MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-v2 Chapter 1066 panic

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   Chapter 1066 People are panicking

  The news that Luzhou was destroyed by the Southwest Army quickly spread throughout the capital, and there was an uproar in the capital.

You must know that Luzhou City is only more than 300 miles away from the capital. It can even be said that it is already Gyeonggi, but it is not under the jurisdiction of Jingzhao Prefecture. Luzhou Prefecture has close contacts with the capital. Many Luzhou people have settled in the capital. Many people in the capital have properties in Luzhou, and there are many relatives between the two places. When the city of Luzhou is broken, the people in the capital who have relatives in Luzhou are all worried.

   Moreover, according to rumors, the city of Luzhou was only defended for five days before it was destroyed.

The Luzhou defenders exceeded 100,000, and they did not hold on for long. It is conceivable that even the capital city may not be able to stop the Southwest Army's front. For a time, everyone in the capital was in danger, even those who were in the capital on weekdays. Most of the high-ranking officials and gentlemen were also uneasy at this time.

   More importantly, some people took advantage of the midnight to post the Southwest Army's mobilization letter on the streets and alleys of the capital.

The Southwest Army's decree was drafted by Zhao Jia himself. The content in it is very simple and direct, that is, attacking today's emperor's immorality, promiscuous court, persecuting his younger brother, condoning Yuwen's troubles, etc. Jin people, Zhao Jia especially knew how to attack the emperor. He wrote down a series of natural disasters such as droughts, earthquakes, locust plagues, and floods that occurred in various places from the first year of Yuanzhao to the present five years. ,shocking.

  According to the sense of heaven and human beings, when God brings disasters, it means that the emperor is incompetent.

   After all, the emperor is the Son of Heaven, the eldest son of Heaven who manages the world in place of God. God is angry, and it is natural that you, the eldest son, did not do well.

   The most deadly thing is that there is something about the sixth prince in the text, which contains a very crucial sentence.

   "The sky is angry, and the people are in disaster. The six sons of the first emperor are upright people with profound virtues. If they can inherit the throne, the world will be peaceful and the people will be prosperous."

   The obvious meaning of this sentence is that if the sixth prince became the emperor, there would not be so many disasters in the world, and the common people would not suffer with the current emperor.

   However, this sentence has a deeper meaning in the dark.

   That is, as long as the sixth prince ascends the throne, the Southwest Army will withdraw.

This second level of meaning may not be understood by ordinary people, but most of the scholars in the court can see it at a glance. In fact, this level of meaning is also written for these people, and it is very clear to tell them that as long as the emperor is replaced , Dajin is still Dajin, the court is still the court, and you officials will still be officials.

This method of posting big-character posters is still a trick used by Li Xin when he was young, but I have to admit that after more than ten years, this method is still very useful, at least in this era when news spread is not very fast. This method can quickly spread a thing through the streets.

Of course, in the face of this kind of action, Jingzhao Mansion is not completely inactive. Early the next morning, Jingzhao Mansion began to confiscate these large-character posters posted by people in the whole city, and posted a notice clearly stating that if anyone dared to dare Secretly hide anti-thief documents, go to jail directly, and be punished with the same crime as anti-thief.

After several days of hard work, Jingzhao Mansion managed to confiscate more than 90% of the "big character posters" in the capital. However, there are still some secret texts circulating in the capital. Compared with the big character posters, what is more terrifying is word of mouth. , after all, what Zhao Jiaxu wrote, although he scolded the emperor badly, it was generally reliable, but the word of mouth of the common people was very different. A few people came down and it was possible to smash the original one. The rumors were unrecognizable, exaggerated to the point of terrifying.

Because of this incident, Jingzhao Mansion arrested dozens of people talking nonsense in the whole city. On the one hand, the people in the city were worried about whether the southwest rebels would break into the capital, and on the other hand, they were always worried about whether they would be caught in the capital. Zhao Fu was taken into prison, and everyone was in danger for a while.

   At the same time, the imperial court in the capital was also turbulent.

Originally, whether it was the people of Dajin or officials of Dajin, they all had confidence in the imperial court. After all, the strength of Dajin has been recognized by the people of the world for decades, but the Southwest Army has been moving like a broken bamboo from the southwest in the past few months. Having hit Luzhou near the capital, it has subverted everyone's perception of the military strength of the Great Jin. These officials, whose bones were not hard in the first place, are now beginning to worry about their lives.

   The twelve gates of the capital were all closed ten days ago, and it is now difficult for everyone to enter and exit, but even so, there are still many dignitaries, either entrusting relationships or making money, trying their best to leave the capital.

   Before the Southwest Army entered the city, people in the capital were already panicking.

The court was also affected a bit. Emperor Yuanzhao had not called the chief ministers to discuss matters for several days. At the great court meeting that day, when the civil and military officials gathered in the Weiyang Palace to meet the emperor, the big **** Xiao Zheng in red, He walked over with unhurried steps, and when he walked in front of the house, he bowed slightly and said, "Fang Xiang, Your Majesty is in a bad health, and today's court meeting will be fine. Your Majesty has instructed, if you have any business, please do so. Send it to the Shangshutai, if the Shangshutai needs to present it to Yulan, it can be handed over to our family."

  The house looked at his colleagues slightly from side to side, but helplessly bowed his head and smiled bitterly: "I dare to ask the Grand Duke, how is your majesty, do you need a minister to visit?"

   Xiao Zheng shook his head slightly: "Fang Xiang rest assured, His Majesty is only feeling the cold, and it will be fine in a few days."

   "That's good."

The house let out a sigh of relief, turned to the civil and military officials, and said, "Everyone has heard what the Grand Duke said. If there are any documents that need to be sent, they will be sent to the Shangshutai. If things are in a hurry, the Shangshutai I can reply to you today.”

   "Okay, those who have memorials will go with the old master to the Shangshu Desk, and those who do not have memorials will go back to the yamen for errands."

   "It's all gone."

   After the old sheep left the court, the prime minister became the most senior civil servant in the court. After he said these words, the civil and military officials looked at each other and dispersed.

   After everyone had left, the house looked back at Xiao Zheng, lowered his head slightly and asked, "Grand Eunuch, Your Majesty... is it okay?"

   "Rest assured, it's fine."

The house nodded slightly and continued to speak: "Grand Duke, the court situation is complicated at the moment, and there are great enemies waiting outside the capital. As the left servant of the Shangshutai, this old man has something to tell His Majesty, please lead the way. "

  Xiao looked embarrassed, he bowed his head and smiled bitterly: "Fang Xiang, it's not because the servants refused to take Fang Xiang to see His Majesty. It's really that His Majesty is not in the Weiyang Palace now."

   "Not in the Weiyang Palace?"

  The house frowned slightly and said, "Then where is His Majesty?"

   "Master Hui, Your Majesty will be serving as a prisoner in..."

   At this time, in the prison, a young man in ordinary clothes who looked like he was in his early twenties was staring at the pile of gray medicinal powder in front of him. His eyes were bloodshot and his eyes were excited.

   "This thing... can it be used?"

   Standing beside him, Jiang Zuojian bowed his head and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, I have already tried it. Although it is still slightly inferior to Southwest Tianlei's medicinal powder, it is not much different..."

"good very good."

  The emperor's eyes were excited, and he gritted his teeth: "I will give you one day to get the first batch of Tianlei out. Tomorrow night, I will be at the school grounds and see my Dajin Tianlei!"

   (end of this chapter)