MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1147 all-rounder

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At this time, Nolito began to introduce his research eloquently. In fact, the topic he is currently researching is artificial skin, but if he really studies it seriously, the research direction of his research should be the core key of human beings, DNA!

Anyone who has studied basic biology knows that each of us is unique because our DNA is programmed differently.

To put it bluntly, dna is actually like a software program written by a computer expert, and the people who wrote this program are our parents and mothers, and everyone inherits from their own parents and mothers. Absorbed, their dna program, and then remixed, rewritten, and formed who we are now.

The appearance of each of us, as well as physical characteristics, and even personality, are all governed by DNA.

When we are in the process of growing up, there is an accident, or the body has a disease, which leads to the destruction of an organ or system in the body, these DNAs cannot repair themselves.

For example, if your skin is burned, our body's immune system will make a new piece of skin grow on the injured part, but this piece of skin is simply not comparable to the original skin, which means that it will leave scars.

For example, after your hand is broken, you can't grow a new arm at all, and after your liver is accidentally damaged, you can't grow a new liver.

But now medical science is so advanced that doctors have discovered a new way to allow people to continue to survive after some important organ accidents, that is, allogeneic transplantation.

For example, if someone's heart is diseased and cannot continue to support the person's survival, then doctors will contact the donor agency to help you find a suitable donor, and then transplant the donor's heart into your body. Instead of your own heart, let him continue to work and help you continue your life.

But to do this, there is a premise, that is, the DNA of you and the donor must be matched and compared. There are 24 pairs of DNA in the human body. Before transplantation, the requirement of this DNA pairing is to lose less than to match. The 4 points, that is, the eight DNAs are consistent, can be transplanted for you.

Otherwise, the heart transplanted into your body will not survive at all, and even if such a heart is transplanted into your body, there will be many differences in the DNA, which will cause rejection. Other parts of the heart will unnaturally produce a rejection response to the heart. In this way, people must take anti-rejection drugs continuously.

And these anti-rejection drugs are basically deceiving those other organs in your body to prevent them from rejecting your newly transplanted heart.

But we Chinese people all know a word, that is, medicine is three-fold poison. If you take this anti-rejection medicine for a long time, it will cause a certain burden on your liver and kidneys. Originally, your liver and kidneys can I have worked for 80 years, but because I have been taking this drug for a long time, I can only survive for 30 or 40 years. This creates a paradox, that is, is it worthwhile to transplant an organ?

For example, a 20-year-old young man, in addition to his kidney problems, needed a transplant operation, and finally a new kidney was transplanted, but in the end, because of long-term use of anti-rejection drugs, his liver had problems again, and finally only had another kidney. To do a liver transplant, so this creates a medical paradox of whether it's worth it

But if he doesn't get a transplant, he will die immediately. If he is transplanted, he will only die later. Therefore, organ transplantation has defeated the paradox and has become the mainstream treatment method in medicine today.

But in fact, the quality of life of people who have undergone such a transplant operation will still be greatly affected, but it is still a good choice for them to be alive rather than die immediately.

In fact, human beings can also use other medical technologies in organ transplantation, such as cloning technology. If a person's body organs deteriorate, then cloning technology can be used to produce a person exactly like her, and then use the cloning technology. The good organs from this clone are transplanted into this person.

But this raises an ethical question, should we treat this cloned human as a human being? You say he is not human, but he is exactly the same as a normal human being, except that the way he was born is different.

But if you treat him as a human, do we humans still need a normal reproduction and survival mode in the future? Can't we break the limits of nature and extend our life indefinitely?

Therefore, the cloning of this technology has become a hardest hit area for ethical medicine. Governments all over the world, which are restricted, strictly prohibit the scientific community from conducting research in this area.

And this Nolito's scientific research direction is actually to find another way and come up with a new way.

At the root, each human being is equivalent to a disk made by the gods in the sky, and then through the method of dna programming, each different program is input into this disk, making everyone appear unique different.

And Nolito's research method is that instead of deciphering DNA, it is better to study how to produce a clean blank disk, and then when treating patients who need organ transplantation, the artificial organ where the disk is located is transplanted and spliced ​​to the patient. In this way, after the organ where the disk is located has been in contact with other parts of the person's body for a long time, the software programs on the disk of other parts of the person's body will naturally expand to this disk because they work together. This way there will be no more rejections.

This sounds like a fantasy, but on the artificial skin that Nolito studied, according to Nolito, it has been successfully realized.

"...We all know that in the face of a severely burned patient, the most troublesome problem for doctors is that after the patient's skin tissue is severely burned, his body's most powerful immune organ is It has been destroyed, which is equivalent to exposing his whole body to a world full of bacteria, which is quite dangerous for him. So the most serious problem for burn patients is infection, if we are here If such artificial skin can be transplanted to a burn patient, there will be no rejection at all, and there is no need to fear any infection, and it can completely achieve seamless connection with the patient's original skin. , it won't be long before this patient recovers..."

What Nolito said was drooling, and Jin Muchen listened with relish. He was really not very interested in this project before, but now he is also interested after listening to Nolito's description.

"But Nolito, I've also learned before. Your product is good or not, but it seems that the audience will have certain problems. For example, in the hospital, I also have a certain understanding, those burn patients, if the area is not large. , if the burns are not serious, as long as they pass the infection level, they can basically heal themselves and grow new skin. There are also some serious burns, if the area is small, they will choose to find a place on their own body. Carry out skin transplantation. Only those patients with severe burns and scalds need artificial skin like yours, and this artificial skin is expensive, which may be unacceptable to some patients. This is a cost recovery problem. . Have you ever thought about how to solve this?"

Although Nolito's technology is really good, and the prospects look good, there are some things that Jin Muchen still has to ask.

After all, no matter how good your technology is, if you don't make money, who is willing to do it?

At this time, Nolito was obviously also prepared for Jin Muchen's question: "Actually, Mr. Jin, this question you asked is also what I have been thinking about in recent days. Scott has also asked this question before. The problem, I was also thinking of a solution. Later, I finally figured out that the reason why I insist on such a project is that I still want to study the technology of DNA rewriting, not artificial skin. This artificial skin is just my initial experiment. Results, if this result can be successful, it will prove that my research direction is right, and I can continue to research. I know this risk is quite high, but my research is not impossible to make money at all , indeed, as you said, the market may indeed be limited if it only relies on artificial skin transplantation, but when I was researching this artificial skin, there were still some by-products, that is, a large amount of collagen, and it was high-purity collagen. Protein, I have been tinkering with this thing for the past few days, and I have developed several formulas that can be made into cosmetics, and you know, women's money is the best earning now..."

"What? You have also researched several cosmetic formulas?"

Jin Muchen was also shocked at this time, what's the matter, this guy is definitely an all-rounder. If what he said is true, then he doesn't need to hesitate at all, he can write a check and invest directly.

What he said was right at all. In this world, women's money is best earned.

As we all know, 70% of human skin is actually collagen, and now almost all kinds of skin care products in the world have a basic raw material, that is collagen.

And this collagen, after smearing on the skin, will be absorbed by the skin and maintain the skin, but the only difference is that the proportion of collagen contained in various skin care products in the world varies. Just different. (To be continued.)