MTL - Unique Legend-~ Fanwai: Career Fun

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This is about the Phoenix.

Everyone knows that the first woman to be highly admired among the Phoenix clan is the current female patriarch Lin Zinaya, and there are two assistants underneath, one is Tyre who is currently the head of the medical class in the college , Is also the patriarch's biological brothers and sisters, and the other is Ji Lan, who is from the infamous killer family, and directs the analysis class.

Until Lynn Sinaia appointed the two, in fact, Tier, who was a member of the Phoenix College, did not want to take the position of a medical class. Compared to the piles of corpses and injuries, he would rather wear a white robe and go around, and he wanted to be an entertainer in the past.

Because, there are full of beautiful things.

"I still think the body is more beautiful."

Before talking to Jiulan, the other side gave him this answer: "Analysis Department can see a lot of corpses, don't you think this is really a good place for me?"

Necrophilia sent out a terrible laughter that the world couldn't understand, secretly hiding a student's finger.

So Tier believes that even if the two left and right hands are responsible, there is still a certain degree of communication.

Before that, when he was still dreaming, he thought there were more beautiful things outside the medical class, and he had an indescribable love for beautiful things.

Everyone loves beautiful things, and unable to find them one by one, makes Tier feel an unprecedented irritability.

"I helped you to agree to the medical class of the college. Wudian directly requested the assistance of the guild. After discussion, the medical class could send several people to the station. I think naliyilb wants you to go there." Linda Sinaya told him: The medical class headquarters there will also suit you. "

Tyr frowned.

"But it's just a bunch of little ghosts ..." And please, the college has so many hours of classes, and he has to stay there all day without changing classes, so how can I go out and find beautiful things to comfort his spirit and soul? You must know that good medical personnel must also regulate their own physical and mental health. If they are kept in that kind of school for a long time, he should be weathered soon.

"Yes, I order you as the patriarch, and immediately roll over to take over the health room over there." The weathered patriarch who was not very polite and too lazy to explain the reason, directly oppressed people with authority.

"I protest, you have to ask my opinion now." And he is the second deal in the medical class.

"Who is the boss?" Lin Xinaya raised her eyebrows.


"Yes, so get out of me right away."

The capable woman at the top, in a cold tone without any discussion, kicked him from the medical class to the legendary college.

So, at the time, Tyre left the medical class headquarters under the gloating gloat sight, and began his college journey.

The moment I stepped into the academy, the thought that I had just finished playing was thrown to the rear.

Standing in front of him to greet him, the elf expelled all dissatisfaction, and made him laugh with a mouth on the ears of the archipelago. Later, he added a bunch of beautiful buildings and various rare flowers and plants, and the beautiful administrative staff and students hid enough People are just satisfied.

It turns out that this is where he should stay.

From birth to now, for the first time, he fully thanked the female patriarch who was also a sister.

Linda Sinaia, you really know me!

For these reasons, Tyr went happily.



At that time, he was still a pure middle school student, and someone who had not been promoted to the black robe immediately sent him this sentence after seeing the members sent by the medical class.

"Pretty little boy, if you do n’t report your injured place quickly, my elder brother is very busy, and I will just let you stay there." Looking at the pleasing middle school student, Tyre swallowed , Carved a flower on the skin of the corpse on the side, and then stitched some small places.

After taking office, he suddenly felt that Jiu Lan's dead guy should also come. The death rate in this school is horrible, it is more than the severely injured dead bodies delivered in a day in the medical class, but because there are enchantments and exchange contracts in the college, as long as you do n’t die, there is no residue left, basically all Can also be resurrected with a simple spell.

"... Is there anyone else in the medical class other than this pervert?" The junior high school student with silver hair turned around and looked around, ignoring the wound on his arm, still bleeding, and he was so determined to find someone else.

"Big brother, I can tell you, I'm a normal person in the medical class." If it is Jiulan, it is definitely not drooling. He will definitely make a knife for the person he is satisfied with. The academy will find students or administrative staff disappearing strangely.

It seems that this kid should be a white robe, but does the white robe accept such young students?

Although he has always had doubts about the guild's mechanics, it feels even more mysterious now.

It's been a while since he came here. He only noticed today that there was such a small child in the college. The students who were often sent for treatment in the college had never seen it. He would not see anything beautiful once he saw it. This student has a high ability to keep the mess in the college from harming him.

"Xia Sui, let's go to the affiliated medical room over Lianyan District." With a frown, the boy turned his head to look at the partner standing next to him.

"Since it's all here, people with medical classes here should be less likely to have sequelae." The silver-haired boy sharply stabbed Tyre.

Tyre, who was admiring the two beautiful children, had to retort when he heard these words: "Hey, little girl, look at the medical class. Except for Lynn Sinaia, you can't find a second one who is better than me people."

The silver-haired boy frowned, a pinch of red se on his forehead exuding an ominous light: "What did you just call me?"

"Okay, boy, please believe in the treatment in the medical class. At least our Phoenix family is better than other doctors!" Taking a look at the table, Tier stood up in blood, put down the corpse on his hand and then Drooling towards the two beautiful children.

Then, the boy sneered in an unexplainable sneer: "We will know soon if we are strong or not."

That day, the tasks listed as right and left in the medical class were pained by a middle school student.

After the person was completely flattened, in fact, the boy whose vision was not as simple as the white robe dragged his companion away, and his companion did not forget to take the faster healing medicine from the medicine shelf, and ran with a sorry smile. Already.

Watching the two boys leave, the flat Bian Tier pulled out and smiled completely with him now.

Heaven, heaven ...


"I agree with you very much."

After a while, Linda Sinaya came to the class by chance to learn about it from other populations, still turning the crystal cup in her hand elegantly, and spit out her words from her beautiful lips: "Actually, there were students complaining After the resurrection, I found the body carved, and when I came to you to ask for recovery, I was still half dead. "

"He said he didn't want to spend it, of course I just tore off his skin and regenerate it." Seeing how kind he was, he also helped the student to recover the best flesh.

"Yeah, you didn't even rip his skin off without anesthesia. It's not a half-dead pain."

"Well, I'm not a pretty student. If it is a beautiful injury, I will definitely provide an attitude like serving high aristocrats." Thinking about the boy and the dorm elves who came before, Tyre continued to evoke a big Smile.

"The point is, you have nothing to embroider on a person's skin." Linda Sinaia narrowed her eyes and snorted coldly.

"I think this way can play time and is more beautiful. When there is no desirable place on the body, I have to create a beautiful place for him to stare at, but those students really do n’t know how to appreciate it, and do n’t want to spend good art, eh. "He hurt his eyes. Thinking in this way, Tyr began to think about whether to hang a registration sub-list at the door next time, and the lowest one would not need to come in.

"I think you need to do a little less than that. It's annoying to complain or complain. Otherwise, you have to embroider on the top of your head. After the hair grows, you can't see it. Whatever you want to do." Linda Sinaia thought of reducing the number of protest letters as the first priority.

"Well, I have to stab them in the internal organs next time."

"Bless them not to stay awake when they see their internal organs someday." Liangliang dropped this sentence, Lin Yan Xinaya stood up, and her long hair waved an arc: "It seems you should do something too The medical class has a job, so I have to go back first. "Today, she only made a special trip to visit her brother's adaptability and come out to complain about the problem, but it seems that this person is still quite alive in this school, so you should not worry too much.

She thought the students and administrators should be worried.

Later, please ask the school to announce its safety notice.

"Don't do anything?" Didn't notice what his own sister was thinking, Tier tilted his head aside, and the door of the health room didn't know when a young man was standing, dressed neatly and neatly, without any corrections. Standing by the door seemed to be waiting for them to finish talking.

Ohhhhhh ... besides the elves and a bunch of weird things in this school, there are also extinct foggy werewolves!

After discerning the identity of the other person in an instant, Tyr completely forgot that he had just been talking to the patriarch of the Phoenix clan, and a young man stood up and went straight to the door.

"Hello." The young man greeted his head slightly, and the expression on his face did not change at all.

"Are you a classmate or a teacher? Is there any pain?" Tier greeted him enthusiastically, looking up and down on the werewolf's shoulder.

"Sorry to bother you both, I would like to ask a little medical matters ..."

Before he finished speaking, the coveted werewolf looked at the very warm medical class in doubt and dragged him into the health room. He also prepared tea and snacks on the table. After a series of actions last night, he sat happily in his right position. opposite.

"I can talk slowly." Staring at the werewolf who was waiting for him, Tyre still had another person, and the young man currently serving as a housekeeper coughed slightly.

Standing behind a flowering man, Lynn Sinaia chuckled a smile coldly: "It looks like you're comfortable with this place, I won't recommend others to accept it." This guy, she was still thinking You need to dispatch more people, but it should not be necessary to see him like this.

"Okay, okay, don't bother me." Waving the chief man to roll away, Tyre is now severely left with the werewolf in front of him.

It should be beautiful if you become a half beast ...

"Is that so?" After seeing what is the standard model of arduous forgetfulness, Linda Xinaya kicked her brother's chair over and kicked off with a wailing happily.

Well, it was she who miscalculated the abnormal survivability.

It seems that there is no need to worry at all.


"Meow is here."

A few days later, a cute girl who was also a Phoenix medical class moved into the health room: "Tir, let's celebrate ~" With a large basket made of bamboo, many people privately listed them as future high-performance stocks. The girl said with a sweet big smile.

"Celebrate the little girl's graduation soon?" Tyre staring at the lovely little girl in front of her, basically injured, male or female, as long as she was beautiful, threw away the corpse that was being processed, and greeted it with a flower.

"Meow Meow got the new certification, and I can do the task alone." As she said, the girl cleaned the table and brought out the cakes and cakes in the bamboo basket: "An Yin and Geng Geng also said that they would come to help Meow to celebrate. "

"Anin?" Geng knew him, a girl's good friend and partner, but who was the one in front?

"Well, Anin was out on a mission before. He just met in the corridor. Meow Meow invited him to have a snack."

"That's that race ..."

Before the end of the conversation, the door of the health room was knocked, and then opened automatically.

"Excuse me, is Mickey really here?" The young man with beautiful blond hair leaned in and asked in doubt.

It seems that there was a little change here when he was on duty.

As soon as he saw someone, Tyre's eyes began to glow.

"I think it's right here." After the angel walked out of the elf, and soon noticed that the girl was waving at them, the elf nodded his head: "Sorry, I'm not invited."

Actually it was in the corridor that he happened to meet the angel, who came along because of the angel's invitation.

"It doesn't matter, celebration is fun only if there are too many people!" Meow Meow happily rushed forward and hand in hand, said happily.

Almost moved to cry, Tyre quickly dragged his chair over, and thoroughly examined the elves and angels from top to bottom. He had seen the elves when he came, but he didn't expect even angels here.

Squinting his eyes at this strange medical class, the angel moved his finger and squeezed the friend next to him.

"Huh? You have something weird ... Ah, wouldn't you be the black robe that many people in the guild are discussing?" Because it's rare to go to a formal field for a medical class, Tyr seems to have been there this time. thing.

The black robe stared at by the ghost king is the tricky work directly taken by Linda Sinaia.

"Yes, because I have only recently returned to school, I missed your time in office, and please advise me in the future." He smiled and greeted the colleague, and the angel decided to ignore his strange place.

"Welcome to play often."

"Thank you."


"Linna Sinaia says you're very moist here."

Rare foods come here. Jiu Lan, who saw the corpses lined up outside the corridor, showed his eyes brightened, and then began to walk around the pile of corpses happily, chatting with him by the way.

"I think you're pretty nourished now." He bet the guy wouldn't roll back without turning the body over.

"This is really a good place, and I will often come for walks in the future." Jiu Lan smiled contentedly, wiping the warm internal organs.

"Whatever you like ... Hey! Don't steal the internal organs of the students!" Seeing the other person suspected of putting a liver in his pocket, Till immediately issued a warning: "Asshole, give me a new one before taking it!"

"Giggle, the beauty of the corpse is that he is unique."

"Do you want my students to become unique organ-free people ..."

Before the words are finished, the organs have not been snatched back. The matrix of the teleportation array was first drawn on the ground. Next came the gentle boy he saw last time. The boy still beat him on his shoulders. He was also said to be a perverted pretty boy. The pretty boy was mottled with blood on his white robe and apparently passed out.

"We were just ambush in the mission ..."

Easily hug the pretty boy directly, and Tier quickly kicked off the empty empty room to begin treatment.

"Uh ... he actually bumped his head." Standing by the door, he saw his partner was almost pulled up and down his hands, and the boy who had not yet achieved the robe level coughed. In fact, when they were just ambush, they were not attacked by the enemy, but he was too late to dodge the falling rocks.

This can only be the case when the companion is blocked.

"Well, sometimes we have to take precautions." Zheng told the boy like this, and Tier turned it over, and she saw a bleeding wound on the boy's head in bed.

"So it is." The answer came, but the boy didn't step in.

Having cherished the boy a little, Tir narrowed his eyes.

Mixed elves ... No wonder he thinks that this beautiful kid is strange. He glanced at him before and he was not able to tell the identity of the other side. Now he looks at it, which is really surprising.

However, he has only heard of a half-elf, which is something that only a few of their senior personnel know.

It turns out that the kid's history is not easy.

Tyre suddenly knew a little bit about why Linda Xana Yaffy had to designate him to come, and there seemed to be another reason for it.

"It's really pretty, if it's a corpse." I don't know when it came up from him, Jiulan said in a tone that sounded like he had done the other side.

"Get out, don't interfere with my work."

"Well, see Se Wangyou."

After kicking the necrophilia out, Tier brought the ointment, and when he tried to touch two more, he suddenly met a pair of sharp red blood eyes and grabbed his hand with precision.

"Pervert!" Then **** blinded someone's close eyes.

After the bathroom, the second-match chair of the mixed-elf elf and the Phoenix tribe, who have dual identities of Icefang and Fire Valley, formally met, and was also shocked to find it difficult to accept that this guy would be a designated medical practitioner dedicated to his future college.

Can not tell the identity of others can only be sent to the senior medical class to take over.

"In fact, that's not bad, so we can find regular people to help." At that time, his partner advised others to think about the benefits.

"..." He was speechless.

Since then, the number of guests in the health room has remained undiminished.

After knowing the hidden task, he even thanked Linda Sinaya for sending him here.

There are really ten perfect heavens here.

He still thinks so.

There is nothing strange about everything in this college. Beautiful things are everywhere.

Sure enough, people still have a professional pleasure to be happy.

"Next time you can find me if you don't have a helper." Before the necrophilia left, there was a declaration to use this as a second base.

"Don't even think about it."

He didn't want a pervert to capture his paradise.

Turning his head, someone stood at the door again. A beautiful devil beauty stood there, exuding a charming high-level evil spirit from head to toe, like a high-level evil artwork.


Then began another day of joy.

after that…

After that, a long time passed, and everything was experienced.

She asked me if I regretted entering the college at that time?

That's right, after the passage of time, I thought about it thousands of times. I regret it a few times in total ... I regret it countless times.

But fortunately, I have entered the college more often than I regret.

There are many choices in a person's life.

Maybe right or wrong, time will not give people the opportunity to regret and look back, the first time will not happen again.

How many times do people have a lifetime?

Only by affirming yourself can the world affirm you. The tide of time will not make anything meaningless, even if you stop and go, everything will continue to happen.

This belongs to many people.

Belongs to our special legend. 2k novel reading network