MTL - Treasure Hunt America-Chapter 1136 Go to Weigang

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Since Dad is coming to inspect this project, of course Jin Muchen has to set up a front line for Dad. Besides, he is a major shareholder of the company, and of course he has to show up in the company from time to time, otherwise the people in the company may completely If you don't know the existence of his major shareholder, that's not very good.

Besides, he just wanted to go to the institute to see how far the project led by Scott has progressed.

So in the evening, he first called Hu Xuefeng and asked about the situation at the Weigang Research Institute. He roughly learned about the scientific research progress of the research institute in recent months. special. Dietrich called and asked about the situation over there, and finally told him that he planned to visit tomorrow and see Scott. Dietrich welcomed Jin Muchen's upcoming arrival and was very happy.

Hanging up the phone, Jin Muchen thought for a while, and then called Harvey again. After all, he was the one who helped connect the lines for this project, and he was also the plenipotentiary representative of Jin Muchen's side at the Weigang Research Institute, so this The next time I went to the A-Data Research Institute for inspection, of course Harvey wanted to accompany him.

The two made an appointment and planned to set off to the Weigang Research Institute together directly from Jin Muchen's house early the next morning.

The next morning, Harvey came to Jin Muchen's house early, and had a breakfast at his house, and then the two of them drove the Rolls-Royce Black Label Wraith that Brunei Sultan East gave to Jin Muchen. , set off together and headed straight to the ADATA Research Institute at Pier 31.

Because of Manhattan's special geographical location, there are also a lot of various docks on this small island, and these docks are large and small, but with the decline of American manufacturing and the transformation of economic development in Manhattan , many of the docks here have also closed or entered a transition period.

This Pier 31 was built in the 19th century. At that time, many goods from Europe would be disembarked here first, and then passed through the Hudson River from here to all parts of the United States, so it covers a very large area.

However, in the late 1940s, after the end of World War II, with the rise of the American air cargo industry, this terminal was gradually abandoned. However, the area here is very large, and there was once a real estate developer. The idea here, but in the end was scared off by the high asking price of the Manhattan regional government.

After entering the new century, Pier 31 has been reborn for the second spring. Many various start-up companies have chosen the start-up address of the company here, because the rent here is very cheap, and the large warehouses of the original dock As long as it is simply remodeled, it can be used as an office, and it is also close to Manhattan and Wall Street. It is very convenient for those involved in venture capital or private equity. Therefore, many young bosses who start a new business like to choose the company's initial location. set here.

Because of this, Pier 31 has gradually developed again. Especially in recent years, there is a trend of gradually developing into an industrial park similar to China.

Government officials in Manhattan are also very satisfied with this phenomenon. They are also very interested in turning this place into an incubator for emerging companies. So after Jin Muchen came to Pier 31 this time, the most obvious feeling was that , It is more prosperous than when he came last time.

But what surprised him even more was that the area of ​​the Weigang Research Institute seemed to be much larger than last time. It turned out that they just rented an old warehouse with the back of the dock, and now they can't Just the original warehouse, they also rented another warehouse next to them as their own research institute.

And when Jin Muchen arrived at the Weigang Research Institute, he happened to see that Scott was waiting for him at the gate with most of the staff of the research institute.

This way of greeting made Jin Muchen feel very familiar, but also very funny.

Who said that Americans don't like to make a face like this? If you come out, I promise I won't kill you. Jin Muchen laughed and scolded in his heart at this time.

It seems that flattery is the standard practiced by the whole world, and whether you get the reception you deserve depends entirely on your position in the hearts of these guys, and whether you need them to flatter you.

Now it seems that Jin Muchen has completely reached the point that is worthy of flattery in the hearts of Scott and his group of researchers.

Don't think that people who are engaged in scientific research do not understand politics. In fact, people with high emotional intelligence are the same even in any job. They all have the same characteristics, that is, they are especially good at dealing with others.

This Scott is the kind of scientist with long sleeves and good dance. When he saw Jin Muchen's car, his eyes lit up. Even if he was not familiar with the car, he could know that the car in front of him was definitely not an ordinary luxury car. .

The value of this car alone is definitely enough for this guy to invest in his research institute, and such a wealthy big man, as his backing, is really a blessing, there are some Troubled thing.

Fortunately, it is entirely because Jin Muchen, a major shareholder, is really suitable to be a big shopkeeper. He only gives money, and then completely does not interfere with the operation and management of the research institute, and he will never force them to be in anything. Before the deadline, to produce results, I will never put pressure on the research institute, and I will never point fingers at the research and development direction of the research staff of the research institute.

Such a boss is of course the favorite of those scientific researchers, who only invest money and do not care about business.

"Haha, it's been a long time since Mu Chen, you look very good."

Jin Muchen just got out of the car, that Scott came over and gave him a big hug, and then said warmly to him, Jin Muchen also laughed: "It's okay, Scott, you seem to be very good too."

"It's okay, it's okay. Let's go, let's go inside and talk."

Scott warmly greeted Jin Muchen to go inside. Jin Muchen was not too polite, and followed him to the research institute.

When I arrived at the research institute, I could see that the situation inside did not change much from the previous visit, but the number of personnel seemed to have increased a lot.

Scott directly welcomed Jin Muchen into an office. This office was always empty, and it was also a relatively large one in this research institute. On the table in the middle of the office, there was still Jin Muchen's office. Famous brand, the executive director is also written on it, and Jin Muchen is also very satisfied that Scott can be so careful.

Although he doesn't come here often, after all, he is the major shareholder of this research institute, so no matter what, an office should be reserved for him in this office.

Along with Jin Muchen and the others, Harvey, Scott, and a few other faces appeared to be staff from the research institute. A beautiful female secretary brought a few cups of coffee to everyone. , then sat down and started taking the minutes of the meeting.

"Okay, Scott, can you tell me about the operation of our research institute now?"

Now that he's here, Jin Muchen took out the style of a major shareholder and asked Scott.

Scott's research institute, in the earliest days, was doing joint replacements for femoral head necrosis. At that time, because of the shortage of funds, it wanted to introduce strategic venture capital funds.

Because his project is relatively reliable, many venture capital companies are willing to invest money in him. After all, in recent years, because of the frequent quantitative easing policies of the Federal Reserve, the big bosses on Wall Street have made a lot of money.

After all, this money has to find a place to go, but how to invest the money and where to go, this is very problematic.

Since 2010, the United States has frequently provoked incidents in the Middle East close to Europe, such as Libya, Syria and Egypt. The Middle East is a mess.

This has led to a large influx of refugees into Europe, causing a series of deteriorations in European security. Coupled with the Ukrainian crisis in the previous two years, the political crisis in the EU and Russia has intensified, leading to further turmoil in European security issues, especially in the past two years. The frequent occurrence of terrorist attacks in the United States makes European funds even more a security issue, and frantically flees For these funds, the best and safest place is of course the United States.

Therefore, in recent years, the economic index of the United States has been optimistic all the way. The index of the US stock market has soared from more than 6,000 points after the economic crisis in 2008 to more than 16,000 points, and the Nasdaq index has increased by three. Even the real estate index, which dragged down the U.S. economy back then, has tripled.

Therefore, from the perspective of various indicators, the US economy can be said to be a prosperous scene. In addition, the non-agricultural employment index released by the United States for several consecutive periods is also gradually decreasing, which makes people feel that the economic situation of the United States is even worse. It's a sunny day, and the United States is at its best stage in years.

But in fact, those who actually live in the United States, who are a little economic savvy, know that this is not the case at all. The environment in the United States is not as wonderful as the data shows.

Especially Jin Muchen, he can say that he has a deep understanding of this wonderful illusion. After all, he tried to recruit jobs in the United States back then, and he has a deep understanding that jobs in the United States are not so easy to find, especially those who are more Decent jobs are harder to find.

So in the end, he could only find a coolie who carried a large bag. . . (To be continued.)