MTL - Unparalleled Concubine-Chapter 65 Seal an official

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   Chapter 65 Officials

  On the twentieth of the first month, the court's reward to Li Xin finally came down.

   But it was not an imaginary imperial decree, and no eunuchs came to read it. It was only a small official in Jingzhao House who took a court document and gave it to Li Xin, and came to Li Xin's house.

   After all, for such a trivial matter, the people in the palace still can’t come forward, let alone use the imperial edict. Usually, they say hello to the Ministry of War, and when the people from the Ministry of War are done, they will be notified to the people in Jingzhao House.

   Now, this little official in soapy clothes standing in front of Li Xin was sent by Jingzhao Prefecture to inform him.

Li Xin was about to follow the way in the TV series to give the decree, when the little official helped him up and said with a smile, "Young Master Li, this is a document from the Ministry of War, not an imperial decree, just take it and accept it, you don't need to kowtow. "

   Li Xin nodded, not surprised.

   With his rank, he really doesn't deserve to use the people in the palace. There are many petty officials and officials in this court. If every personnel change is made with imperial decrees, the court can't afford the money.

  The materials and workmanship of the imperial decree are very particular.

  Li Xin opened the document with the big seal of the Ministry of War and read it about it. In short, because Li Xin was successful in catching assassins, the imperial court added a military officer of Yiwu School Lieutenant, of the eighth rank.

The so-called Wu Sanguan is just a title. Having this title means that Li Xin can receive a salary of six stones and six fights from the imperial court every month, but only this title does not mean that Li Xin becomes an official. He has no real job, not even a yamen, and is still a serious idler.

Generally speaking, this kind of scattered officials are the descendants of those ministers who are graced by grace. The so-called conferring wife and Yinzi is this way of saying that a person like Li Xin who has not entered the court with a white body, was given a military scattered official. Surprising thing.

   After Li Xin took over the document, he vaguely had an answer in his heart.

However, he still needs this status as a military officer, so Li Xin naturally doesn't care about his salary, but after he has this status as a military officer, if he joins Yulinwei again, he will most likely not learn from an ordinary Yulin officer. started.

You must know that the grades in the entire Yulinwei are not high. The middle officer is only the fifth-rank, the left and right officers are fifth-rank, the captain is sixth-rank, the school captain is only the seventh-rank, and Li Xin is the eighth when he enters the Yulinwei. A casual official of the pinnacle, he would never let him start as a soldier.

   In addition to this document, there are two sets of things that are similar to official uniforms. Because they are military officials, they also have a standard long sword and send them here.

  Li Xin picked up these things and thanked the little official of Jingzhao Mansion: "Thank you brother for this trip."

This little official is just an errand, without official or rank, he heard the words and lowered his head with a smile: "Young Master Li is very polite, from today onwards, you will be the one who gets a salary in the imperial court, depending on your age, your future achievements are bound to be impossible. Limited amount, in the future the villain will point to you to help..."

  Li Xin was fifteen years old when he first came to this world, and now he is sixteen after a year. Even according to the rules of this era, he is just an adult. In the eyes of this little official, his future is indeed limitless.

  Li Xin stretched out his hand and patted the clerk on the shoulder, and said softly, "I'm going to bother my brother to run this way, so let's go. I'll be sitting in the village tonight, and I'll treat my brother to a meal."

   The little official shook his head again and again and hurriedly left.

  Li Xinxin was a little curious.

  According to normal circumstances, these low-level officials are most greedy for petty cheapness. They invite him to dinner, and he should get what he wants. How can he run away like a ghost?

  Li Xin walked to the gate of the yard, glanced at the back of this little official, and frowned.

   Then he saw a blue sedan chair parked in the alley in front of his house.

   Li Xin recognized this sedan chair.

   The young man stepped forward and took a few steps, slightly bowing his hands to the sedan chair: "Lord Fujun."

   A muffled groan came from the sedan chair, and Jing Zhaoyin Li Ye, who was wearing a four-grade court dress, bent his body and walked out of the sedan chair.

   He was originally a high-ranking officer of the third rank in Beijing. Last time, because of Li Xin's incident, he was directly demoted to a major rank, which made the governor of the capital, who was expected to go further, still angry.

After the old man stepped down from the sedan chair, he put his hands behind his back, glanced at Li Xin lightly, and said solemnly: "Originally, the old man would have forgotten about you, but today the Ministry of War issued the documents, and the old man remembered that there is a person like you. I haven't seen you for a while, but you, a daring boy, actually made a contribution to alarm your Majesty, and you became an official because of it."

This old man should be Li Xin's uncle in blood, but Li Xin doesn't recognize this relationship, the young man leaned on his side and said with a soft laugh, "Since Lord Fujun is here, it's not a problem to stand at the door. , go in and talk."

The position of    Li Ye is extremely critical in the capital. He has enough qualifications and ability. He was originally a big official who was qualified to enter one of the six departments as a left servant in the past few years.

   You must know that four of the six divisions now have four princes bearing the title of Shangshu, which means that the second-in-command of the four divisions, Zuo Shilang, is actually the first-in-command.

   Such a big Buddha, Li Xin did not want to offend him.

   Li Ye was not polite, the old man put his hands behind him and strode into Li Xin's yard.

Then the old man sat down beside the stone table in Li Xin's yard, and after taking the tea handed over by Li Xin, the old man lowered his head and took a sip of the tea, and said indifferently, "You are quite a man who understands etiquette, talk about it, What have you done during this time, how did you provoke those assassins from Li Ni?"

Li Xin lowered his head and smiled and said, "The Lord of the House is Jing Zhaoyin, so you should be very familiar with what happened that night. I was resting at home that night when a few assassins suddenly rushed in and wanted to kill me. In desperation I had to fight back desperately, and it was my luck, those two assassins were both injured, and by chance, I restrained them."

   Said, Li Xin stretched out his right arm and said indifferently: "My right arm was also slashed by them, and it has not recovered yet."

When the night was assassinated, it was the first day of the new year, and the people in Jingzhao Mansion were on holiday, so the matter was handled by the people in the palace and Yulinwei. Li Ye, who was Jingzhao Yin, was only after the fact. understand what happened.

  Li Ye sat on the stone bench, looked up at Li Xin, and said in a low voice, "What happened that night?"

   Li Xin was silent for a while, and then said calmly: "When the people from the Nanhou Mansion and Yu Linwei took the murder together that night, it was probably the little prince who saw that I was a little unhappy, and drove those assassins to my house."

   Having said this, the young man who had just turned sixteen smiled slightly: "It may be that the little Marquis overestimated the combat effectiveness of those assassins, and I was lucky enough to survive."

   "Li Chun?"

   Lord Fujun frowned and said solemnly, "You are his brother, how could he do this?"

   Li Xin's identity has not been recognized by anyone, but in Li Ye's heart, he has regarded Li Xin as his junior, otherwise, in his identity, he would not have come to visit Li Xin twice in person.

Li Xin sat down opposite the Lord of the House, and his voice was calm: "The Lord of the House is wrong, I'm not from the Li family, and the little prince didn't treat me as the Li family, so he didn't do anything wrong. matter."

   Having said that, Li Xin laughed.

   "If he really did something wrong, he didn't kill me."

   (end of this chapter)