MTL - Tyrant Dragon Emperor-Chapter 7362 both devoured

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Both swallowed


Instant killing technique!


Jiang Tian yelled violently, ready to use his instant killing technique to finish off these two giants.

But the next moment, he was stunned!

He still stayed in the same place, and the instant killing technique was completely ineffective!

"How can it be?"

Jiang Tian's complexion suddenly changed!

at this time!

Suddenly, two strange pressures enveloped him!

From Baifeng and the phantom of the blood phoenix!

Seeing Jiang Tian's reaction like this, their eyes were full of sarcasm.

"Spatial teleportation? Chick!"

"It's ridiculous to use this method in front of my old lady!"

Bai Feng and the phantom of the blood phoenix ridiculed their faces.

When it comes to controlling the power of space, no one is stronger than the two clans of Phoenix!

This kind of power is deeply integrated into their blood and becomes instinct!

They don't even bother to use this kind of power as a means of attack!

For phoenixes who are arrogant by nature, doing so is too deliberate, and they are easily ridiculed by their peers, and they themselves feel deeply disdainful.

but now!

This dragon warrior actually tried to use such a method that they themselves didn't even bother to use to deal with them?

Is there anything more ridiculous and despised than this in the world?

"Empty Formation!"

Hum rumbling!

Seeing Xingyun fail, of course Jiang Tian will not sit still!

Resolutely sacrificed the purple pattern, ready to use the power of space to move over and forcefully shoot.

But such an attempt was immediately suppressed!

Bai Feng and Xue Huang opened their pointed mouths at the same time, and sprayed forward!



The former spewed out a white light, which instantly broke the purple formation pattern, causing the empty formation to end fruitlessly!

The Bloody Phoenix Shadow spewed out a stream of blood flames, which exploded violently, imprisoning the surrounding void!


When the purple light is suppressed, the void formation will fail immediately, and it can't even be activated again!

The corners of Jiang Tian's eyes twitched, his heart trembled!

This time, he can be regarded as having met a real opponent!

In the past, when encountering a strong enemy that he couldn't deal with, even if he couldn't beat him, at least he could escape with space escape to save his life.

But now, both Xingyun and the large array of space transformation are invalid at the same time, trying to escape is like a dream come true!

"Dragon Blood Essence, hiss!"

"Go away, dead white phoenix, it's mine!"

The two phantoms, Baifeng and Xuehuang, competed for the first place and refused to give in to each other.

Whoever swallows Jiang Tian first will be able to completely control the subsequent situation.

Then swallow the opponent who was seriously injured and still not healed, so that his strength soared to an unprecedented height!

This is an unimaginable benefit, but also an extremely deadly temptation!

No one can resist the temptation!

Jiang Tian, ​​who seemed to be in a desperate situation, suddenly showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth!

"Do you really think I'm at the end of my rope? Hmph!"


Jiang Tian inspired the Void Overlord Body!

Hum rumbling!

The power of the domineering body erupted wildly, and under the double pressure of the white phoenix and the blood phoenix, he activated the star meteor instant killing skill again!

With a flash of his figure, he suddenly disappeared in the same place!

"How can it be?"

"not good!"

The expressions of Bai Feng and Xue Huang's phantoms changed drastically!

They fought desperately before, and both sides were seriously injured.

Otherwise, he wouldn't lie prone in the void and be unable to make a move.

And in order to devour Jiang Tian's dragon blood, they have already burned the blood potential, and now the two huge physical bodies are like two puppets with no power to protect themselves!

Beep, beep!

The two phantoms were about to escape back to the main body to protect themselves, but it was already too late!

Chi, chi!

The purple light suddenly appeared!

The two purple sword intents sank into the defenseless bodies of Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix.



The white phoenix and the phantom of the blood phoenix let out desperate and furious roars!

"Blood veins swallow, swallow it for me!"


Jiang Tian waved his palms together, and two long dragon-like purple lights enveloped the wounds of Baifeng and Xuephoenix.

The blood of the phoenix and the blood of the phoenix overflowed wildly, and the huge body shriveled instantly!

A ball of blood essence began to condense in the void, shrinking and purifying at an astonishing speed!

"I want you to die!"

"Let's die together!"

In desperation, Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix phantom were ready to kill Jiang Tian together!

Jiang Tian's face darkened!

It was too late to wait until the blood was swallowed, and immediately swallowed part of the purified blood essence into the body.


As the blood entered his body, a strange coercion rippling on him.

"very good!"

Jiang Tian's spirit was lifted!

As expected of the Phoenix bloodline, the nourishing effect is simply beyond imagination.

Of course, this effect is more related to the cultivation base of the two great beasts!

Their strength is above the middle stage of the God-making Realm, and it is likely to reach or even exceed the level of the late God-making Realm!

As for the specific realm, Jiang Tian is temporarily unable to judge.

Because for him, these two divine birds are too strong!

If it was in its prime, he wouldn't dare to approach it at all, avoiding it for fear of not being able to make it.

But now, they are seriously injured, and the bloodline spirit body has not returned, so he can take advantage of it!

Seeing that the two phantoms were about to return to the main body, Jiang Tian immediately unleashed blood coercion, trying to suppress them!


hold head high!

The blood aura of the Brutal Blood Dragon rippled, and a scene that shocked him appeared!

Bai Feng and the phantom of the blood phoenix seemed to be unaffected!

"how so?"

Jiang Tian was taken aback!

But then I guessed why!

Although the bloodline coercion of the Savage Blood Dragon can suppress all kinds of powerful monsters, these two lines are just phantoms of bloodlines rather than entities.

That's why it can ignore its blood will!

Since they have nothing to do with them, they can only plunder the blood with all their strength.


Jiang Tian exerted his strength crazily, speeding up the devouring of blood essence.

Crack, bang bang bang!

The huge bodies of Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix shrank rapidly, and began to collapse, making strange noises!


"Die to me!"

Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix no longer want to return to their original bodies, because their physical bodies are almost destroyed.

Even if there is still a little blood essence remaining, they cannot be revived in an instant!

"Void hegemony, open!"

Jiang Tian decisively opened the void domain, trying to block the attacks of the two.

But such means are useless at all!


The two phantoms of Baifeng and Xuehuang slid past, without slowing down at all!

On the contrary, the Void Hegemony caused ripples like waves, showing signs of instability!

Jiang Tian marveled at the special talents of the two, but it was too late to think about it!

Because they had already flown in front of him, and he had no time to dodge them!

"Swallow the void formula, swallow it for me!"



The power of the Void Swallowing Art swept across, and the two phantoms disappeared in an instant!

The next moment, they appeared in Jiang Tian's sea of ​​air at the same time!

Buzz buzz!

The bloodline talents of Baifeng and Xuephoenix have not disappeared.

They struggled with all their strength and forcibly escaped from the control of Tunxu Jue!


Jiang Tian's complexion changed drastically!

His desperational actions seemed to cause him unimaginable trouble!

At this moment, his mind was shocked, and he had to stop the blood swallowing.

To reverse the Swallowing Void Art, move these two phantoms out of the body.

But the next moment, a strange thing happened!



Two beeps sounded, and the faces of the two phantoms, Bai Feng and Blood Phoenix, who had just broken free from the confinement of the Vulture Swallowing Art, changed drastically!

A golden light flashed in front of them!