MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1145 pay a visit to

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"Actually, Nolito. Smith is a good person. He is sometimes stubborn, but his scientific research ability is still nothing to say. He and Senior Scott both worked together in the West Coast Research Institute. The relationship is also good, and after coming to this institute, the two of them have always cooperated very well, and it can be said that they complement each other, but recently, in the main research direction of the future institute, the two There is a big difference. Nolito hopes to stick to artificial skin, while Scott is more concerned about the cornea. In fact, the purpose of both of them, of course, is to hope that our institute will develop well in the future. Nothing bad at all..."

Since Jin Muchen wanted him to say it, Hu Xuefeng didn't hide his thoughts and told him all his thoughts, but from what he said, Jin Muchen could hear it. favors Nanolito. Smith's meaning seems to be dissatisfied with Scott's domineering.

"Oh? So, do you think that Nolito Smith's research direction is correct?"

Jin Muchen's reaction was so sharp, he could hear something wrong with just a few words, which made Hu Xuefeng have to sigh and admire.

"Well, it can also be said that, in fact, I think Nolito's scientific research direction is more important to the future of the institute."

"Oh? Why do you say that?"

When Hu Xuefeng said this, Jin Muchen couldn't help but be more interested in that Nolito, but he really wanted to know why this guy could let Hu Xuefeng speak for him.

"Actually, the outline of the matter is like this. You probably know the situation on the side of Senior Scott. As the main leader of the research institute, he attaches great importance to the future development of the research institute. Before he and Nolito Together, they led the research and development of artificial bone replacements, and they were very enthusiastic about this project at the beginning. But after the successful development, you also know that their research results were not very successful when they were marketed. The main reason is that this product is too perfect, and it has blocked the fortunes of many large medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, so people will set up so many obstacles for you. After that, when choosing the future direction of scientific research , Senior Scott is a lot more cautious. He has always wanted to fight a beautiful turnaround. Since this bone replacement, someone will set up obstacles for you, then if I develop a product, it is impossible for you to set obstacles at all. What? So the artificial cornea has become his main focus. You know, once this product is successfully developed and launched on the market, other pharmaceutical companies and medical device companies will simply not be able to give it to him. Those who are setting obstacles, after all, this is an epoch-making product that can enable blind people to see."

Hu Xuefeng said it very seriously, and Jin Muchen gradually tasted it at this time. Hu Xuefeng meant that the reason why Scott insisted on the research and development of the artificial cornea was because it could create a sensational effect, and this No one else can set up obstacles for you. Once it is launched in the market, it will definitely be very popular, and it will definitely make money quickly.

"And the direction Nolito insists on is artificial skin research. Senior Scott believes that this product will not necessarily be welcomed by the market, and the return it can bring back to the scientific research institute in the future is limited, so the two talked about this. quarreled."

"Then why do you think that Nolito's research will be beneficial to the future development of the research institute?"

Jin Muchen continued to ask Hu Xuefeng, Hu Xuefeng turned serious and looked at Jin Muchen and said, "That's because I worked for Nanolito as an experimental assistant for a while before, and I know what he is like. He may be in business. He can’t compare to Scott in his mind, but his scientific research level is no worse than Scott’s. The reason why he mainly promotes this artificial skin project is actually to prepare for his next scientific research direction.”

"Oh? So, this artificial skin is not his ultimate scientific research goal?"

Jin Muchen asked with a smile. At this time, he also felt that this Nolito was becoming more and more interesting. When he came to the research institute before, he really hadn't paid much attention to this person.

"Well, let's put it this way. In fact, when he studies this project, he just wants to study the cultivation and development of artificial stem cells. In fact, he told me that his main research direction in the future is not about artificial bones, and artificial stem cells. Skin, but regenerative medicine. This scientific research direction sounds very high, but it is actually very simple. It is to develop human organ regeneration. For example, there are many patients now. Because of the disease and failure of a certain organ in the body, they finally have to Faced with the trouble of replacing organs. In this world, not everyone is willing to donate their own organs, and even if many people are willing to donate their own organs, their organs may not be able to match the patients. Go on. Even if they can be matched in the end, an organ transplant operation is performed, but because it is not from the same person after all, the patient will also have a rejection reaction after the foreign organ is transplanted, and he needs to take medicine for a long time to maintain his own life. In addition, for these transplanted organs, because the patient takes medicine for a long time, these organs will be more or less damaged by the medicine. Generally, these organs will have a certain lifespan when they are used. Ten years later, the transplanted organ will need to be replaced every time, which will bring more pain to the patient, and the cost will be very high..."

When Hu Xuefeng said this, Jin Muchen basically understood. It seems that this Nolito is really ambitious. The direction he wants to study is definitely not just about artificial skin. It's so simple, he can actually Thinking of such a research direction, it is really very good.

"Because the root of all organs in the human body is stem cells, Nolito actually wanted to take advantage of this artificial skin scientific research opportunity to gain more experience in artificially culturing artificial stem cells, and then use it in the field of regenerative medicine. He told me that his future research field is to specialize in the research of various regenerative organs. After all, every year in the world, I don’t know how many people, how many heart transplants, liver transplants, and kidney transplants are done. Surgery, if he can master the technology of regenerative medicine, then it can not only benefit mankind, but also can earn huge scientific research funds for scientific research institutes, so I think his scientific research direction, there is no problem, just not too. It is suitable for the current scientific research institute. After all, you have invested so much money in this scientific research institute, but if you don't see any benefits, but still want you to continue to invest money in this scientific research institute, Scott feels that he will feel unhappy, so he I have always insisted on the research and development of the artificial cornea. That's why I said, in fact, both of them have a good starting point, but one only sees the present, and the other thinks more long-term. ."

Hu Xuefeng said a lot in one breath, and Jin Muchen understood it at this time. It seems that in Hu Xuefeng's eyes, that Nolito. Smith's character is not bad, and quite respectable.

"Well, after hearing what you said, I also think this Smith is really a talent. If he just got into a quarrel with Scott and then left our research institute, I really feel a little pity. Well, do you know the home address or phone number of that Smith? You ask him, is it convenient now, I would really like to visit his house."

When Jin Muchen said this, Hu Xuefeng was also stunned. He didn't expect that Jin Muchen actually stopped for a few words as if he was going to see the Smith, but he immediately put on a smile on his face. It was a pity for Nolito, but now Jin Muchen was willing to meet him, which made him feel that Nolito's scientific research project seemed to have a door.

"I don't know where he lives? But I have his phone number here. Wait, I'll call and ask if he's at home."

After speaking, Hu Xuefeng took out the phone and dialed Smith, and the call was quickly connected. Then Hu Xuefeng chatted with Nolito on the other end of the phone, seeing how casual he was with Smith. From the looks, Jin Muchen knew that the friendship between them seemed to be quite deep, and Nolito must have helped Hu Xuefeng a lot Soon Hu Xuefeng finished the call, and then laughed He pointed at Jin Muchen and said, "Nolito he just had time today, he is at home now, we can go and see now."

"Well, let's not waste time, let's go, take me to meet this scientist."

Jin Muchen said that he stood up, stretched out his hand and threw three hundred dollars on the table. In the United States, if you go to a restaurant to eat a steak, the price is generally not cheap, and a better restaurant basically costs seventy or eighty dollars. The consumption of each person is enough to eat.

And for their meal, because Jin Muchen ordered a huge piece of steak, they had to pay 240 to 50 yuan, but Jin Muchen gave 300, and the rest should be used as a tip for the pretty waitress. When the girl served him dinner, she rubbed his arm a few times, whether intentionally or unintentionally, which made Jin Muchen very satisfied with her, because she helped verify his masculine charm. . .

The two went out and soon came to Jin Muchen's car. Hu Xuefeng was the first time to ride in such a high-end luxury car, so he was very curious about everything in the car, but when he finally saw the diamond top of the car , he was still stunned, this brother Jin beside him is really a real local tyrant. . . (To be continued.)