MTL - Traveling To The Last Days To Protect You-Chapter 81

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The two stared at each other for a long time, and Lin Tantan was a little inexplicable: "What, what?"

Ye Xiao's thoughts were a bit complicated. The first thought was that she really didn't listen to what he said carefully. The second thought was, let's confess again now. If she calms down, she will be beaten, right?

The atmosphere was so good, he didn't want to spoil it at all.

So he helped his forehead, and Lin Tantan was really nervous immediately: "What's the matter, are you dizzy?"

Ye Xiao said: "A little bit." He smiled wryly, "I used to joke that Luther would become diabetic if he drank sugar cane juice, it looks like I'm going to drink it too."

Lin Tantan had a serious expression on his face: "The poison in you is caused by a supernatural power. The black ant should be the concrete manifestation of that person's dark supernatural power. It is indeed necessary to use supernatural ingredients to detoxify it, but fortunately, the poison in your body It is not as strong as Luther, nor is it corrosive, and the damage it can cause in a short period of time is limited."

As she said that, she looked at the skinny man who was lying there almost as a charred man, but still breathing, walked over and asked, "Do you know how to unlock your ability?"

Some people have a deep understanding of the toxicity caused by their own abilities, and know what to use to solve it. Lin Tantan doesn't know if this person is like this, and he was left alive to ask this.

The skinny man lay on the ground, groaning unconsciously, looked at Lin Tantan, with a stern look in his eyes, and smiled miserably: "You, you come here, I'll"

Lin Tantan frowned, Ye Xiao walked up to her, and put his arms around her shoulders: "You have evil intentions, don't ask him."

He raised his hand, and a wind blade pierced the skinny man's forehead, taking his life away.

Lin Tan looked at him: "Can you stand up? Sit down quickly."

Ye Xiao's eyes were a little embarrassed. Although she might not have heard clearly, he did say those explanations, and there is a high probability that he will say them again in the future. Since he said that he suffered minor injuries, he naturally couldn't pretend to be disabled anymore. , but the poisoning is real, although the poisoning is not deep, can use this circle to come back after all.

He still looked weak, he put some weight on her, and his voice was a little hoarse: "It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy and weak, and I didn't slow down before when I couldn't walk, but now I'm talking, You treated me again and I feel much better."

This is not pretending, he is indeed injured, but he can completely suppress the reaction caused by this small injury, but at this time it is fully displayed.

Lin Tantan really looked worried: "Let's go, or contact Bai Cheng? I don't have a walkie-talkie." She said to the mutant mice on the ground: "Go and tell Bai Cheng to come over."

The mutant rats squeaked and jumped out.

Lin Tantan helped Ye Xiao sit down, and continued to infuse energy to heal the wounds all over his body.

Wang Shuo was still leaning against the wall and couldn't get up. The water dragon's blow was so powerful that his ribs were all broken. He suddenly said, "I know."

Both looked at him.

Wang Shuo said: "This kind of poison is not so easy to detox. Every night, it is very itchy, like ants are crawling. People who were poisoned before all coughed and scratched themselves to death."

Lin Tantan's face suddenly changed: "What? You didn't lie?"

Wang Shuo coughed up some blood foam, and sneered: "I lied to you, why, don't believe me, wait until the evening, see him, and you will know."

Lin Tantan also knew that this could not deceive anyone, nor did it mean to deceive them, her face darkened, she looked at Ye Xiao, and asked softly, "How do you feel?"

Ye Xiao shook his head slightly: "Not now."

Not now, what about tonight?

Ye Xiao didn't think Wang Shuo was lying either. He thought it was strange at first. Although the skinny man could turn his supernatural power into ants and crawl around, which was unique compared to ordinary supernatural beings, but relatively speaking, his poison was not Even if it is strong, it seems that the biggest effect on people is dizziness, and he was indeed dizzy after being bitten.

It turns out that the real effect of this poison is here. Every night, it crawls like ants, and those who can't bear it will scratch themselves to death. Its insidiousness matches that skinny man very well.

Lin Tantan asked Wang Shuo what to do, and Wang Shuo asked her to promise not to kill him, but to heal his wounds.

Lin Tantan was about to agree, but Ye Xiao said: "The five of you have done a lot of evil things, right? Ding Jinbo was a killer who only recognized money before the end of the world. Don’t do experiments on other people, shall we? As for this person, you said that the people who were poisoned before all scratched themselves to death. There must be many people who were poisoned, and most of them were innocent people, right? As for the other three people including you people,"

Ye Xiao rubbed his head with his hands, but his head was still a little dizzy, "I don't know what you have done, but like attracts like, it must not be a good thing, why did you survive?"

Wang Shuo's expression changed, he wanted to say that he hadn't done anything bad, but his words were too false, he gritted his teeth and said, "What do you want?"

Ye Xiao said: "Do you still remember Shaoping? He is a wood-type supernatural being. I will lock you up with him. Whether you can let him heal you depends on whether you can persuade him."

Thinking of that softie, Wang Shuo thought it was too easy. Even if his ribs were broken now, but he could still release some supernatural powers, could he not be able to subdue him?

He agreed immediately, and told them that they called this poison black ant poison. It was named after the black ants produced by the skinny man. Every night, around nine o'clock to three o'clock is the onset period. People who are poisoned will feel as if there are countless ants crawling inside and outside the body, and in severe cases, there will be a feeling of gnawing. The longest record is currently three nights, and the person who kept this record still committed suicide on the third night.

There are two only ways to alleviate it. One is to soak in water. The poisoned people like to soak in the water during the attack. The other is to drink water. If conditions permit, drinking is better. The three-night recorder relied on himself I got two bottles of wine to get through the first two nights, and I couldn't stand it without wine on the third night.

Lin Tantan asked when it would be completely cured, Wang Shuo said how did he know, those who were poisoned died too early, and there was no place to observe.

As for the use of supernatural ingredients, this has never been tried, and they do not know of such a method, and the poisoned people do not have the conditions to eat supernatural ingredients.

Lin Tantang thought to herself, then you said it is not so easy to remove, she plans to feed Ye Xiao a lot of supernatural ingredients, if one fails, try two or three, if it doesn’t work, she will guide it out like zombie energy, this poison The essence of life is nothing more than a kind of energy.

She held Ye Xiao's hand, and Ye Xiao also squeezed her fingers, comforting with a smile: "It's okay, to put it bluntly, it's a test of willpower, I'll take it as training."

Lin Tantan couldn't laugh, and said helplessly, "You really can't take such risks anymore."

Ye Xiao still smiled: "Will you accompany me?"

Lin Tantan looked into his tender and expectant eyes, how could she be so cruel as to refuse, she was silent for a long time and said: "Yes, I will always be with you." As long as you need me, I will be with you, no matter In whatever form, as long as you are happy.

If refusing would hurt him, why should she focus on the so-called destined love? Many things have changed, she really doesn't need to be too entangled, originally she only cared about him most.

Ye Xiao smiled even more happily.

Before anyone else came, she tore off a piece of cloth that would never fall off Ye Xiao's body, wet her hands with water, and wiped Ye Xiao's face. She didn't say why she still had the water ability, and neither did Ye Xiao. Ask, as if this is something that doesn't need to be asked at all.

Ye Xiao sweated a lot and was thrown on the ground. His face was covered with a lot of dust, which was covered with sweat. To be honest, it was a bit dirty, but Lin Tantan didn't feel disgusted at all. He wiped it off bit by bit. As for the two bloodstains under the left eye, she brushed them over with her fingers several times, and the bloodstains healed completely. With a light rub, the blood scabs fell off, and the skin returned to its original state.

Lin Tantan rubbed the skin and said in a low voice, "I almost hurt my eyes."

Ye Xiao smiled and held her hand: "I promise there won't be a next time, okay?"

Lin Tantan nodded.

Wang Shuo, who was the only one who was awake besides the two of them: Mom's eyes are going to go blind.

Bai Cheng finally brought someone up. He checked Lin Tantan first to make sure he wasn't hurt. She ran too fast before and started fighting when she went upstairs, but he didn't get involved. They expected Ye Xiao to be there Can't afford it.

Seeing Ye Xiao now, he is so radiant and energetic, heh, he doesn't look like a wounded patient at all, it really is all fake, so happy that he finally won the heart of a beautiful woman?

Lin Tantan and Ye Xiao have been holding hands together, and since Bai Cheng came in, she has been staring at him, seeing that his expression is the same from beginning to end, she is a little dazed, do they really have nothing to do? She was wrong before that?

She felt that her cognition was a little subverted, and her mind was a little messed up, but no matter what, she destroyed all possibilities after all.

She sighed inwardly and lowered her eyes.

After Bai Cheng finished reading, the two saw Mingze: "Why is this kid still asleep? Did he get hurt?"

Lin Tantan was taken aback for a moment, as if he vaguely remembered that he had woken up, and then...was knocked out by her again.

Damn, she didn't care too much about what she did at the time, so she couldn't really play good or bad, right?

She coughed twice: "Let me take a look." Looking over, Mingze had a bump on his forehead and another bump on the back of his head. from.

She hurriedly treated him, Mingze woke up and turned around, seeing Lin Tantan was still a little dazed: "I remember..." I remembered that she threw a ball of golden light over him, and he fainted, an illusion, it must be Illusion, how could Ms. Lin knock him out?

Ye Xiao interjected: "You were attacked by Ding Jinbo's mental power, go back and rest well, and see if there are any sequelae."

Mingze quickly responded.

Except for the three of them, Wang Shuo dragged away the other three corpses according to Ye Xiao's instructions, and there was one He Fan left, who was dragged underground by the three roots. When it was finally dug out, his life was almost gone. But he didn't die after all, Xu Qin asked him to go there, he was very interested in the ability to see through supernatural powers, and wanted to find out clearly.

The people from the research institute also came, but they were a step behind. They are researching instruments that can detect supernatural powers, but the supernatural powers in the human body are invisible and intangible. There is a guy who can see through supernatural powers, so they can stay away There were many detours, so I had no choice but to turn to Xu Qin instead.

Lin Tantan said, "If you keep him, nothing will happen."

Ye Xiao was very relieved: "He Fan is not aggressive, as long as he looks closely, he is not afraid of causing any waves. If he is disobedient, he will be killed."

Naturally, he didn't like He Fan either.

Lin Tan talked about the many bad things this celebrity had done in history, and he also felt that killing him was not wronged.

The author has something to say: Supper: I finally caught up with my wifeㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

Me: Hehe, how about a song, you said holding hands is a promise, but my dear, it’s not...

Supper: Shut up!

So the future is bright, the road is still tortuous