MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1095 A sigh of relief in the chest!

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   Chapter 1095 I spit out the suffocation in my chest!

In the Ningzhou army camp, Li Xin, the general of the Southwest Army, called Li Shuo, the commander of the Ningzhou army, and Mu Ying, the commander of the Hanzhou army, to his commander's tent at the same time, and General Li sat on the main seat. He looked at the two subordinates in front of him with a serious expression.

   "You two, it's time for a tough fight."

Li Xin said straight to the point: "It has been more than two months since our Southwest Army hit the capital city. In the past two months, we have really fought two battles. The situation doesn't allow us to grind like this any longer."

Li Xin looked solemn and said solemnly: "The Zhongjia army of Yunzhou is already on its way to the capital. The frontier army is no better than the local army, and its combat power is even greater than that of the forbidden army. Right now, they have at most one more. Month, we will be able to reach the capital, we have no time."

   "We must fight head-on with the capital. If we can get into the capital, our brothers will have generations of wealth in the future. If we can't get into the capital, we have to turn around and go back to the southwest to be our king of the mountain."

  Mu Heiface smiled at Li Xin, and said, "It should have been the General's long time ago. The brothers in the army have lost their spirits for so long."

   Li Shuo also bowed his head and clasped his fists: "Return to the general, just wait for the general's order, my Ningzhou army can fight to the death at any time!"

   "I don't want you to fight to the death."

Li Xin narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I really want to fight to the death, I can fight two months ago, there is no need to wait until today, the current Southwest Army is fighting the capital, maybe they can enter the capital, but they want to occupy the capital. , but not very likely.”

   "I've already arranged a back-up team in the capital. Your goal is to pretend to be in a deadly battle with the capital, attract most of the attention of the court, and give me a chance to act."

Having said that, Li Xin looked at the two of them and said in a low voice, "That is to say, there won't be too many deaths in this battle, but people must be killed, whether it's the Hanzhou army or the Ningzhou army, both of you will die. Are you ready?"

   The two stood up together, then knelt down halfway in front of Li Xin, bowed their heads and clasped their fists: "Return to the general, the last will be waiting for you at any time!"

"very good."

Li Xin waved his hand and asked the two of them to sit down and talk. After the two of them were seated again, Li Xin continued: "In these days, I will let Huzi bring as many firearms as possible. If there is no accident, three After a few days, we will start to formally attack the capital."

   "In the past few days, you all sent some people to buy more pigs, cattle and sheep, so that the brothers would see the meat and fish, and after three days, it will be a tough battle."

   "I have only one request for you. We must let the capital see our determination to fight to the death."

  Li Xin was expressionless: "Except for the three of us, everyone in the Southwest Army should think that this time is a deadly battle with no way out."

   After listening to Li Xin's words, the two nodded in agreement.

   "Don't worry, General, there is absolutely no problem!"

Li Xin nodded, and then continued: "This time, the Ningzhou army is still the main attack, and the Hanzhou army will follow. If the Ningzhou army suffers too many casualties, then the Hanzhou army will send people to take the lead, and we must do our best in this battle. Fight, and attract all the attention of the capital to this war, and then the capital will have a chance to succeed."

After the two nodded yes, Mu Ying, who had a better relationship with Li Xin, smiled at Li Xin and asked, "What kind of layout did the general leave in the capital? The lives of the soldiers, go cover for them."

  Li Xin's face was calm, and he said indifferently: "I can't tell you, it won't work if I tell you."

   This time, what happened in the capital was considered top secret for Li Xin. Except for a few parties, he did not tell anyone, nor did he discuss with anyone, and he always maintained a high degree of confidentiality.

  Because of this matter, it is really too critical. Once it is leaked out, it will immediately fall short.

It's not that Li Xin doesn't trust Mu Ying, but in today's Southwest Army, there are still many court officials who told Mu Ying that if he had a dream at night and told his plan, Li Xin might be angry. vomiting blood.

   Mu Ying smiled shyly and scratched her head: "If the general doesn't say anything, the last general won't ask, so he will go down and prepare for the battle."

   said, he got up and saluted Li Xin, then bowed and walked out.

  Li Shuo also stood up and saluted Li Xin: "General, the last general has also gone down to prepare."

  Li Xin nodded, glanced at his cheap brother, and said silently: "This time the war is quite dangerous, you shouldn't rush into the battle yourself like the last time, just stay in command of the Central Army."

   Having said this, he paused and said slowly, "Live a good life."

   Last time, in order to prove that the Ningzhou army was not inferior to the Hanzhou army, Li Shuo fought very hard and personally rushed to kill the enemy.

   After hearing Li Xin's words, Li Shuo was stunned for a while, then took two steps back and said to Li Xin, "Thank you so much..."

   "Thank you brother."

   Li Xin smiled dumbly: "Okay, let's get ready."

   "When fighting head-on, use more firearms, so that those who rush into the battle will die less."

   "The end will understand."

  Li Shuo bowed his head and withdrew from Li Xin's handsome account.

   After everyone left, Li Xin sat alone in the handsome tent and slowly closed his eyes.

   This is a good habit of him. Before doing anything, he will sort out the whole thing in his mind to see if there are any omissions.

   After thinking back and forth in his mind several times, Li Xin rubbed his temples a little tiredly, and then slowly opened his eyes.

   "come here."

   Li Xin's voice was not loud, but soon someone from Anbu was half-kneeling in front of him.

  General Li spoke calmly and said, "Starting from tomorrow, the Anbu in the capital will move, and let the people in the capital know as much as possible that the Southwest Army will attack the capital in a few days."

   The man immediately lowered his head, his voice hoarse: "This subordinate will do it now."

   After the man had retreated, Li Xin summoned another general of the Southwest Army, and said, "Starting tomorrow, lead people to call for battle under the capital, and let them go out of the city to fight with us."

   The ginseng bowed his head immediately: "The commander will prepare now."

   He also withdrew after saying that.

   After a while, Li Xin gave Li Shuo another order, ordering the Ningzhou army not to stop bombarding the capital for the next few days, and prepare to play a trick of "the wolf is coming".

   After everything was done, Li Xin thought about it several times, and finally couldn't think of any mistakes, and then he lay down on his couch weakly.

  Because he was a little tired, he soon became sleepy and narrowed his eyes slightly.

   In a trance, Li Xin seemed to see a familiar figure, walked into his handsome tent from the outside, and said a few words to himself.

  Unfortunately, the voice of this person was vague and it was impossible to hear clearly.

   However, the face of this man gradually became clearer. After Li Xin saw what this man looked like, he was startled. He suddenly woke up and opened his eyes. The whole body was covered in cold sweat!

   He looked around his handsome tent, only to find that it was empty.

  General Li wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, calmed down a little, and then cursed through gritted teeth.

   "It's useless for you to scare me!"

   "No matter who is right or who is wrong, I must go to the capital and spit out the suffocation in my chest all these years!"

   (end of this chapter)