MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1144 sidekick

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Scott and their research institute, if they can set up such a data center in China, it will really be even more powerful.

So how could he refuse Jin Muchen's thoughtful request here? He quickly agreed on the spot, and then the two of them conducted some research on the laboratory to be established in China based on the status of their confidant's laboratory. A general discussion, but Jin Muchen also proposed that this laboratory should be funded and established by a confidant, but if this time it is funded and established by himself, then he has proposed to increase the proportion of his shares in this research institute. Require.

And at this time, how could Scott have any reason to reject Jin Muchen?

Besides, the reasons put forward by others are also reasonable. They have set up a data collection center for your research institute in China. He has no idea how much it will cost. .

So when Jin Muchen proposed to increase his shareholding ratio, Scott didn't think much about it at all, and agreed immediately, because only in this way can they show their sincerity in this regard.

Seeing that Scott did not resist very much, Jin Muchen was relieved. He cautiously put forward his hope that after establishing the data collection center in China, his share of the A-DATA Research Institute hoped to increase to 100%. fifty percent.

Scott almost didn't think about it at all, and then agreed, so Jin Muchen had to call back Harvey, who had just left, and let him, according to the verbal agreement he and Scott reached before, After drawing up a letter of intent, he and Scott signed a letter of intent and agreed a time to go to Harvey's office to sign a formal contract.

Once this is done, Jin Muchen is very relieved. Once his shares in this research institute rise to 50%, then he will have absolute right to speak in this research institute. He will do the next thing. The only thing is to wait patiently and wait for the company's several scientific research projects to hatch the fruits of victory as soon as possible.

The knee replacement experiment is basically hygienic. Using 3D printing technology to produce a knee replacement is no longer a problem. Now what Scott and the others have to do is to match the raw materials of this artificial bone. , and then make some adjustments to make this artificial bone more perfect.

After all, the bones of this knee are different from those of other parts. Because human beings need to exercise, the wear and tear of this bone is generally very serious. Many elderly people will suffer from osteoporosis due to calcium loss, and finally suffer from serious diseases. of degenerative arthritis, these people are also the largest user group of knee replacements.

So Scott wants to be able to do this as perfect as possible, so it will be a few days before it can be launched to the market.

Jin Muchen wasn't in a hurry either. He spent a whole day in this A-DATA Research Institute leisurely. When he was about to get off work in the evening, he left the Research Institute one step ahead of schedule.

However, after leaving the research institute, he did not go far, but found a steakhouse on a street near the research institute, went in and sat down and asked for two steaks. After waiting for about half an hour, he finally I saw a figure riding a bicycle in the distance.

The one who came over by bicycle was of course the Hu Xuefeng who he had arranged to help him watch Scott in the research institute.

Although he is still working part-time, but because of his talent and hard-working attitude, he has become the main member of the institute and Scott's first deputy, so he studies in that institute. There is also a person with some right to speak.

I called him today. Of course, I wanted to hear from him the latest trends in scientific research institutes. After all, he is a big shopkeeper who doesn't show up much in scientific research institutes. Kurt's one-sided words will do.

Hu Xuefeng locked his bicycle at the door of the steakhouse, then walked into the restaurant, saw the booth where Jin Muchen was sitting, and walked over with a smile.

I haven't seen him for more than half a year. This kid is a lot more mature than when he first came to the United States. The original innocence has receded, his figure is also much taller and stronger, and even his complexion is much better than when he first came. It can be seen that He's been having a good time these days.

"You don't have enough money anymore, why don't you buy a car to drive, and ride to and from get off work every day, aren't you tired?"

Jin Muchen asked Hu Xuefeng with a smile, but Hu Xuefeng scratched his head, still looking so simple and honest. . .

"Hey, Brother Jin, it's not like you don't know the traffic conditions in Manhattan. If I buy a car, I'll be paying for the crime. If I drive on the road for two hours every day, it's better to ride a bicycle. Besides, I also park where I live now, and I ride my bike to and from get off work every day, just like exercising, which is just right."

Hu Xuefeng replied with a smile, after such a period of training, this kid has improved a lot in terms of how to deal with people. At least in terms of speaking, he is much stronger than before. Jin Muchen still remembers this kid. , When he first came to the United States, he had a submissive look. He hummed what others said, and it was difficult for him to say a few complete words.

It seems that the half-year life in the United States has brought him a lot of exercise, at least in terms of self-confidence, which makes Jin Muchen feel very happy.

"Okay, let's not talk about those other things, I ordered two steaks, let's eat first."

Jin Muchen smiled and said to Hu Xuefeng, then waved his hand and signaled to the waiter to serve them food quickly. He had come a long time ago and ordered steak, but he had been waiting for someone, and the chef was also there. been waiting.

Soon the waiter brought them two steaming steaks. Hu Xuefeng's one was a regular size, but Jin Muchen's one was oversized, and it weighed more than two pounds. He, for other people to eat like this, had to be held to death.

The waiter looked at Jin Muchen with wide-eyed eyes. When Jin Muchen was ordering, she kept reminding Jin Muchen that he might not be able to eat such a big piece of steak by himself, but Jin Muchen smiled and told her that there was no problem. .

So at this time, she really wanted to see how Jin Muchen killed such a large piece of steak. Hu Xuefeng and Jin Muchen had eaten together and knew that Jin Muchen was a big eater, so he was not worried about Jin Muchen's appetite at all.

Hu Xuefeng ate slowly, but Jin Muchen was starving. At noon, because he was in a scientific research institute, he didn't dare to eat too much with his hands and feet, so he was already starving.

Although this steakhouse is small in size and doesn't look very special from the outside, the steak is very well cooked. For such a large piece of steak, they grilled it very tenderly, and it was slightly chewy in the mouth. Strong, but not too hard, with their own secret sauce, this steak tastes extraordinarily refreshing.

Hu Xuefeng took small bites, while Jin Muchen's side took big bites, and soon a large piece of steak was eaten by him.

After eating the steak, Jin Muchen asked for a few more desserts, and this time the waitress couldn't help but give Jin Muchen a thumbs up.

Steak is very filling. The average person eats a serving, which weighs more than 300 grams, which is basically enough to fill the stomach, but this guy actually ate a big steak weighing two pounds, and there is nothing wrong. He could still eat dessert, and ordered two dessert wines. This stomach is really not something ordinary people can have. He really should go to the competition of the big stomach king.

"Okay, tell me, what's going on between Smith and Scott? Is there a big difference? And this Smith, what do you think of his scientific research ability, and the scientific research direction he proposed, What do you think? What do the rest of the institute think?"

The meal was over, and the conversation was almost done, so naturally it was time to get to the point. Before, Hu Xuefeng had been supervising Jin Muchen again, and the day-to-day situation of the research institute here.

It can be said that he will send an email to Jin Muchen every three or five times, and sometimes he will also send him a small video or something. Jin Muchen watched it before, but after going to Japan, because he was plus After returning to the United States, I have dealt with a series of various crises, so Thailand has not paid much attention to those emails.

Because the content of the previous emails were almost the same, they were all about how the scientific research institute was normal and progressing well, so he didn't think much about it. After that, he didn't pay much attention to those stereotyped emails. This time, I learned that the head of the original institute and his first deputy actually fell out. Although Scott said that it was because of the disagreement with Smith in the future research direction, he still wanted to learn from Hu Xuefeng. In his mouth, he was verifying whether the truth was what Scott said.

"I knew that you didn't read the email I sent you before, otherwise you wouldn't have asked me that. I already told you about it in the email."

Hu Xuefeng complained slightly dissatisfied that Jin Muchen arrived, and Jin Muchen hurriedly made an apologetic gesture: "I'm really sorry, brother, I have been in Japan for a while, and I was very busy, and I really didn't read your emails much. You are now telling me why there is a conflict between the two of them..."

Jin Muchen has said this. If Hu Xuefeng is using his accent, it will be hypocritical. Besides, he is not that kind of person. Jin Muchen is his great benefactor, and that is not the attitude towards benefactors. (To be continued.)