MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 20 perfect 1 day

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I beg for collection, brothers, please give me some recommendations, streaking, it's too pitiful!


"What's the price of this Yuan Datou?"

"Haha, my friend, I'm right, I know you will like him. Don't worry, Sang Jiayi is the most realistic in business. Well, since you like this set of silver coins so much, then I will pay five thousand dollars. Transfer it to you, and we will be friends."

When Jin Muchen heard the price, looking at the Indian guy's dark and sincere face, he really wanted to spit this guy directly.

Candace saw that Jin Muchen finally saw something, and came over with great interest, but when she saw the two began to bargain, she didn't say anything and just watched the fun.

Although Jin Muchen doesn't know the current price of Yuan Datou in the domestic signed version, he has heard of the price of ordinary Yuan Datou. For this set of Yuan Datou, if the factors of the signed version are excluded, this is the appearance. At best, each one is about 700 RMB.

And because this is a complete set with complete appearance, it should be able to add a lot of points, but even so, it is only double the price.

Such a set, if it is not a signed version, it will cost more than 10,000 yuan. Now this is a complete set of signed versions, and the price can be doubled to three times.

This guy actually asks for $5,000 per mouth, doesn't he think of himself as a Kaizi from China?

If he buys at his bid, then he will not buy Yuan Datou, but take advantage of him.

However, this place is a market, and it is one of the few places in the United States where you can ask for a price and pay it back on the ground. Based on the principle of cutting to death, Jin Muchen gave a counter-offer of five hundred dollars.

Hearing this counter-offer, India Asan was not angry, but his head was like a rattle: "Four thousand five."

This guy dropped 500 in one bite, which shows that he lied and asked for too high a price before. Seeing that Jin Muchen really wanted to buy, he began to actively reduce the price so that the price could get closer to the psychological expectations on both sides as soon as possible.

And Jin Muchen also quickly identified this guy. It seems that this guy is also a guy with two knives. He may only know that this set of Yuan Datou is a set of silver coins commonly used in China at the time, but he certainly does not know that this signed version The difference between Yuan Datou and ordinary Yuan Datou.

So Jin Muchen directly gave a counteroffer of 800. . .

Soon the price was finally compressed to about two thousand dollars, and it was quickly approaching the price in Jin Muchen's heart.

"One thousand two hundred dollars."

"Eighteen hundred dollars, really can't go any lower."

At this time, the expression on the face of the Indian stall owner seemed to be about to cry, but Jin Muchen knew that there was still moisture in it, and this guy would definitely be dropping a little.


"Five hundred dollars."

The stall owner finally called out Jin Muchen's psychological price, so Jin Muchen stretched out his hand with a smile.

"make a deal!"

And when the Indian stall owner got the 1,500 cash from Jin Muchen, the constipation-like expression on his face had long since disappeared. Instead, he smiled like a wrinkled chrysanthemum. , I like to do business with such people.

I like to give cash directly to everything I buy. This is good, and it also saves me a lot of tax money.

The stall owner is very happy, and Jin Muchen is also very happy here. This is a complete set of signed Yuan Datou in good condition. If a single one, the price is already several times higher than the ordinary Yuan Datou.

Now I have a whole set in my hand. You must know that such a set is often the most popular in the collection market. For collectors who like it, this is definitely a rare boutique.

I got it for $1,500, and this time I got a big bargain.

"How is it, you seem very happy? What is the good thing about this set?"

Candace, who had been silent just now, also saw that Jin Muchen seemed to be in a very good mood at this time, so he asked with a smile.

"This is a set of silver coins made in China 100 years ago, and now they are very valuable in the Chinese market..."

Seeing that Candace was so curious, and at this time he was eager to find someone to share his joy, Jin Muchen began to explain the origin of this set of silver coins to Candace.

Originally thought that Candace would feel very boring after listening to a few words, but I didn't expect this girl to actually listen to it with relish, which made Jin Muchen's affection for her doubled.

"Wow... I didn't expect this set of silver coins to be so memorable, so such a set should be very valuable, right?"

After listening to Jin Muchen explaining the ins and outs of this set of silver coins, Candace asked with wide blue eyes, while Jin Muchen laughed.

"It should be very valuable, but I don't know exactly how much it is worth. When I go back, I will ask Fang Bo to ask."

The two had walked out of Hester Street before they knew it, and slowly walked towards the Brooklyn Bridge.

"By the way, I would like to thank you today for taking me to such an interesting place, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to receive such a set of silver coins."

"Haha, don't say that, as long as you can come across something you're interested in, it's worth it."

Candace waved his hand, said carelessly, and looked very happy for Jin Muchen.

"No, you can't say that. Here, here."

Jin Muchen said that he took out a cloth bag from the backpack behind him and handed it to Candice.

"Wow, did you get a present when I came out with you for the first time?"

Candace was very happy when this unexpected surprise arrived, and he took the cloth bag directly, opened it and screamed.

"Oh! God, this is... so beautiful."

Then when he looked up, he looked at Jin Muchen with red eyes.

"You? How do you know, I like this?"

It turned out that what was in the small bag happened to be a silver coffee pot she saw at the Indian guy's stall before, with a strong Victorian style. Their family used to have such a coffee pot, but later After her father went bankrupt and committed suicide, their house was sealed by the bank, and of course the coffee pot could not be taken out.

At that booth, she had looked at the coffee pot for a long time and really liked it, but when she saw the price, it was more than 300 US dollars, and she couldn't afford the money, so she could only sigh.

Unexpectedly, Jin Muchen actually paid attention to her quietly, and when she was not paying attention, she took down the coffee pot and gave it to herself as a gift.

Candace's heart was filled with an indescribable and inexplicable emotion. The two people who had never known each other had only met a few times, and the time together was only a few dozen hours, but Now in her heart, Jin Muchen's image has become clearer and fuller.

However, she looked at the coffee pot in her hand, and finally gritted her teeth and sent it back to Jin Muchen.

"I'm sorry, Mu Chen, although I like this coffee pot, I can't accept it. It's too expensive."

Something of more than three hundred dollars is indeed a bit precious in terms of their current relationship. Candace knows the meaning of the word reserved very well. Same.

And Jin Muchen looked at the coffee pot that was sent back, and couldn't help but scratched his head and said, "Candice, the price of this pot is really not cheap, but I gave it to you, and I came to see you. I like it very much, and secondly, it is also to express my gratitude to you, you know, you brought me to this place, I just bought this set of silver coins, and the value of this set of silver coins may be much higher than what I bought. The price of it. Maybe I can sell it for several times and make a lot of money as soon as I change hands. It's all because of you. So if you don't accept such a gift, then I will feel very sad..."

Hearing Jin Muchen's explanation, Candace felt a lot better.

"Then what is this? Profit sharing?"

"What do you think? If you think it counts, then forget it! You will accept this gift, won't you?"

"Hey! Brat, don't quote what I said. All right! For the sake of your sincerity, in order to make your conscience a little easier, I'll accept it with reluctance!"

"Oh? Did you say it? I don't seem to remember much! Hey! So you like this gift, don't you?"

"Humph! I won't tell you!"

The originally a bit stiff atmosphere, UU Reading began to soften again, and while laughing, the two came to the subway station not far from the Brooklyn Bridge.

The wheels of the subway clunked against the rails, and the carriages swayed rhythmically with the impact. Candace was tired after walking around for a day. He didn't know when he put his head on Jin Muchen's shoulder and fell asleep.

Smelling the body fragrance of the girl around her, Jin Muchen couldn't help but sigh, what a perfect day.

After arriving at the station, Jin Muchen reluctantly sent Candice back to the Good Delicious Bakery, and stood at the door for a while before slowly turning back to Fang Bo's antique shop.

And Fang Bo was still sitting behind his desk, flipping through the magazines that introduced antiques in his hand, but he was refreshed when he saw him coming back.

"Good boy, how's your day going? From the look on your face, it seems like you're getting along well with that girl!"

"Come on, Uncle Fang, you are so old, why are you still so gossipy!"

"Hey! You boy, which law says that old men can't gossip? Come on, tell me, you all went there today?"

"Hey, I won't talk about this, but I've collected a set of very good things today. How about, Uncle Fang, can you help me take a look?"

Hearing that Jin Muchen actually took another set of things, Uncle Fang couldn't help but look stunned, and then quickly became rigid and serious.

"Okay, take what you said and show it to me!"