MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1148 tempted

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Hearing that the by-product of this artificial skin is actually high-purity collagen, Jin Muchen was instantly refreshed, because he knew that collagen is very valuable.

This collagen protein can be said to be the basic raw material of almost any kind of skin care products in the world, and any kind of cosmetics must be used, and the price is still very expensive.

"Collagen** is the main component of human skin, and it is the main support of a layer of mesh structure under the human skin. Almost 70 percent of human skin is composed of collagen. The skin of men and women is different. Because of the skin structure, the collagen under the skin of men is not easily lost, while the collagen under the skin of women, almost any woman, after the age of twenty-five, They are very easy to lose, and as they get older, they lose more and more, which is the main reason why women need makeup and skin care..."

Cosmetics used by women contain this collagen.

"At present, collagen can be said to be the basic component of all cosmetics on the market, and there are many sources of this collagen, but the most common purification raw materials at present are fish from deep seas, especially deep sea cod. The purified fish skin is the most abundant and the utilization rate is the highest. However, because only fish skin can be used, it is more laborious to purify this raw material, and the sales price on the market is also very high. Now on the market There are many kinds, claiming to be 100% collagen*** but as far as I know, except for the products of a few well-known big manufacturers, it is difficult for other products to guarantee their collagen** The content is 100%, even those big manufacturers, shouting 100%, is just a hype, you know that pure collagen** is almost impossible to exist. Collagen from those big manufacturers* The collagen content of ** is only more than 50%, and the price of this collagen *** is also very expensive in the market, that is, a small bottle of ten milliliters will sell for ten About US dollars a bottle, the profit in this, I also estimate, at least more than 300%..."

Hearing this, Jin Muchen couldn't help but take a deep breath. Although he knew that the cosmetics industry was a lucrative industry, he did not expect that such a seemingly simple collagen *** would be so expensive. such a point.

"And it's still a simple egg. If you use this collagen to make all kinds of beauty herbs, it will be even more incredible. For example, the popular hyaluronic acid on the market, or face-lifting needles, etc. Yes, if those medicines are genuine, then almost all the basic ingredients for dispensing must be 50% pure collagen stock solution, and the price of such beauty needles, I don't know if you understand?"

Nolito said here, seeing that Jin Muchen was completely attracted by his topic, so he asked this deliberately at this time, Jin Muchen shook his head.

"Such beauty needles can be said to have different prices, ranging from a few tens of dollars cheaper to tens of thousands of dollars, and the difference here is that the content of collagen ** is still there. It’s just the ratio of several other beauty agents, so this is definitely a hugely profitable industry…”

Hearing this, Jin Muchen was also a little short of breath. Although Nolito didn't finish his sentence, he basically understood the meaning of Nolito. One of the by-products of the artificial skin he is currently researching is this collagen* **And this collagen** is a very profitable thing.

Even if the artificial skin he is researching does not make money, then his by-products can make a lot of money. Judging by what he means now, it seems that if Jin Muchen supports his scientific research project, then only the The collagen protein of that by-product can make Jin Muchen return to his original business, and even while making a fortune, he can support his subsequent scientific research projects.

"I told you before that the main direction of my scientific research project is artificial skin. The raw material I use for this artificial skin is pigskin. The reason why I chose pigskin at the beginning is because the pigskin is extracted from the skin. There are a lot of stem cells, and the characteristics of pig skin are very similar to our human skin. In my project, to put it bluntly, the pig skin is melted, and then it is imitated into human skin by reordering the cell tissue. There are many of them. The process of thermal melting is required, and the by-product of these processes is a large amount of collagen. I have tested this type of collagen, and the purity is very high. The purity of the collagen produced by the basic ordinary process can reach ** Ninety percent, according to the current market price, should be around ten dollars and two hundred grams. If the purity is higher and can reach more than ninety-five percent, the price of this stock solution will double to reach The price of fifty dollars and two hundred grams. And this subsequent purification, I have not studied, but I have an estimate, but it can be purified by adding a process..."

When Nolito said this, his face was flushed. It seemed that he also felt that his scientific research and design direction was very promising. Jin Muchen was in a daze at this time, thinking about this business, whether there is Nolito It's so hilarious to say.

"But Nolito, have you ever thought about it? Although this kind of collagen is very expensive, it is not difficult to produce and purify this kind of thing. Now there are many manufacturers in the world doing this kind of thing. And every year What is the output and what is the market share? Even if we can produce high-purity collagen, whether we can buy it in the future, have you ever thought about it?”

Seeing Nolito so happy, even Jin Muchen couldn't bear to pour cold water on him, but he still had to say something.

But Nolito's next answer surprised him: "Haha, Mr. Jin, I didn't really think about what you said, but I can tell you one thing, no matter what other people in the world are now. How much can manufacturers produce each year, and how big is the current market capacity? I promise you, they will definitely not be able to compete with us. Why am I so sure? That is because my cost is lower than theirs. I told you before. However, the main way for those big companies in the world to extract collagen protein is to extract it from deep-sea cod skin, because the content of collagen protein in deep-sea cod skin is very high, but if you think about it, the oceans of this earth How many deep-sea cod fish are there in total, and the skin of each cod fish can only be extracted with a few grams of collagen**, and if you want to extract a ton of collagen** I guess Hundreds of tons, or even thousands of tons of deep-sea cod are needed anyway, but how many deep-sea cod are there in the ocean now? As for some other companies, most of them choose fish skin as their collagen* *The main raw material, because fish skin has the highest content of collagen**. But I am different from them, the raw material I use is not dead fish skin, but pig skin, pig skin, you know, except for a few in the United States Except for the shoe factories and some leather products factories, the others are useless at all, so the price of this thing is very cheap, and the maximum output of collagen that can be produced by a piece of pigskin is not those Fish skin can be compared, although the collagen protein content in fish skin is high, but it is light in weight and small in quantity?"

As soon as Jin Muchen heard this, he also understood that the reason why Nolito was so confident was because his products had cost advantages.

Indeed, if this collagen is extracted, the cost of using pig skin will definitely be much lower than that of fish skin.

Even if the collagen content of pig skin is not as high as that of fish skin, you can't stand how big the pig skin is? The weight of a piece of pig skin is estimated to be comparable to hundreds of fish skins, right?

"The cost of collagen ** produced by is lower than theirs, and I also know the formulas of many beauty medicines. At that time, we can completely develop some cosmetics. Cosmetics are the least expensive things. It’s easy to deceive customers, because those women just buy it back and smear it on their face, and they will know immediately if it works or not. At that time, our products will be popular even if they don’t need to be advertised. And this thing can also be derived In the beauty profession, those beauty needles, face-lifting needles, etc., have no technical content. We can mix them up at will. At that time, as long as this thing is put on the market, with our quality control system, I don’t believe it can be achieved. fire…"

When Nolito said this, she had already used the word us. Obviously, she didn't think that after she said so much, she still couldn't convince Jin Muchen.

And at this time, Jin Muchen was really heartbroken. If what Nolito said was true, then this person seems to be really looking for skin. Even if he can't make money from people's skin, at least this collagen **I won't let myself lose money. It seems that investing in him is not bad.

Anyway, he knows that even if this thing doesn't make money in the United States, if it is imported back to China, it will definitely make money. Now many Chinese women will definitely spend a lot of money for beauty. (To be continued.)