MTL - Villain’s Delicate and Charming Wife-Chapter 12

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Lu Che turned his head, only to find that his hand grabbed Jiang Yao's.

It was completely dark, and only a kerosene lamp in the corner of the huge yard flickered in the breeze.

Looking at each other, no one can see the other's expression clearly.

Lu Che took the lead in letting go of Jiang Yao's hand, muttered "I didn't mean it", grabbed the bamboo piece, turned around, and continued to tap "dong dong dong" .

A human hand, but a piece of charcoal, even her heart was burned.

Isn’t it just that I accidentally touched my hand? Jiang Yao, your mental age is already 30 years old. Even if you have never been in a relationship, you are not someone who has never seen a big scene. As for an 18-year-old innocent little sister?

"You go back first." Lu Che finished knocking on a piece of bamboo, but this time he didn't dare to call her to hand it over, he turned around to get it, and drove people by the way.

He lowered his head and kept his eyes on the pile of bamboo pieces. After taking the bamboo pieces, he turned around without looking at Jiang Yao.

I don't know if it was her own delusion, Jiang Yao felt that he didn't disdain to look at her but didn't dare to look at her, Big Brother Lu seemed... shy.

Oh my god...the big guy is even more innocent than her, it's so cute.

"I'm not going back, just let me take whatever you want." Since the boss was purer than her, Jiang Yao suddenly felt that her waist was straight, and moved the ingredients directly to the front and right side of him, Hand it to him easily.

Seeing that she was going to the end, Lu Che ignored it and continued to work seriously.

The chicken coop is not big, and it is only half a person tall. Lu Che works neatly, and the chicken coop is ready in half an hour.

"Okay, bring the chicken coop over, I'll put the chicken in." Lu Che said to Jiang Yao.

"Okay." Jiang Yao took the lead, but just as she was about to stand up, her whole body was about to fall down.

Lu Che's eyes were quick and he reached out to pick her up.

Jiang Yao was shaky, trying to find something to hug, Lu Che just came close, and the two finally hugged.

The weather was already hot, and the two of them hugged as if they were hugging the stove.

Lu Che was the first to react, and the conditioned reflex pushed Jiang Yao outward.

Jiang Yao's feet were numb, but now she was pushed and fell to the ground.

"Are you all right?" Lu Che asked anxiously.

In the hug just now, Jiang Yao still had some inexplicable feelings in her heart, but now he pushed him ruthlessly, and everything disappeared without a trace.

"I'm fine." When she fell on the mud, Jiang Yao really didn't feel any pain.

"My legs are numb? I'm coming..." Lu Che usually massaged Mrs. Lu, and was about to step forward to help, when he saw the thin ankles exposed at her trouser legs, he swallowed the words instantly, Don't open your face and change your mouth: "You massage it yourself, it will be fine soon."

After he finished speaking, he directly carried the chicken coop over and put the four chickens inside into the chicken coop. When he put some water in a small bowl and put it in the corner of the chicken ring, Jiang Yao finally stood up.

"If you're okay, go back to your room." After Lu Che finished speaking, he turned around, but Jiang Yao stopped him, "Wait, I have something for you."

"Take it." Because the egg had been boiled on low heat and was still very hot, she shoved it into his palm like a hot potato.

He just frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What can I do? Of course I thank you for your help! I know that you don't leave a name for doing good things like Lei Feng. This egg is a trivial thing. You can take it as a supper tonight." Jiang Yao was worried after finishing speaking He refused, adding, "No, no."

She stared at her eyes at the moment, pretending to be fierce, but her voice was not loud and soft. Not like a threat, but more like a spoiled brat.

Lu Che looked at her slightly bulging cheeks, and suddenly couldn't say what she refused.

"Uncle, uncle, have you finished making the chicken coop? Give me a bath when you're done!" There was Zhou Yang's shout from the front room, and Jiang Yao followed the trend: "Hurry up and give Yang Yang take a bath, I'm going to take a bath too."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Yao quickly walked back to her room and closed the door.

When footsteps sounded outside, getting closer and farther, she bent her lips with confidence.

It's really hard to give the boss an egg.

When Lu Che went to the bathroom, Zhou Yang was already sitting in the bathtub.

The little guy didn't let Lu Qing bathe him since the beginning of the year, saying that his mother was a girl and he was a boy, so he couldn't bathe him, so this task fell on Lu Che.

In addition, he has to sleep by himself now. Fortunately, there are many rooms in the Lu family, so he can sleep as he likes.

Lu Che walked over, squatted down, picked up the towel and started wiping Zhou Yang's back.

"Uncle, when will you marry a wife?" Zhou Yang asked suddenly.

Lu Che: "...Children, don't ask if there is something."

"I'm no longer a child, I'm five years old." Zhou Yang was not convinced, he hummed for a while, and then said: "Uncle, if you want to marry a wife, can you marry Yaoyao's sister? Daughter-in-law?"

Lu Che rubbed his hands on his back for a while, and said hard, "Don't talk nonsense, you can't say this kind of thing a second time."

"Why can't you say it?" Zhou Yang pursed his lips, "I want to make sister Yaoyao my aunt."

Lu Che glared at Zhou Yang again, Zhou Yang was shocked by his "obscenity and might", but still "unrepentant", changed it into a whisper, "Sister Yaoyao cooks But it's delicious. If she becomes my aunt, she will definitely cook for me all day long. Also, she even gave me and Xinxin candy to eat today, big white rabbit toffee, so fragrant and delicious. "

Zhou Yang said, his saliva was about to flow out, Lu Che snorted coldly, "You said so much, co-authoring is trying to sell me for food."

"I don't." Zhou Yang blurted out and denied it, but his confidence was not enough.

After serving the little ancestor Zhou Yang, Lu Che sent him back to his room, and he had to take a bath and sleep.

"Uncle, what's in your pocket?" Lu Che was about to turn around when the sharp-eyed Zhou Yang noticed that his pocket was slightly bulging.

"I don't have anything in my pocket." As Lu Che said, he looked at the pocket of his clothes, and then he remembered the eggs Jiang Yao gave him.

"It's nothing." Lu Che pretended that nothing had happened, but Zhou Yang had already pounced on him, "It must be sugar, uncle, you are too mean, hide the sugar and don't give it to me..."

Lu Che didn't expect this little kid to think of sugar like this. When he reacted to stop it, Zhou Yang had already opened his pocket and saw the white eggs inside.

"'s an egg, uncle, you secretly eat the egg and don't give it to me."

"Stop yelling, I'll cook you a head office tomorrow morning." Lu Che was so upset by this guy, he didn't care about his stalking, he just pressed him on the bed, and then walked straight to the door of the room.

The noise on their side startled the old lady. She came over with a cane and asked, "What are your uncles and nephews making a fuss about?"

"Grandma, my uncle hid an egg and can't eat it for me." Zhou Yang complained.

"Is there such a thing?" The old lady turned around and asked Lu Che, but he had already slipped away. She looked at his back as he walked away, and said angrily, "Lu Che, it's just an egg, can't you let your nephew go?"

"Okay, but this one won't work." Lu Che threw this sentence away and walked away without looking back.

Old Mrs. Lu: "...You kid, the more you live, the more you go back."

Lu Che took a shower and returned to his room, glanced at the eggs, and lay down on the bed to sleep.

In fact, tonight's dinner has already been digested, but he is reluctant to eat this egg and plans to save it for breakfast tomorrow. Anyway, he got up at five o'clock, Zhou Yang had no chance to **** his eggs.

I was tired all day today, and came back at night to work overtime again. Lu Che soon fell asleep.

I don't know how long he slept, he felt very hot and sweaty, he jumped into the pond when he saw it. The moment he jumped in, a woman emerged from the water, rushed towards him, hugged him tightly, and shouted softly and charmingly: "I'm so uncomfortable, please save me. "

His first reaction was to stun her, but as soon as he raised his hand, the woman in his arms said tenderly, "Hurry up and hug me."

His hand paused, then slowly fell back, and finally he took it up.

It was about three o'clock when Lu Che finished washing his trousers, and he couldn't sleep at this moment. Looking at the egg on the table, he picked it up and knocked it hard, then peeled it, Finally swallowed.

The next morning, Lu Qing came to call Jiang Yao to hand over the handicraft, "There are a lot of people doing handicrafts recently. Let's go to hand in early today and get the raw materials earlier, I'm afraid I won't be able to get it later."

"Okay." Jiang Yao didn't even have time to eat breakfast, so she went out with Lu Qing with her handmade work.

They are early, but there are many people who are earlier than them. By the time they waited in line to deliver the goods, the raw materials had already been taken out, and they had to return empty-handed.

Back at Lu's house, Jiang Yao saw that there was nothing to do today, so she ate two sweet potatoes, so she put on full sun protection and went to the county town.

According to the original owner's memory, her brother should have sent something to her, so she has to go to the post office.

As she expected, her brother sent her a letter and a large package. She didn't know what was in the package, but the envelope was very thick. It was estimated that in addition to the letter, there was money and a ticket inside.

From the post office, Jiang Yao went to the supply and marketing agency again. Fortunately today, there is still a small piece of pork on the pork stall, which is still the lean meat that people don't like in this era.

She bought pork for 32 taels and 15 cents, and another 10 cents for a large piece of pork liver.

Both the package and the meat. Thinking about the one-hour sun exposure, her desire to buy suddenly stopped, but she still had to buy some pure cotton fabrics.

She doesn't know when the original owner's period is, but she has been wearing it for almost a month, so she has to prepare some months/events in advance.

The original owner's month/event tape is a little old, and Jiang Yao will not be able to use this kind of private item.

After buying the fabric, Jiang Yao returned to Qingyuan with a big bag.

When she returned to the head of Qingyuan Village, she found that there were many people around the pond, and only after inquiring did she know that today was the day for the production team to divide the fish.

The fish in the pond at the head of the village are raised by the production team. After they are raised, they are distributed to the members of the commune, twice a year, about one catty per person. Although it’s not much, I can’t eat pork several times a year. It’s not bad to have some fish to satisfy my cravings.

Educational youth who have been in the queue for one year can also share the fish, and Jiang Yao, who has only been here for three months, can only see the share.

Since she doesn't have her share, this spot is so hot and sunny that Jiang Yao doesn't even bother to watch it.

Just as she was about to turn around and go back, she suddenly caught sight of Lu Che who was pulling the net in the water.

The situation that she was in the water with him that night suddenly appeared in her mind, and her face became hot.

At this moment, he suddenly looked in her direction, so frightened that Jiang Yao immediately turned his head away, used the bustling crowd as a cover for himself, and walked quickly towards the Lu family.

Jiang Yao's footsteps are fast, and her heartbeat is also accelerating. In her mind, images of when she and Lu Che were together kept popping up, the wet hugs in the pond...and the hugs in a hurry last night...

Don't think about it anymore, she shook her head hard, until she returned to Lu's house, Zhou Yang and Zhou Xin saw her coming back and pestered her to ask for something delicious, in her mind The messy thoughts just flew away.

"Sister Yaoyao is going to cook lean pork and liver porridge for you now, will I get you candy later?" Jiang Yao coaxed the two brothers and sisters gently.

They all jumped up happily when they heard that there was meat to eat. Lu Qing on the side said quickly: "Yaoyao, don't, forget the sugar, the meat is really not good."

"It's alright, I can't finish it all by myself. How about I get the pork liver and meat, and you get the rice?" Jiang Yao suggested.

Lu Qing was a little embarrassed at first, but remembering that their family could get five catties of fish today, she just let her go, and said, "Okay, when the fish is back, we will invite you to eat fish. "

Jiang Yao: "So happy to decide."

At noon, a pot of fragrant lean pork liver porridge came out. Lu Che didn't know when he would be back, so the old lady said, "leave some for Che Che, let's eat first."

"Then I'll pack him a bowl first." Jiang Yao said.

"Okay." The old lady responded, seeing that there was a lot of porridge in this pot, and the taste was very fragrant, and said: "Yaoyao, can you give Yue Lao a bowl, I remember him I said that I like eating pork liver very much."

"Old Yue?" Jiang Yao didn't know why.

Lu Qing whispered: "Yue Lao is an intellectual living in our cowshed and a professor at the University of Mechanical Engineering."

Jiang Yao suddenly understood that the old lady has always respected intellectuals, and it seems that she usually takes good care of this old Yue. She responded immediately, and put two extra pieces of pork liver on the porridge for Elder Yue.

Lu Che hadn't come back until he finished his porridge. Jiang Yao was tired all morning and went back to her room to take a nap.

After walking for most of the morning, she fell asleep soon after laying in bed. When she slept hazy, she heard Zhou Yang and Zhou Xin talking outside.

She got up and opened the door, and saw the two brothers and sisters surrounding a big tank in the corner of the backyard, talking excitedly. Lu Che stood by and watched them make trouble, with a rare gentle expression.

"Are you back?" She just woke up, her voice was soft, making her heart tremble.

Lu Che raised his head when he heard the sound, glanced at her, and then said "um".

"Sister Yaoyao, you are awake, come and see the fish, we have two big fish."

Although the uncle was very indifferent, the nephew and niece were very enthusiastic. The brothers and sisters ran to Jiang Yao's side and took her with one hand to watch the fish.

Zhou Yang and Zhou Xin were chatting non-stop, Jiang Yao listened to them patiently and answered their questions.

She bent down slightly to match the height of the children, looked at them tenderly, and occasionally smiled, as if the surroundings were bright.

Lu Che looked at it, and the corners of his lips curved up at some point.

As soon as he walked to the front yard, he heard someone calling Jiang Yao outside, walked over and opened the door, and saw Jiang Chao standing outside the door.

Jiang Chao didn't think much of Lu Che at first, but now he doesn't dare to be too presumptuous at other people's doorsteps, and he said calmly, "Excuse me, is Jiang Yao here?"

"No." Lu Che replied coldly.

"Not here? Then do you know where she went?" Jiang Chao frowned.

"Don't know."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yao's voice came from behind him, "Lu Che, come and have a look, there is a fish that seems to be out of luck."

"Yaoyao." Jiang Chao shouted immediately after hearing the sound, ignoring Lu Che as a stumbling block, and went straight in from his side.

"Jiang Chao, why are you here? Do you have anything to do with me?" Jiang Yao asked.

"Something happens, some of us old educated youths are divided. I want to get together with educated youths. I came here to let you know." "But he said you weren't there."


The author has something to say:

Lu Che: It's too embarrassing, Xiaomi, you should save me some face.

Xiaomi: Where is the shame? This will let Yaoyao know your bad thoughts, which is a good thing.

Lu Che:…