MTL - True and False Daughters Joined Forces [Metaphysics]-Chapter 203 corpse pit gu pit

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Woohoo... Qu Wuhua poured tears into her heart, but her words started and her image was ruined. She couldn't stop halfway, so she had to grit her teeth and set the path for the arrogant and domineering girl to the end.

"Knowing that we are uneasy and kind, don't hurry to get out of the way, let's pack our luggage and leave quickly, don't hinder you from living here with Miasma Gu worm and Meimei!"

Qu Wuhua carried the barrel of the gun in front of her and violently fired, and the others couldn't hold her back. They all matched her words, with a look of "We came to help with good intentions, but you are treating them like wolves. It's really sad." Leave immediately.

They leave as soon as they say it, not to mention Chief Zhuang and the Consent, the Opposition are stupid.

Gu Zhuang waited for more than four hundred years and finally waited for the second Gu King. If they were to leave like this, would they still have a chance?

Chief Zhuang hurried over to stop people: "Everyone wait a minute, don't rush to leave, they don't mean it."

The people from Chief Zhuang's family and other sympathizers surrounded the nine contestants. The opponents were still hesitating because of what Chief Zhuang had said earlier. They didn't know what to do. , a group of people is so deadlocked.

"Anyone who doesn't want to be able to say something like this, wouldn't it be even more ugly if he said it?" Xiao Cheng didn't target Zhuang Chang, but only those Zhuang people who offended people if they didn't open their mouths.

He used to be a mean-spirited type, and he changed his mind after Su Yunshao's downfall and learned a lesson.

Furthermore, before he changed his mind, he also had eyes and knew how to avoid those whose backers could not offend. These villagers really dared to say anything and offend anyone with their ignorance.

"I said the wrong thing, look at my mouth, I don't have a long memory!" Zhuang Chang smiled apologetically, raised his hand and hit his mouth.

Xiao Cheng was anxious, and hurriedly reached out to stop him: "Zhuang Chang, I didn't mean that."

What he said was to stab people, but he didn't mean to let someone who could be his father slap himself in front of him.

Seeing the amiable and amiable Chief Zhuang in front of outsiders on weekdays, many of the opposition Zhuang Min bowed their heads in shame, and the agreeable party also turned their heads and couldn't bear to look any more.

"It's good if it's not there, it's good if it's not." Chief Zhuang also put on his old face, rubbing his hands and looking at Su Yunshao who was surrounded by a few people, "Girl, I am the chief of Gu Zhuang, and the corpse of the Gu King was originally It was handed over to our Tie family for generations to be kept for generations, and it sounds ugly, and it is not up to others to say how to deal with it."

It was only at this moment that the villagers remembered this crucial point.

The entire Zhuangzi's gu raising technique originated from Tie Dan and Yan'er's father. The Tie family members mastered a more complex and more skilled gu raising technique. The corpse pits were all raised by the Tie family members, and the other villagers just followed suit. Just a gourd.

Without the Tie family members, they are nothing and know nothing. How can they be qualified to help their Tie family members save lives in this difficult situation?

Zhuang Chang's soft and hard act, he knew it with affection, and moved it with reason, so that there was no more discordant voice from the opposition.

Being able to force Xiao Cheng to give in by using his own slap in the face is also to see Xiao Cheng's hard-hearted and soft-hearted personality. It's best to break through, right?

Su Yunshao secretly gave a thumbs up, this is the wisdom of the elders.

The few of them didn't intend to quit the job at first, but just wanted to prevent things from getting bigger and more out of control, and they went down the **** with the steps handed over by Chief Zhuang.

"Then please ask Zhuang Chang to lead the way."

This is where the help should be.

Zhuang Chang was overjoyed, said "hey", waved his hand, and the villagers immediately separated from the middle to both sides to make way.

Chief Zhuang and Tie Shu led the way, Su Yunshao and the others were in the middle, and Zhuang Mins followed behind.

When passing through the cemetery of the deceased children, Su Yunshao glanced twice and saw no sign of Shan'er in red, nor did he pass through the cemetery of Gu Zhuang's ancestral cemetery.

The group bypassed two cemeteries one after another and came to a mountain col on the shady side of the basin behind Gu Zhuang.

Chief Zhuang pointed down the mountain: "This is the corpse pit that Gu Zhuang has raised for 436 years, and it is also the Gu pit."

Su Yunshao and others looked down in the direction of his fingers, and found that it was a circular pit with a diameter of about 30 meters and a depth of about 20 meters that was excavated artificially.

At the bottom of the pit lay a few scattered skeletons, some with only small skulls left, and some with small half bodies, on which were crawling densely with various Gu worms, one biting one, one carrying another , The number is so large that people get goosebumps all over.

Su Yunshao did not have intensive phobia, and looked uncomfortable, and looked away.

"You guys will choose suitable Gu worms from here to raise, and then plant them on the newborn child?"

Chief Zhuang: "If you know how to raise gu, pick a few and go back to cultivate them. If you don't know how to raise gu, pick one and go back to planting. Most of them are cultivated by yourself. The worm will die, if it is too strong, the child will die if it is planted."

The above is all theoretical common sense, and it is not so easy in practice, but if it is so simple and easy to adjust, Gu Zhuang will not have so many children who died prematurely.

There was a sudden burst of crying from the crowd behind, "My son—"

It was like a signal, and the others started to cry, some crying loudly, and some crying more forbearance.

Zhang Chang looked back and said with a sad face: "Wenniang's son died a few days ago, and the body was just thrown away a few days ago. The half-eaten one below is her son."

Su Yunshao restrained the urge to look for the corpse according to the characteristics.

If his eyesight wasn't that good, he wouldn't be able to see the picture of the young corpse being bitten by the worms.

The skin on the surface was torn off first, followed by the flesh and fascia inside. Bones were the hardest to bite, so most Gu worms would not touch it, leaving it to the largest Gu worm in the swarm. .

On the top of the Gu worm's head is a large pincer that looks like a crayfish. Once it is pinched, it can make a mark on the bone. After a few pincers, spit on the mark. The saliva is corrosive, and the bones are almost melted, and the Gu worm will bury its head in it and **** it.

"Mamma Mia." Qu Wuhua shuddered, rubbing the goosebumps on his arms, "You see such a scene, you still have to put the worms in your body, and let the worms stay in your body. Until I die, I really can't say a second word other than awesome."

The villagers were silent.

Who would want to put such a creepy thing in the body if they could? It's not for survival, no way?

Zhuang Chang smiled bitterly: "This is the reason why each generation of the Tie family is trying their best to cultivate the Gu king. As long as the Gu king is born sooner, the villagers of the Gu village will be able to get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible."

Speaking of this, Zhang Chang was a little puzzled: "Where did the girl find the Gu King? To tell you the truth, I come here almost every day, but I haven't seen the Gu King."

Several contestants laughed, can we tell you that it was dug out of the grave?

Su Yunshao was not so stupid, and pointed back vaguely: "Just over there, didn't I also raise a Gu? It was the one who caught the little fat man."

Zhuang Chang suddenly realized: "So I still cultivated the Gu King, but the little fat man is too good at running. If I didn't catch it the first time, I would never have the chance to catch it again."

Su Yunshao said in his heart: Is that possible? The people of your Gu village will not dig graves.

"Master Zhuang, is the body of the last Gu King here?"

"Wait a minute." Zhuang Chang put the bamboo flute on his waist to his mouth and played a tune.

That bamboo flute is a special tool that can make sounds that ordinary people can and cannot hear. Through the arrangement and combination of these two sounds, it controls the Gu worms in the Gu pit.

I saw that the Gu worms who were still eating before moved out of the way, revealing an oversized centipede with an arm long and a palm wide and dozens of legs underneath.

Qu Wuhua and Luo Xunlu took a deep breath and quickly turned their eyes away.

Qu Wuhua: "Why is it a centipede again!"

Luo Xunlu: "It's so big, it's almost becoming a fine!"

Tieshu scratched his head, sorry for scaring them.

"Because the first Gu King was mainly in the shape of a centipede, we wondered if we could feed another centipede Gu King. Everyone was trained with centipedes."

"Huh?" Su Yunshao was stunned, "Don't you know what the second Gu King looks like?"

"I know, but silkworms are too weak." Tie Shu sighed in embarrassment, "Let's not mention my father and the elders of the Tie family, thousands of silkworms have died in the few years I tried to cultivate them. Silkworms can't attack. The same kind, throw them away and only get eaten."

Su Yunshao swallowed the spit that "the little fat man just looks like a silkworm but is not a real silkworm".

She doesn't know how to raise Gu, so she has no say in this matter, so it's better to keep her mouth shut so as not to be slapped in the face.

Qu Wuhua: "Little Fatty eats the Gu that Yun Shao feeds. He's not a vegetarian. Silkworms eat mulberry leaves or other leaves and don't eat Gu. They must be two different kinds of bugs, right?"

"But even if I see Fatty, I don't know what it is." Tieshu said distressedly, "I think it looks like a silkworm and a snail, but these two are not within the scope of our Gu raising materials."

I am afraid that Chief Zhuang himself does not know how the little fat man was brought up.

Zhuang Chang played the tune for a while, and the super giant centipede at the bottom finally moved lazily and plunged into the bottom of the pit.

The red to black centipede's body was half into the soil, and half was still outside. It kept digging in and out, leaving only its tail outside, and then backed away.

It didn't take long for the centipede to come out biting a small box.

The box is only as small as an ordinary lipstick, and it is square. It was rubbed by the centipede and stuck on the leg. It crawled out of the pit little by little and brought it out like this.

The centipede crawls outside a little, and the crowd retreats a little, all because of the centipede.

Chief Zhuang obviously knew how unpopular the big centipede he had cultivated, so he instructed the centipede to put the box there, and let the centipede climb back again.

Tieshu swiftly climbed down, picked up the box with one hand and put it in his pocket, swished twice, then climbed up and handed it to Chief Zhuang.

Zhang Chang opened the wooden box that had been easily punctured by the centipede, and there was actually a smaller silver box inside. There was a pattern like a centipede on the outside of the box, which should be the first Gu King.

"More than 400 years later, no matter how hard the wood is broken, we will replace the wooden box in a few decades and re-hide the silver box below. If we hide in that position, water and fire will not invade, and we have to kill so many Gus. Insect, no one can steal it. Let's not talk about that, the body of the king is here."

Zhuang Chang took out a small key from the pendant of the bamboo flute, clicked it, and opened the silver box, revealing the worm corpse of the Gu King that had been kept for more than 400 years.

"Huh?" A startled sound.

"How could this be?" Qu Wuhua and Luo Xunlu, who thought they were about to see a centipede again, were startled, "Isn't it a centipede? There are centipedes carved on the outside of the box."


The inside of the silver box turned out to be a little fat man who was a bit shriveled and a little yellow in color.

Su Yunshao took the little fat man out and put him next to the silver box, the little fat man was stunned.

Those little black peas blinked for a long time, and their little heads turned around dumbly, as if they didn't quite understand what they said was unique, why did they have a companion?

But seeing the true appearance of the previous Gu King after his death, everyone understood why such images were left behind.

It's not that the ability to calculate and fortune-telling has reached its peak, and it's not that someone used a heavy price to figure out what the second Gu King will look like, and it's not that anyone can foresee the future. It's just that the first Gu King doesn't know what to do. Show everyone an illusion.

Qu Wuhua complained: "I have enough reasons to suspect that the Gu King back then must have thought that his appearance was not scary enough, so he used a cruel-looking shell."

This statement was recognized by most people, and Su Yunshao thought of another possibility because he had Taoyao who could weave illusions.

They have all become Gu Kings, and it's no exaggeration to have a bit of a strange ability. Maybe the first Gu King himself has a poison that can induce hallucinations.

"Mr. Zhuang, your family has kept worm corpses for more than 400 years, and you haven't been able to cultivate a Gu king. Haven't you thought about opening it to take a look?"

To be honest, Zhang Chang was the one who was most surprised.

Knowing that the first Gu King was not a centipede, why did their Tie Family fight with the centipede for more than 400 years, and still think about how to make the centipede gentle?

"The silver box is sealed with a special method. It can only be opened once. If it is opened and then closed, the body of the king cannot be preserved so well."

This is one of them.

The second is... Zhuang Chang said: "The ancestors have passed down the appearance of the first and second Gu Kings and their experience in cultivating Gu Kings. We don't need to open them up."

Su Yunshao was too lazy to complain about what the soul painter of that year drew, and said to the little fat man who was still in a daze: "Little fat man, do you want to eat? Your ancestors."

It is estimated that they are really ancestors, otherwise they would not be able to give birth to such peculiar descendants.

The little fat man was clinging to the side of the silver box, and his small tentacles touched the immobile corpse inside, as if he was testing the enemy's situation, and at the same time he was greeting his companions.

Seeing this, Zhang Chang urged: "Little fat man, hurry up and eat it. It's good to keep it in a sealed box. Once you open it and come into contact with the outside air and bacteria, it will go bad soon."

Everyone: "..." You, a fantasy gu cultivator, still think scientifically? ?

Su Yunshao touched the little fat man's head with his index finger, and he really felt a little fluff that was hard to feel.

"Little Fatty, your companion lying in the box died more than 400 years ago. It was for you to grow into the next Gu King, so you kept the corpse through this special method, don't let it down. your expectations."

The little fat man sighed humanely, climbed into the box, and ate the corpse that was twice the size of its body in one bite.

In front of everyone's eyes, the little fat man made a burp as if he was eating, and slowly crawled out with a bigger belly on the edge of the box. Doudou looked at Su Yunshao's pocket.

Su Yunshao: "…"

Take the fire talisman, take the water talisman, wash the little fat man twice and then dry it.

The little fat man who was tossed and tossed was so sleepy that his head was twitching frequently. Before drying, he fell down and fell asleep softly. Only the protruding pregnant belly was still breathing and breathing for a few months. Prove that it was really asleep, not poisoned by its ancestors.

Su Yunshao used his finger to swipe the little fat man who had no other changes except getting fatter after eating, and questioned his soul: "Is this the Gu King?"

Zhuang Changchao felt guilty: "...I don't know either."

Could it be that the corpse has been kept underground for more than 400 years, and the time is too long to lose its effect? Or which unworthy ancestor couldn't hold back his curiosity and had secretly opened it and looked at it?

Old Ancestor, Tie Dan Old Ancestor, hurry up and show your strength to save your descendants!

"Wait." Suddenly, an ethereal voice came from out of nowhere.

Chief Zhuang: ? ? ?

Um? Did the ancestors really show up? !