MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1137 American Bubble

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Jin Muchen also likes to pay attention to some financial knowledge when he is free. After all, sometimes he feels that these things can be used by him in the future, and they are closely related to the industry he is currently focusing on.

Therefore, he can be said to have his own views on the current economic situation in the United States.

The current economic situation in the United States, if you just look at the reports and various data, it can be said that it is absolutely good, but is this really the case?

He doesn't think so. In fact, he thinks that the economic situation in the United States is simply worse than this, and it is not much better than it was in 2008.

On the surface, the number of unemployed people in the United States has been declining year after year, but what is the real situation? Those who find jobs, what kind of jobs do they find?

According to Jin Muchen's personal experience, those who have found jobs in recent years have actually found jobs that are nothing more than basic salary jobs, and some even can't even get basic salary. The kind that personally stole his head.

So why is the number of unemployed in the United States falling year after year? This can be understood as long as you understand the statistical methods of the US Employment Administration. In fact, when the US Bureau of Statistics collects employment data, it will focus on those who have been in a state of long-term unemployment since 2008, and have given up looking for a job, and simply concentrate on it. Those who stay at home and eat relief are all excluded. In this way, they want to count only those who have jobs before and those who have just entered the labor market. As a result, their statistics will of course decline year after year. Yes, so in fact, the employment data from the US Bureau of Statistics is simply an illusion.

In this way, the world is really as black as a crow, and manipulating statistical data is not the expertise of the Chinese Bureau of Statistics. In fact, the American data is the same.

And if you have to find evidence, you can see it from the fact that the Federal Reserve has been calling for interest rate hikes every day over the past few years.

If the real economic level of the United States is really as good as the data they publish every year, then the Fed can actually raise interest rates long ago, but until now, starting three years ago, the Fed has been raising interest rates almost every quarter. They called for an interest rate hike, but so far, they have only raised interest rates once at the end of last year.

And that is, after the interest rate hike, the U.S. economy has been in a state of thinning again and again. After entering the new year, the auspicious and important economic indicators of the United States have continued to decline, and even the unemployment statistics have continued to increase. This has already shown that the US economy is actually not as healthy as they appear on the surface.

Even as a tight-fitting person, Jin Muchen knows that the current economic situation in the United States is actually giving birth to the next crisis, and this crisis, it can be said that it is no less than the one in 2008, which almost destroyed the financial system of the world. crisis.

And if this financial crisis breaks out, it will definitely destroy the hegemony of the US dollar in the world economic circle, and after this time, it will be a good time for China to take the lead.

The root cause of this crisis, in fact, is the problem of the current political system in the United States.

Many people in the United States now know that it is actually gold and dollar politics, and it is these Wall Street tycoons who are manipulating the politicians in Washington.

These Wall Street predators are a group of naked bloodthirsty animals. If you carefully study the economic situation of the current American family, you will find that this is not a so-called middle-class country at all. Now the American family The situation is actually a triangular relationship.

The working masses at the bottom, then a small part of the middle class, and then a very small part of the big family at the top of the pyramid, which constitutes the stratum of American society, and the olive-shaped society they describe, fundamentally. Don't take sides.

And after the financial crisis in 2008, the United States has not been able to change their current system. After President Xi Jinping came to power, he even fulfilled his campaign promise to change the medical insurance situation of the American people, but in the end they were all rejected. The big crocodiles on Wall Street were vetoed, and in the end they even made a government shutdown, which shows how powerful these big crocodiles are.

The Federal Reserve has launched monetary easing policies for several years in a row, and the extra money printed has not benefited the general public much. Most of this money has been earned by the financial tycoons on Wall Street.

And when these people make money, they need to find new investment projects to make the money flow. In this way, in recent years, countless unicorn companies of all kinds have been born in the United States.

The so-called unicorn companies are actually those technology companies with innovative concepts. Such technology companies are not just computer software companies. Many companies that have innovative concepts and have the possibility to realize them in the near future are those companies. Venture capital, or private equity, or the main target of various investment banks.

At present, the hottest unicorn company is the uber in the United States, and the domestic Didi and its ilk.

The general meaning of this kind of company is actually, for example, as a venture capitalist, you are very optimistic about this innovative concept, then you can contact the person in charge of the company and invest money in it.

If you are the first person to approach this company, then you can value the company. For example, for the first financing, you value the company at 100 million yuan, and you invest 10 million yuan. , you become a major shareholder controlling 10% of the company's shares.

After that, you will use various resources to package and hype the company. In addition, the company's innovative concepts are gradually accepted by the general public, and then many other institutional investors are also optimistic. This company intends to invest in this company.

At this time, the so-called B round of financing can be carried out, and once it reaches this point, the valuation of this company is no longer the original 100 million. At this time, the valuation will often be overestimated to ten 100 million, tenfold, which is considered low.

To give a simple example, at this time a second venture capital company came in and invested 10 million yuan in this company, but at this time his 10 million yuan can only account for 1% of the company's shares. And as the first investor to invest in this company, your asset size has already doubled tenfold, reaching 100 million.

Then, continue to hype, and then carry out the C round of financing. Anyway, this is the round of financing, and the money from the financing is for the company to burn money, and they will not go public anyway.

There is no need to worry about the supervision of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and there is no need to worry about issues such as profitability. What they have to do is to try their best to defeat the same type of companies in the market and occupy the market share as much as possible. . .

When they finally dominate the market, it is time to declare victory. No matter how they play, they will not lose money, because they have become the only players in this circle, that is, the makers of the rules of the game. Everyone can make money.

Even after making a profit, such a company can quickly get to the capital market to cash out and go public.

And such a company is called a unicorn company, and it is also the most sought after company in the capital market, and now this type of company is the best, the most popular, and the most representative. The only ones are Uber and Didi.

In fact, if you really study it carefully, you will find that few of these so-called unicorn companies make money, and most of them burn money, and such companies are now the most profitable companies in the U.S. capital market. Fire company.

After all, since the economic crisis in 2008, the real estate in the United States has collapsed, and other industries, those large-scale high-tech companies with big faces and strengths, have already been swallowed up by those big financial groups.

Other hot money can only find such promising companies to invest, cultivate, or gamble. Now there are more than 6 trillion financial products in the United States, and they are all issued around these unicorn companies. .

And here, the current bubble is very serious, but it is such unicorn companies that are supporting the appearance of the current prosperity of the American economy.

Once there is a day, if such a unicorn investment bubble is punctured, then it will definitely be another catastrophe.

After all, not every unicorn company can achieve success like Uber or Didi in the end. The world's high-quality assets are always limited, and not every capital operator can grab that kind of fat.

And now the United States is actually on the brink of a cliff. This can be seen from the employment data of the non-agricultural population in the United States after the new year, and the Federal Reserve continuously shouted for interest rate hikes, but in the end, there was no actual action. I can see that the Americans are strong in the outside world.

However, although Jin Muchen is not very optimistic about the current economic situation in the United States, he is very optimistic. Now the A-DATA Research Institute in front of him, this research institute, he feels that it has the potential to become a unicorn company.

After all, the shares he holds in this company are very large. Of course, he hopes that this company can do better and better.

"Our 3D-printed femoral head replacements have now entered the market and are currently being promoted in several hospitals in California and Washington on the West Coast. So far, surgeries using our replacements have , there have been more than 100 cases, and after the operation, according to the patient's report, the effect is not bad..." (To be continued.)