MTL - Two-Faced Husband, Have Some Decency!-~ 051 This murderer also gives us new tricks every time, play creative

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"That's not good, in case there is a sudden situation? The luxury houses are quite biased." Yu Youxuan quickly shook his head.

Xiao Yiqing was particularly happy to say: "Our family is not a villa! In the dynasty top floor, a whole floor is our home, the elevator goes straight up, without going through the rooms below, so the room is a lot!"

Qi Youxuan: "..."

He glanced at Xiang Hao Rui, can you manage your wife?

I don’t know if the bad guy’s marriage is dead.

As a result, Xiang Haorui only gave him an innocent expression that my wife and I said.

Wei Muran had to marry Qi Youxuan and smiled at Xiao Yiqing. "That will go to live there."

Xiao Yiqing was happy, Qi Youxuan bowed his face and was busy pulling the little hand of Wei Muran. "Let's go eat first, then I will send her to the dynasty!"

"What to say! All over, of course, eat together!" Xiao Yiqing slammed the other hand of Wei Muran. "How do you like this little friend now, how cute you are when you are young!"

Qi Youxuan did not want to talk to her, only looked at Xiang Haorui with resentment.

Xiang Haorui had to say: "Qing Qing, don't let Yu Xuan live in the evening? Let's just get together."

Xiao Yiqing also knows where Qi Youxuan is depressed. When he sees it, he accepts it and smiles and nods. "Okay!"

Qi Youxuan, Xiang Haorui sneer, a small sample, don't think I don't know, you are taking the opportunity to break into the enemy... Oh no, break into the father-in-law!

For Xiang Hao Rui, Qi Youxuan is one hundred envy.

From Xiao Xiaojia and Xiangjia, the two children got along well, and they joked about the meaning of the marriage, so when they were both big, they were really together, and the two did not stop, but they laughed and laughed at each other very much. satisfaction.

It’s like him, the father-in-law is like him, and he’s like a thief. It’s sad.

"Go, eat and go. Two police uncles, come with us." Xiao Yiqing turned to Jiang Yuecheng and Zhao Yiyang.

Qi Youxuan gritted his teeth.

"You are almost OK!" Xiao Yiqing yelled at him. "I have let you live in my house. Usually you are dating every day, it’s hard to come, let her gather with me. What are you doing, is it today? Didn't you have a good night?"

Qi Youxuan: "..."

He really wanted to know Xiao Yiqing.

In order to prove that she is very pure and very good, Qi Youxuan can only go wrong with Xiao Yiqing, and they went to eat together, and the team that had eaten changed from 2 people to 6 people.


In the Jinxiu community, a man wearing a black suit, a white shirt, and black-rimmed glasses, Sven Wenwen, looking at the age of 29, 30, is leaning a computer bag, walking toward the door of the community, just look To the two aunts who looked at the age of fifty, dragging the shopping cart and heading for it.

"Sister Yang, Li Jie, the food is back." The young man said with a smile.

The Aijiaxi housing agency company he works in is just in the Jinxiu community. He usually takes customers to look at the house, or squats through Dada to familiarize himself with the housing in the community. He often meets these retired aunts, chats with them, and talks about the surrounding. Various gossip.

Coupled with his sweet mouth, he is willing to listen to these aunts, and soon won the goodwill of the aunts, and the aunts, the retirement aunts in the community, rarely know him.

"Yeah, in the evening, the market is about to close up, to buy food, cheap." Yang Ayi said with a smile, "Is it so early today?"

"No, I will pick up the guests for a while, and go to the neighboring mountain district to see the house. After reading the room, I will go straight to work, not coming back." The young man said with a smile.

"Then go quickly, yes, our family will eat the buns tonight, and I will send you a few past tomorrow at noon." Aunt Li said.

"Well, I can miss the baggage of Li Jie's bag. It can't be sold outside," the young man said.

"Hehehe, you are a sweet mouth!" Aunt Li said happily that people of this age have no other hobbies, and they love to be praised for their craft.

"Where, what I said is true." The young man said with a smile.

Only then told the two to leave, and left the community.


After Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran finished eating, they left with Zhao Yiyang and Jiang Yuecheng. Zhao Yiyang and Jiang Yuecheng went back to the hotel. Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran went to the Xiao family, which is the dynasty.

At four o'clock in the morning, Wei Muran received a phone call, which made Xiao Yiqing, who was sleeping with her, also quarreled.

"Sorry, I will go out and pick up, you will continue to sleep." Wei said.

Xiao Yiqing was fascinated by sleep, and did not understand the words of Wei Muran. He turned over and continued to sleep.

Wei Muran was wearing pajamas and took the mobile phone to the living room outside, and then turned on the lights.

Now the sky is short, the sky outside is still black and lacquered, and the light flashes and the squint squints for a long time.

"Wang team, what happened?" Wei Muran took it and asked directly. At this time, it is not a big deal, but it will not call.

"Yang Shaoqun called and found a female corpse. It was near the Jinxiu Community where Cao Keya lived. It was called Shanshan Community. I was rushing over with you, and you and Yu Xuan also hurryed past. Window advertising)" Jiang Yuecheng said.

Wei Moran hangs up the phone, and he does not want to wear his pajamas now. He quickly opens the door to the opposite side and presses the doorbell.

After pressing it for a few times, I heard the sound of being lazy and still not awake. "Come."

After a while, the door opened.

Wei Muran stunned, and when he came to his mouth, he couldn’t say it.

Qi Youxuan seems to have been asleep before, so when he opened the door, he only hurriedly put on the bathrobe provided by the hotel, and tied it at the waist, not very secure, the clothes on the chest were almost scattered. Lazy, revealing the chest inside.

Fortunately, the following is very sturdy, only revealing his bare legs, wearing the disposable slippers provided by the hotel.

The appearance of this pair of beautiful men is really good-looking. I took a look at the Wei Muran earthquake and forgot the purpose of coming over for a long time.

Qi You announced the sly face, suddenly pulled out a good-looking smile, directly brought Wei Muran into the arms, hugged in his arms, "Mu Mu, you miss me! Hug, let's go to sleep together what!"

Wei Muran: "..."

She finally recovered her reason, pushing her out with both hands, but the palm of her hand was half pressed against the bathrobe, and half of it directly pressed his smooth and firm chest.

Her hand is now burning and burning, and the back of the head is still buckled by him, and his chest is tightly attached to him, which can make Wei Muran feel awkward.

"You let me go first, don't make trouble, there are cases." Wei Muran tried hard to look up.

Qi Youxuan saw her being confused at this moment. It was a good time to make a mouthful, so she didn’t say anything else. Holding Wei’s face, she kissed her lips hard and kissed Wei’s pro. It’s a bit awkward.

At this moment, Qi You Xuan wants to hear the right thing, Wei Muran’s brain is already stunned and can’t be said.

Qi Youxuan smirked and kissed her into his arms and kissed him. "Don't you say it? If you don't say it, go back to sleep on it for a while, you sleep*, I sleep."

Wei Muran: "..."

She didn't care for Qi Youxuan's foot, and when she was unclear, she still couldn't bear to hurt him.

Qi Youxuan finally let go of her and arranged for her a bit of messy hair that had just been smashed by him. He said, "Go back and change clothes, start for a while, tell me on the road."

Wei Muran was turned into a room by Qi Youxuan. Qi Youxuan saw her stupidly stagnation and walked back to the room before she closed the door.

Wei Muran went to take off his pajamas and realized that he didn't wear anything in his pajamas. He was so tightly swayed by Qi You, he must have felt everything.

Wei Muran suddenly felt that the whole person was not good. Even if he changed his clothes, he did not want to go out and face the reality. However, there are still bodies waiting for them.

Wei Muran had to go out with a hard scalp, see Qi Youxuan had been dressed neatly, leaning against the wall and waiting for her, her face was not seen at all, and she was refreshed, but she yawned at this time. I feel that Qi Youxuan has any special structure, how is it so spiritual.

Because Wei Mu was awakened, Xiao Yiqing also woke up for a while, and also came out to send her, Qi You Xuan Shun asked her to borrow a car.

On the road, Wei Muran said the situation, she did not know much, Jiang Yuecheng did not tell her carefully. In fact, Jiang Yuecheng did not know the specific situation himself. Yang Shaoqun was not clear. Everyone was on the way to catch up. No one knows more than anyone else.

Wei Muran opened the navigation, and the two went to the crime scene without any mistakes.

On their way, they also passed through the Jinxiu Community. The mountain-colored community is almost the same as the Jinxiu Community, which is slightly larger than the Jinxiu Community.

According to the building number of Jiang Yuecheng on the phone, I found the downstairs where the deceased lived.

When I got off the bus, the police line was pulled up in front of the building, three police cars were parked at the door, and police officers in uniforms were martial in front.

Wei Muran and Qi Youxuan got out of the car and presented the documents in front of the police. "Hello, we are the criminal investigation team of the city b. This time, we will handle the case with the criminal investigation team of the city."

The police apparently knew that they had put two people in.

The deceased lived on the fourth floor, Wei Mu is still thinking, usually do not think, really dead, and then match the number of 4, listening really is not very auspicious.

The two out of the elevator, do not need to look at the house number, this level of three households, only the door on the left side of the door opened, the door is still holding the cordon, many people inside, a variety of conversations. There are police officers at the door.

The other two families heard the sound of screaming outside. The old man at home felt less sleepy and woke up. He quietly opened the door and sneaked out.

From the vague conversation, I heard that it was 401 dead. I quickly went back and said to my family: "Let’s see it soon! You can scare people, 401 dead!"

The neighbor in the middle also poked his head out. When he heard this, he asked: "Isn't 401 a little girl living? It's pitiful, so I can't live alone, it's dangerous."

"Who said that one person lives, did not always have a middle-aged person to come over? Can you come two or three times a week, come every night, then go in the middle of the night, you don't know?" said the right-hander.

"I don't know, I didn't hear the sound," said the middle man.

The other person on the right is awkward and hides: "Hey, you know, people are older, feel less, and can't sleep when they hear a little voice."

In fact, this old lady once accidentally bumped into the left side of the household, the man came and went. Once again, I heard that the man was quarreling with the woman, so the soul of the gossip was burned up. Anyway, when he retired at home, he had nothing to do, and he noticed the movement of the door.

When there is a movement, I look at the cat's eyes. When I see someone entering the door, she secretly opens the door to listen, and I will pay attention to the time when the man left.

So the middle of the household did not know, but she knew it very clearly.

When Qi Youxuan and Wei Muran came over, they just heard the old lady's words. Wei Mu was a little sweaty. Qi Youxuan turned his head and glanced at it. He then went in with Wei Muran.

The old lady's soul of the gossip was transferred, and said to the middle of the household: "Oh, the young man who just entered is also a policeman? Long handsome, I asked him if he had a girlfriend, and if not, introduce him to my granddaughter. ”

The middle of the household: "..."

The old lady is too strong to fight.

Going in and found Yang Shaoqun, Yang Shaoqun saw them coming, and quickly pulled Qi Youxuan into the crime scene, which is the bathroom.

"This modus operandi is the same as Cao Keya. Before the death, he was tied a few times. The size of the pinhole is as big as the outside of the barbecue iron sign and the sweater needle. I don't know if it is the same kind of weapon. This requires the identification department. Colleagues collected and went back to the test. In addition, the technique is the same as the last one, which is the shaved head."

Without Qi Youxuan, Yang Shaoqun himself thought about it. "This is in line with the book. The third victim of the third case in the book is also the one who has been shaved except for the death of the second deceased. Bald head."

No one feels that the deceased is a bald head. The deceased is a young girl who loves beauty and does not shave herself. And from the home and the photos in the mobile phone of the deceased, it shows that she is a long-haired beauty.

"There was a scar on the scalp of the deceased, which was left when the murderer shaved her." Qi Youxuan looked at the body.

At this time, the colleagues in the appraisal department carefully lifted the body out of the bathtub filled with cold water, put it on the stretcher, and carried it to the living room.

The body was glaring, Qi Youxuan pointed to the body and said: "She has traces of the rope on her neck, arms, wrists, lower abdomen, and ankles. There are obvious bruises on both sides of the neck, and there are also scratches in the middle of the collarbone. The rope is tied from the back of her neck to the collarbone. Obviously she has had a fierce struggle in the middle, causing bruises on both sides of the collarbone and neck."

"The first time the murderer directly killed Xiong Shishi, and then sank the body into the water. The second time was to pinch Cao Keya first, then kill her and sink it into the water. Then push it down, this time, the murderer First tied the dead, shaved her hair, the dead struggled, so the bruises on the body were serious. It was also because the deceased struggled, so the scalp would be scarred. After that, the murderer used the needle to tie the dead, and finally suffocated her. Then sink in the bathtub." Qi Youxuan said.

"Grass, this murderer also gives us new tricks every time, play creative!" Zou Chengwei said violently.

Wei Muran turned around in this house. "This house is not big, it's one set, but the apartment is good, hardcover, every place is very delicate, although the area is small but not crowded, the living room is enough Big, the price is not cheap even in the whole community. Just now I looked at this road from the door to the living room and bedroom, there is no trace of battle. Or the murderer has the key, or the dead. ”

"According to the forensic doctor, the death of the deceased is about midnight between 12:00 and 12:00. What kind of relationship is it that allows a person to come over at this time, and the deceased as a single woman does not know what it is, just Can she be so assured that she will come in?" Wei said.

"She*?" Zou Chengwei said that he has not carefully investigated it. He already feels that this woman is definitely who is out of the bag.

"I prefer the murderer to have the key." Wei said, just like every time I finished my thoughts, I turned around and took a look at Qi Youxuan.

Qi Youxuan nodded and said: "According to my previous profile, the murderer is not an acquaintance of the deceased. From the situation of the deceased tonight, I still insist on the previous profile."

"The neighbor aunt seems to know something about it," Wei said.

Qi Youxuan nodded, and the two went out again. I saw that the gossip aunt did not go back to sleep honestly, and opened the door to inquire about the news here.

From the moment they came, the aunt kept only a little door, only a little bit of his head from the door slit, and still this position remains unchanged.

Wei Muran is very distressed by the aunt.

"Auntie, we are the police. For your neighbor Liu Peipei, there are some questions I want to ask." Wei Muran smiled.

The aunt looked at the defender Muran and Qi Youxuan, as if to lower the wariness, but did not expect her to say the first sentence, "Young man, have a girlfriend?"

"..." Qi Youxuan really admire the big heart of these aunts now. "The one next to me is my fiancee."

"Oh." I'm sorry aunt, but still opened the door, and glanced across and said, "Do you want to sit at home, your aunt to boil water to make tea, we talked while drinking ah, ah right, also at home There are melon seeds, pistachios, do you eat or not?"

Wei Muran: "..."

How much is this aunt ready to put from them?

"Auntie, this little, your family have not played it, do not bother, just ask a few here. We still have to work, do not stay here too long." Ran Wei Mu said.

"Oh." Mother was very disappointed, obviously not as spiritual head just so good. "What you want to ask?"

"Do you know Liu Peipei is doing the work?" Asked Ran Wei Mu.

"Hey, I really know this, she worked at a company when white-collar workers, on the Haier road, what is called the West ...... the West Construction Group t City branch. She told me so at that time, but I told my daughter a Said, my niece said, what is the branch office, it is a small office, rented an office in the office building called Yinbao No. 1 on Haier Road. Xiao Liu did not earn much, but she found an old man. Money. My niece also inquired, her company's office here, the average designer earned a little more, but Xiao Liu she is not engaged in design, it seems to be their office clerk, earning a thousand a month Look at the block."

Aunt pouted, "I am not proud. Although our community is not good, but the price is not cheap. I can go to the intermediary company to inquire about it for a few times, not to sell, that is, the rent has three thousand a month. She Small white-collar workers, earning two thousand a month, but also paying a thousand, how can we rent a house here? Her family is small, 2300 a month. Usually do not eat or drink, live rent La?"

Aunt disdainfully said: "So I always doubted it, until one time, I saw a man coming over and entered her house. That age, hey, it’s almost the same age as my family, looking at fifty or sixty. Now, at eight o'clock, I will leave at 11 o'clock in the evening. You said that it is so long in the inside, what good things can you do?"

"That may also be her father." Wei said.

"How is it possible. Her family is in the field, she is alone here, her parents have seen her once, I know. And the man, I have seen them kiss." Aunt snorted again, " With the old man who can be his father, he also made such a greasy look, her psychological quality is really good. I also took this thing to educate my granddaughter to come, absolutely can not do this kind of bad Things are more shameful to the family!"

"The night before, the man came again. Then it didn't take long before I heard them quarreling, and the voice was quite big," said the aunt.

Wei Muran’s mouth was pumping. “The neighbors in the middle did not hear it, let you hear it. Your hearing is really good.”

Aunt said, "I am in good health."

In fact, the night before, she was out of the gossip psychology, daring to run over and stick to the door of others.

"So, did you hear them quarreling?" Wei Muran asked.

"It is not particularly clear. I am faintly hearing what divorce, what is responsible, what is there, and what the child is. The man’s voice is very small, so what the man said, I really didn’t hear clearly. I heard Liu Peipei shouting there."

Aunt took a close guard and whispered, "I came back to ponder, I guess, she just wants to turn positive, let the man get rid of the original match. And it seems that she is still pregnant, but I don't know if it is true, but it must be taken. This matter threatens the man."

"Auntie you... really provided us with a lot of useful information." Wei Muran said, they are already shocked.

"Hehehe, helping the police to solve the case is the duty of our citizens." Aunt smiled.

"I haven't asked yet, what is your name?" Wei Fanran asked with a smile.

"My surname is Zhou, Zhou Pinghui." Zhou Pinghui said which words are their names.

"If there is any more, please feel free to contact us." Wei Muran said.

"Must be certain!" Zhou Pinghui is particularly happy.


Going back to the police station, and waiting for the results of the appraisal, Guo’s medical team of the police team personally took the appraisal report. Guo Forensic is a middle-aged man in his forties, wearing glasses, very gentle, looking at experience than white foam.

"A bit of new progress. The pinhole on the deceased checked out the dna of the former deceased Cao Keya, indicating that the weapon was the same as the last one, and the murderer did not clean it up, so Cao Keya The blood still remains on the tip of the needle," Guo said.

"From the murderer's previous methods of committing crimes, it is not such a person." Zhang Shanfei said.

Qi Youxuan nodded. "Yes, this is the murderer's intention. There is only Cao Keya's dna on the tip of the needle, but there is no murderer. The murderer hates Cao Keya, a woman who is a child, thinks that their blood is dirty, each other. Pollution. So he wants to mix Cao Keya’s blood with Liu Peipei."

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