicada wings looks mysterious and beautiful under the transmission of moonlight. .

Wu Leyuan picked up the radish slice and pointed it at the full moon in the sky. UU read the book The moonlight penetrated through the radish slice and radiated as in his eyes

Tong Leyuan took a deep breath and then couldn't help waving his arms and shouted excitedly in his heart: "I can finally cut out the moon halo, this is a big span!"

月晕 Radish refers to the radish slice of Longzhen Restaurant, which is based on the original animation plot. In the animation, the father of San Jie (AQ) said this: "Slicing should be thin and transparent, but not broken. Looking at the moon through the radish is like a moon halo. This is the optimal thickness for instant entrance."

In order to be able to have a knife like Master Abe, Yue Hao Dao has always been his test index, and today it has finally been reached.

I was excited for a while, and the sound of the system that had been silent for six months sounded again.

"Congratulations to players after one year of unremitting observation, complete the imitation of super chef Abbe Knife (87% completion), and awaken super visual."

Talent: Unknown

Partial Awakening-Super Tactile (Slightly) Super Taste (Slightly)

Super Vision:

备 (Note: After one year's unremitting observation, No. 6510 has completed the imitation of the super chef Abbe Knives, awakens super-vision, and can instantly copy the opponent's actions (actions only), and reproduces the opponent's stunts exactly.

The first year of Zhonghua Xiaohuo's world has passed, and Le Yuan is satisfied. Although skills are still missing, time is still abundant.

After recalling a year of rich experience, Le Yuan couldn't help but closed his eyes and fell asleep with a smile.

At this time, there are 3 years, 342 days, 22:16, 26 seconds left before the extreme game time.

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